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Thursday, 8 October 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 28 - Final 6: Eviction and Final 5: HoH begins

Cody's looooooong week as HoH finally comes to an end and it will be Tyler or Christmas off to jury. Tyler looking like hot favourite to go to jury, but Christmas would be a neat consolation prize

Obviously some still watching are hoping this coming week that Cody or Nicole will find their way to jury, hopefully they will get it right this time if that is the case of those two being in those seats this time next week

Anyway back to the present, and Julie welcomes us in and she gets ready to greet Tyler or Christmas from a distance once one of them leaves

In case you missed it, the post is out there in the archive if you did, Cody won Veto.....I know, yawn. Good thing he can't play in the next HoH comp but there is still Nicole and Memphis and if one of them win you can be sure it will be whoever survives tonight and Enzo saying hello to the two seats this coming week.

Just please no more recaps of last week's triple disaster, there's only so much one can take. But then again, god knows what filler we are likely to get as there hasn't been much game talk on the feeds.

Argh, and it's ANOTHER recap of last week's disaster, thankfully a little shorter this time. Jury house finally making an appearance, so at least we'll see the non alliance members who, in my opinion, got screwed out of playing this game properly. Oh and Dani as well before Tyler or Christmas arrive.

Nicole or Christmas seem to be targets next week, but we know Cody won't allow Nicole to go on the block as their final 2 seems to be locked in as per what the wall yeller said a  few weeks ago about Cody and Nicole playing everyone.

Jury house

So far it's Ian, Day, Kevin, David and Dani

Ian finds out about Nicole's rogue vote from Day, and looks really gutted even though he says he isn't. Will be interesting to see where his vote goes in jury. On a side note, Day did apologise to David in the house about being mad at him, yes in the house as a wall yeller revealed the truth about Nicole's deceit. Wall yellers are not something that are talked about in these episodes, so may be a bit confusing to the casuals who only follow the episodes. But also, listening to a few podcasts David did admit in some interviews he didn't do any homework as in not watching previous seasons before going in.

Back to the jury house, and enter Dani. She immediately says she played a much better game than Nicole. Then why is she in jury house then and not Nicole.... Seriously, Dani, so so bitter just because you went out. Accept it, and stop saying you are not bitter when you really are.

Eviction vote

Why do they keep trying to persuade us this is the best final 6, when it's clearly one of the worst

As expected, it's adios to Tyler and then there were 5, thankfully though none of this 5 left are in the running for America's Favourite Player, suppose that's something. Looks like that honour is going to go to Janelle or Day.

Another week at least, of smug Christmas, but unfortunately the danger of Nicole winning goes up a notch

HoH comp

Cody is ineligible to play as outgoing HoH

Balance competition which won't be finished in this episode, so it's onto episode 29. The objective is to get all their pumpkins into their respective baskets at the end of their beam and balance on the beam while loading up. If they fall off their beam or any pumpkins fall out of their basket they have to start over again

Shout outs

The Secret Alliance - http://thesecretalliance.com/

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and party on.....

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