Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Finale week - Final 4 Veto and Eviction

 So it all comes down to this Veto, to see who will join Ty in the final 3

In case you missed it amongst the BBCan awards, Ty won the pointless final 4 HoH comp and stamped his ticket to final 3, and then nominated Tera and Kiefer to no shock from anyone inside or outside the house.

Tonight's Veto winner has all the power, and everyone plays....As they get the sole vote to evict in tonight's eviction, so all to play for.

Arisa looking uber chic, as she always does....

Straight away she goes to the house, and this is where the feeds cut off the season IIRC

First up, the noms recap and of course Tera is vocal about being on the block. What else is new, as I was just saying to one of my followers on Twitter, it would not surprise me at all if she won this Veto and then goes on to win the whole thing on finale night.

Veto comp

And it's straight down to business with the final Veto comp of the season....

Escape room, and here is how it works

1. Find 3 stacks of photos and put them in order of season events
2. Crack code to deactivate laser

A little bit of physical and mental thrown in, and individually timed

Fastest time wins this very crucial Veto

Oh flaming hells bells, Tera wins the Veto and joins Ty for finale night. From floater in the first half, and then winning this Veto in the second. Her chances have gone up slightly....

Breydon or Kiefer, who goes.....She decides

And now onto the jury house, where Beth makes her loud entrance and it's showmance back on. But not if Jed's mom has anything to say about it.

Breaking it down:

Tera boots Kiefer - Her CV gets a major upgrade which will earn her some points, and she has a better chance

Tera boots Breydon - If she gets to final 2, it's pretty hard to say. Would she beat Ty or Kiefer in a jury vote. Well Ty's not too popular with the jury, so that's 50/50. Kiefer would probably beat her, but not as convincing as some are making out.

And she is genuinely torn, risk or possible reward. The decision is all in her hands


Tera decides to use the Veto on herself, which means Breydon goes on the block as Ty is HoH

She decides to evict KIEFER, perhaps to no great shock. She would have been roasted if she had booted Breydon, I reckon

So it's down to Ty, Brey and Tera for the grand prize....All to play for, and an upgraded CV for Tera.

To be concluded in the finale episode, who wins....The jury decides

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Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

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