Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Friday 26 October 2018

Big Brother UK 2018 - Episode 36 - Prisoner Cell Block BB

Never before had the word inmate been more appropriate than for tonight's episode as the house has been turned into a prison

Taking the roles of the screws will be Zoe, Cameron and the invisible screw known as Sian

All the rest of them will be the lags going behind bars...To pass the task, there must be no swearing, addressing the screws as boss and being on their best behaviour at all times, but there will be a twist as we shall shortly find out. Good luck with the no swearing part with this lot I say.

Now the inmates are behind bars, so to speak, the screws are summoned by The Guv'nor to the office to receive their instructions.

The screws instructions are as follows:

As well as deciding when the inmates have yard time, as in rec time in the garden, the screws must decide on appropriate punishments when rules are broken. One of the suggestions is to get Tomasz running around.

Back to the inmates, and they have a surprise guest or should that be voice in fellow inmate Dirty Dave. Think of him as the Tree of Temptation. Anyways he tells the inmates that what the warders don't know is that he runs things, and if the inmates want the luxury budget they will have to steal back what the screws took from him and placed in their office.

The items he wants returned are a duck ornament, and also some of the screws goodies and then introduces them to the CCTV (aka live feed) so the inmates can spy on the screws and what they are saying. So they will let the housemates watch the live feed, but not us eh?

On to some yard time, and the screws pick Tomasz up on some swearing, while Cian runs off taking all three guards attention away from Akeem sneaking away to pick up said ornament and the goodies described by Dave.

The wardens are suspicious of the inmates actions, to which Cameron suspects a secret mission. Meanwhile, Lewis says he is enjoying being a misfit, and says all of the screws could be quite strict.

Now the screws are on the case, they have decided the inmates will eat in shifts. Lewis being a miserable so and so, no shock there. The cracks between him and Cameron now becoming gaping holes, as Lewis overhears Cameron call him a name and Lewis wonders if that was aimed at him.

Next steal comes in the shape of Dave's ping pong trophy, not sure is what is real and what isn't in this task as Lewis is like this most of the time anyway. This particular argument though is staged, as the distraction to get the aforementioned trophy for Dave. The fails piling up as the swear words come thick and fast.

The screws getting even more suspicious now, and the invisible woman can hear them doing the task as she puts her ear to the door. Safe to say this task is falling flat on its face, but Big Brother will probably find some way to pass them as it's tradition they usually pass the tasks near the end of the series.

Dave now giving them another task to find some hooch hidden in the garden, and also some keys hidden in the screws office. Plotting for the next distraction is fully underway....

Back to the screws, and now they are writing out reports on the inmates. Yes the inmates are listening in with that one thing one certain power hungry controller won't even let the public watch. Wonder if there is a prize in store for best behaved housemate.

Let the latest distraction begin as Lewis hides Akeem's jigsaw piece.....Another faux argument as Lewis is summoned to the Diary Room, and this is revealed to be a rouse. Next up, another plan is hatched to relieve Cameron of his keys.

Lockup time, but not is all as it seems as Dave gets back to them and tells them the screws are going to bed and as soon as they are asleep, a full scale riot is imminent.

Lewis is observing how sad Cameron looks on the CCTV, while Lewis refuses to participate in this full scale riot. Leave him be, let him be miserable on his own. Akeem and Cian sneak into the house and proceed to trash the screws office, but what's this? Cameron is getting out of bed. Look out inmates, don't get sprung right at the end of the day.

Akeem and Cian run into the toilet, and Cameron knocks at the toilet door wondering if it's locked...or could it be this spook he is obsessing about? Answers on a postcard please. Cameron makes his way to the cell, and says he saw someone outside. Now he knows there is something up as they reveal Akeem and Cian are not in the cell, and somehow he is believing what they are saying about him not locking up properly.

The inmates then bizarrely reveal they are watching, as Zoe is threatening to leave altogether. Cian then hides behind the sofa in the garden as Zoe puffs away on a cigarette. As they say in panto "He's behind you". She doesn't even look around once as she heads back to the house after her cigarette.

And that is that for this episode....To be continued in Episode 37, eviction number 7. Akeem, Tomasz or Cian will be shown the door and it's vote to EVICT

Some breaking news as of writing, Lewis has been removed from the house for unacceptable language. The eviction is confirmed to be going ahead, and more news about Lewis's removal as and when it is revealed.

Final thoughts

Not a bad episode all things considered. I would say they have failed this task 10 times over, but I suspect Big Brother will find some loophole to pass them. Shame about Akeem getting more outside info, but what the hell as it is the last few days of the show on this channel and I guess they will all get letters or some sort of contact with their loved ones if they are still in there, before the end. They always do.

As always, my thanks to everyone reading these posts, and please keep the RT's, likes, shares and comments incoming.

In case you missed BB on Blast's latest podcast, you can listen right here, and show the other links on the right some love. All the information about UK, USA and Canada you could possibly need.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and #savebbuk

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