Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Sunday, 18 July 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 5 - Nominations and Wild Card Challenge

Off we go for a fresh week and a brand new HoH in Kyland, hopefully not too chaotic as French Fries reign, which to be honest was a complete disaster

Wasn't it wonderful to hear Julie say he was not eligible to play the next HoH comp

The first casualty of this season was Travis with a 11-2 vote to evict him, remember on planet French Fries Alyssa and Christian are in a showmance when in fact they are not. 

Looking forward to this week, and hopefully wave French Fries out the door BUT there is a Wildcard Challenge and Veto. Hell we don't know if he's even going to be nominated by Kyland, but the signs are good. Just let French Fries into the wild this week, and we can properly get on with this season without him causing major disruption.

The teams as they stand going into week 2 of this 4 week twist:

Team Frenchie (Jokers) - Azah, Britini and Derek F
Team Whitney (Aces) - Brent, Derek X and Hannah
Team Christian (Kings) - Alyssa, Xavier and Sarah
Team Claire (Queens) - Kyland and Tiffany

And we start after Kyland's HoH win, and Alyssa's very happy she is still there. Some good old rogue vote drama also thrown in for good measure as well. Time for some good old fashioned investigation from some of the houseguests, but seems pointless and takes up real estate. We know who did it in Derek F and Tiffany.

Have to say, Tiffany is picking up lots of momentum on the social media. But then again so many are so popular at first, but as we have seen in many incarnations of the english speaking versions that popularity can quickly dissipate with one wrong move.

Can't say I've missed that 'WHO WANTS TO SEE MY HOH ROOM' too much

Kyland is way too overcome to read his letter from home, so Tiffany steps in.....which results in her crying.....but wait a further twist, she reveals she was acting

Wildcard Challenge

Playing today will be Brent, French Fries and Sarah Beth

Before the challenge is underway, French Fries is having a diva tantrum. No surprise there, the guy is a loose cannon and needs to go.

Today's challenge is quite simple, answer questions about the colours in the artwork. First to 3 points wins and then face the decision of whether they want to swap teams to the Queens to guarantee their safety.

And the winner of this week's Wildcard Challenge is...... SARAH BETH

She has decided NOT to make a move to another team, so it's as you were in terms of the teams

Nominations ceremony

Kyland has decided to nominate Britini and French Fries. Not too unsurprising in terms of FF

Not a bad episode tonight if I do say so myself, and hopefully if things go as planned this house can get back to breathing again if Frenchie goes.

And so we move onto Episode 6, where another Veto will be contested. Anyone but Frenchie or Brent please? Thank you.....

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

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