Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Monday 8 October 2018

Big Brother UK 2018 - Episode 20 - The Man who won't be King

Now that the excitement of Isaac's departure has settled down, we move closer to the halfway point. 

Plenty to play for in the upcoming Big Brother auction, and the two new housemates try and make their presence felt as they settle in. One more than the other in many ways.

All that and more in this episode recap from your friendly neighborhood Richie

So, lights on and let's get this jumbo sized episode started....

Eviction day in the Big Brother house, and before the 2 new not rights make their presence felt we still have to say goodbye to Isaac

Lucky us, straight into THAT narrative with Cameron, come on he's already 'come out' what more is there to do now with this. Show us something else, please.

Sian (who?) cuddling up with Isaac, make the most of it, Sian, as you will need a new storyline as of now. We all know who is gone by now, so no point in rehashing all that, but by the amount of tears you would think he has been sent to his death. Surely this lot have seen previous series and know the evictees are only going out to talk to Emma.

Tomasz trying very hard and failing to squeeze out the tears, he's such a phoney but I am sure he will perk up when he finds out Isaac has given him more coins and with the next auction looming and seeing what's at stake.....Let's just say he will probably be so insufferable or worse.

And now bring on the newbies, first in is Isabella. Sian and Brooke as you saw from the last episode are not happy, and here comes the new house clown in Hussain. Got evicted written all over him in 2 weeks.

Zoe and Tomasz are not happy. Isaac is NOT coming back, Zoe. Don't you know the rules, the people paid to get him out and he is OUT. Out means out, dam it just be more welcoming, Zoe.

Cian is welcome Isabella, and he seems to have forgotten to put some trousers on. Lewis has spoken about nominations again, what part of don't talk about the dam nominations does this guy not understand.

Hussain calls himself 'the king', think we have a new Bellend of the Week barring a major miracle.

Lewis already trying his luck with Isabella. Get ready to be screamed at, Isabella, when you make him angry, you wouldn't like him when he is angry. Hussain still claiming to be 'the king', way to go to make a first impression. Block meet Hussain, Hussain meet Block. Well in 1 week anyway as Hussain and Isabella can't be nominated this week.

Hussain still running his mouth, this time to Tomasz. Tomasz freely admits he is a gameplayer, oh boy talk about giving Hussain some early ammunition. Hussain has now found his way into the garden and is making some bizarre what sounds like a turkey noise. Pretty much Hussain heavy footage for a few minutes, before Isabella gives her first impressions of the housemates.

Tomasz starts planting seeds about Hussain. Feeling threatened a bit, pal? Oh hell yeah he is.

On to the next day we go, and Isabella and Hussain are starting their first full day in the house. I would say Hussain made the best or should that be the worst first impression.

Zoe has gone to the Diary Room to complain about a stomach ache, and she claims people are fake and talking behind each others backs. And she hasn't has she, pot meet kettle. She has a nerve. Did we just imagine you talking about the newbies behind their backs then? The hypocrisy.

Another jigsaw piece has been found by Hussain, surely there is a point to this jigsaw and it won't be swept under the carpet, and another piece is found as well.

Big Brother has instructed Akeem to gather everyone in the dining area as soon as Isabella and Hussain are summoned to the Diary Room. Basically, the housemates have to decide whether Isabella or Hussain get a coin bonus, that decision is to be made on Monday (or Tuesday in our case as we only have highlights to work with in this series). Seems they have already made up their minds to give the bonus to Isabella.

Leaderboard positions

Before the next auction gets underway, the current positions on the leaderboard are as follows:

Tomasz - 1,240
Cian - 853
Zoe - 830
Akeem - 592
Kenaley - 546
Brooke - 469
Sian - 540
Cameron - 452
Lewis - 355

Lewis has 455, but was deducted a further 100 coins for talking about nominations. Like that's going to worry him, and it didn't as he was laughing about it. What happens with strike 3, guess we'll have to wait and see.

Tomasz continues to try and continuously fails to squeeze out tears

Cameron his usual happy self, as he talks about the new housemates. Isabella is better spoken about, but Hussain is not.

Big Brother Auction

Hussain and Isabella cannot participate as they have not yet earned any coins.

First up is a pampering session, which is won by Lewis, and he chooses Isabella to share the hamper with

Next up is a cocktail making lesson, which is won again by Lewis and he takes along Sian, Kenaley and Cian

Finally it is an immunity from the next nominations, wonder who will win this. To no great shock, Tomasz wins the immunity. Shame they chickened out of seeing how far Tomasz would go with his coins, and perhaps knocking him off the top of the leaderboard. Think I may have risked seeing how far Tomasz would have gone, nothing would have pleased me more than to get off the top of the leaderboard.

Next up is the cocktail making party, not much to see here. You've seen one cocktail party then you've seen them for life and all that.

Tomasz has perked up as expected, and Big Brother give him an immunity badge to wear. He says he doesn't want to rub it in peoples faces, but he really does. Off he goes and immediately is loving the attention it is giving him, the guy is pathetic and so transparent. Bet it is really churning for them that they can't put him on the block, and probably won't be rid of him until near the end as Hussain has his eviction ticket stamped for next Friday.

Lewis is enjoying his pampering session with Isabella. Oh boy just what we don't need, a boring showmance shoved at us.

Fast forward, Isabella and Hussain are discussing strategy and Isabella says she says she wants to break the groups up a little, while Hussain says they can't quite work him out....Watch this space

To be continued in Episode 21.....

Final thoughts

Jury firmly out on the newbies right now. Just think though they weren't really needed at all, but we'll see how things go. Cameron's storyline is getting really boring now, and it really needs to be phased out. Hussain featuring heavily, makes it seem like he is heading for an early bath next week. Isabella adding nothing at the moment. Not very smart housemates in not making Tomasz work for that immunity, nuff said

Anyways, thank you for reading this post if you have made it this far. RT's, likes, comments and shares are always welcome and much appreciated.

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Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and #savebbuk....

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