Another fresh week is go in the house....Unfortunately it seems doing not much gets you lots of rewards including staying in the house.
Are we supposed to believe that if that had been Marley or Mary that got most votes, this executive room would still have been rolled out. But as we have seen, SJ who has done NOTHING but hoard food and cry at the drop of the hat when she's nominated, gets rewarded with an extended stay when she has won no challenges and just basically sits there blending into the wallpaper
Why is anybody's guess really. What has she got on them that she stays much longer than she should be. If she gets to final 3, can you imagine the uproar.
I do feel for the others still in there who haven't had the benefits SJ has had, I mean why is SJ getting a free pass. Not that bullshit about her age, she knew what she signing up for. Stop pandering to her, it's every housemate for themselves in this format.
Right, piece said and on to this week's festivities
Oh, and now SHE and Danny can be Big Brother as well....She immediately orders them all into the pool. Oh boy this truly is going to be a loooooong week.
All about revenge with HER, almost as if they are gently guiding her to final 3. When she's back in there, they won't dare nominate her again at this rate with her protector lurking.
Lovely Tilly is summoned to the Diary Room, and the two in charge tell her to take the chips and Tim Tams from SJ's bed and put them in Ari's bed. I assume this is going to be to stir the pot and make them think it was Ari. Sure enough it is.....
16 days left....
Sofa gatherage, and they are told they will each have an individual task set for them in the Diary Room. If they each pass their tasks, they will get a VIP ticket to a cocktail party
Passed - Adriana, Tilly and Marley
Ari is chosen as party security......
Everyone else failed, less said the better.
Daniel is hoping he can get Marley onside with the incoming party, good luck with that. Is where the oft 'ultimate betrayal' preview is leading where Marley rids the house of the most entertaining . Well, Marley is suspicious Daniel may dangle a carrot, let's see if he acts on any of Daniel's pitches.
Nominations challenge in 1 hour, announces the big man
Marley is still mulling about putting up some from Ari, Christina, Mary and New Charlotte should he win the nominations challenges.
Nominations challenge
SJ and Daniel are not allowed to play, and also they cannot be nominated. But they can vote in the eviction.
Another facsimile for today's challenge, as in steer balls down a ramp and get them into 5 holes at the bottom. That's it, that's the challenge. First housemate to get 5 balls, gets the nomination power.
Looks like everyone else has actually stopped or just about stopped competeing to see if Ari or Marley will win this challenge, and a short while later MARLEY wins the challenge. Now to see who he actually puts on the chopping block, after all his umming and ahhing from earlier.
And he opts for:
So that's farewell to Ari or Mary I would assume. Mary, like SJ, has done nothing except take up background space. Ari, amusing as he is with his overacting. While Christina is emerging from her Showmance shackles, and making a name. Surely it should be Christina's name that should be considered.....
Meanwhile, Mary the latest housemate to fall foul of 'how dare you nominate me'. Surely some of these people know what show they are on, right?
Twist of fate says SJ, more like interference for god knows what reason. Here she goes again, there is a reason you keep getting nominated. Think about it.
Mary seems very certain she is staying, apparently she's the safe vote.... We'll soon see about that
Reminder, Marley is not allowed to vote due to winning the challenge, yet Daniel and SJ are allowed. I don't get that, when Ari had that tech fail in one challenge he was not allowed to vote in the eviction yet this week SJ and Daniel are? What's up with that?
Mary - 5 votes
Ari - No votes
Christina - 4 votes
Well, well, well. Who didn't see that coming. Oh yeah everybody. Safe to say Mary didn't take her eviction very well. It's only a game, what part of that do some of them not understand.
Only two more episodes of this twist left.... Thank god.
To be continued in Episode 22
Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated
Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....
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