And then there were 6 as we head into another episode and indeed part 2 of Second Chance Week
To cut a long story short, the premise is simply that whichever 3 housemates find themselves on the block after the nominations challenge, will play off in a second challenge and whoever wins the second challenge automatically takes themselves off the chopping block
Yesterday, and you may want to sit down because of the shock of this one, SJ, Christina, and Adriana faced off in such a challenge when Daniel put them on the chopping block. Staggeringly SJ won the challenge, I know something she actually earned, and saved herself.
Which meant to no shock afterwards, Adriana was sent packing.
Tonight sees a familiar challenge, and as Sonia said in the preview 'the biggest gameplay the show has ever seen'..... We shall see
Lots of talk about what the win will mean to them
And down to business already as the big man announces the nominations challenge will start shortly, and cue Daniel starting to plot and plant seeds. However there does seem to be dissension in the ranks as Christina is still sour about Daniel putting her on the block.
Me personally I think it's going to be Sid or Ari gone today, and then Daniel goes tomorrow
Nominations challenge
And that familiar challenge is the chicken wire challenge as in move balls along chicken wire using their fingers, and then get them in the various compartments for the next stage, and then for said next stage roll the ball down two bars and open the bars over 5 holes and drop them in said holes.
First housemate to do this wins the nominations power
Very difficult challenge I would say, but......CHRISTINA makes it look relatively simple
She nominates Ari, Daniel and Sid... SJ, Marley and Christina the only lock ins for final 5 so far
Needless to say Ari is already going into 'how dare she nominate me' mode, oh boo hoo. Didn't you get the memo about what this show is called.
Oh dear, now Sid is going down that how dare you nominate me road, at least Daniel is sucking up his nomination and getting on with things.
Second Chance challenge
Endurance for the playoff challenge, as in balancing by holding ropes which are at different tension.
Order of elimination: Sid and then Ari
Daniel is safe....Woohoo!!!!!!!
Ari or Sid for eviction then, somehow I've got it all right today so far in a chat room in regards to who went up initially and who would be up after the second challenge
Now for the big one, I reckon it will be Sid... Revenge for Tilly and all that. Ari can wait until tomorrow. Us Tilly fans demand revenge.
Meanwhile so much pitching to shake a stick at, at one point Daniel does not let Sid into the cave with him, SJ and Christina. Cue Sid getting paranoid.
SJ already confirmed to be the deciding vote, and yet again the tears are flowing from her. She's going to have no tears left at this rate, the way she had deployed them this season.
Still stand by what I say though, in that it will be it will be silly if she gets to the final 3. Yes I know Daniel has had loads of help as well, but SJ should have been gone twice over if not for major interference from them backstage.
On what planet is SJ the entertainment of the house, when she's just basically cruised through winning just one major challenge on the way.
And here comes Ma Kruger with her usual grilling of the inmates....Oh and Ari really hamming it up with the waterworks all through this grilling. Look at that, not wanting to miss out SJ now turns on her usual waterworks.
And it's REVENGE FOR TILLY, as Sid is evicted 2-1
So another one down, and 5 remain as the finish line comes into sight with Second Chance Week coming to a close in Episode 29. Christina, Ari, Daniel, Marley and SJ.... Who goes next, they decide.
Big thanks to everyone who has come along to read these summaries, and every like, retweet, comment and share is very much appreciated
Until next time, stay frosty, stay safe and and keep on rocking.....
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