Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday, 15 July 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 4 - Eviction #1 (Alyssa v Travis) and HoH competition

French Fries chaotic reign of terror finally comes to an end, with the first eviction of the season and a new HoH crowned 

Hopefully someone who will actually know what they are doing rather than just going mad with power and their paranoid delusions.

Mini tale of this week:

HoH - French Fries
Nominations pre-Veto - Alyssa and Kyland
Veto winner - Derek X

Derek X used the Veto on Kyland, and Travis was named as the replacement

Needless to say, French Fries was not happy at the Veto outcome as Derek X was seriously being considered for a backdoor, FF's words not mine

Speaking of FF, he has still got it in his head that there is a showmance going on between Christian and Alyssa. The sooner FF is gone, this house can calm down and breathe a bit as he's a seriously disruptive influence if they are the right words to use.

Anyway back to tonight's show, and it's all about who will be the first boot of this season, and also hearing those words from Julie: 'Frenchie, as outgoing HoH, you are not eligible to compete'

Extremely long recap of the first week craziness to start, and I do mean crazy. Don't mean to be rude but has Julie had a hulk out before she came on air. But hell, she and the narrator have had a go at Frenchie's game playing so that's a plus point.

What the French becoming the new by word around the house, while the man of the moment declares a new alliance called Slaughterhouse.... Charming, I don't think.

Oh boy the number he gets into this alliance, think I may stand a chance of getting in it. Whitney, Kyland, Christian, Alyssa, Derek F and Xavier so far. God knows how many more he has got in by now, probably the whole house just in time for the eviction.

Oh hang on, the girls are forming their own alliance....Name to be declared in due course

Team Frenchie (Jokers) - Azah, Britini and Derek F
Team Whitney (Aces) - Brent, Derek X and Hannah
Team Christian (Kings) - Alyssa, Xavier and Sarah
Team Claire (Queens) - Kyland, Tiffany and Travis

Now in a somewhat strange few minutes, Travis is seen getting dolled up in makeup to celebrate Kyland's birthday. Speaking of Travis, Tiffany offers Travis a shield if as expected he is on the block again next week.

Eviction vote

Usual shoutouts for their friends and family before we head into the vote... Personally not a big fan of the shoutouts, but that's just me. 

Sarah Beth - Travis
Xavier - Travis
Whitney - Travis
Christian - Travis
Azah - Travis
Derek F - Alyssa
Kyland - Travis
Tiffany - Alyssa
Derek X - Travis
Claire - Travis
Hannah - Travis
Britini - Travis
Brent - Travis

By a vote of 11-2, Travis is evicted..... The Queens are one team member down as we head into the next HoH comp.

HoH comp

"Frenchie, as outgoing HoH, you are not eligible to compete" such wonderful music....

Basically shoot a ball into the shark's mouth, via whichever spot from 1 to 30 each houseguest chooses. Winner will be determined by whoever chooses the highest number spot. Bank shots not allowed.

But first, a forced commercial break due to technical difficulties, so looks like for those who don't have the benefit of the feeds it may be onto episode 5

Alyssa - 15 - Successful
Brent - 16 - Successful 
Hannah - 17 - Missed
Azah - 18 - Missed
Xavier - 19 - Missed 
Christian - 20 - Missed
Tiffany - 21 - Missed
Whitney - 22 - Missed
Claire - 23 - Missed
Kyland - 24 - Successful
Britini - 25 - Missed
Derek F - 26 - Missed
Sarah - 27 - Missed
Derek X - 28 - Missed

And your new HoH is.....KYLAND

Claire and Tiffany also safe as part of Kyland's team

Julie reveals that the winner of the next Wild Card challenge will have to decide if they want to swap teams if they want to stay safe.

There we have it for Week 1....

To be continued in Episode 5, when Kyland makes his nominations and the previously mentioned second Wild Card Challenge comes into play

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

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