One episode ago, in a Big Brother Australia house far far away.....
KFC! The name of yesterday's game was to ignore the obvious. In this divided house, Daniel and Katie's rivalry continued. Meanwhile, Big Brother himself laid down several challenges throughout the episode ranging from dogs to cobwebs to clowns. The housemates, however, resisted all the temptations and won their KFC banquet.
Then while Charlotte and Daniel argued, Melissa and Tilly cruised to a victory in the nominations challenge, which saw them nominate Christopher, SJ and Charlotte. Christopher vanished and become one with the Force when he was voted out.
A new room is introduced, 15 become 14, and Surprise Week continues. What will the big man pull out of the hat tonight in terms of surprises....Stay tuned
And off we go, with SJ and Mary meditating while Carlos snoozes, which does not go un-noticed by the big man who first apologises for waking Carlos, and then in the same breath gives him a telling off for sleeping and makes him latino dance around the house until further notice. See what I mean about this BB taking no you know what from anyone.
And of course Daniel is trying his very poor impression of Rocky with his skipping, trying and quite regularly failing when he tries picking up speed.
Charlotte is summoned to the Diary Room, and the big man asks her who needs a makeover to which she replies Nick. He is consequently summoned to the Diary Room, and is told he needs a makeover courtesy of Charlotte and Ari.
After a little while, SJ is roped in to help as well.....
Now some complaints about the food, I'm sure the big man will sort that out pretty soon. Tilly begins to search for better food. Don't ask....Just Tilly being Tilly. But jeez she is so adorable and funny without meaning to be, please keep her in to the end.
Food task
24 hour shopping task ahoy, announces the big man
Eight alarms have been installed within the house, and somewhere in the house when one of the alarms goes off, a designated housemate will have to find the alarm. The pool alarm is underwater, so some of them will be getting wet at some point. Every successful deactivation will put $10 into the kitty for the overall shopping budget.
Christina about to get shoved into another showmance storyline, when Katie teases Mitchell about him liking her. As usual, no to showmances. Is that Mitchell's chat up line "Oi come here", no way to talk to a lady. In any case, the showmance looks on as the big man presses Christina about Mitchell. Why are they so desperate to have her in a showmance. Leave the young lady alone.....
Day becomes night, as the task continues on. Lots of blankets coming out of the bedroom into the living area, and the daily segment of Katie and Daniel's rivalry. Just a load of words, so at least they are being civil.
All their efforts are rewarded eventually with a budget of $220, but missed out on $190 more with the alarms they missed.
Oh how I have missed these gripes about the weekly shopping, whether it be UK or Australia. Daniel whining because somebody wanted to have some moisturiser. Bread is missed off the list in their hurry to do the shopping list. Tofu features highly, and it's the most of any item they have in the house.
Nominations challenge
For today's nominations challenge:
Another pairs challenge where they have to evenly distribute their weight via holding on to ropes on opposite sides of climbing frames. However as there are 15 housemates, one will have to sit out but will be immune from being nominated but can vote at the eviction ceremony. Housemates will each draw a ball, whoever gets the white ball will be immune.
And immunity goes to KATIE
The pairs are:
Mitch and Sid
Marley and Jess
Daniel and Christina
Mary and Charlotte
Ari and Nick
Melissa and Tilly
SJ and Carlos
After much panting, falling and groaning, Daniel and Christina emerge as winners. But as usual, he has to have the final say when it comes to nominations
He and Christina, well mainly him, settle on SJ, Mary and Sid as the nominations. SJ starts stirring the pot about Daniel promising her final 10, and then going back on his word. Voices getting louder, but seriously why do they always give in to this guy. It's not against the rules to stand up to him, it's not as if he's bigger than them. Come on, housemates.....
And here comes the boss lady, Ma Kruger, for the nightly grilling....Think even she's a bit perplexed about the tim tam business between Daniel and SJ, as she goes about her usual pot stirring.
And the votes are in:
SJ - 8 votes
Mary - 3 votes
Sid - 2 votes
Bye bye to SJ, or is it....
The Attic
While she's making her way out, the big man stops SJ in her tracks and opens up a new room called The Attic which she will occupy until further notice
But wait, back to the housemates and the big man announces it is a double and Mary or Sid will be 'leaving' (joining SJ in the attic as we shall soon see)
Votes are in a second time, and if there is a tie Daniel and Christina will have the casting vote
Mary - 5
Sid - 5
And joining SJ in the attic will be MARY, as chosen by Christina and Daniel, pretty much rinse and repeat from above for SJ and off she goes to The Attic.
Basically, another secret room where the 'old bats' can listen in on conversations and probably watch them as well at some point, and that's probably only the tip of the iceberg with the surprises we've seen so far, and they haven't disappointed so far.
What other features will The Attic have? Will Mary and/or SJ go back in? Find out in episode 7, at this summary page soon. But be warned, the best is probably still to come.
Shout outs to Big Brother's Big Eye and also BB on Blast
And for what's remaining of Big Brother Canada or the run up to BBUSA
Julie Girl -
Rob has a Podcast -
Hello Friends -
Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated
Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....
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