The Queen is dead, long live Queen Angela
The reign of Queen Angela begins in earnest today as we head into a fresh day, and while a new queen has been crowned there are snakes in the grass called Kieran as we will find out in today's episode
Speaking of today's episode, shall we get things underway
Some sad news first from Ian's world, where he finds out his pet spider has passed away, but this is of little insignificance to Angela, who has more pressing celebrations to get on with. After all it's not every day you dispose a queen like she did with Talia.
And, boy, does she let everyone know with "The workers are free", I will say now that if this was anyone else they would be on a massive shit list, but not our Ange as she is so popular out here to get away with that.
When they cast Angela, they didn't reckon on her getting this popular. She is enjoying herself and so are we with her still in there. Anything is better than watching so called popular kids rule the house, and she has single handedly saved us from that. Good on you, Ange, keep up the good work
Anyways, it is most unfortunate (not really of course) that Daniel has lost his queen. The king has lost his consort, and this new queen has so demoted him to court buffoon. He's lost all his fight, as he goes crawling to her majesty, saying he didn't mean to say for Queenie to watch her back. Guy's pathetic, he knew exactly what he was saying. But at the moment he's got a stay of execution as there are other fish to fry.
Meanwhile the future snake is trying and failing miserably to teach a driving test which does involve a 3 point turn. They have managed to get a little buggy into the garden for this, and it is definitely watch through fingers time. For those that don't know Kieran starred in a documentary about driving, and he was just as hopeless in it as he is with this challenge. And yes, he failed and miserably. 'nuff said
Not the last we see of Kieran for now, as a short time later he is insinuating to Garth that Danni has been bitching about. Garth is stupid enough to fall for this as he spreads it about the house to anyone who will listen. When Garth catches up with Danni, she tells him some of the girls are down the hall, and for some reason just lets loose.
And who else should be listening, but the new queen of the house. In her usual manner, she's said she is not going to let anybody ruin her holiday and look out Garth and Danni if she wins the next challenge. The queen has spoken......
Nominations challenge
Basically, it's stop the water from their respective funnels using only their hands and fingers. The last housemate who keeps their water level above the line wins the challenge. Well, you know the rest by know, nominate 3 and all that.
And the added incentive that Big Brother will offer surprises from time to time, ranging from mango nectar to steak to pet dogs. A short time later a game advantage is offered to which Garth and Kieran make a mad dash to the Diary Room. The advantage being an extra vote at eviction which went to Garth.
Snot fest from Kieran, which repulses everyone. There's the lip gloss from Angela, her lucky charm.
All dropping like flies, all the while Angela is hanging on for dear life and it comes down to her and Xavier....
And she has done it again, another win for the queen
She nominates Danni, Garth and Zoe
Boy, Sonia does stir it up in regards to Kieran's lie from earlier. Garth is absolutely mortified when he realises what he has done and it sinks in Kieran was stirring things, but it is too little too late.
Danni is evicted with 11 votes, and Kieran is left in there in a great big pickle on how to get out of this mess he started
The beginning of a plan to take Kieran down, but what happens next? To be continued in Episode 6
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Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking....
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