Oh I love the sound of champagne corks popping, and they more than likely will be during and after this episode as we all celebrate the exit of Frenchie, barring a major and last minute flip
That's right, folks.... Frenchie is on his way tonight and he knows it. The so called superfan is going to bite the dust tonight good and proper, and I for one couldn't be happier.
Imagining a house without him in it is wonderful, oh boy I am so confident about tonight...
On the other side of the coin though, from what I have read on social media Britini composed a little rap for her veto speech which didn't get shown on the episode. I just really fear for her in this one though, if she carries that rap over to this episode.
As a fellow autistic, I know how hard it is when people laugh at me rather than with me, spent my whole high school life being laughed at for being 'a little out there' when I thought outside the box. I dread to think how Britini will take it, if they laugh at her and not with her. Just please be kind to her, and let her get this rap out of her system.
And we kick things off after the Veto ceremony, and all in all a foregone conclusion at the end of this episode. Oh yeah, forgot to mention, apparently Tom Green (2nd season CBB USA) will be making an appearance in tonight's episode. Correction - it is him and he will be hosting the HoH comp
The teams going into today's episode:
Team Frenchie (Jokers) - Azah, Britini and Derek F
Team Whitney (Aces) - Brent, Derek X and Hannah
Team Christian (Kings) - Alyssa, Xavier and Sarah
Team Claire (Queens) - Kyland and Tiffany
Julie sums it all up with "An epic fall from power", but the ominous "Frenchie zooms in on a strategy to keep his game alive".... Oh please no, he has got to be GONE.
Brit's rapping already, I know this is not going to go down well on social media and the chatroom I frequent for the episodes, and I won't say who just in case of prying eyes as they suffer enough closures.
Some unfortunate news, we find out Sarah Beth's father passed away from Covid.
Slaughterhouse alliance has all but gone, Kings and Queens are making most of the deals for safety.
Meanwhile, Brent on is a bro mission to get some girls out should he win HoH, anyone but him for HoH. 'Nuff said.
Eviction vote
And yes Britini has carried a rap over, 10 out of 10 for having the courage to do that on national television
Kyland only votes in the event of a tie
Clare - Frenchie
Sarah Beth - Frenchie
Xavier - Frenchie
Derek F - Britini
Christian - Frenchie
Whitney - Frenchie
Azah - Frenchie
Derek X - Frenchie
Tiffany - Frenchie
Brent - Frenchie
Hannah - Frenchie
Alyssa - Frenchie
Hallelujah!!!!!!!!! French Fries is out of there, ok not unanimous but he's gone, thank goodness
Less said about his interview with Julie the better....
HoH comp
As outgoing HoH, Kyland is not eligible to play this week
It's a quiz this week, True or False to be precise. Praying for anyone but Brent, god help us if he gets a week in charge.
Basically last houseguest standing is new HoH, that's it
And the winner and NEW HoH is.......drum roll please, it's XAVIER!!!! Sarah Beth, Alyssa and Christian are also safe as being on the same team.
Wildcard challenge synopsis: Tipped to cause dissension amongst all the teams, that's all
To be continued in Episode 8, and the post French Fries era is officially go...
Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....
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