And so we head into the final 4, with Memphis the latest to head to jury
Absolutely no-one was fooled by his whole 'I wasn't expecting it', when he really was. Just a formality this week, unless Christmas wins HoH or Veto she is out in 4th place. Veto would be better as it holds more power in final 4, but it's looking very slim.
When last we left the final 4, Kaysar appeared on the plasma in the living room to introduce the final 4 HoH competition which is called Knight Moves. To say they were not pleased to see him would be a bit of an understatement.
Basically, all houseguests will be on a life size chess board, and move in any direction turning the tile they have just been on. Once a tile has been turned, they cannot go on that tile and so on and so forth.
Elimination occurs when a house guest can't move in any direction. Last houseguest standing is new HoH.
Nicole can't play in this one as outgoing HoH
HoH comp
During this particular game, Enzo manages to get Cody and Nicole (or the pre-ordained final 2 as I refer to them) mad for not going along with their plan. How dare he go his own way and want this HoH.
Now Nicole is complaining about Enzo not being a team player, pot meet kettle young lady. Your loyalty in this game leaves a lot to be desired.
Oh by the way Enzo won the final 4 HoH, but it's powerless this week as already explained
Just a shame 3 of them seem to think it's still a team sport at this stage, when it should be every houseguest for themselves. What part of this do Cody and Nicole not understand, the sense of entitlement just reeks from the pre ordained final 2
Pointless who wants to see my HoH room segment, surprised they didn't put Dopey in his HoH room given how he is all talk and no big moves.
How dare Enzo not lay down and do what Cody says.....
Nicole sneezing and Christmas dancing...They really are spoiling us for footage aren't they
Nomination ceremony
Enzo nominates Christmas and Nicole, for what it's worth, as the more powerful Veto looms in the next episode. Yet again Cody escapes from being nominated, the least Enzo could have done was put Cody under some pressure this season, seeing how easy he and Nicole have had things.
But it doesn't make much difference as this week is basically Christmas's farewell week unless she wins Veto
Find out in episode 33 whether she gets the final Veto of the season, but I would say her chances are slim at best.
Shout outs
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Until next time, stay safe, stay healthy and party on, dudes.....
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