Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Monday, 31 May 2021

Big Brother Australia 2021 - Episode 18 - Road to Hell

A new fresh week, citizens...

Monster Mitch has shuffled out the door, as the Walking Dead casualty and the showmance survived by their fingernails.

But no sooner has WD week finished, it's time to unleash the kraken as the big man goes into beast mode with Hell Week.

Could have serious potential if he plays this right, don't mean to be rude but some are just floating through at the moment. Yes SJ and Mary in particular, I am looking at you. It's time for this house to be shaken up, turned upside down and inside out.

On to this episode we go, and we start with SJ who I may add is getting more like Carole from UK series 8 by the day, emotional blackmail, food hoarding....It's all there, just need the kitchen to be taken over by her and then we have the full set.

Speaking of food hoarding, there she is munching away on her secret supply. Surely the big man can't keep ignoring this and will rat her out eventually. What is he waiting for, why does she keep getting the best treatment in there. If that was a younger housemate, he would have ratted them out ages ago.

Absolute scorcher over the house, and some would say appropriately for what's in store for this week, and the big man not pulling any punches from the off with an air raid siren, and him ordering the housemates into the garden quite sternly. Sacks of potatoes are lined up, one for each housemate. 

The big man announces 'welcome to hell' or words to that effect, and then announces for today the housemates will carry around their respective sacks all day in an elaborate boot camp. The reward being steak and chips if they are successful, and Ari's face lights up at that reward. Let's see if he's smiling in a few hours time, as we all know what show it is, it wouldn't be Big Brother without some delicious little twists thrown in.

Look at that, Ari's complaining already..... 

The big man proceeds to order the housemates into the pool with their sacks, and Ari still complaining. Suck it up, lad. What did you think this show was going to be, a nice free holiday?

Next up it's 50 star jumps while holding their sacks.... If only BBUK could have had a week like this to whip them into shape.

And it's back to the pool when the big man overhears Adriana saying it's too hot when he has them laying down and holding the sacks above their heads. Mary is told off for not carrying her sack around, and the big man warns of the consequences if they are spotted without their sack.

Gamewise, Jess is still quite hurt about Daniel leaving the alliance and plans with her cohorts to get him out when the situation presents itself. She confidently thinks she or Marley will win the next challenge, oh hang on what's this, Christina ratting out Jess's alliance to Daniel.

Looks like Daniel's got a new rivalry with Katie's second in command, but there's that siren again......

You know what Ari's doing, and now the big man has them all marching around the house with their sacks......

Sick buckets ready everyone, the daily nomance promotion is up shortly

But before that, it's Daniel rushing to the Diary Room when the big man calls, and it's another secret mission.... Daniel has to carry around a fake sack and pretend it's the same heavy sack everyone else has, and it's a fail if the others suspect or outright call him out. The reward will be revealed in due course if he passes.

He really lays it on thick in the next part of today's task, and they are completely fooled already judging by some of their reactions.

A short while later, time for the siren again

More exercises with the sacks in tow, before the big man announces boot camp is over and tells everyone to bring their sacks to the Diary Room. Stakes await them as in wooden stakes, while they have to make their own chips from the potatoes they already have in their possession.

Meanwhile, Daniel finds out he has passed his secret mission, and gets to share a ready cooked steak and chips with a housemate of his choice. No surprise, Daniel picks Adriana.

New Charlotte has really settled in, after previously admitting that she didn't want to be in there..... 

Look out, show/faux/nomance alert with slurpage sound effects this time. Less said the better. Can one of these two go, and pronto amigo?

Thankfully it's only brief, and now onto 2am and the siren sounds again... 15 minutes to the nominations challenge

Nominations challenge

Yes another physical challenge

Two teams, Red and Blue. Premise is simple, 1 v 1 as in Red v Blue and one from each team have to get down the slide and they have to tug o war a pair of rings and whoever gets the rings into their respective coloured squares wins the point for their team

Captains are Marley (Red) and Brenton (Blue)

Blue team - Jess, Christina, Sid, SJ, Daniel

Red team - Tilly, New Charlotte, Ari, Mary, Adriana

Match ups

Brenton v Marley - Red
Tilly v Christina - Red
SJ v Mary - Blue
New Charlotte v Jess - Blue
Daniel v Ari - Red

Marley's team win the power to nominate

Bit of a kick in the teeth though, for all the promotion of Daniel v Jess sort of fizzled out as they were on the same team. Maybe next time.....

Red team to the Diary Room and they decide to nominate Christina, Brenton and SJ

Christina claims she and Brenton are in a power couple. Oh please you haven't won anything between yourselves. Hardly power couple material. This one is over as soon as one of them leaves. Apparently on social media, Christina has a secret fella outside, don't know how reliable the source is though. So please don't swing out at me, as I'm only passing it on.


Enter Ma Cougar Kruger.....Looking as chic as always I may add. Ker-ching, she's straight in there about the nomance. Give it a rest, no disrespect but nobody cares as in us or housemates. On and on and on like Ariston it goes.

And now a few questions about loyalty to Daniel. Here we go, and here comes the emotional blackmail. "Keep me in, so I can be the oldest winner" from SJ. Well win some comps and then we'll talk about a vote if you get to the end, SJ.

Voting time, and as it was a team challenge everybody will vote tonight

SJ - 3 votes
Christina - 1 vote
Brenton - 8 votes

Yippee!!!!!! End of the nomance at last..... Now please leave Christina alone, so she can play her own game. No more forcing a showmance on her, please?

And she doesn't give a dam as he walks out, bet she won't be pining for him. Especially if said rumour about her is actually true.

So we move onto part 2 of Hell Week tomorrow, what new villainy is the big man up to? 

To be continued in Episode 19

Shout outs to Big Brother's Big EyeBB on Blast and of course Nana Big. On a side note, big thanks to Nana Big for the follow back on Twitter. Really appreciate that :)

Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Big Brother Australia 2021 - Episode 17 - The Dead Walk (out the door)

The end of another week in the Big Brother Australia house is near, as the third and final Walking Dead housemate is selected, and then one of the dead walk out the door with the other two returning to the house.
In case you missed it, the unlucky 3 will have some restrictions bestowed upon them. Those being:

One foot out of the door, no vote and no taking part in tasks or challenges

Meanwhile in the house, Jess confidently feels she and her team are running the house, and SJ thinks everyone else in the house is a bit scared of said team. No I haven't forgotten about the lovebirds, as in Brenton and Christina. Sooner that's over with the better, can't see that one lasting too long out of the house.

And speaking of birds, feathers will be ruffled today as the housemates are woken to the sound of birds chirping, and suddenly they find the house has been completely over-run with birds of all types.

Sofa gatherage announces the big man, and he announces today's shopping task will involve counting ALL of the birds, and then says more will be flown in over the course of the day. $500 up for grabs, and within 100. If outside of the 100 range, the task will be failed and it will be basic rations.

Reminder, New Mitch and Christina are ineligible to take part as part of the Walking Dead twist

Tilly being her usual unintentionally funny self in the Diary Room, when she's introduced to another bird who is called Squawk. 

"Does this one count?" Big man: "What do you think"

Adriana, meanwhile, is not happy with all these birds in the house and is really panicking at the mere sight of them, freaking out at the pigeon in the laundry.

Ari his usual charming self, saying that Charlotte can't count and a few of them are stupid, or words to that effect.

Look out, there's a huge crane looming with a crate full of rubber ducks, and yes said rubber ducks are dumped into the pool or thereabouts.

And then a load of flamingos (not real ones) materialise from a balloon popped in the Diary Room by SJ and Mary....

A short while later, 9,230 is guessed. Pass or fail? It is a fail....7,580 is the actual answer, and believe it or not Ari said 7,500 moments earlier. They suggest they kill a quail or duck, to which the big man quickly chimes in and says NO animals will be killed.

Back to the nomance, PLEASE can one of those two be gone today so we can concentrate on what's left of this game. This is NOT Love Island.

Nothing but tuna for a week, although I suspect somebody will get a nice and easy unfailable secret task soon enough so they can get a few tinnies and food down their necks. Well it always happened in the darker second era of BBUK. 

Anyway, looks like the Daniel and Jess alliance is crumbling very rapidly. Daniel says he must take down the strongest alliance, causing Jess to run to the big man to have a little whine. What part of must turn on each other eventually does Jess not understand.... Every housemate for themselves

Nominations challenge

Yep, another endurance one....

Basically something taken from BB North America, as in hold onto something, lean forward and hang on the wall. 

Last one standing wins the noms power

Order of elimination:

New Charlotte

Tilly wins her 5th challenge, and in doing so sets a new record of 5 challenge wins. It should be noted how well SJ did in this one. Unfortunately though, with breaking this record it does tend to put a larger target on your back. I do fear for Tilly next week, will put that out there now but at the same time....So proud of her for breaking the record.

Tilly nominates Brenton to be the third and final Walking Dead housemate


Reminder, if you need one by now.... As per this week's twist, Christina, Brenton and New Mitch are not allowed to vote, and Tilly as challenge winner is not allowed to vote either.

Ma Cougar Kruger looking as wow as always. Nearly at the end of this twist now, but still mentions of this nomance. Please let it be over, please. Although it will probably be Mitch going, as a big challenge threat. I will take that as a consolation prize, even though the nomance will be shoved down our throats at every given opportunity while they are both still there.

Ma Kruger wastes little time in asking Christina and Brenton if they would vote each other out. Brenton doesn't really answer the question, as in changing the subject. So I would take that as a yes.

Anyway, onto the votes

Brenton - 4 votes
New Mitch - 8 votes
Christina - No votes

Happy with that, if a little disappointed we get the nomance shoved on us for at least another few days. 

And so ends Walking Dead week, and next week it's brutal as Hell Week is unleashed 

And if you want to find out what that is all about, tune in next time for Episode 18 as the finish line gets ever closer

Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Big Brother Australia 2021 - Episode 16 - Set Balance Beam to Stun

And so we move onto part 2 of Walking Dead week, citizens, and today we find out who will join Christina in the panic room

What is this Walking Dead business, you ask? Well essentially loss of housemates rights as in banned from tasks and challenges, no vote in the selection ceremony for the next Walking Dead housemate and more importantly one foot out of the door, as in the 3 housemates who end up being Walking Dead housemates are all on the block in the final episode of the week. One will leave, but the other two will be let loose back in the house

Christina was the first to be voted into the Panic Room, temporarily ending the nomance...or does it. Will she be allowed visitors, that's up to the big man to decide. Hopefully it's a resounding no, but if there's a loophole, I'm sure it will be found.

On to tonight's festivities....

Quite a change for the Panic Room, which is now the Halfway Room as the big man calls it. He explains what's at stake for Christina and the other 2 housemates. Oh she is allowed visitors as the housemates look through the small sliding panel, and here comes her nomance partner. Clean out those buckets and pass them around.

Christina is planning her revenge, as in 'how dare they vote me into this room'. I'm sure they'll be terrified, Christina. You are in that room for a reason, accept it.

More messages from home next up, as we see the screen light up with their nearest and dearest, bit the messages are only brief. Anyway, today's task involves replicating an ice swan from their own blocks of ice.

2 hour limit and it's a pairs task, and whoever 'impresses' the big man the most with their sculptures will get an extended message to the people they just saw on the big screen.


Sid and SJ
Daniel and Adriana
Mary and Brenton
Ari and Tilly
Marley and Jess
New Mitch and New Charlotte

Reminder, Christina is not eligible to play as per the Walking Dead housemate rules for this week

When all is said and done, New Mitch and New Charlotte emerge victorious, but hand over their prize to Sid and Jess. Very commendable as the newbies have only been there a week.

Jess thinks she is now running the house, something which SJ and Daniel may have overheard. Oh boy, talk about putting a target on her back.

Back at the halfway room, Tilly and Christina discuss getting rid of a physical threat... Enter SJ, she is saying a lot of people are living in fear due to Jess running the house. She is seriously thinking of trying to get Jess out, saying Jess is using everyone in her back pocket. So win the challenge then, SJ. She starts gathering the troops....

The big man announces the next challenge will begin shortly....

Nominations challenge

Another physical challenge, but you probably knew that already.

Christina is ineligible to play, but she is allowed out of the Halfway Room to spectate this challenge.

1 v 1, with the winner progressing to the next round. Four rounds in total.

Two at a time on a beam, rocking and shaking allowed to make the other fall off the beam. If a housemate uses their hands or feet they will be disqualified.


Marley v Daniel - Marley eliminated
New Mitch v Adriana - New Mitch eliminated
Ari v New Charlotte - Ari eliminated
SJ v Brenton - SJ eliminated
Sid v Tilly - Sid eliminated
Jess v Mary - Mary eliminated

Round 2

Added twist with the big man announcing a speed round, as in the fastest housemate to win their heat will go straight through to the final round

New Charlotte v Jess - New Charlotte eliminated
Brenton v Daniel - Brenton eliminated
Tilly v Adriana - Adriana eliminated

Tilly straight through as fastest winner

Play off to face Tilly

Daniel v Jess - Daniel eliminated

Final round

Tilly v Jess - Jess eliminated

Woohoo!!!!! Tilly wins and will get the nomination power today, and I love it that New Mitch and Marley were out early. So all in all a pretty good outcome all round.

Tilly nominates Ari, Mitch and Brenton

Sensible talk from Jess, as in putting Brenton in there with Christina. Well, half sensible as we would have to watch them in the Halfway Room together, the big man having plenty of footage to work with to shove the nomance at us even more than usual. Not my idea of fun, personally, as with a lot of people out there. But Jess makes the good point, we could be rid of one of the nomance.

I reckon he will go in there today or tomorrow, if not today no big deal. One day less of them swapping saliva, I'm not bothered.

All hands to the eviction room, here we go.....

Ma Cougar Kruger looking chic as always. She reminds them of the Walking Dead rules before she starts her usual stirring and grenade chucking. She does not resist the chance to get a mention in about the nomance, expressing surprise when Christina admits she would not want Brenton in the Halfway Room with her. You can never tell Christina wants all those lovely glossy mag deals when she gets out and if she is still with Brenton.

Brenton puts out a plea, roughly resembling "Please don't put me in there with her". Doesn't sound like a really honourable thing to say to me; if he was really into her he'd love to be in there with her.

Tilly is ineligible to vote as challenge winner, and you know the score with Christina

Ari - No votes
New Mitch - 6 votes
Brenton - 5 votes

And it's New Mitch taking the honour of the 2nd Walking Dead housemate, so that means the same restrictions as Christina. He seems very cool about the whole thing.

Who will become the 3rd and final Walking Dead housemate, and who will be next to take the walk of shame? To be continued tomorrow in Episode 17

Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Monday, 24 May 2021

Big Brother Australia 2021 - Episode 15 - Positively shocking

And it's Walking Dead. No, not that kind of week where the house gets invaded by the undead, or in simple terms people in walker/zombie makeup....

Far from it, just another themed week from the big man with a fancy title. 

To put it simply, and I'll put the rules in now save typing them up later further down the page

No eviction until the end of this week's episode, probably because of Gabe quitting and we also lost one half of the twins in Alex and also original Charlotte got evicted.

Anyway, back to the present, and 3 housemates will be appointed as 'Walking Dead' housemates. The rules are simple for those three who get the nod as in:

They will stay in the Halfway Room, as in The Panic Room. No privileges for the week, no voting in the eviction and no taking part in the tasks or nominations challenges. It also means one foot out of the door as the three WD housemates will face the chopping block in episode 17, one will go and the other two will go back in.

That's it basically.... 

On to house action we go, and Brenton is snoring away and already we are getting the nomance shoved in our faces, as the big man teases Christina about Brenton saying she has put on perfume and lip gloss just to talk to him.....Please not a whole episode of those two making doe eyes at each other.

Oh great, and now she's climbing into bed with him. What have we done that's so bad to deserve this storyline. 

Time for the guest stars at last, as in Daniel and Adriana in the Diary Room with the big man saying if Daniel has told Adriana about his Ferrari and new book.....

All housemates summoned to the garden after a conversation about food segment, and something the UK viewers are all too familiar with, especially in the dark second era. Yes it's the shock suits or a suitable facsimile with the housemates strapped up with muscle contraction electrodes.

They will be shocked at random while collecting food from the Big Brother kitchen, and to say the garden gets a little messy would be a bit of an understatement.

Have to say though, some of the faces Jess pulls as she takes her glass of wine to the table. Actually one of the better challenges of the series, no seriously. These are funny if done once and once only rather than the number of times the darker 2nd era of BBUK did these shock tasks, and overegged the pudding to the point where the shock tasks were just meh near the end.

Time now for Ari to step forward after the task, and he admits some of the housemates are getting wise to him. Now he decides to head into the world of make believe to try and put a target on Brenton's back with an elaborate attempt to stir the pot and all to do with peanut butter.

Of course, Brenton is in the right this time as he denies he touched the peanut butter, Daniel one of the few who is not bothered. All this fuss over peanut butter, and as Daniel says it's all getting very dramatic, and he is one of the first to suss Ari.

Well, that kind of backfired didn't it, Ari

And now back to that storyline that has nobody gripped in THAT nomance. Never buckets around when you need them, as Brenton gushes about Christina. Dear god, they are in bed together. Seriously, they've only known each other a short time, and we are supposed to take this seriously? Really?

Enough already, please, as they continue to shove it in peoples faces with the big man now asking how her first kiss was with Brenton

10 minutes to the nominations challenge, announces the big man

Nominations challenge

Nominations, but not as they know it, as we shall soon see

Oh look another physical challenge, and in pairs

As there are 13, one will sit out and today, as decided by random draw, it's New Charlotte


Mitch 2 and Marley
Daniel and Adriana
Ari and Christina
Jess and Tilly
SJ and Mary
Brenton and Sid

And it's Mitch 2 and Marley who end up the winners, another one in the bag for Marley. So there's the objective for everyone else, get rid of New Mitch as soon as....He is running roughshod over them with these challenges at the moment.

Anyway, New Mitch and Marley nominate Ari, Adriana and Christina. Sensible precaution to put up Christine, but unfortunately as they will find out later, when she or one of the other two is voted out they are actually going nowhere.

Ari with a face like thunder, and this is his own fault after the peanut butter BS he tried to stir up

Walking Dead vote

Here comes Ma Cougar Kruger with all the gory details about the latest twist, along with her usual pot stirring and chucking the daily grenades in there. Lots of focus on the nomance as well, as perhaps expected.

New Mitch and Marley not eligible to vote today, as they won the nominations challenge

Adriana - 2 votes
Ari - 2 votes
Christina - 7 votes

So Christina is first off to the Panic room, as a Walking Dead housemate. One down, 2 to go.

Who will be next? Find out in Episode 16, as Walking Dead week continues....

Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Big Brother Australia 2021 - Episode 14 - Three for the price of two

When we last left the housemates Down Under:

Christina and Brenton embarked on a tedious showmance after Daniel and Sid did not complete a task in the panic room, and those two had to choose two security guards to stay up overnight, think you can guess who they chose. Brenton won the latest challenge, and in doing so became the next intruder to become a housemate ensuring the showmance would continue a little longer. Later on, Gabe won the housemate vote to also become a housemate, leaving the twins to say goodbye

HOWEVER, it was not the end of the twins stay as the big man announced there was one last place for one of the twins, and the other would have to leave. Earlier in the day Charlotte II said to her twin Alex that she didn't even want to be in there, make of that what you will.

And there's where we pick up things, as the big man has put together an elaborate challenge for the twins to compete in, and it is up to the twins if they want to compete

We find out that they will compete, let the games begin

And look at that, it's yet another physical/endurance challenge.... To cut a long story short, and this is a bit of a surprise Alex decided to quit rather than her sister. So it will be Charlotte 2 taking the final place, which seems a bit bizarre after saying she didn't even want to be in there.

Nothing to talk about with this challenge really, as it was just the twins standing there and a little talking from anyone else. Must have been torture in every sense of the word when it happened in real time, and even the housemates went to bed eventually.

And finally we move onto the next day, and as expected the two meatheads in Brenton and Mitch are shirtless, while Charlotte 2 nails her colours to the new Team Daniel.

Food task

First of all, we see SJ hoarding food. Where have we seen that before, oh yeah Carole from UK series 8. SJ's hoarding does not go un-noticed by the big man.

For this week's food task, Tilly is named by Jess as the most excitable housemate and Jess is informed that Tilly's new mic was installed with a pedometer, that is to count how many steps Tilly takes, for those that don't know. Jess and the housemates must stop Tilly from taking any steps, any steps she does take will be deducted from the food budget.

They are starting off with $1,000, but for every 1,000 recorded steps Tilly makes $250 will be deducted, and if Tilly finds out about the secret mission, the task is failed automatically.

Loving that they cannot keep Tilly still, and she continues to bounce off the walls. She's my favourite this season, don't think I've said that enough this season.

Anyways, they have pretty much blown this task and the big man reveals they lost $750 from their budget, so it will just be basics for the next few days.

The big man tells Tilly what the pedometer recorded, and she wonders out loud if the others are stupid, and I think the answer would be a resounding YES....

Gabe is really struggling to adjust to house life, which has not gone un-noticed by Daniel.....

Oh jeez, here we go for tonight's showmance push, think I will just skip over some of this. Last episode's marathon segment really did my head in, but kudos to Ari for saying what most of us think about the nomance, and intends to keep his eye on Brenton. 

The big man announces 15 minutes until the nominations challenge, and the battle lines between Ari and Brenton continue to be drawn

Nominations challenge

The big man announces all of them as full housemates will play, and that there will be no more intruders. He goes down the line asking some questions of the housemates. Basically, balloon inflating and then popping it on their respective spears. First to pop their balloon wins. That's all.... Yet another physical challenge....

Mitch 2 eventually wins, and will get to nominate 3 to put on the block

He nominates Ari, Charlotte I and Gabe....

However, Ari is let off the block as his pump failed during the challenge so it's down to Charlotte I and Gabe, but will also not be able to vote at eviction time.

Don't think anyone would notice if Charlotte I went. I know the edit is not kind to her, as it comes across as she does nothing. We can only wait until she is evicted and let her give her side if she is on social media that is.

10 minutes until eviction, announces the big man

Gabe pays a visit to the Diary Room to say he is pretty stressed already, what show did he think he was signing up for?


And here comes Ma Cougar Kruger for another night...

She immediately goes to work, stirring the pot in regards to the new housemates and the recruitment of the newbies to the various factions. She then asks Mitch 2 about his nominations, and she brings up the technicality which saved Ari. Ari says he knew he would be in big trouble if he had stayed on the chopping block. 

And the votes are in:

Gabe - 5 votes
Charlotte I - 6 votes

Bye bye finally to Charlotte I, but hold up..... Gabe has asked to be summoned to the diary room and asks if he can quit, as he feels overwhelmed by the louder personalities. The big man announces Gabe has been granted his release, to a mixed reaction from the housemates.

Sort of reminds me of UK series 6 when Kemal was evicted, and Orlaith walked the very next morning effectively stealing his spotlight for the rest of that week.

Anyway, another week done and next week looks like being a shocking and chilly experience, and yes more pushing of the nomance.....

To be continued, as 3 more leave the compound over the course of the week and head back to civilian life, as the clock ticks down a little further to crowning this year's winner. Remember, WHO WINS, AUSTRALIA DECIDES

Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Big Brother Australia 2021 - Episode 13 - No to showmances

We reach the dreaded 13th episode, and it's a showmance at dawn or so the show would like us to think and maybe coo a little over....

Intruders in so far - Mitch II (challenge) and Adriana (vote)

In trouble - Gabe, Brenton, Charlotte II and Alex. You know, I would prefer Charlotte II stayed in, the original Charlotte is STILL offering nothing

The competition heats up a little today

Same as yesterday, it's another intruder in via a challenge, and then a vote presided over by Ma Cougar Kruger. Let's see how they do... Rooting for the twins, but you know Brenton will get in so they can push this Christina nomance down our throats.

Unlikely pairing of Jess and Daniel to get us started, and Daniel is pleased that the intruders have to earn their place in there.

And we are under starters orders already for Christina and Brenton, and the big man is already teasing her about Brenton. From a competitive rivalry, to this piece of you know what storyline. We don't care about these two or a showmance.

Panic room challenge

As if we haven't suffered enough, Daniel and Sid now get a phoney task that's intended to be failed. I wonder why, oh look at that, they failed and a TOTAL shocker of a punishment.... Daniel and Sid have to pick two housemates to be overnight security guards, and it's Christina and Brenton who get the task. 

Please just hurry the eff up with this nauseous segment, as we see the prep for the nomancers and of course them getting cosy.... What the eff did we do to deserve this never ending segment

Arrrrgh, onto the next day and they are still pushing it on us...... They've only know each other 48 hours at best.

Intruder challenge

The good old keep the corn in the giant egg timer task, and it's intruders only.

As Mitch II and Adriana have already become full housemates, they are ineligible to play.

So it's down to the twins, Gabe and Brenton.....and to cut a long story short as I am still waking up from that nauseous nomance segment, another physical challenge so it's an obvious Brenton win. Who didn't see that coming, and a physical challenge to boot? oh yeah absolutely everyone and much to a lot of people's disappointment the nomance will continue.

Facing the housemates vote will be Gabe and the twins..... So could be goodbye to one or both of the twins unfortunately.

Bombshell from the twins, in that Charlotte II didn't want to apply but it would seem Alex talked her into it. Make of that what you will

Intruder ceremony

Here we go, and we get ANOTHER reminder of the nomance from Ma Cougar Kruger. Why do I get the feeling this particular nomance won't last the moment the first of them leave the house, more to the point who the hell cares about the nomance. This is not Love Island....

Charlotte II really doesn't want to be there, as she tells everyone to vote for Alex and not her. Would love to know who actually persuaded her to come on, the show or was it truly Alex.

Like yesterday, it's vote to stay

Gabe - 8 votes
Charlotte - No votes
Alex - 4 votes

Gabe is now an official housemates, and the twins are sent packing.....or are they?

Not this nonsense again, why couldn't the big man be this generous for Nick and/or Mel when they were chopped

The twins are going nowhere for now, as the big man announces the pair of them will be competing against each other for the true last spot in the house. Only one way this is going, as Charlotte II has said more than once she doesn't want to be there, so I assume this twist won't last too long with Charlotte II making no effort.

To be continued tomorrow in episode 14, and more of the nomance being promoted....Oh boy, looooooong ass episode to end this week's festivities.

Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Monday, 17 May 2021

Big Brother Australia 2021 - Episode 12 - The Intruders Cometh

 Hello ladies and gentlemen, and all in between as we head into a brand new mint fresh week, and with the house still reeling after one of the biggest casualties in Katie being shown the door.

However, there's no time to waste as the big man has 6, yes SIX, new faces to chuck in there so I can only imagine there are going to be some double evictions on the horizon. But back to the present, and these new arrivals intend to bring destruction and shake the house to its foundation.

They are:

Brenton, 31, New South Wales
Mitch, 26, Western Australia
Gabe, 27, Queensland
Adriana, 53, New South Wales
Charlotte and Alex, 26, Victoria

Charlotte and Alex are twins, but you probably knew that already. The only question is, will they be playing as one person or playing separately if they manage to get in. Guess the big man will be revealing that answer in due course.

But of course being Big Brother, there will be a twist as in 1 challenge and 1 vote each day, to put it in simple terms the intruders will be either have to win a challenge to become a regular housemate, or have to rely on the originals in there already to vote them in. The two who don't make it over the line will go home.

And on a side note, bet Brenton or Mitch will be shoved in Christina's direction for that showmance storyline now Katie v Daniel is no more in this season.....

A little more on the new arrivals right here

So onto this episode's matters....

Lots of tension in the air after Katie's exit, and Daniel is wasting no time in bragging. Wouldn't you if you had just gotten a massive threat out of there? Like him or not, he's there to play.

A short while later, the originals were given a task to pile into a boat in put in the pool for 5 hours in groups of six at a time, and simply keep it afloat. This was simply unfailable as the big man WANTED them to have that dinner as a way of introducing them to their new housemates. Shock horror they passed, as the big man planned.

In case you were wondering, the intruders came in through that same gap that Daniel and Nick went through back at the start, when they went to that secret room. The big man tells them to make their way, quietly of course, to the garden and hide under the table

The big man emerges over the airwaves and congratulates the originals on making top 10, little do they know who is going to be unleashed on them soon. The big man announces there will be a final 10 dinner in the garden, but hidden away under the table in the garden, well you know who's under there by know. And then there were officially 16.

Take 3 for Christina in terms of a showmance, and you can definitely see her eyes light up when she claps them on Brenton. Lucky us, eh? Hopefully a short stay for Brenton, and then Christina can actually play the game like she was meant to.

Anyways, it's all about the intruders this week as there are only 4 places available, in case you missed it earlier.

Challenge up first, won't bore with the details. Let's just say Mitch II wins it and secures his place as a regular housemate, and it's immediate action stations for the other five as they start pitching why they should be joining the class of 2021.

It should also be pointed out that there's zero interest in keeping the twins or Brenton right now, but this week is still young and they could still make it. Meanwhile, Adriana looking a pretty good contender to stay in, along with Gabe. Although neither will probably not be physical threats, more probably because Daniel needs numbers on his side to get a further foothold back in the game, hence his hard pitching for Adriana.

Enter Ma Cougar Kruger, and she wastes no time making Adriana break down about missing her kids. Anyway, onto the vote and this week it's vote to STAY.

Brenton and the twins - No votes

Adriana - 7 votes

Gabe - 3 votes

Congratulations to Adriana as she joins Mitch II in becoming a housemate. So that's two in and another 2 in in the next episode....or will they drag that particular result into the last episode of the week.

To be continued in episode 13, two more in and two out

Note about BB on Blast, as in they will be going back to audio only as of the next pod, as UK Covid restrictions have somewhat lifted, and people can meet indoors again

Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Big Brother Australia 2021 - Episode 11 - Katie v Daniel: One must go

Exactly what it says on the tin, ladies and gentlemen

Katie and Daniel been going back and forth all series so far, but tonight one must go as Daniel rallies whatever troops he has left, to take on a very big threat.

With his two closest allies gone in the last few days in Nick and Melissa, Daniel wants blood so is pretending to offer an olive branch to Team Katie, but in his reality is secretly plotting their downfall.

Let us see if he is successful in chipping away at Team Katie or if this plan that he has will blow up in his face, and also in this episode Red Button week draws to its close. What will the big man have in store for the closing episode of week 3.

Another sunny day over the Big Brother house, and already the big man has seen that Ari is not wearing his microphone, three times to be exact. The big man runs out of patience and gives him a toothbrush and tells him to clean the bathroom. Ari is very vocal about this. Perhaps you should wear your mic when told then, young man.

Kookaburras galore as Marley and Daniel are playing catch, and Daniel continues spinning his web trying to convince Team Katie he's changed. Not doing a bad job, I may add. He may be a bit of a douche, but given some of the advantages Team Katie have had recently, you probably can't help feeling sorry for him even a little bit.

A money tree has suddenly materialised in the garden for this week's shopping challenge.....

Over the next 24 hours, two housemates must always be stationed by the tree to catch the falling leaves. If they catch the leaf before it hits the floor, $20 towards this weeks shopping. If the leaf hits the floor, then it's nothing. That's it, that's the task.

During this task, the big man summons Daniel and tells him if he is successful in sabotaging the shopping task, then he will be allowed a phone call with Nick. In case you missed it, Daniel had to isolate the day of Nick's eviction as he was a bit poorly and had to be confined to the attic.

Oh boy, Tilly says she is a good cook on the outside, but the looks on some of the houseguests as they test Tilly's tuna cakes. Ari, in particular, is laying it on a bit thick. Oh Tilly, so adorable, never stop being you.

Night falls over the house, as the shopping task continues. At this point not much money has been put in the pot, and would you believe it a rain storm now comes over the house and it's SJ and Daniel getting soaked.

Guess that's it, as the big man announces they won $280 for their shopping, and also announces the noms challenge will be in 20 minutes

Finally, some red button action as Charlotte presses, and finds out she will NOT be allowed to participate in today's noms challenge. Don't think anyone will notice anyway as she has done NOTHING. She went down in a lot of people's estimations when she deliberately didn't try in the Scary-oke challenge

As far as Daniel's secret mission goes, he has passed and gets his phone call with Nick. He then vows payback on Team Katie, let's see how he does as it's the noms challenge next up

Nominations challenge

Usual physical challenge, so let's not waste time describing it. Let's just say it's pairs today, and the pairs are:

Mary and SJ
Marley and Daniel
Tilly and Christina
Jess and Katie
Ari and Sid

Reminder, Charlotte is ineligible to play in this one as per her Red Button punishment

Oh hell yeah, as if by magic Daniel and Marley have won this particular challenge.... Doesn't take much to work out at least two of the three nominations. Hello Katie and Jess, but who will be that third person

And eventually Daniel and Marley nominate, but of course Daniel has to have the final say. To be honest I don't think Marley will stop him putting up Katie.

And the official three on the block are KATIE, CHARLOTTE and ARI. So one out of three right, not too bad.

If looks could kill, Katie just staring daggers at Daniel. She is uber mad.....

Oh boy, Marley is giving Katie all the intel. A short while later, we have another "how dare they nominate me". She is so salty about this, when she's blindsided people left right and centre. How dare someone do it to her eh? 

Look at her, she is so convinced she is going nowhere....This is going to be delicious if she does go


Over to you, Ma Kruger. Stir that pot and give them hell. She goes straight for Daniel, asking him why he put up Katie.

Katie says she is surprised being on the block, it's what is called Big Brother. Drink it in, you've been nominated. Accept it.

To somewhat quote a former UK housemate: "Let's hope justice is served and Katie goes"

Voting time, and a reminder Daniel and Marley are not allowed to vote as they won the nominations challenge

Katie - 6 votes
Ari - 2 votes
Charlotte - 1 vote

Ding dong, the snake is gone and a very big elimination at that. Daniel has his revenge for Nick, and the war is officially over. All to play for now with a big threat gone. Time for some fresh storylines, and I don't mean of the showmance kind.

Down to 10, or are we? Coming up soon, there some new faces heading to the house. I do wonder if one of those new meatheads is going to be going in Christina's direction, as they are so determined to pair her up with someone... Please no, just let the girl play her game.

To be continued in Episode 12, as the post Katie era begins

Shout outs to Big Brother's Big Eye and BB on Blast and also Nana Big

Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Big Brother Australia 2021 - Episode 10 - Red Button Week pt.3 and The Panic Room

Team Daniel's ship continues to sink, with second in command Nick being shown the door and Melissa jumping from said sinking ship in the last episode
Team Katie not even having to break a sweat at the moment as they sit pretty, which is annoying. Like with Canada and USA, it does get frustrating when one side of the house is pretty much in charge and their grip on the house is not even in danger.

To be honest, I would not be surprised if Daniel himself ended up going at some point in this latest themed week. The guy may be a bit of a douche, but he is badly needed in there. Team Katie needs to be chipped away, before this really does become a one team race.

Anyway, onto tonight's business and Red Button Week rumbles on. Hopefully something tonight that will help Team Daniel to make it some sort of competition with only 12 left.

What surprises are in store from the big man in this episode? Stay tuned and let's find out the answers together

And from the off, Tilly is worried about Daniel flipping when he finds out about Nick being shown the door. Guess we are going to find out shortly as down comes the ladder of the attic, and Daniel returns.

To say Daniel is upset, as in a crying way more than an angry way, would be a bit of an understatement. Relax, you wimp, you will be seeing him any day now. He hasn't died.....

Daniel vows to get even with Katie, watch this space if he does just that.

Melissa, the rat who jumped ship I may add, worries Daniel will be upset at her if he finds out about her voting out Nick.

First red button of the episode, and it's Daniel pressing. The big man makes him sweat a bit before revealing a limo behind one of the walls. It's a reward, as he can choose 5 housemates to join in a 2 hour party inside the limo. He chooses Tilly, Katie, Jess, Marley and Mary. The other housemates are allowed to look into the party, from the windows.

23 days and counting, announces the big man as he prepares to tell them about the new room, which is called the Panic Room. He goes on to say they will have to pick 2 housemates for a task, reward if passed, and consequences for them all if the task is failed.

Tilly and SJ are selected for this probably first of many tasks in the Panic Room. Numbers are all over the wall, and Tilly and SJ have to add up every number in the room. 3 attempts to get the exact answer, house will remain safe if successful, but the whole house will be punished if all 3 attempts are failed.

The big man is trying all matter of things to distract them....

First attempt - 23,167.... Strike one
Second attempt - 50,000.... Strike two
Final attempt - 29,717

The big man sends SJ and Tilly back to the living area, and he reveals that the task is failed, and the correct answer is 33,502. As punishment and in an attempt to bring the house together, the big man announces the housemates will be chained together as one for 24 hours. Awkward with a capital A, you could say. SJ can be heard snoring away and boy is she loud.

Back to more serious business, and Katie is so frosty with Daniel. Ari claims he is biding his time watching 'sharks' Katie and Daniel eat each other, claims he flies with the Katie mast and says Daniel is his number one target

Second press of the red button for Daniel, and the big man tells him he has an advantage for the noms challenge which will be revealed in due course.

Nominations challenge

Just the usual physical one, so won't waste too much time describing it as that has been done to death. Let's just say obstacle course today, and leave it at that.

Daniel's advantage is revealed as he can join in at the fourth and final stage of this challenge as it is in stages today. Thankfully no complaining from Team Katie...at least not yet anyway.

But the advantage does not work for Daniel, as ARI emerges as the winner.

He nominates Daniel, Melissa and Marley....


Enter Ma Kruger for tonight's eviction, and Daniel is really laying it on thick and he's actually winning some of them over. Marley is all but confirmed to be going nowhere.

As Ari won the challenge, he is not allowed to vote

Melissa - 9 votes
Marley - No votes
Daniel - 2 votes

And so finally Melissa is saying goodbye, and she has taken it very well

Coming up next time, Daniel continues to weave his web....Will he succeed and take one of them out or will there be other plans afoot if Team Katie get over the line tomorrow? To be continued in the next episode

Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Monday, 10 May 2021

Big Brother Australia 2021 - Episode 9 - Red Button week pt.2

And then there were 13, and another budding showmance nipped in the bud as Mitch was shown the door and may I say thank goodness....

Team Katie totally running things at the moment, but that's where it's gets boring when one side of the house is running things and pick off everyone else before the inevitable business begins of them turning on each other in order to win the game.

However fair do's to Tilly, the beauty is turning into quite a comp beast. One of the bright spots of Team Daniel. Underestimate her at your peril, I would say.

Um, weird segment to get started when the big man calls in Ari, and asks him to compare the housemates to clothing brands....Less said the better I say.

Back to serious business, and in Sonia's words it's "sunshine and smiles all round", but not in Team Daniel's world as he and Nick are licking their wounds. Not literally, but they are dressed uplike the walking wounded admitting the team needs to start winning.

And onto the first red button action of the episode, and it's Tilly who presses the button. Unfortunately for her today it is a punishment, as she and Jess are on 'cleaning duty'. Something which doesn't go down well with Tilly and Jess. Think Tilly was expecting another reward there. Melissa is heard cackling away in the background.

Speaking of Melissa, she is worried about Katie, Jess and Marley gunning for her. Stop riding Daniel's coat-tails then and do something about it. Stop relying on Daniel to tell you what to do. As I type that, she is thinking of jumping off the sinking ship that is Team Daniel.

Second red button action, and it's Daniel next to press. Bit of a difficult challenge as in he has to pretend the floor is lava, and is not allowed to touch the floor during this challenge. If he does, he and the rest of the house will be punished.

Onto the third button press already, and it's Marley. He has to digest a load of KFC, but the catch is that the others have to watch him eating it. A short time later, he is informed there will be 2 more KFC drops shortly, and he can pick some housemates to join him.

Back to Daniel's challenge, and he has failed so all housemates have to get in the pool. The big man then informs him he has to count to 1,000 so they can get out.

Fourth button press, and it's Jess. A plane can be heard in the distance, and it flies over the house with the banner "YOUR LOVED ONES ARE NEAR". Ding dong, goes the door and it's letters from home. Only three weeks in there, and they are getting letters? Seriously? 

On a side note, and I know it supposed to be a serious segment for them but the way Daniel's voice just keep going more squeaky the more he cries....

Back to more serious matters, Daniel tries to strike a deal with Katie and Jess for some protection in the next eviction should he be up. But as we find out, Katie and Jess more or less stick two fingers up at Daniel's pitch. 

Serious note now, Daniel has gone to the Diary Room complaining of dizziness and high temperature. A short while later, he is temporarily removed from the game and won't be competing in the next challenge, and is seen isolating in the attic.

Oh look, yet another endurance/physical challenge for the remaining housemates..... To cut a long story short, Katie wins

She nominates Melissa, Nick and Ari


And enter the boss lady, Ma Kruger, for another eviction. Woah can be the only word to describe what she is wearing tonight. Woah but chic as ever....

Nick very close to going off on one after some prodding from the boss lady, some would say an indirect "how dare you nominate me" as he and Katie go back and forth, very calmly I may add although in Nick's mind a few stronger words are probably being uttered.

Reminder, as noms challenge winner, Katie is ineligible to vote and for today only as he is poorly, Daniel will not vote either.

Nick - 9 votes
Melissa - 1 vote 
Ari - 1 vote

Oh dear, Team Daniel lose another member and it's Daniel's second in command. 

I take it no twist to help out Team Danny? Nope, thought not

In the next episode, a secret room is revealed and Daniel returns to the house, but finds himself more isolated when he finds out Melissa's loyalty lies elsewhere. And what does the big man have in store for day 3 of Red Button week....

All will be revealed in the next episode....

Shout outs to Big Brother's Big Eye and also BB on Blast and Nana Big 

Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Sunday, 9 May 2021

Big Brother Australia 2021 - Episode 8 - Big Red Button week

A fresh week upon us, citizens, and it's 14 left after a pretty controversial episode 7 that saw Team Katie get an unfair advantage with soon to be returning SJ and Mary residing in the big man's attic.

When we last left them, Carlos left the house and Daniel and Nick in a very bad mood as the plan was to dispose of Jess, but the attic dwellers put paid to this with their various drops of intel.

Then shortly afterwards, Daniel and Nick's mood went from bad to worse when SJ and Mary popped out of a huge cake left by the big man in the garden.

Oh boy, people went ker-azy on social media. 

Moving on today's festivities, and it's Red Button Week. Quite simply a mix of reward or punishments await those who push the big red button left in the garden by the big man. Nothing more, nothing less. When the button glows, they must scramble to push it, while Mary says she will not be going anywhere near it. 

Shall we break down the presses so far, let's do it

1. Reward, as in an ice cream truck and she can bring along 3 housemates of her choosing
2. Reward, puppies in the house for 15 minutes
3. Punishment, Charlotte is turfed out of the bedroom and has to sleep outside until further notice
4. Punishment, Sid has to sit in a room listening to Daniel reading out his memoirs

This leads Nick and Daniel to take the pots and pans and.....well you know the rest if you have seen Evel Dick from USA series 8, or Josh from the much loathed USA series 19. I know what I would have done with those pots and pans if I was in there.

The nomance as in Mitchell and Christina, which even the most blind person can see that there is NO chemistry, continues to be shoved down our throats when Mitch pushes the button, and wins a romantic (and I use that term very loosely) date for two with Christina. A whole segment wasted on this, with the big man calling most of them in to suggest dating ideas

Seriously, big man? I mean SERIOUSLY?

And in a bit of a goof on SJ's part, she offers Christina her best black knickers when Christina says SNEAKERS.... Yes really, real watch through your fingers stuff.

Speaking of watching through your fingers, more time wasted on the nomance when the cave opens for business again to accommodate the nomance. Anything's better than this forced conversation and watching Mitch shovel all that steak into his mouth. He rates the date as 9 out of 10, while Christina says how much she loved the steak. Ouch.....

Won't waste too much time with the nominations challenge, as it's pretty much rinse and repeat at the moment, as in mainly endurance....

However, let's just say TILLY brings it again and gets another win on the board, and saves herself for another day. 

She decides to nominate Sid, SJ and Mitchell....Oh hell to the yeah, could it be another nomance is going to be nipped in the bud before it has a chance to take off? 

The red button strikes again, and this time it's a punishment for Mitch as he is put in a cage for some reason and hoisted into the air.....


Ma Kruger is looking as chic as ever, but then again most of the presenters of this show always do

But behind all this chic-ness, when it comes to Sonia she pulls absolutely NO punches when it comes to stirring the pot (no pun intended to what happened earlier). SJ goes on a bit of a rant making her plea, calling some of them 'weak'. While Mitch makes a much weaker plea, surely it has to be him. But if he does go, I dread to think who the big man will try to pair Christina up with next. Maybe, just maybe, she will finally be left alone to try and play without the distraction of a nomance.

It should noted that the person or persons who win the nominations challenge are ineligible to vote, in today's case Tilly

Down to the votes, and its:

Mitchell - 9 votes
SJ - 4 votes
Sid - No votes

And there we have it, another nomance is indeed nipped in the bud as Mullet Mitch and his moustache are sent packing.

Mitch's last words: "I really did like Christina".... 

And so we move onto Episode 9, and what does the big man have in store for the next round of Big Red Button. Find out in the next installment, at this page next time

In case you missed the Canada finale or want to keep up with happenings Down Under, and want to listen to the various podcasts:

Shout out as well for Big Brother's Big Eye

Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Finale

The end of the season is near everyone, very soon we will have a new name on the roll call of Big Brother Canada winners

But it won't be Kiefer winning the grand prize this year, as he was booted by Veto winner Tera....Yes, Tera. Didn't do anything but gossip with Tina in the first half of the season, but picked up some comp wins in the second.

You don't think tonight......She could really do this, seeing how salty the jury are with Ty, and like Tera, Breydon was another player of two halves, as in nothing first half but won a hat-trick of Veto's and also an HoH in the 2nd.

Although, Breydon didn't really have to break sweat on his HoH week....

Ty hasn't hit the block once

And the 9th time of asking, we are going to get a Canada's Favourite Houseguest. Kiefer seems to be emerging as the favourite to get this consolation prize, but I personally am rooting for Victoria.

Brought so much energy to that house, and when she left the energy kind of drained from that house and the endgame was all over the place

But credit to this year's lot, most went in to play, some not until the second half, and they delivered no matter how many bone headed mistakes were made, or how crazy the endgame went.

So here. we. go. for the last waltz for this season, and here's to hoping for a good finale


And we start with a very long season recap....

And after 12 minutes, the real business begins. Arisa looking just wow!!!!! Chic

HoH part 1

Quite simply, stack up to 5 discs on a hoverboard and stack 60 before the 4 hours is up. That's it, that's the challenge

Unfortunately nobody got 60 in 4 hours, so we go to sudden death and it's now 40 discs and they can take 10 at a time

Blooming heck, would you believe it....Breydon wins Part 1 and advances to part 3 and it's Ty v Tera for part 2 and to take on Breydon in part 3

HoH part 2 (Ty v Tera)

Memory comp for part 2. Tera is usually pretty solid at these.

Throw balls at the day number, but there is a catch as there could be more than one answer. Fastest time wins.

This is it, who joins Breydon in part 3? It is TY

Bye bye Tera, and we will have a guaranteed black winner for 2021

Off to the jury

And like USA, they have a former houseguest drop in to advise the current jury. This year's guest is Anthony, runner up from series 7. Shocks and screams for him, and also when Kiefer makes his presence known when he walks in.

HoH part 3 (Breydon v Ty)

And it's questions about the jury to decide the final HoH of the season. 7 questions, highest score wins and goes to final 2

And by a score of , TY is the final HoH of the season and will advance to final 2. He also gets the casting vote of who to take to final 2. This is not in doubt though, and another fact in Ty has NEVER touched the block all season, the only other one was Cody from USA All Stars last year.


There we have it, Tera FINALLY evicted and a black winner is locked in, who wins the jury decide

And here come the questions, wonder if it's going to be another screaming jury and finalists like when Paras and Kaela screamed the place down when they were final 2.

Breydon doing a lot better job of answering the questions put to him, while Ty is being a bit more aggressive.

Next up, the final pitches...

And another round to Brey, think he's got this...But seriously, why only one minute for final speeches with so much time left on the show?

The usual Topaz disclaimer from Arisa before the final vote, if you didn't see it Topaz put the wrong key in the slot when she voted. She wanted to vote for Gary, but she put the other key in as in Gillian and she ended up winning. Topaz then proceeded to protest, despite Arisa saying the vote is final.

And another recap after meeting the pre-jurors, and a very nice title in 'House on Blast' detailing the various arguments. Think a certain 2 podcasters will be pleased with that little tip of the hat there

Look at that, another recap. This time a look back at the diverse cast we had this year.

Winner vote

Victoria voted for Ty
Rohan voted for Ty
Tina voted for Ty
Jed voted for Ty
Beth voted for Ty 
Kiefer voted for Ty
Tera voted for Breydon

Well done Ty, first civilian black North American winner....

And KIEFER wins Canada's Favourite Houseguest


History made on many counts, and now full focus on what's left for BB Australia, before BB USA starts

Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated

Until we meet again for Australia and/or USA, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....