Another week comes to an end Down Under, and as the title suggests another twist coming into play today it would seem. Tilly is heard saying.
Another 'game advantage', as if two of them don't have enough advantages already this season..... Don't get me wrong, at least one is entertaining (Daniel) but the other (SJ) should have been sent packing weeks ago.
Anyways, in case people missed it....New Charlotte was evicted, I know no great loss as she didn't even want to be there in the first place, while there was an unexpected road trip which of course went nowhere.
Another fine day in the Big Brother house, as we head towards this brand new twist and it's back to normal business with Daniel and SJ back in the house, and it's down to the final 8.
Marley is feeling the sting of New Charlotte getting blindsided, and Daniel not following through on certain promises. It's one of those moments again, and I know we shouldn't laugh at people crying, but Daniel wells up at the thought of being in final 8 and goes into that high pitched voice when he cries.
Tilly wants to work with Daniel and Marley.... and makes it her mission to get them united. Oh boy, I adore this girl, but why do I get the feeling this is not going to work. She starts to work her magic on both of them, only time will tell if it has worked
Ari is summoned to the diary room, and is given a secret mission. The reward is phone calls home for everyone. He will be given various topics by the big man to talk with them about.
Christina - House of Romanov
Sid - Art
Adriana - Denim
Marley - Top basketball idols
Daniel - Auctioneering skills
Tilly is now summoned, and is told about the secret mission which is now revealed as the not so true secret mission. She instead has the secret mission, to avoid him about the subject he will be given to talk to her about as in chihuahuas.
Sofa gatherage, and it's revealed that Tilly passed her secret mission, and after much teasing Ari's mission is deemed irrelevant. Phone calls all round for everyone, and we get to hear Daniel's high pitched crying.
Tilly - Her mum
Daniel - His son
Marley - Partner
Christina - Mum
Adriana - Husband
Ari - Sister
SJ - Husband
And may I just say it's nice to see some of the others now they are not drowned out by some of the other, shall we say, loud ones. Now we are seeing Sid plotting away.... yes that Sid.
But in the dark corners of the house, further plotting from Daniel, when he tells Christina he wants Sid gone. He then rounds up Marley to further his plan, but then Marley finds out from Christina that Sid is planning to put Marley on the chopping block down the line. But what's this, Daniel and Marley are forming a secret alliance. Daniel says not to make it too obvious.
Nominations challenge incoming, announces the big man
Nominations challenge
Skipping the formalities, as everyone will know it will be a physical. The big man announces that tonight will nobody will be going home. Whoever wins the challenge automatically goes forward to competing for a massive game advantage. They then have to pick two others to compete against, and the housemates then have to pick from those three.
As long as it's not a pass to the finale.... As that worked so well in the UK version, I think not.
Would you believe it, Daniel wins the challenge and at least he earned it this time instead of it being handed to him....
The power is that any votes cast against the power holder will not count, when the power is activated by the power holder. Only valid for the next 2 evictions and can only be used before votes are revealed.
Think that's the jist of it anyway.
And straight away, SJ is saying she wants to get to the final 3 on her own merit. Seriously? She should have been gone twice over already if not for backstage sticking their oar in TWICE to keep her in there. If she gets to the final 3, well sorry that's just a farce.
Power decision
Fast forwarding through the usual Sonia conversations, in other words cutting a long story short....
Daniel, SJ and Marley will not be allowed to vote, and in this particular instance it's going to come down to Ari for the deciding vote, given how conflicted he appeared to be.
SJ - 2 votes
Daniel - No votes
Marley - 3 votes
Marley gets the power and will be able to null the nominations cast for him should he find himself on the block for the next two eviction
And so concludes another week, and finally someone not called SJ or Daniel will have an advantage.
The endgame begins next week, and the finish line is in sight....A brief glimpse of what looks like a diamond room, looks interesting I may say
All will be revealed in the next round of episodes, starting with Episode 24
Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated
Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....
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