Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Big Brother Australia 2021 - Episode 13 - No to showmances

We reach the dreaded 13th episode, and it's a showmance at dawn or so the show would like us to think and maybe coo a little over....

Intruders in so far - Mitch II (challenge) and Adriana (vote)

In trouble - Gabe, Brenton, Charlotte II and Alex. You know, I would prefer Charlotte II stayed in, the original Charlotte is STILL offering nothing

The competition heats up a little today

Same as yesterday, it's another intruder in via a challenge, and then a vote presided over by Ma Cougar Kruger. Let's see how they do... Rooting for the twins, but you know Brenton will get in so they can push this Christina nomance down our throats.

Unlikely pairing of Jess and Daniel to get us started, and Daniel is pleased that the intruders have to earn their place in there.

And we are under starters orders already for Christina and Brenton, and the big man is already teasing her about Brenton. From a competitive rivalry, to this piece of you know what storyline. We don't care about these two or a showmance.

Panic room challenge

As if we haven't suffered enough, Daniel and Sid now get a phoney task that's intended to be failed. I wonder why, oh look at that, they failed and a TOTAL shocker of a punishment.... Daniel and Sid have to pick two housemates to be overnight security guards, and it's Christina and Brenton who get the task. 

Please just hurry the eff up with this nauseous segment, as we see the prep for the nomancers and of course them getting cosy.... What the eff did we do to deserve this never ending segment

Arrrrgh, onto the next day and they are still pushing it on us...... They've only know each other 48 hours at best.

Intruder challenge

The good old keep the corn in the giant egg timer task, and it's intruders only.

As Mitch II and Adriana have already become full housemates, they are ineligible to play.

So it's down to the twins, Gabe and Brenton.....and to cut a long story short as I am still waking up from that nauseous nomance segment, another physical challenge so it's an obvious Brenton win. Who didn't see that coming, and a physical challenge to boot? oh yeah absolutely everyone and much to a lot of people's disappointment the nomance will continue.

Facing the housemates vote will be Gabe and the twins..... So could be goodbye to one or both of the twins unfortunately.

Bombshell from the twins, in that Charlotte II didn't want to apply but it would seem Alex talked her into it. Make of that what you will

Intruder ceremony

Here we go, and we get ANOTHER reminder of the nomance from Ma Cougar Kruger. Why do I get the feeling this particular nomance won't last the moment the first of them leave the house, more to the point who the hell cares about the nomance. This is not Love Island....

Charlotte II really doesn't want to be there, as she tells everyone to vote for Alex and not her. Would love to know who actually persuaded her to come on, the show or was it truly Alex.

Like yesterday, it's vote to stay

Gabe - 8 votes
Charlotte - No votes
Alex - 4 votes

Gabe is now an official housemates, and the twins are sent packing.....or are they?

Not this nonsense again, why couldn't the big man be this generous for Nick and/or Mel when they were chopped

The twins are going nowhere for now, as the big man announces the pair of them will be competing against each other for the true last spot in the house. Only one way this is going, as Charlotte II has said more than once she doesn't want to be there, so I assume this twist won't last too long with Charlotte II making no effort.

To be continued tomorrow in episode 14, and more of the nomance being promoted....Oh boy, looooooong ass episode to end this week's festivities.

Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

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