Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Friday, 26 June 2020

Big Brother Australia 2020 - Episodes 7 to 9

When last we left the Australian housemates:
The housemates thought they had deposed Queen Angela, but Big Brother had other ideas when they put her in her new residence called the Big Brother Bunker.

In her new domain it's tea, monitors and the privilege of doing whatever the hell she wants in a controlled way of course

Episode 7 - Return of the Queen

Back to the present, and Garth is celebrating getting rid, or so he thinks, of Angela. Oh how revenge will be sweet when the time comes.

So let's fast forward to the start of the queen's rule behind the scenes, and it all kicks off with a challenge called the Yes task. Familiar? Of course it is because the UK version did this way back in series 12. A series I didn't much watch as it was the start of the Five era, an era I didn't really much enjoy, but that's a story for another day.

Anyways, back to the Aussie version of this task, and first up is Kieran eating a whole bowl of broccoli. Mind you, this one was chosen by Big Brother. Angela, however, has something better in mind as in Mat receiving several spray tans, and she loves every single minute of it and rightly so.

Pre-elimination challenge, it's strategy time amongst the Cool Kliq and it's mostly Kieran and Marissa's names that crop up. Little do they know of the royalty watching them as they make their plans, and she is screaming her head off and who wouldn't be. Angela is the only one playing this season.

Now when it comes to the elimination challenge, it's another pairs one to which Zoe and Sarah win and running true to Kliq form, Kieran and Marissa are put on the chopping block and Ian is put up as a pawn, as in the one who is viewed as not being in danger of going home.

Angela is really going off one, so Big Brother gives her the chance to get someone to her temporary residence to pick their brains, and she chooses Garth for the honor. Plying him with food and drink, she plants the seed that the Kliq needs to be disbanded and that Ian has got to go. Will it work, only time will tell.

Anyways onto eviction time, and Angela's plan works to perfection as Marissa gets 1 vote, Kieran 4, and Ian gets seven. The pawn has gone, much to the Kliq's bemusement. And all the while the queen sits back, and lets out a cackle after sipping some tea. Revenge is so sweet.

Episode 8 - The Kliq Strikes Back

With all the sass in the world, Angela struts back in with everyone else oblivious to the fact she manipulated Garth to start chipping away at the Kliq, and all knives are at this point pointing firmly at Garth.

Meanwhile the queen is getting back into her main house routine as in delivering those Diary Room monologues which we know she can deliver, talking about taking out the Kliq whilst filing her nails ready for combat in the coming days.

Away from the serious business, Chad and Sophie continue to bore us with will they won't they. Seems even the prodding from Big Brother a few days ago has had little to no effect. Yes or no you two, make up your minds.

Back to the serious action, Garth still thinks he is some sort of mastermind when in fact he is having his strings pulled by the queen. Weak minded fool. The Kliq are plotting his downfall, so it shouldn't come as a surprise if one of the Kliq wins today's challenge.

And that's exactly what happens as Zoe takes the honours in the noms challenge, and promptly puts Garth on the chopping block along with Daniel and some fella called Shane. Seems to be a lot of who's still in this house, but one of those who's makes a major statement presently.

Step forward Xavier, who really lays into Garth about being instrumental in getting the queen 'evicted' in the first place, and then sucking up to her when she is back in the main house and then tells Garth that he knows where his vote is going.

All this unfolding, and the queen just sitting there and smiling and admiring her handiwork

And sure enough when it comes to voting time, Shane gets no votes, Daniel gets one, and Garth basically gets the rest, and it's bye bye Garth.

Garth doesn't take Angela's betrayal too well, basically pointing his finger right at there making the claim of the bunker and how he was manipulated, but proving it is another matter

Episode 9 - A New Dope

We start off with a challenge, and a secret one at that where is Chad's mic pack is installed with a pedometer, and the other housemates are told to make sure Chad does 12,000 steps in one day, the kicker is he must not know this is the challenge.

He must be really stupid as the housemates are making him do all sorts of things to make up those 12,000 steps, even his yes or no showmance and he still doesn't twig. But then Stupid Sophie TELLS him indirectly about wanting to get him to accumulate the steps. This, naturally, displeases the man upstairs and he relays to housemates that they have failed this task due to Sophie's stupidity.

Fast forward to the noms challenge, and it's basically balance a ball on a seesaw. Highlight is Chad farting to which Sophie points out and names and shames.

Cut a long story short, Marissa wins and she intends to chip away at the Kliq by nominating Xavier, Mat and Zoe.

When it comes to eviction time, Mat somehow manages to fluster Sonia when she asks him about not being nominated and why he thought his time was up today. Mat replied "Because you kept talking about it the last 3 evictions..." 

Shane leans over to Kieran, saying something which we cannot hear, and like a school teacher who refuses to be disturbed Sonia is straight in there asking them what is so interesting, and the best response Shane can give is that he was asking about dinner.

A short while later, it's Zoe with 6 votes and Mat with 5 votes. Mat escapes by the skin of his.....bald head shall we say.

And that concludes week 3........To be continued in week 4

Thank you everyone for the views, likes, shares, comments and retweets. It is much appreciated 

Shout outs

And a big welcome back to Sistah Speak - https://www.spreaker.com/show/sistah-speak-big-brother

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Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking........

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