Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday, 1 October 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 25 - Triple Eviction

Roll up, roll up. The triple eviction is upon us, and the big alliance finally has to say bye bye to some of its numbers once they dispose of Kevin, even though it does seem academic now that one of them is probably going to win this whole thing to the surprise of absolutely nobody.

Cody has all the power for a few more hours, but whoever survives out of Kevin or David will have to have a few comps of their lives tonight. Not getting my hopes up though, and it will be yet another few wins for the alliance. Changed my predictions slightly for tonight as well, as in Kevin out for sure and now I think Christmas and Dani will be out as well.

Still not caring about this alliance imploding, they should have been taken out weeks ago but they have steam rolled this house to shit, and....well you know the rest if you have been watching the show or reading these posts

Anyway, to tonight's proceedings and remember it is a 2 hour show with so much to fit in as there will be comps galore, and 3 evictions obviously. I do wonder about all the bits in between as there hasn't been much game talk in there, but there is a rumour production have, through Dr. Will, tipped them off about the triple tonight so will be interesting to see their reaction.

4 comps announced for tonight as the voiceover says

Cue the usual edit to make it look like this first eviction is going to be close when it's really not, and dam it, it is true. They HAVE been tipped off about tonight, and David of all people indirectly works it out shortly afterwards. Thanks a lot, production, some of us were actually looking forward to seeing their shocked little faces.

Eviction #1

As expected, Kevin is the first evictee tonight, and becomes the 3rd jury member for this season

HoH comp

No powers anymore, so Cody as outgoing HoH is ineligible to play in this first comp of the evening

Looks like a Q and A comp about Dr. Will, straight elimination if it's a wrong answer. Last houseguest standing is temporary HoH #1 of the evening

*SIGH* Notch another one up for the alliance as Memphis is the first HoH of this evening, oh I do wonder who he is going to nominate

Noms ceremony

Memphis nominates David and Nicole.....So predictable from Memphis. 'nuff said.

Veto comp

Joining Memphis, Nicole and David in this comp will be Tyler, Dani and Christmas

This next competition they have to go across their respective balance beams and rearrange a puzzle from Fire to Ice. First houseguest to complete the task and push the bell will win Veto

Another predictable alliance win as Christmas wins the comp and Veto. She decides not to use it. Big surprise...not. Such chicken shit in this alliance.

Eviction #2

And the honour of evictee #2 for tonight is of course David, and with that that is all the non alliance members gone. Enzo with the decisive vote to get rid of Nicole, and he screwed it right up.

HoH comp 2 of the night

An absolute clanger is dropped as production fail to take Julie off the screen, and as the houseguests flood back to the living room they see the words TRIPLE EVICTION scrolling behind Julie. You really couldn't write this....Oh wait in this season you can. I suspect Julie will be having a few words to some people backstage once this episode is wrapped up.

Memphis ineligible to play in this one

More questions and it's the traditional What Happened When, as in answering questions about past events this season. Last houseguest standing wins.

Little point in saying another alliance win now, and it's TYLER who takes the penultimate win of the evening

Noms ceremony

Tyler nominates Dani and Nicole

Veto comp

Joining Tyler, Dani and Nicole will Christmas, Cody and Enzo

Same competition as the first Veto comp, so no explanation necessary

And it's Tyler taking the final win of the evening, hmmmm wonder if he will use the Veto. In a evening of complete surprises, he does not. Dani or Nicole, who goes...THEY decide and most viewers don't care now


As most expected, Dani is the 3rd and final evictee of this evening. Sorry, just no energy left but most have to soldier on to the end of this season.

So it's on to episode 26, and most if not everyone out here just don't care what happens now. You know whoever wins should cut that winners cheque into 3 pieces, one for themself, one part for Derrick and the remaining part for Dan

Shout outs

The Secret Alliance - http://thesecretalliance.com/

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and party on dudes....

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