Dawn of a new day in the Big Brother Australia, and no birds sing especially Christina after she lost her showmance in the last episode.
Instead that all too familiar air raid siren, which I must say must be used more often outside of Hell week, and the dulcet tones of the big man ring through the bedroom telling, or shall we say ordering them to take their bedding and pile it up in the garden and be quick about it. They then find out they will be sleeping outside until further notice.
And yes Ari is being a drama queen..... No shocks there
Christina says she is feeling a little uncomfortable with Brenton not being there. She may see him on the outside she says, although in what capacity given the rumours on social media about her having a secret fella.
Sofa gatherage incoming, 3 days into Hell Week announces the big man. Da da daaaaa, here comes the Panic Room again.
Rules: 2 housemates will enter at a time and it's simply stay in there until the big man says they can leave. 2 housemates will then be chosen to go in the Panic Room every hour, and as there are 11 the last one will go in solo. If anyone leaves the Panic Room at any time, everyone will be punished.
Psychedelic colours all round as Jess and Marley are the first two in, and before too long 'If you're happy and you know it' starts playing. The big man announces this song will be playing for the duration of the six hours. Why can't Big Brother be like this most of the time
Order of entry:
SJ and Ari
New Charlotte and Tilly
Sid and Mary
Adriana and Christina
Lucky last Daniel, meanwhile, is sent to the Diary Room where he is given a trove of treats and a key to that secret room in the cave room which we have seen a few times in previous episodes. Daniel is told he can save himself or one of whoever faces the vote with the key. So basically a Veto key. He now has to stash away his treats while back in the Panic Room, the song plays merrily away.
Cutting it close would be an understatement, as the big man lets the rest of them out of the Panic Room while he still stashes away his rations. Still munching away on his chocolate as they emerge, and some of them start wondering and then chase him around the house, Benny Hill style.
Meanwhile, the clouds are gathering over the house weather wise and it eventually starts to rain very heavily. Ari moaning again, being a right drama queen. He does know what show he's on doesn't he, the big man is NOT going to budge on this.
Morning has broken, and slightly better weather has come with it....
Jess still pretty confident she's safe, and tries to talk Christina over to her side. However, it looks like Christina is not buying what Jess is selling.
10 minutes to the nomination challenge, announces the big man.
Nominations challenge
Oh look another physical/endurance....Think you get the picture by now, as in hang on for dear life and last one standing wins the power to nominate. They are not allowed to move hands or feet from their designated spots, or it means instant elimination
Order of elimination:
New Charlotte
She is immediately summoned to the Diary Room to make her nominations, and she opts for Jess, SJ and Ari for the chopping block
Oh boy, Jess is spitting tacks, and Marley doesn't look too thrilled either. Does Jess understand the concept of this format, three have to go up and she was one of them. What part of that does she not understand?
But wait, Daniel is seriously considering using his Veto key to save Ari, as there is a danger he could be sent on his way tonight as in the front door.
Luckily Daniel has a better way of making Ari disappear, and he pitches the idea of the key to him. Sure enough the key is deployed and Ari makes his way into the bowels of the house at least until after the eviction. Looks like Jess's fate is secured, and there's the major player the previews were plugging
Personally I thought it would be Daniel himself or adorable Tilly going, yes there's always tomorrow as well, but for now I thought one of those two would be toast tonight.
And there's Ma Kruger, looking wow as usual
She carries on as normal with no Ari in his seat, but then reveals with some relish about Daniel's twist. The man of the moment has a grin like a Cheshire Cat, as they all stare daggers at him.
Not a smile to be seen apart from Daniel as the shockwaves reverberate around the room....
Jess is close to tears, obviously she knows she is probably toast and just goes into a general pitch. SJ now brings out the tears, with her usual emotional blackmail speech. As always said, win some comps then. She is so pointless along with Mary, apart from the attic those two have done nothing but floated through.
Not voting tonight:
Ari - Gone into hiding for tonight
Christina - Won the challenge
Jess and SJ as well as their votes will cancel each other out
The votes are in, and it's:
SJ - 3 votes
Jess - 4 votes
Another scalp, albeit indirectly, for Daniel as he takes out Katie's second in command
To say Marley is fuming would be a bit of an understatement, I do wonder if he will have his revenge as Hell Week comes to a close in episode 20....
Another twist is promised, don't miss 'That Sinking Feeling' next time on this page....
Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated
Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....
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