Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Big Brother Australia 2020 - Episode 1

G'd day, mates, and welcome to the 2nd rebirth of Big Brother Australia 

Yes, Sonia and the gang are back for a fresh new format and there is a new voice in town as the original voice as in Leon has been replaced. So it's goodbye to the familiar Australia format, and a move to the USA/Canada type of format. 

Just unfortunate they will be going in to no crowd, but they do get to meet Sonia at the entrance for a chat before going in the house 

The downside is this season is pre-recorded, and there is an eviction every day so most likely won't be able to know them too well 

Down to business as Kieran is first in and straight away is called to the Diary Room and is given a number of secret missions as the rest walk in, will he pass? Stay tuned, as if he doesn't everyone is sleeping outside 

First lot in: 


It should be noted Big Brother is calling them in as they come in for a little chat, Leon may be gone and I did enjoy his dry humour, but I do feel this new person is doing a good job so far. Once Matt is in, Big Brother calls Kieran and mentions how displeased he is with Kieran's progress, and tacks on an additional mission in that Kieran has to do a secret handshake with the housemates. 

Check out this argument between Angela and BB about who's house it is, she is full of herself. Definitely one to watch in terms of personality, but get the feeling she could wind the housemates up which may be a good or bad thing depending on one's point of view 

Sofa gatherage to reveal Kieran has PASSED his secret missions, and housemates will sleep in the bedroom on the first night 

Amidst all the unpacking, we see a VT of Ian's collection from his travels. We also find out he plays the spoons, and he says has spent most of his life in the Australian Bush so has very little people skills. I know how he feels about that, as I have autism and very poor social skills. 

Angela is not liking the conversations, calling them 'boring'. She then goes into the Diary Room to say there is no tea, to which he tells her it is not part of the basic rations and will have to be earned in the future. She's very snobby on first impressions, did she know what show she was signing up for.... 

Talia has her eye on Daniel, lucky us. Nice and early showmance, yawn-o-rama. 


Basically whoever wins nominates 3 housemates and it is who goes THEY decide. 

The opening challenge is called Swingers and here is how it works:

Housemates have to lay on swings, and must propel themselves backwards and forwards, and have to place 5 balls on a shelf. That's about the size of it. In a fun element, Big Brother is doing play by play.

Fast forward a little, and it comes down to Talia and Laura.....

Talia eventually manages to win, and gets the first power of this season in nominating 3 housemates for eviction

She chooses to nominate Laura, Kieran and Zoe and Big Brother gives them to the rest of the day to decide who to evict. 

Shortly afterwards, a new room is introduced in the Eviction Room with a kind of red tinge to it.....

Cue Sonia, going to the airlock where she will talk to the housemates for the evictions. Just in, there will be NO interview with Sonia post-eviction which is a bummer. Each nominee gives their plea to stay in, and now for the serious business.....

Taking the dubious honour of being first evicted is LAURA by 6 votes to Kieran's 2 and Zoe's 3


4 new housemates and an icy challenge awaits for the next Nominations Challenge

And there we have it, BB chums, Australia is officially back in the Big Brother family, and while it may be a little different it's nice to have some sort of Big Brother to lift the gloom in the current climate. Welcome back to our friends down under, it's been a long time.

Granted, this format may take some getting used to, but I'm all for it. Hey it's Big Brother after all and let's give it a chance before writing it off prematurely.

A shoutout to Lynsey and Gaz over at BB on Blast, who have recorded their first podcast for the new BB Australia era, and they can be found right here

A shoutout too for Big Blagger, and more especially their sister channel Blagger TV which is running series 7 of the UK version. You know the one with Nikki, Aisleyne, Lea and the gang. The winner may have been obvious, but this is really a standout series and join in if you can every day at 9pm UK time. Watch back any classic episodes you may have missed right here or join in the fun at one of three locations

Thank you everyone who will read this amongst the many other recaps out there, and please feel free to leave some feedback, likes, retweets and shares

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking......

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