A new fresh week, citizens...
Monster Mitch has shuffled out the door, as the Walking Dead casualty and the showmance survived by their fingernails.
But no sooner has WD week finished, it's time to unleash the kraken as the big man goes into beast mode with Hell Week.
Could have serious potential if he plays this right, don't mean to be rude but some are just floating through at the moment. Yes SJ and Mary in particular, I am looking at you. It's time for this house to be shaken up, turned upside down and inside out.
On to this episode we go, and we start with SJ who I may add is getting more like Carole from UK series 8 by the day, emotional blackmail, food hoarding....It's all there, just need the kitchen to be taken over by her and then we have the full set.
Speaking of food hoarding, there she is munching away on her secret supply. Surely the big man can't keep ignoring this and will rat her out eventually. What is he waiting for, why does she keep getting the best treatment in there. If that was a younger housemate, he would have ratted them out ages ago.
Absolute scorcher over the house, and some would say appropriately for what's in store for this week, and the big man not pulling any punches from the off with an air raid siren, and him ordering the housemates into the garden quite sternly. Sacks of potatoes are lined up, one for each housemate.
The big man announces 'welcome to hell' or words to that effect, and then announces for today the housemates will carry around their respective sacks all day in an elaborate boot camp. The reward being steak and chips if they are successful, and Ari's face lights up at that reward. Let's see if he's smiling in a few hours time, as we all know what show it is, it wouldn't be Big Brother without some delicious little twists thrown in.
Look at that, Ari's complaining already.....
The big man proceeds to order the housemates into the pool with their sacks, and Ari still complaining. Suck it up, lad. What did you think this show was going to be, a nice free holiday?
Next up it's 50 star jumps while holding their sacks.... If only BBUK could have had a week like this to whip them into shape.
And it's back to the pool when the big man overhears Adriana saying it's too hot when he has them laying down and holding the sacks above their heads. Mary is told off for not carrying her sack around, and the big man warns of the consequences if they are spotted without their sack.
Gamewise, Jess is still quite hurt about Daniel leaving the alliance and plans with her cohorts to get him out when the situation presents itself. She confidently thinks she or Marley will win the next challenge, oh hang on what's this, Christina ratting out Jess's alliance to Daniel.
Looks like Daniel's got a new rivalry with Katie's second in command, but there's that siren again......
You know what Ari's doing, and now the big man has them all marching around the house with their sacks......
Sick buckets ready everyone, the daily nomance promotion is up shortly
But before that, it's Daniel rushing to the Diary Room when the big man calls, and it's another secret mission.... Daniel has to carry around a fake sack and pretend it's the same heavy sack everyone else has, and it's a fail if the others suspect or outright call him out. The reward will be revealed in due course if he passes.
He really lays it on thick in the next part of today's task, and they are completely fooled already judging by some of their reactions.
A short while later, time for the siren again
More exercises with the sacks in tow, before the big man announces boot camp is over and tells everyone to bring their sacks to the Diary Room. Stakes await them as in wooden stakes, while they have to make their own chips from the potatoes they already have in their possession.
Meanwhile, Daniel finds out he has passed his secret mission, and gets to share a ready cooked steak and chips with a housemate of his choice. No surprise, Daniel picks Adriana.
New Charlotte has really settled in, after previously admitting that she didn't want to be in there.....
Look out, show/faux/nomance alert with slurpage sound effects this time. Less said the better. Can one of these two go, and pronto amigo?
Thankfully it's only brief, and now onto 2am and the siren sounds again... 15 minutes to the nominations challenge
Nominations challenge
Yes another physical challenge
Two teams, Red and Blue. Premise is simple, 1 v 1 as in Red v Blue and one from each team have to get down the slide and they have to tug o war a pair of rings and whoever gets the rings into their respective coloured squares wins the point for their team
Captains are Marley (Red) and Brenton (Blue)
Blue team - Jess, Christina, Sid, SJ, Daniel
Red team - Tilly, New Charlotte, Ari, Mary, Adriana
Match ups
Brenton v Marley - Red
Tilly v Christina - Red
SJ v Mary - Blue
New Charlotte v Jess - Blue
Daniel v Ari - Red
Marley's team win the power to nominate
Bit of a kick in the teeth though, for all the promotion of Daniel v Jess sort of fizzled out as they were on the same team. Maybe next time.....
Red team to the Diary Room and they decide to nominate Christina, Brenton and SJ
Christina claims she and Brenton are in a power couple. Oh please you haven't won anything between yourselves. Hardly power couple material. This one is over as soon as one of them leaves. Apparently on social media, Christina has a secret fella outside, don't know how reliable the source is though. So please don't swing out at me, as I'm only passing it on.
Enter Ma Cougar Kruger.....Looking as chic as always I may add. Ker-ching, she's straight in there about the nomance. Give it a rest, no disrespect but nobody cares as in us or housemates. On and on and on like Ariston it goes.
And now a few questions about loyalty to Daniel. Here we go, and here comes the emotional blackmail. "Keep me in, so I can be the oldest winner" from SJ. Well win some comps and then we'll talk about a vote if you get to the end, SJ.
Voting time, and as it was a team challenge everybody will vote tonight
SJ - 3 votes
Christina - 1 vote
Brenton - 8 votes
Yippee!!!!!! End of the nomance at last..... Now please leave Christina alone, so she can play her own game. No more forcing a showmance on her, please?
And she doesn't give a dam as he walks out, bet she won't be pining for him. Especially if said rumour about her is actually true.
So we move onto part 2 of Hell Week tomorrow, what new villainy is the big man up to?
To be continued in Episode 19
Shout outs to Big Brother's Big Eye, BB on Blast and of course Nana Big. On a side note, big thanks to Nana Big for the follow back on Twitter. Really appreciate that :)
Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated
Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....