Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 10 - Eviction (Brent v Britini) and HoH comp

Another week draws to its close, and it's Brent v Britini for eviction #3, and also another step closer to the end of this teams twist

Teams as they stand:

Team Jokers - Azah, Britini and Derek F
Team Whitney (Aces) - Brent, Derek X and Hannah
Team Christian (Kings) - Alyssa, Xavier and Sarah
Team Claire (Queens) - Kyland and Tiffany 

Brent the douche is so confident he is staying, to the point where he said "I can't wait to see their faces when Britini goes" or words to that effect

He may smile on the surface if he goes, but inside he will be fuming as in "How dare they vote me out" fuming

These highlights shouldn't be too long if we are getting an eviction AND the HoH comp as well, and may I just say that Sarah Beth did a fabulous job as Veto host in the last episode

Outgoing HoH - Xavier
Nominations - Brent and Britini
Veto winner - Christian
Veto used - No

And so 'the biggest blindside' episode begins, with the end of the Veto ceremony. Brent so oblivious unless someone has tipped him off. The joke's so on him. I can't wait for this, even giving him a false alliance to work with in his final hours, called The Mafia.

Not much of note to speak of. Mainly guessing each other's jobs, Brent campaigning in vain. That sort of thing.....

Seems we have gone forward in time now, with future plans as in post Brent. The Kings team is being targeted by the Royal Flush alliance. So many teams and alliances to keep up with, another reason to want this teams stuff over with.

Eviction vote

Xavier as HoH and the two nominees are not allowed to vote.

Yes, Britini rapped again, and Brent is going off on a ramble for his speech

Just a formality really barring a major turnaround...

And yep, EVERYONE allowed to vote votes out Brent

11-0, drink that in Brent.... So certain you were staying, you douche. You can say you weren't shocked till you are green in the face, but you are.

HoH competition

As outgoing HoH, Xavier is ineligible to compete

Teams of three for this week's competition, and it will be the teams they were allotted to at the start

25 seconds for each team member to build a puzzle, the first houseguest on any team to finish their team's puzzle is the new HoH

And it's Christian for the Kings, and he is the new HoH and the Kings are safe. Let's just say those HoH bed sheets are going to be very smelly by this time next week.

Next up, episode 11. Final Wildcard Challenge and Christian's nominations

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 9 - Power of Veto

Another week, another fresh new Veto challenge as the team twist moves closer towards its end

Some may thank god, personally speaking I had completely forgotten it was there but can't wait to see it done as it hasn't really done or added much, apart from prevent a mammoth alliance forming from the very start.

Wildcard offers haven't really worked, and it will be nice to get back to conventional gameplay without the teams aspect. Well as normal can be as the offers will probably still be there once the twist is declared over.

Anyway, personal thoughts aside, Xavier nominated Britini and Brent. Brent being the house creep as he is making the ladies a bit uncomfortable looking at some comments on social media. No doubt Britini will have another rap conjured up, whether it is shown in this episode or if she has to make a save me speech/rap if she is still on the block post Veto ceremony we'll have to wait and see.

Teams as they stand:

Team Jokers - Azah, Britini and Derek F
Team Whitney (Aces) - Brent, Derek X and Hannah
Team Christian (Kings) - Alyssa, Xavier and Sarah
Team Claire (Queens) - Kyland and Tiffany 

Oh dear, looks like Frenchie's delusion about the Christian and Alyssa showmance turned out to be true

Brent being a grade A douche, nothing new there, and in other old news Britini is crying again. I don't want to give her a hard time though, with her autism it is probably her coping mechanism. Like I said before, I am still adjusting to my own autistic world and this is coming from someone who has been diagnosed at age 41. I don't know how to adjust right now, I really don't. Dam this pandemic, I just want to be back in my post diagnostic support groups.

Azah is getting a little emotional as well about Britini's predicament, well at least someone cares. Must admit to feeling a little emotional myself....Genuinely.

Speaking of Azah, she is not a big fan of how Derek X and Tiffany conducted themselves in the Wildcard Challenge, and has decided to try and get some answers from Tiffany. Tiff says in the Diary Room that she couldn't explain everything to Azah.

Oh dear, the segment that everyone has been dreading, showmance time between Christian and Alyssa. The doe eyes, the slurping....Oh god at the porn type music playing, and all this in the HoH bed which Xavier does object to when he walks in and catches them. Holy awkwardness.

Veto picks and competition

Taking their places alongside Xavier, Britini and Brent will be Christian, Derek F and Whitney

The all too familiar spinning competition this week. Head to head competition, essentially a bowling game to get the correct hotel number after spinning around 15 times to open the gate for 15 seconds and then run through some obstacles. If the wrong number is knocked down, the reset button has to be pushed.

Order of play:

Britini v Brent (Britini eliminated)
Xavier v Brent (Brent eliminated)
Derek F v Whitney (Whitney eliminated)
Christian v Derek F (Derek F eliminated)
Christian v Xavier (Xavier eliminated)

CHRISTIAN takes this weeks Power of Veto

Dear lord, Brent is so confident he is staying, if only he knew.....

Veto ceremony

Christian decides NOT to use the Power of Veto, so Brent or Britini will be #3 evicted. Although highly likely Brent is going and joining his friend French Fries on the pre jury sidelines. Dam it, he is so sure he's not going, and says he can't wait to see their faces when Britini goes. Got news for you, Brent...... Can't wait to see YOUR face when YOU are evicted.

To be continued in Episode 10, when Britini or Brent will leave and a new HoH will be crowned

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Sunday, 25 July 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 8 - Wildcard Challenge and Nominations

Finally a Frenchie free house.....I'm not going to sing, but I'll tell you what (insert happy song of your choice here)

New face at the top in terms of HoH, that being Xavier who I have no idea which he's going to go when the Wild Card Challenge is done and more especially in terms of nominations.

One of the few I have seen least of, should be an interesting week ahead.

Teams after Frenchie's departure

Team Jokers - Azah, Britini and Derek F
Team Whitney (Aces) - Brent, Derek X and Hannah
Team Christian (Kings) - Alyssa, Xavier and Sarah
Team Claire (Queens) - Kyland and Tiffany 

And of course we get things rolling with Xavier being crowned HoH, and how happy he is and indeed how happy the house is that Frenchie is gone. Should be more fun now with French Fries gone.

Another team formed as in Royal Flush, which is just Aces, Kings and Queens....Sarah Beth is confident she is safe in this particular structure.

Brent, meanwhile, is being particularly creepy with the girls. He says he has never had a platonic relationship with girls. So far, Brent is hot favourite to be on the block and judging by this edit who can see anything less. The guy is making the ladies uncomfortable.

Oh dear, looks like Christian and Alyssa are showmancing after all, buckets on standby everyone. A few more interesting developments as well, as now we have Derek X and Hannah as well. Oh lord help us, Alyssa saying her and Christian are friends, yeah right we believe you. 

Wildcard Challenge

This week's players are Derek X, Tiffany and Britini

Derek X, being on the same team as Brent, doesn't want to win as it would make Brent safe. Britini is also not an option to win as he stated she needs to still be a nomination option, so looks like Tiffany is odds on to get this one.

Unlucky 13, in which the players have to take a card from their respective stack and go across a balance beam and place it in someone else's cardholder. Elimination occurs when the total in the row makes 13.

From the off it has already been agreed that Derek X and Tiffany would get Britini out first, and that is indeed the case and then Derek X throws it to Tiffany.

Order of elimination: Britini, Derek X

Tiffany wins the Wildcard Challenge, now let's see what this week's big decision will be

The decision is this: If Tiffany chooses safety then a member of Jokers and Aces would randomly be safe as well.

And the decision is NO DEAL from Tiffany

A decision that causes Britini to cry yet again I may add, I don't mean that in a bad way at all

Nominations ceremony

Xavier nominates Britini and Brent. The pawn v the target. Hopefully not another meltdown incoming from Brit, she knew what she was getting into coming on this show. I don't want to bash her though, as I am still finding my way in this world with my own autism diagnosis, and I probably would react the same as she does if I was in there. We autistic people just express ourselves a little differently and in many different ways to each other.

I know that probably doesn't make much sense, but I am still growing and learning about my own diagnosis. Hopefully when my post diagnosis groups begin again, IF they begin again, I will strive to understand some more. 

To be continued in Episode 9 with another Veto up for grabs

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking

Thursday, 22 July 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 7 - Eviction (Frenchie v Britini) and HoH

Oh I love the sound of champagne corks popping, and they more than likely will be during and after this episode as we all celebrate the exit of Frenchie, barring a major and last minute flip

That's right, folks.... Frenchie is on his way tonight and he knows it. The so called superfan is going to bite the dust tonight good and proper, and I for one couldn't be happier.

Imagining a house without him in it is wonderful, oh boy I am so confident about tonight...

On the other side of the coin though, from what I have read on social media Britini composed a little rap for her veto speech which didn't get shown on the episode. I just really fear for her in this one though, if she carries that rap over to this episode. 

As a fellow autistic, I know how hard it is when people laugh at me rather than with me, spent my whole high school life being laughed at for being 'a little out there' when I thought outside the box. I dread to think how Britini will take it, if they laugh at her and not with her. Just please be kind to her, and let her get this rap out of her system.

And we kick things off after the Veto ceremony, and all in all a foregone conclusion at the end of this episode. Oh yeah, forgot to mention, apparently Tom Green (2nd season CBB USA) will be making an appearance in tonight's episode. Correction - it is him and he will be hosting the HoH comp

The teams going into today's episode:

Team Frenchie (Jokers) - Azah, Britini and Derek F
Team Whitney (Aces) - Brent, Derek X and Hannah
Team Christian (Kings) - Alyssa, Xavier and Sarah
Team Claire (Queens) - Kyland and Tiffany

Julie sums it all up with "An epic fall from power", but the ominous "Frenchie zooms in on a strategy to keep his game alive".... Oh please no, he has got to be GONE.

Brit's rapping already, I know this is not going to go down well on social media and the chatroom I frequent for the episodes, and I won't say who just in case of prying eyes as they suffer enough closures.

Some unfortunate news, we find out Sarah Beth's father passed away from Covid. 

Slaughterhouse alliance has all but gone, Kings and Queens are making most of the deals for safety. 

Meanwhile, Brent on is a bro mission to get some girls out should he win HoH, anyone but him for HoH. 'Nuff said.

Eviction vote

And yes Britini has carried a rap over, 10 out of 10 for having the courage to do that on national television

Kyland only votes in the event of a tie

Clare - Frenchie
Sarah Beth - Frenchie
Xavier - Frenchie
Derek F - Britini
Christian - Frenchie
Whitney - Frenchie
Azah - Frenchie
Derek X - Frenchie
Tiffany - Frenchie
Brent - Frenchie
Hannah - Frenchie
Alyssa - Frenchie

Hallelujah!!!!!!!!! French Fries is out of there, ok not unanimous but he's gone, thank goodness

Less said about his interview with Julie the better....

HoH comp

As outgoing HoH, Kyland is not eligible to play this week

It's a quiz this week, True or False to be precise. Praying for anyone but Brent, god help us if he gets a week in charge. 

Basically last houseguest standing is new HoH, that's it

And the winner and NEW HoH is.......drum roll please, it's XAVIER!!!! Sarah Beth, Alyssa and Christian are also safe as being on the same team.

Wildcard challenge synopsis: Tipped to cause dissension amongst all the teams, that's all

To be continued in Episode 8, and the post French Fries era is officially go...

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 6 - Power of Veto

The end of French Fries hopefully moves a step closer tonight if he doesn't win the Power of Veto....

Even when the guy is not HoH, you guarantee wherever he goes in that house trouble usually follows with his paranoid chaotic ways

Will be so glad to talk about someone else if he does go in the next episode....

And why don't we start with Tiffany, dam that girl can play this game. Without jinxing things too much, she IS going to go far in this game, no ifs or buts about it. She really has got her Big Brother head screwed on right, judging by all the positive comments flooding out of social media. Will watch her with great interest.

Anyway, on with the show....

Teams as they stand:

Team Frenchie (Jokers) - Azah, Britini and Derek F
Team Whitney (Aces) - Brent, Derek X and Hannah
Team Christian (Kings) - Alyssa, Xavier and Sarah
Team Claire (Queens) - Kyland and Tiffany

Kyland making the understatement of the century saying French Fries being there is chaotic. The man of the moment thinks everyone is scared. In your dreams, pal.

Meanwhile Britini is sobbing her heart out, even though I can identify with you, you do know what show you are on, right?

French Fries not making much headway in terms of trying to stay in, and saying he would use the Veto on Britini should he win. Everyone jumping ship from the Slaughterhouse alliance at a rate of knots.

Oh dear, buckets alert. Brent and Hannah being edited for a showmance, but even when he's not around French Fries is being spoken about in a not so positive light. Hannah is then trying different accents..... 

Moving swiftly on

Yes you've guessed it, Frenchie trying to put targets on the alliance he created by outing them all for some reason. He's on another planet and ruining things for everyone, best leave it. He'll be gone in the next episode.

Veto picks and competition

Playing alongside French Fries, Britni and Kyland will be:

Derek X

Synopsis of the comp is that they have to fill a container with a whistle at the bottom in the fastest time. 

But of course there is a catch as it's going to get very slippery with the bottles around the container shooting oil at random intervals and in different amounts

That's it really, fastest houseguest to retrieve their whistle will win the Veto

Finishing times:

Claire - 5.33
Kyland - 4.54
Britini - 5.08
Derek X - 4.41
Alyssa - 6.57
Frenchie - 5.06

And would you believe it, Derek X has won back to back Veto's. That guy is getting a beast reputation already, needs to be careful there

And right on cue, Frenchie is whining about not winning. Stark contrast to last week when he was so full of himself, but still imploding his game.  

Veto ceremony

Derek X has decided NOT to use the Veto, so the nominations of French Fries and Britni remain in place.

Hopefully no last minute flips to save French Fries, let him loose in the next episode and let the house breathe.... Please?

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Sunday, 18 July 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 5 - Nominations and Wild Card Challenge

Off we go for a fresh week and a brand new HoH in Kyland, hopefully not too chaotic as French Fries reign, which to be honest was a complete disaster

Wasn't it wonderful to hear Julie say he was not eligible to play the next HoH comp

The first casualty of this season was Travis with a 11-2 vote to evict him, remember on planet French Fries Alyssa and Christian are in a showmance when in fact they are not. 

Looking forward to this week, and hopefully wave French Fries out the door BUT there is a Wildcard Challenge and Veto. Hell we don't know if he's even going to be nominated by Kyland, but the signs are good. Just let French Fries into the wild this week, and we can properly get on with this season without him causing major disruption.

The teams as they stand going into week 2 of this 4 week twist:

Team Frenchie (Jokers) - Azah, Britini and Derek F
Team Whitney (Aces) - Brent, Derek X and Hannah
Team Christian (Kings) - Alyssa, Xavier and Sarah
Team Claire (Queens) - Kyland and Tiffany

And we start after Kyland's HoH win, and Alyssa's very happy she is still there. Some good old rogue vote drama also thrown in for good measure as well. Time for some good old fashioned investigation from some of the houseguests, but seems pointless and takes up real estate. We know who did it in Derek F and Tiffany.

Have to say, Tiffany is picking up lots of momentum on the social media. But then again so many are so popular at first, but as we have seen in many incarnations of the english speaking versions that popularity can quickly dissipate with one wrong move.

Can't say I've missed that 'WHO WANTS TO SEE MY HOH ROOM' too much

Kyland is way too overcome to read his letter from home, so Tiffany steps in.....which results in her crying.....but wait a further twist, she reveals she was acting

Wildcard Challenge

Playing today will be Brent, French Fries and Sarah Beth

Before the challenge is underway, French Fries is having a diva tantrum. No surprise there, the guy is a loose cannon and needs to go.

Today's challenge is quite simple, answer questions about the colours in the artwork. First to 3 points wins and then face the decision of whether they want to swap teams to the Queens to guarantee their safety.

And the winner of this week's Wildcard Challenge is...... SARAH BETH

She has decided NOT to make a move to another team, so it's as you were in terms of the teams

Nominations ceremony

Kyland has decided to nominate Britini and French Fries. Not too unsurprising in terms of FF

Not a bad episode tonight if I do say so myself, and hopefully if things go as planned this house can get back to breathing again if Frenchie goes.

And so we move onto Episode 6, where another Veto will be contested. Anyone but Frenchie or Brent please? Thank you.....

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Thursday, 15 July 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 4 - Eviction #1 (Alyssa v Travis) and HoH competition

French Fries chaotic reign of terror finally comes to an end, with the first eviction of the season and a new HoH crowned 

Hopefully someone who will actually know what they are doing rather than just going mad with power and their paranoid delusions.

Mini tale of this week:

HoH - French Fries
Nominations pre-Veto - Alyssa and Kyland
Veto winner - Derek X

Derek X used the Veto on Kyland, and Travis was named as the replacement

Needless to say, French Fries was not happy at the Veto outcome as Derek X was seriously being considered for a backdoor, FF's words not mine

Speaking of FF, he has still got it in his head that there is a showmance going on between Christian and Alyssa. The sooner FF is gone, this house can calm down and breathe a bit as he's a seriously disruptive influence if they are the right words to use.

Anyway back to tonight's show, and it's all about who will be the first boot of this season, and also hearing those words from Julie: 'Frenchie, as outgoing HoH, you are not eligible to compete'

Extremely long recap of the first week craziness to start, and I do mean crazy. Don't mean to be rude but has Julie had a hulk out before she came on air. But hell, she and the narrator have had a go at Frenchie's game playing so that's a plus point.

What the French becoming the new by word around the house, while the man of the moment declares a new alliance called Slaughterhouse.... Charming, I don't think.

Oh boy the number he gets into this alliance, think I may stand a chance of getting in it. Whitney, Kyland, Christian, Alyssa, Derek F and Xavier so far. God knows how many more he has got in by now, probably the whole house just in time for the eviction.

Oh hang on, the girls are forming their own alliance....Name to be declared in due course

Team Frenchie (Jokers) - Azah, Britini and Derek F
Team Whitney (Aces) - Brent, Derek X and Hannah
Team Christian (Kings) - Alyssa, Xavier and Sarah
Team Claire (Queens) - Kyland, Tiffany and Travis

Now in a somewhat strange few minutes, Travis is seen getting dolled up in makeup to celebrate Kyland's birthday. Speaking of Travis, Tiffany offers Travis a shield if as expected he is on the block again next week.

Eviction vote

Usual shoutouts for their friends and family before we head into the vote... Personally not a big fan of the shoutouts, but that's just me. 

Sarah Beth - Travis
Xavier - Travis
Whitney - Travis
Christian - Travis
Azah - Travis
Derek F - Alyssa
Kyland - Travis
Tiffany - Alyssa
Derek X - Travis
Claire - Travis
Hannah - Travis
Britini - Travis
Brent - Travis

By a vote of 11-2, Travis is evicted..... The Queens are one team member down as we head into the next HoH comp.

HoH comp

"Frenchie, as outgoing HoH, you are not eligible to compete" such wonderful music....

Basically shoot a ball into the shark's mouth, via whichever spot from 1 to 30 each houseguest chooses. Winner will be determined by whoever chooses the highest number spot. Bank shots not allowed.

But first, a forced commercial break due to technical difficulties, so looks like for those who don't have the benefit of the feeds it may be onto episode 5

Alyssa - 15 - Successful
Brent - 16 - Successful 
Hannah - 17 - Missed
Azah - 18 - Missed
Xavier - 19 - Missed 
Christian - 20 - Missed
Tiffany - 21 - Missed
Whitney - 22 - Missed
Claire - 23 - Missed
Kyland - 24 - Successful
Britini - 25 - Missed
Derek F - 26 - Missed
Sarah - 27 - Missed
Derek X - 28 - Missed

And your new HoH is.....KYLAND

Claire and Tiffany also safe as part of Kyland's team

Julie reveals that the winner of the next Wild Card challenge will have to decide if they want to swap teams if they want to stay safe.

There we have it for Week 1....

To be continued in Episode 5, when Kyland makes his nominations and the previously mentioned second Wild Card Challenge comes into play

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 3 - Power of Veto

 And thankfully another step closer to the end of Frenchie's reign of terror as HoH as we move into the first Veto comp of the season

Boy, is it getting messy on the feeds as we head towards the first eviction of the season, even to the most ardent of feed watchers it is draining viewing and dam chaotic and not just round the edges at the moment. Perhaps when Frenchie is eventually out of there, it will calm down.

In case you missed it:

Christian won the first Wild Card challenge (there are more as long as this teams twist is going) and saved himself from being nominated, he then spun a wheel to determine how many of his team would be safe. The wheel landed on 1, and he chose to save Xavier

Frenchie decided to nominate Alyssa and Kyland, as he got it into his head there was a showmance going on between Alyssa and Christian. Something which he brings up again after the opening credits.

We pick up things from that very same nominations ceremony....

Alyssa is already upset, can understand this one as nobody, not even the feed watchers, has any idea where the idea of the showmance came from.

Must be noted, some really genuine Diary Room entries. Additional, loving those neon circles in the Diary Room, have to get some of those for my apartment.

A short while later after a discussion with Alyssa, Frenchie admits in the Diary Room he may have made mistakes with his nominations. Too little too late I would say.

Sarah breaks down after admitting she is bi, and again compliments to casting for the LGBTQIA+ portion of this cast. As I keep saying a good representation in this cast.

Oh look Frenchie into one of his paranoid episodes. Now raving in the Diary Room, thinking he's flushed out some alliances.

A new alliance in the house consisting of Azah, Derek F, Xavier, Kyland and Tiffany....Collectively known as The Cookout. Nice and original, hopefully not too many grillings for them down the line.

Veto picks and competition

Playing alongside Frenchie, Alyssa and Kyland will be Derek X, Travis and Tiffany

Derek X being picked does not go down well with Frenchie, as he was one of this week's targets. Then again Frenchie changes his mind as often as he probably changes his socks.

The rules for this comp:

Massive Cocktail, simply build the obstacle course and roll a ball over or against said obstacles to get the ball into a cup at the very bottom of the course. First to complete both tasks successfully wins the Veto.

Derek X emerges victorious with the Veto......

To say Frenchie is not happy is a bit of an understatement, even saying his HoH would be a disaster if the Veto is used. I think you will find, French Fries, that you have absolutely sunk your HoH this week.

He tells Travis he will keep him in there, hang on is that French Fries nose I see growing

Veto ceremony

Derek X has chosen to use the Veto on KYLAND, and thankfully Frenchie's last decision as HoH is to put up TRAVIS as the replacement

Roll up, roll up....Travis or Alyssa will be the first to take the walk of shame in Episode 4. In closing, Derek X could be one to seriously get behind. Lots of potential there, if he goes far into this season.

Massive thanks to everyone coming in and reading these summaries, it is much appreciated 

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking

Sunday, 11 July 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 2 - Wild Card Challenge and Nominations

And so we are underway for this year's BBUS, with, in my opinion, a good representation. Even an autistic person in there as well, which makes me happy. I just hope she can take the stresses and strains that come with this show.
I'll support anyone with autism on these shows.... As for myself my journey with autism has kind of stalled at the moment with my support groups still shut down with the ongoing pandemic, and still no word on them getting back on track

Did you hear England being freed on July 19th, a move widely condemned as reckless amongst other words, but hey that Boris Johnson has got previous for being reckless

But that's a story for another time, back to Big Brother.....

When we last left our new houseguests:

Frenchie became the first HoH of the season, and by all accounts on the feeds leading up to this particular episode he has made a complete mess of things. Will we see him edited as a mastermind, or will we see the complete mess? The edit decides....

The 4 teams:

Team Frenchie (Jokers) - Azah, Britini and Derek F
Team Whitney (Aces) - Brent, Derek X and Hannah
Team Christian (Kings) - Alyssa, Xavier and Sarah
Team Claire (Queens) - Kyland, Tiffany and Travis

Have Not's are the Kings, and also Julie announced a larger prize pot of $750,000. Frenchie was also offered a chance to extend the safety for his team, but politely declined.

Thankfully only 4 weeks of this teams stuff, so let's be patient and see how it is played out.

Can see why Travis is last to be picked for much at the moment....Bit of a douche on first impressions if you ask me

And now down to the getting to know you segment as they introduce themselves to each other.... Oh boy, this is really dragging, but it has to be done.

Frenchie already promising to root out the 'meatheads', we will soon see about that. On to the Have Not room and the usual uncomfortableness that comes with it, doesn't look all that bad though this year.

I can see why Frenchie is getting roasted, first it was the meatheads now a showmance. This is not going to end well for him if he can't make his mind up. Next week's Veto gets even more crucial for him. 

In some unfortunate news, we do learn Brent's dad is no longer with us as he committed suicide

Wildcard competition

The three teams who are not safe as in Queens, Kings and Aces must each pick one player from their respective teams to compete in this competition. The winner of the comp is safe for the week and an additional decision which will be revealed in due course. Each player on each team can only play once, so everyone will get a turn to play.

Queens - Kyland
Kings - Christian
Aces - Hannah (random draw)

Hotel suite setting for this challenge, as in find wallets, keys and phones. The catch is they have to do it without making noise. Noise means given points. Houseguest who scores the least points wins the challenge.


Kyland - 486 (inc. time penalties)
Christian - 125 (no time penalties)
Hannah - 414 (inc.time penalties)

The recently mentioned decision is that Christian gets to spin a wheel with 1, 2 and 3. Basically the number it lands on means how many of the Kings will be safe this week.....

Additional about the wheel in that it will be either safety or punishments every week of the twist.

One big spin later, and the wheel stops at the number 1. So, one person on his team gets to be safe and XAVIER gets the honour.

So now Frenchie is thinking Alyssa and Christian are a potential showmance, genuinely can't think what gave him that idea. Seriously.

Nomination ceremony

Frenchie has decided to nominate ALYSSA and KYLAND..... Bizarrely basing those nominations on a dream, yes really. Just getting even more messy on Frenchie's part, can't work the guy out.

Anyway, to be continued in Episode 3 with the first Veto comp of the season

As always, my thanks for those who are coming in and reading these summaries, it is very much appreciated :)

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 1 - Launch

 So it's goodbye to Australia and their winner, Marley, and the tour bus makes its final stop back in North America with BB USA, and Julie Chen Moonves.

Hopefully, and I hope I'm not jinxing it by saying I am cautiously looking forward to this one, and I mean ANYTHING is better than the disaster we had last year, when cheating was at the forefront to help the winner over the line and basically the whole season went to worms....

Hopefully a series to be talked about for the right reasons this year, to take us all the way through the end of September, the 29th the date being rumbled around.

So scraping slightly into autumn before we end the Big Brother year, in regards to the English speaking ones anyway....

Anyway, that's the future and let's come back to the present and time to welcome in the newest members of the BBUS family

Houseguests profiles right here (courtesy of Big Brother Network), I won't write their names out as the launch would be over by the time I had finished.

So many twists and turns this year as usual, with the words Risk and Reward really standing out.... 

Wonder if that means at some point, someone will actually be offered a cash incentive to leave. Interesting possibility, been done a few times if I remember correctly in other versions....

Action stations, we are off and running for the final English speaking Big Brother for this year...

The houseguests will be going in teams of 4, two men and two women on each team. Twist will last 4 weeks

Captains are chosen on who wins a challenge on each team, and the appointed captain will watch 90 seconds of pre season videos when it comes to drafting time

Whoever wins the HoH for these 4 weeks, that team will be safe. Double or nothing for the week's HoH, and also safety comps for other teams. Safety comp winners will have a punishment

Hopefully we'll all work it out as we go along, after all it's only 4 weeks

First four men in - Travis, Derek F, Frenchie, Xavier

Straight to the backyard, and look at that....No masks for move-in....Hopefully Wales in a few weeks

First challenge, 5 sheets of plexiglass have to be rearranged to match the Have Not pool poster. First to do so will go forward to the HoH competition later in the show.

And taking the first honour is FRENCHIE....

He has also earned the chance to change the course of the game, and will be a team captain

The first 4 women in - Azah, Britini, Alyssa and Whitney

It should be noted Britini is autistic, so someone for me to identify with

Should be noted, same challenge for all four groups

Next team captain is.....WHITNEY

Next four - Kyland, Derek X, Christian and Brent

Observation, Brent nailed on for a showmance I would say

Next team captain is....Christian

Final four women - Sarah, Claire, Tiffany and Hannah

Final team captain is.....CLAIRE

Team draft

These are going to make for interesting reading, Claire wants an all girl alliance....Let's see if she gets her wish

Team Frenchie (Jokers) - Azah, Britini and Derek F
Team Whitney (Aces) - Brent, Derek X and Hannah
Team Christian (Kings) - Alyssa, Xavier and Sarah
Team Claire (Queens) - Kyland, Tiffany and Travis

Good teams there, and on a side note very pleased with the representation this year

And so much more to come before this episode is done tonight....

HoH comp

Captains have to build a 3D house of cards, while the team-mates have to balance to hold a platform steady to stop a big card coming down and knocking down the house of cards. Winning captain will be HoH and that captain's team will have immunity. Last placed team will be have nots for the weeks

And it's Team FRENCHIE that takes the honours, with Frenchie being HoH

Team Claire 2nd and Team Whitney 3rd

Taking the dubious honour of Have Nots will be Team Christian....

Frenchie will now get the first offer of the season, but first Julie announces the prize money will be $750,000 this year

2nd week of safety offered to Frenchie and his team, via the dice provided and he has to keep both on the table. If he accepts but fails, then he would lose the safety and HoH. HoH would then be Claire as the team captain in 2nd place

He respectfully declines the gamble, but we will have a proveout anyway to see what would have happened

And he lands the dice perfectly.....

Next episode, the new Wild Card comp is announced along with the schedule we are all familiar with by now

And there we have it, ladies and gentlemen, for the launch. Thankfully a single part launch this year, and a few days breather for Episode 2, and then it's full steam ahead with the normal schedule after that.

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking....