Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 1 - Launch

 So it's goodbye to Australia and their winner, Marley, and the tour bus makes its final stop back in North America with BB USA, and Julie Chen Moonves.

Hopefully, and I hope I'm not jinxing it by saying I am cautiously looking forward to this one, and I mean ANYTHING is better than the disaster we had last year, when cheating was at the forefront to help the winner over the line and basically the whole season went to worms....

Hopefully a series to be talked about for the right reasons this year, to take us all the way through the end of September, the 29th the date being rumbled around.

So scraping slightly into autumn before we end the Big Brother year, in regards to the English speaking ones anyway....

Anyway, that's the future and let's come back to the present and time to welcome in the newest members of the BBUS family

Houseguests profiles right here (courtesy of Big Brother Network), I won't write their names out as the launch would be over by the time I had finished.

So many twists and turns this year as usual, with the words Risk and Reward really standing out.... 

Wonder if that means at some point, someone will actually be offered a cash incentive to leave. Interesting possibility, been done a few times if I remember correctly in other versions....

Action stations, we are off and running for the final English speaking Big Brother for this year...

The houseguests will be going in teams of 4, two men and two women on each team. Twist will last 4 weeks

Captains are chosen on who wins a challenge on each team, and the appointed captain will watch 90 seconds of pre season videos when it comes to drafting time

Whoever wins the HoH for these 4 weeks, that team will be safe. Double or nothing for the week's HoH, and also safety comps for other teams. Safety comp winners will have a punishment

Hopefully we'll all work it out as we go along, after all it's only 4 weeks

First four men in - Travis, Derek F, Frenchie, Xavier

Straight to the backyard, and look at that....No masks for move-in....Hopefully Wales in a few weeks

First challenge, 5 sheets of plexiglass have to be rearranged to match the Have Not pool poster. First to do so will go forward to the HoH competition later in the show.

And taking the first honour is FRENCHIE....

He has also earned the chance to change the course of the game, and will be a team captain

The first 4 women in - Azah, Britini, Alyssa and Whitney

It should be noted Britini is autistic, so someone for me to identify with

Should be noted, same challenge for all four groups

Next team captain is.....WHITNEY

Next four - Kyland, Derek X, Christian and Brent

Observation, Brent nailed on for a showmance I would say

Next team captain is....Christian

Final four women - Sarah, Claire, Tiffany and Hannah

Final team captain is.....CLAIRE

Team draft

These are going to make for interesting reading, Claire wants an all girl alliance....Let's see if she gets her wish

Team Frenchie (Jokers) - Azah, Britini and Derek F
Team Whitney (Aces) - Brent, Derek X and Hannah
Team Christian (Kings) - Alyssa, Xavier and Sarah
Team Claire (Queens) - Kyland, Tiffany and Travis

Good teams there, and on a side note very pleased with the representation this year

And so much more to come before this episode is done tonight....

HoH comp

Captains have to build a 3D house of cards, while the team-mates have to balance to hold a platform steady to stop a big card coming down and knocking down the house of cards. Winning captain will be HoH and that captain's team will have immunity. Last placed team will be have nots for the weeks

And it's Team FRENCHIE that takes the honours, with Frenchie being HoH

Team Claire 2nd and Team Whitney 3rd

Taking the dubious honour of Have Nots will be Team Christian....

Frenchie will now get the first offer of the season, but first Julie announces the prize money will be $750,000 this year

2nd week of safety offered to Frenchie and his team, via the dice provided and he has to keep both on the table. If he accepts but fails, then he would lose the safety and HoH. HoH would then be Claire as the team captain in 2nd place

He respectfully declines the gamble, but we will have a proveout anyway to see what would have happened

And he lands the dice perfectly.....

Next episode, the new Wild Card comp is announced along with the schedule we are all familiar with by now

And there we have it, ladies and gentlemen, for the launch. Thankfully a single part launch this year, and a few days breather for Episode 2, and then it's full steam ahead with the normal schedule after that.

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

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