Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Sunday 21 October 2018

Big Brother UK 2018 - Episode 31 - Double Trouble, Coins and Bubble

Good day, fellow citizens, as we head into Double Eviction night

In case you missed it it will be a whole week of Big Brother in one night, and boy is it going to feel rushed. You know what UK housemates are like when it comes to these sort of live twists, as in fidgeting and not listening to simple instructions

Here's how it will work:

  • Brief highlights
  • First eviction and interview
  • Speed nominations
  • Veto
  • 2nd eviction and interview
Sounds simple enough but the overacting sometimes comes into play when they know exactly who they want to nominate

May I just say on a side note, when this show ends on this channel I will NOT miss those blasted WHOOP WHOOP's one little bit

That being said, let's crack on with this marathon show and remember no shopping task in this episode as that was concluded yesterday, and they PASSED

Into house action we go, no matter how brief. Talk is already about Hussain and Zoe says she will move to a different room if he comes into her vicinity. 

Tomasz wants the gossip on Isabella's bed sharing with Lewis. What has it got to do with him, he's so determined to get every scrap of information to use against other housemates. 

Little ray of sunshine Lewis in his usual good mood talking about Hussain. Don't worry Lewis, he will most likely be gone soon the way he's been carrying on.

Zoe and Hussain are clearing the air, a stark difference to the last episode when she was all but saying she would be ripping his head off. A short while later, she reports back to HQ as in some of the other housemates.

Cameron exhibiting signs of jealousy as in Lewis sharing a bed with Isabella. Back to the garden, Zoe says she can't wait to get out of the house and make real friends without having it look like she's making an alliance. Lewis is in the Diary Room talking to Big Brother about Isabella. No chance of a showmance there I would think, and we don't need ANY showmances. No siree bob.

And that's it for the highlights, and Emma announces Cameron has had a hair cut and Lewis has kicked off at them. And the reason for that particular announcement was....? Answers on a postcard please

Eviction #1

In case you missed it, it was Lewis, Tomasz and Hussain facing this first vote. Although it does seem inevitable who will go, and HUSSAIN is indeed announced as first out in this particular show. Not really surprising given how he's been acting these last few episodes. Only got himself to blame as he comes out to a crescendo of boos from the baying mob.

Obviously a lot to cover tonight, so will skip over these interviews......

Note, Hussain's interview did drag on a bit, but let's not worry about that as it's speed nominations up next

Speed nominations

Bizarrely, Cameron has been made immune just because he is top of the leaderboard. Off we go....

Akeem nominates Lewis and Isabella
Brooke nominates Isabella and Lewis
Cameron nominates Isabella and Sian
Cian nominates Lewis and Akeem
Isabella nominates Akeem and Brooke
Lewis nominates Tomasz and Akeem
Sian (who?) nominates Lewis and Akeem
Tomasz nominates Cian and Lewis
Zoe nominates Akeem and Isabella

Lewis, Akeem and Isabella will participate in the Veto, along with Cameron and 2 others of Cameron's choosing. He picks ZOE and TOMASZ. Isabella says she will refuse to leave if there is going to be no crowd. They will get you out of there, Isabella, even if they to get security in there to carry you out.

Veto competition

This competition is called Chain reaction, and it involves unraveling chains wrapped around posts in their respective lanes. But these chains are locked up with padlocks, and the housemates have a set of keys which will also unlock the buzzer at the end of their lane. The first housemate to get to the end after unlocking all their chains and then pushing the buzzer will win Veto

Winner - LEWIS

He sticks two fingers up at the housemates who nominated him, a bit of a lack of class but that is Lewis for you. He obviously chooses to save himself, but the twists don't end there.....

Eviction #2

Who goes, Cameron decides. Obviously it won't be Lewis, nor would it have been had Lewis still been on the block. Cameron has now got to choose from Akeem or Isabella. Surprisingly, he evicts ISABELLA.

Isabella still refusing to leave. Just go!!!!!!!!

Finally she does go, but not the way she should have gone. In the UK, it's who goes the public (with help from the editing) decides.

Boring interview if I'm being honest, so we'll skip over this as well. Only thing of interest was her donating her coins to LEWIS. No surprise there, so predictable.

Emma announces the final Viewer poll is open, and it's the bottom 3 going on the block this time. Reverse Week is also announced, as in housemates have to give positive reasons for nominations. Bit of an error there from Emma, as it has been done before in series 6. Other than that, that wraps up this episode.

To be continued in a 90 minute show in Episode 32, as we will see the next Big Brother Auction and I wouldn't be at all surprised to see a pass to the final being offered. Stay tuned for more details on how that auction went in the next post.

Final thoughts

Mixed night, but I think everybody got a little bit of something out of that episode. Lewis safe, Akeem safe and the two new housemates gone as quickly as they arrived. Waste of time putting them in, if I am being brutally honest as they didn't bring much to proceedings and they will quickly be forgotten about. 

And so 16 days left at time of writing this, so I just hope the show can end on a high note, and not the usual sour note that Civilian usually finished on on this channel. Will be so glad when it's off this channel and hopefully into the hands of some channel or streaming service where Endemol can run the show THEY want without any interference from power hungry controllers

That being said, thanks for reading this posts, and please keep the RT's, comments, shares and likes coming in

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Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and #savebbuk....

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