So it's bye bye to Tyler, who makes his debut in jury. Christmas still hanging on in there, as the worst final 6 become the worst final 5 for this season
Just all too easy for Cody and Nicole right now, despite the wall yeller tipping everyone off a few weeks that those two were playing everyone, and there they are heading into final 5. Imperative to split these two up, but given the sheep mentality of the biggest alliance, and the fact said alliance have been too chicken shit to make big moves all season, who is going to have the balls to do it if/when the time comes.
Although it does feel somewhat irrelevant, who wins? Who the hell cares. Let's just get this season done and brushed under the carpet.
HoH comp
In case you missed the end of the last show, this competition involves stacking pumpkins in a basket at the end of each houseguests balance beam. If a pumpkin falls out of the basket, or the houseguest falls off their beam then they have to start over again with their stacking. The first houseguest to stack all pumpkins and then push the button will be the new HoH. Cody is ineligible to play as outgoing HoH.
And would you believe it, Nicole finally gets her first HoH win, lucky us eh? When she should have been out of the door in the triple if not for Enzo, now she's HoH, and you know the old saying about hell hath no fury. Just a question of who's going to go up with Christmas, I would guess.
Of all the people to win HoH, and at this stage in the game as well
Christmas is absolutely wailing out the tears, we know she feels when it comes to this season, but she is just so hysterical it would be a bit mean to laugh out loud. Be Kind protocol and all that.
And yes it will come as no shock, Nicole settles on Memphis and Christmas for the block.
Just why oh why didn't this imbeciles just listen to that wall yeller CODY AND NICOLE ARE PLAYING EVERYONE.
A rare who wants to see my HoH room segment, rare as in we hardly see them these days in the USA version, and even when she gets a letter from her other half, Nicole still finds something to complain about. Ungrateful little....
Why Enzo why, you could have made a big move in getting rid of her, and you blew it you coward.
Seriously, peeps, the footage tonight is dreadful hence the short bursts tonight. They are THAT short of game talk with this lot.
Nomination ceremony
No great shock, it's Christmas nominated along with Memphis. The convicted criminal or the racist, whoever goes if they are still on the block for the eviction episode, will anyone shed any tears or be disappointed. I certainly won't
Next up in episode 30, we have the final 5 Power of Veto where everyone plays. Two weeks of this season left, and a series that is going to be talked about for all the wrong reasons no matter who wins. Something which us in the UK are used to, especially when it came to the Five era of Big Brother.
Shout outs
BB on Blast -
Big Brother Radio -
Rob has a Podcast -
Sistah Speak -
Julie Girl -
The Secret Alliance -
Follow me -
Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking
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