Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday 3 October 2018

Big Brother UK 2018 - Episode 16 - Going Going Gone

No, not another Big Brother auction. Kay has left the house, and boy was it chaotic as you will find out

Along with Kay's departure, tonight's episode sees Big Brother reveal who is facing the public vote pre-Veto

So without further ado, let's get those lights on and get this day started

From the get go, we find out Kay had stayed in the spare room overnight after her argument with Lewis. The countdown to her departure begins. They are wondering where Kay is, and someone mentions the spare room. Lewis says he regrets raising his voice to her.

Tomasz and Isaac talk about their favourite subject in Akeem, before welcoming Kay back. Kay is straight to the Diary Room, and she is torn between staying and going. She is really grating, as she is loving the airtime this is bringing her.

Tomasz holding court in the garden in regards to Kay, while the lady of the moment emerges from the Diary Room saying she will see how the day goes. As in 'I am going to see if anyone gives me the attention I want and try to stop me from walking'.

Tomasz says his game is to grasp every opportunity he can, and how long before everyone else figures it out or he reveals everything. I give it not long on either count and he will be out around the halfway point.

Nominations reveal time and while most of us knew this already, it will be Akeem, Brooke, Isaac, Kay and Kenaley on the block pre Veto. Cian as the richest housemate will also participate in the Veto. Cian and Zoe are on the right track as they speculate about Brooke and Kenaley, but come to the wrong conclusion.

Tomasz strongly hints he will use his Extra Life power on Isaac. I can think of better people to use it on, so we can rid the house of Isaac. But of course Tomasz doesn't care who he treads on to get ahead. Remember it's a game, and he is playing to win to many people's annoyance. He says he loves everyone when he talks about said Extra Life, but that is not entirely accurate.

Akeem is surprised about being on the block, don't worry pal you are probably not going anywhere this week. He thinks Kay will go, how little he knows about what is about to come.

Party with a twist up next. In case you are not familiar with Big Brother Canada, the premise of this party is for them to remember anything and everything about this party. The trick is that they will be blind drunk by the end of the night, but will be hungover by the time Big Brother pull the task on them as in the memory quiz. Akeem realises there is a catch.

Tomasz bitching about Akeem yet again. Seriously what is this guy's problem with Akeem. Biggest threat to him winning I would think, but guess we'll never know for sure as there is bound to be all sorts of theories. Only Tomasz knows for sure.

Isaac now trying to find out what Zoe's taste of men is, while Kay is in the bathroom. Just keep her away from the fire exit. Wish she would just hurry up and get the hell out of there. 

Another blazing row ensues between Kay and Lewis, which prompts her to storm to the Diary Room. This time she is practically banging on the walls to go, to which Big Brother finally relents

She then goes to tell everyone she is going, obviously hoping they will talk her out of it. No such luck as they are practically chucking her out of the door. 

Lewis now feeling sorry for himself in the bathroom, first sign of madness that is. Save your pity for yourself, nobody's interested. Brooke speculates it could now be a double eviction, while Lewis is now venting to Cameron.

To be continued in Episode 17, when we find out who wins the Veto and if it will be used. Not to mention finding out if Tomasz uses his Extra Life power on someone

Final thoughts

Surely Kay knew what she was signing up for when she applied for this show, did she really expect it be a nice easy ride as it has been on this show up to last year. Anyways, she's gone and it has since been announced that Cameron will be taking her place in the Veto competition. This series continues to deliver, it's just a shame some won't give it a chance as there is always something for everyone in this series. Gameplay, showmance, arguments. The list is endless. Will be interesting to see the trivia element of the North American format deployed in the UK version, and hopefully there won't be so many takes like last week.

Anyways, thank you for reading if you have made it this far and please keep the RT's, likes, shares and comments coming. They are all appreciated very much

Be sure to check out Big Brother Radio for all the latest discussion about house events right here and also be sure to check out BB on Blast's latest helping right here

Show the other links on the right some love as well to keep up to date with any news regarding UK, USA or Canada

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and #savebbuk.....

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Richie, loved the lady of the moment comment!
