Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Friday, 26 June 2020

Big Brother Australia 2020 - Episodes 7 to 9

When last we left the Australian housemates:
The housemates thought they had deposed Queen Angela, but Big Brother had other ideas when they put her in her new residence called the Big Brother Bunker.

In her new domain it's tea, monitors and the privilege of doing whatever the hell she wants in a controlled way of course

Episode 7 - Return of the Queen

Back to the present, and Garth is celebrating getting rid, or so he thinks, of Angela. Oh how revenge will be sweet when the time comes.

So let's fast forward to the start of the queen's rule behind the scenes, and it all kicks off with a challenge called the Yes task. Familiar? Of course it is because the UK version did this way back in series 12. A series I didn't much watch as it was the start of the Five era, an era I didn't really much enjoy, but that's a story for another day.

Anyways, back to the Aussie version of this task, and first up is Kieran eating a whole bowl of broccoli. Mind you, this one was chosen by Big Brother. Angela, however, has something better in mind as in Mat receiving several spray tans, and she loves every single minute of it and rightly so.

Pre-elimination challenge, it's strategy time amongst the Cool Kliq and it's mostly Kieran and Marissa's names that crop up. Little do they know of the royalty watching them as they make their plans, and she is screaming her head off and who wouldn't be. Angela is the only one playing this season.

Now when it comes to the elimination challenge, it's another pairs one to which Zoe and Sarah win and running true to Kliq form, Kieran and Marissa are put on the chopping block and Ian is put up as a pawn, as in the one who is viewed as not being in danger of going home.

Angela is really going off one, so Big Brother gives her the chance to get someone to her temporary residence to pick their brains, and she chooses Garth for the honor. Plying him with food and drink, she plants the seed that the Kliq needs to be disbanded and that Ian has got to go. Will it work, only time will tell.

Anyways onto eviction time, and Angela's plan works to perfection as Marissa gets 1 vote, Kieran 4, and Ian gets seven. The pawn has gone, much to the Kliq's bemusement. And all the while the queen sits back, and lets out a cackle after sipping some tea. Revenge is so sweet.

Episode 8 - The Kliq Strikes Back

With all the sass in the world, Angela struts back in with everyone else oblivious to the fact she manipulated Garth to start chipping away at the Kliq, and all knives are at this point pointing firmly at Garth.

Meanwhile the queen is getting back into her main house routine as in delivering those Diary Room monologues which we know she can deliver, talking about taking out the Kliq whilst filing her nails ready for combat in the coming days.

Away from the serious business, Chad and Sophie continue to bore us with will they won't they. Seems even the prodding from Big Brother a few days ago has had little to no effect. Yes or no you two, make up your minds.

Back to the serious action, Garth still thinks he is some sort of mastermind when in fact he is having his strings pulled by the queen. Weak minded fool. The Kliq are plotting his downfall, so it shouldn't come as a surprise if one of the Kliq wins today's challenge.

And that's exactly what happens as Zoe takes the honours in the noms challenge, and promptly puts Garth on the chopping block along with Daniel and some fella called Shane. Seems to be a lot of who's still in this house, but one of those who's makes a major statement presently.

Step forward Xavier, who really lays into Garth about being instrumental in getting the queen 'evicted' in the first place, and then sucking up to her when she is back in the main house and then tells Garth that he knows where his vote is going.

All this unfolding, and the queen just sitting there and smiling and admiring her handiwork

And sure enough when it comes to voting time, Shane gets no votes, Daniel gets one, and Garth basically gets the rest, and it's bye bye Garth.

Garth doesn't take Angela's betrayal too well, basically pointing his finger right at there making the claim of the bunker and how he was manipulated, but proving it is another matter

Episode 9 - A New Dope

We start off with a challenge, and a secret one at that where is Chad's mic pack is installed with a pedometer, and the other housemates are told to make sure Chad does 12,000 steps in one day, the kicker is he must not know this is the challenge.

He must be really stupid as the housemates are making him do all sorts of things to make up those 12,000 steps, even his yes or no showmance and he still doesn't twig. But then Stupid Sophie TELLS him indirectly about wanting to get him to accumulate the steps. This, naturally, displeases the man upstairs and he relays to housemates that they have failed this task due to Sophie's stupidity.

Fast forward to the noms challenge, and it's basically balance a ball on a seesaw. Highlight is Chad farting to which Sophie points out and names and shames.

Cut a long story short, Marissa wins and she intends to chip away at the Kliq by nominating Xavier, Mat and Zoe.

When it comes to eviction time, Mat somehow manages to fluster Sonia when she asks him about not being nominated and why he thought his time was up today. Mat replied "Because you kept talking about it the last 3 evictions..." 

Shane leans over to Kieran, saying something which we cannot hear, and like a school teacher who refuses to be disturbed Sonia is straight in there asking them what is so interesting, and the best response Shane can give is that he was asking about dinner.

A short while later, it's Zoe with 6 votes and Mat with 5 votes. Mat escapes by the skin of his.....bald head shall we say.

And that concludes week 3........To be continued in week 4

Thank you everyone for the views, likes, shares, comments and retweets. It is much appreciated 

Shout outs

And a big welcome back to Sistah Speak - https://www.spreaker.com/show/sistah-speak-big-brother

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking........

Saturday, 20 June 2020

Big Brother Australia 2020 - Episode 6

The end of Week 2 is near, and Queen Angela reigns supreme over her subjects. She has seen off Talia and Danni and looking to make it three in a row today

Previously, Danni was evicted although some may say travesty of justice, as Kieran basically started all this off in the road leading up to Danni's exit, and during the eviction ceremony it dawned on Garth, and later on the rest of them it was down to Kieran. Now he has to find his way out of this big pile of poo.....

Proceedings today are started off with Angela, as she is seen smuggling some tea bags one of which got dropped in a certain place, resulting in her saying tea is precious.

And then we are straight into a shopping challenge, which Big Brother announces is a 24 hour challenge. Rules are simply that when a ball comes out of the chute, a random housemate will be called outside no matter what time of day or night, and they have to catch the ball as it leaves the ramp

Surely Big Brother won't call someone while they are having a call of nature....

Every ball caught adds $10 to the weekly shopping budget

So cue the shots of some of them sitting close to the apparatus, and Daniel has set up camp right next to it 

KLAXON!!!! Angela summoned outside to try and get the first $10, and she has..... Garth is then successful shortly afterwards

We then see snippets of Zoe, Sophie and Daniel. Total of $50 in the pot so far for shopping.

Sarah next, and it's a mad dash out of the shower for her. Another success and $60 in the pot. She's called again, and another success and $70 in the pot. One wasn't shown as Big Brother announces $80 in the pot, which soon becomes $90 after Kieran adds another successful catch to the collection

Talk now turns to Kieran and a lot of the housemates saying Kieran is on limited time in the house, along with Angela who is perceived as the biggest threat. Please, she is the only one providing the lighter moments in there. Deep down they know Angela HAS to stay in to keep this series afloat.

We have our first fail, as Angela is talking to Big Brother as the klaxon sounds and it's her name that pops up on the big screen for the next catch. Whoosh, but unfortunately it's not to be. Think the counting stops here as goodness knows what is skipped over. 

Oh no, Big Brother went there as Mat had a call of nature and they unleashed a ball and Mat didn't get there in time. Hannah next to fail, of all people Kieran criticises her. The same Kieran who has got even bigger problems right now within the house. Sophie also fails as she dashes from the shower.

Onto night-time, and Garth is successful and Marissa, Sophie and Chad not so much

And that's it, and the housemates have accumulated $190 for their shopping. That's basically basic rations, and they are given 30 minutes to do their shopping.

In the ultimate act of sabotage, Garth and Zoe decide to leave English Breakfast tea off the shopping list and order Green tea instead.

To say the queen wasn't happy shortly afterwards would be a massive understatement, and boy does she let us know about it as she sits and screams in the Diary Room. Heads are going to roll if she wins the next nomination challenge.

Nomination challenge

Simply put, they have to wrap rope around their body from their respective spools and then transfer it to their second respective spool. You know the rest as in what the winner gets.

Fast forward, and Angela's winning streak is broken as Ian wins, and he is summoned to the Diary Room where he nominates Marissa, Angela and Chad.

It doesn't put the queen in a better mood when it is announced who is up, and jeez she lets rip when Sonia goes to the house. Amongst other things, Angela says she is sick of people just laying around to win the $250,000 grand prize, and that in this show there are no handouts. 

Stunned silence from everyone, and Angela is not finished there as she name checks The Cool Kids alliance.

Sadly she is voted out when it came to voting time, but wait........ Big Brother stops her just as she is going down the hallway, and redirect her to a hidden room where she will have total control for the next few days. Revenge is sweet and I do hope she makes them all suffer, as they will be pretty pleased with themselves for getting rid of her, or so they think they have.

What will Angela have in store for them, the queen will get back to us in Episode 7 as we head into a fresh new week with Angela at the helm

Thank you everyone who reads these posts, and all feedback, likes, shares and retweets are much appreciated


Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking......

Friday, 19 June 2020

Big Brother Australia 2020 - Episode 5

The Queen is dead, long live Queen Angela

The reign of Queen Angela begins in earnest today as we head into a fresh day, and while a new queen has been crowned there are snakes in the grass called Kieran as we will find out in today's episode

Speaking of today's episode, shall we get things underway

Some sad news first from Ian's world, where he finds out his pet spider has passed away, but this is of little insignificance to Angela, who has more pressing celebrations to get on with. After all it's not every day you dispose a queen like she did with Talia.

And, boy, does she let everyone know with "The workers are free", I will say now that if this was anyone else they would be on a massive shit list, but not our Ange as she is so popular out here to get away with that.

When they cast Angela, they didn't reckon on her getting this popular. She is enjoying herself and so are we with her still in there. Anything is better than watching so called popular kids rule the house, and she has single handedly saved us from that. Good on you, Ange, keep up the good work

Anyways, it is most unfortunate (not really of course) that Daniel has lost his queen. The king has lost his consort, and this new queen has so demoted him to court buffoon. He's lost all his fight, as he goes crawling to her majesty, saying he didn't mean to say for Queenie to watch her back. Guy's pathetic, he knew exactly what he was saying. But at the moment he's got a stay of execution as there are other fish to fry.

Meanwhile the future snake is trying and failing miserably to teach a driving test which does involve a 3 point turn. They have managed to get a little buggy into the garden for this, and it is definitely watch through fingers time. For those that don't know Kieran starred in a documentary about driving, and he was just as hopeless in it as he is with this challenge. And yes, he failed and miserably. 'nuff said

Not the last we see of Kieran for now, as a short time later he is insinuating to Garth that Danni has been bitching about. Garth is stupid enough to fall for this as he spreads it about the house to anyone who will listen. When Garth catches up with Danni, she tells him some of the girls are down the hall, and for some reason just lets loose.

And who else should be listening, but the new queen of the house. In her usual manner, she's said she is not going to let anybody ruin her holiday and look out Garth and Danni if she wins the next challenge. The queen has spoken......

Nominations challenge

Basically, it's stop the water from their respective funnels using only their hands and fingers. The last housemate who keeps their water level above the line wins the challenge. Well, you know the rest by know, nominate 3 and all that.

And the added incentive that Big Brother will offer surprises from time to time, ranging from mango nectar to steak to pet dogs. A short time later a game advantage is offered to which Garth and Kieran make a mad dash to the Diary Room. The advantage being an extra vote at eviction which went to Garth.

Snot fest from Kieran, which repulses everyone. There's the lip gloss from Angela, her lucky charm.

All dropping like flies, all the while Angela is hanging on for dear life and it comes down to her and Xavier....

And she has done it again, another win for the queen

She nominates Danni, Garth and Zoe


Boy, Sonia does stir it up in regards to Kieran's lie from earlier. Garth is absolutely mortified when he realises what he has done and it sinks in Kieran was stirring things, but it is too little too late.

Danni is evicted with 11 votes, and Kieran is left in there in a great big pickle on how to get out of this mess he started

The beginning of a plan to take Kieran down, but what happens next? To be continued in Episode 6

As always, thank you for all the views they are very much appreciated. Shares, likes, comments and retweets are very welcome.


Rob has a Podcast - https://robhasawebsite.com/

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Big Brother Australia 2020 - Episode 4

Power shifts, showmances, noms challenge and an eviction, just another day in Big Brother Australia world

After SooBong's exit, Talia and Daniel still at the top of the mountain in ruling the house...But remember getting to the top is easy and it is the staying there that's the hard part

Into Episode 4, and a brand new mint fresh week, where things are off to an Angela sort of way as she wonders why many of them are exercising. Hold up, looks like a new showmance in town as Chad and Sophie are getting closer by examining each others fingers.

Thankfully this little exchange is cut short, but the down side is it's back to tea bags which of course involves Angela. But then again she's the only one who seems to be trying to entertain us at the same time as playing, so understandably she's probably going to be front and centre quite a lot for however long she's in there


Think I will call this one Fear Itself, as basically it involves the housemates fears which they talked about at their auditions. Now some of these coming up are somewhat bizarre so it's not very clear if these are made up but......oh you'll see as we plod along with this challenge

Sarah - Fear of knees

There told you, how does she manage everyday life with her own knees if she is so scared of them. Back to the challenge and she is shoved in a room, and on Big Brother's signal a load of knees break through these holes in the wall. By this point, Sarah is absolutely freaking out as Big Brother tells her to apply some lotion to the knees.

And as we go on the fears are:

Danni - Bubbles
Angela - Dogs
Sophie - Snakes
Garth - Fish
Casey - Cheese
Daniel - Pigeons

And that's all we see, housemates have passed and will receive a chocolate fountain later in the day

A short while later, a bit of matchmaking from Big Brother in regards to Chad and Sophie....Oh great just what we need more showmancing and this one with nudging from Big Brother itself. Big Brother suggests to Sophie to talk to Chad to get to know him better, and then Chad is summoned to the Diary Room. Think we know where this line of conversation is heading.

Post-fondue party, talk turns to strategy as we head towards another nominations challenge. Angela has already sussed out Talia and Daniel, so it's safe to assume she will target them as soon as possible.

Snake in the grass it would seem. Kieran is not too keen on Team A&M speaking about plans to target Daniel, and runs off to tell the man himself about said plans. Daniel is naturally not too happy, and runs off to tell his consort Talia. 

Talia, now thinking she is running this house, warns Angela not to put her and Daniel up or there will be blood spilt. Tsk tsk, think that will just make Angela even more determined. 

Nominations challenge

Basically it's hang on a pole for as long as possible, and well you know by now what the reward is.....

Look at that, Angela still hanging on as most of them drop off pretty early, and even takes the time to apply some lip gloss while hanging on to her pole. I really am starting to warm to her, despite my first night misgivings. She has come to play, and Talia and Daniel have really underestimated her.

Eventually, Angela has won the challenge so it's going to be Talia, Daniel and one other which turns out to be Casey. 

Needless to say, it's carnage amongst Team Talia and a lot of hissing and spitting followed by a veiled Watch Your Back warning from Daniel. Then more threats from big man Daniel, along the lines of if he wins a challenge Angela is going straight up. Take your best shot, pal, that girl will be going nowhere if/when you manage to get her nominated.

On to the eviction vote, Talia and Daniel are crying like babies, and Talia even votes to get rid of Daniel. That's loyalty for you right there, I don't think.

Eventually Talia is announced as evicted, and get this as she says her goodbyes she blanks Angela....Sore loser city beckons for her.

There's a new queen in town, and now to get rid of the self proclaimed king as well. And boy does the new queen look good on that throne

To be continued in Episode 5......

Shout outs

Note, there is a new pod with BB Australia and some BBUK incoming very soon

This is for the BBUK best bits show currently airing on UK channel E4

Follow me on Twitter @richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking.......

Saturday, 13 June 2020

Big Brother Australia 2020 - Episode 3

When last we left our Australian housemates:
Garth broke the ice literally and won the Nominations Challenge

He decided to nominate Alan, Kieran and Kieran

Alan was very confident he wasn't going anywhere, and decided not to even do a little bit of campaigning

But this proved to be his downfall as he was 2nd out with a mammoth 12 votes while Kieran and Angela only got one vote.


We start today with sleeping housemates, but what's that curious banging noise. It's ok, it's only Marissa bouncing a ball in the garden, and soon it's back to the land of nod for some.

Kieran feeling wonderful after surviving 2 evictions, and who can blame him. He wants to vibe with everyone, and feels like a new Kieran.

Who made Daniel and Talia this supposed king and queen, their own minds?

Four final intruders for this season have made their way in, but not quite the way you would think

Big Brother has had them suspended in a cage fifty feet in the air, reason being it is part of the latest shopping task

New housemates are:


The basic jist of this shopping task is that the current housemates will $50 for each hour they keep the newbies hanging in the air.

Daniel, the self proclaimed king of the house, doesn't want more newbies coming in especially SooBong as Soobong could be a threat physically in the future.

Then we have Sarah, who immediately recognises Hannah from the audition stages and doesn't think Hannah is a great person, snobby in fact. Claws at dawn then if Hannah actually joins the house. As expected, Talia, who in case you missed it is the self proclaimed queen of the house, doesn't seem too keen either.

Anyways back to the shopping task, and it's a whopping three hours before the current housemates let the newbies down and they officially join the happy home. Garth and Zoe are selected to do the weekly shopping, and Angela can finally have some tea. Remember, there's nothing like a good cup of tea

Nominations challenge

Today's challenge involves the housemates working in pairs. They in their pairs must traverse three podiums which will become gradually more unstable. Falling off the podiums at any time and it's automatic removal from the competition. Usual prize for winning in 3 nominations. Pairs are decided by random draw and the couples are:

Talia and Sarah
Shane and Chad
Daniel and Zoe
Hannah and Kieran
Mat and Sophie
Soobong and Angela
Marissa and Ian
Garth and Xavier
Danni and Casey

Under starters orders and we are off for the next challenge.....

It comes down to Talia and Sarah and Mat and Sophie if only briefly, as Talia and Sarah are the last pair standing and win today's power of nominations

They choose to nominate Hannah, SooBong and Marissa


Marissa is subtle in saying there are people in there who are winning challenges and flying under the radar. The camera immediately pans to Talia and Daniel, and it should be noted that Talia is not happy with this accusation. A lot of accusations that she is acting so entitled and I do see where those people are coming from. I think the moment Talia is up, she is gone as her and Daniel do need to be broken up

Talia and Sarah are told they are ineligible to vote today..... Time for everyone else to vote to evict

Fast forward as we don't see most of the votes, and it's SooBong who is unfortunately evicted receiving 12 votes

Thank you everyone who may be reading these posts, and please keep leaving feedback whether it be likes, retweets, comments or shares. All are very much appreciated.

Shoutout section

Follow me on Twitter @richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Big Brother Australia 2020 - Episode 2

Welcome, citizens of Big Brother fandom, as a new day and episode is dawning with 4 new arrivals incoming already, and a nominations challenge which is bound to leave some housemates in the cold.

But first, when we last saw our new housemates:

Kieran passed his secret challenge, with everybody's first night's sleep at stake as in if he failed everyone would be sleeping outside, and if he passed everyone has a nice warm bed. Obviously he passed, and it was warm beds all round

Next up, Angela made a somewhat good impression in one night, arguing with the voice about who's house it is, then learning she would have to earn tea as the housemates were on basics for their first night.

In the nominations challenge, it would come down to Talia and Laura to see who would earn the first right to nominate, a contest which Talia narrowly won. She chose to nominate Kieran, Zoe and Laura for the first eviction, and Big Brother gave them the rest of the day to decide who they want to evict.

Later that night, Laura was evicted by a vote of 6-3-2


Winter has arrived at the house, or a reasonable facsimilie of it. Sleeping housemates soon to be awoken. It's close to midnight and four new housemates are lurking in the wings


Secret mission as declared by Big Brother, all 4 must find their way into the bedroom without waking the current housemates. If they succeed, it's roast dinners all round. Failure will be penalties imposed by Big Brother.

Daniel still snoring away as they make their way around the bedroom looking for empty beds. Watch out, someone's waking up.... Alan is having a glass of water, but by some incredible timing he makes his way out of the danger zone and they have a clear path to their beds. I would say mission passed, bring on the Sunday roasts

Sunrise in the Big Brother house, and newbie Garth is already stirring with a call of nature and manages to go undetected by Marissa.

And now the newbies are allowed to introduce themselves, and yes hugs and surprise all round followed by sofa gatherage, and BB explains about the secret mission and they have passed. Sunday roasts with the all the trimmings are officially on the menu.

Sarah's tiny, which Angela is very quick to tell us in the Diary Room. House oracle role coming up for however long she is in there? Don't mean that in a bad way

Oh dear, Talia and Daniel continues to be pushed as a showmance. He's not too pleased about the new arrivals, and says he doesn't trust them. It's only their first day, Daniel, give them the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise.

Now Talia is getting prissy about the new arrivals, saying they need to earn her respect. Give them a chance, it's not difficult. Garth has already picked up on Talia's insecurity, could be one to watch.

Anyways, on to the Sunday roasts with all the trimmings reward, and it looks absolutely delicious if I do say so myself.

Angela talks about wanting tea again to Big Brother, and he still doesn't budge telling Angela 'patience is a virtue'

Crikey, Alan comparing Kieran to cancer which has to be cut out. This guy is giving off serious Sezer vibes. For those not familiar with BBUK housemates, Sezer was the cocky one from series 7, thinking he was God's gift and really was a loathsome creature in many episodes. He was so certain he wasn't going to be evicted thinking girls were going to save him, but how wrong he was and his reaction was priceless.

Hmmmm, Garth's on to Alan here...This could be interesting if Garth wins the next nomination challenge, and speaking of that......


And it's snowing in the Big Brother garden, a sort of subtle clue to what today's challenge will entail. 


Each housemate has in front of them a block of ice, which within contains a flag. They must use their bodies or whatever they are wearing only to try and melt the ice to get their flag. The first to get their flag and wave it over their heads will win today's power to nominate 3 people. 

Nothing like a good cup of tea, as Big Brother calls one housemate to the Diary Room where the tea is waiting. Off goes Alan, and he takes the tea outside much to the annoyance of Angela. Big Brother makes it clear the tea is not to be shared.

Garth is making inroads with his block of ice, and then Daniel suggests if he could pee on his ice to which Big Brother says yes and says "I see everything....unfortunately"

Garth is almost there in getting his flag, and it's between him and Daniel

And we have a winner, and it's GARTH

Shortly afterwards he nominates ALAN, KIERAN and ANGELA

And already Alan is pretty confident he is not going, definitely Sezer version 2. Will he suffer the same fate as Sezer, watch this space. Some are baffled to why Alan is not campaigning, and who can blame them, Alan is way too cocky going around thinking he is staying.

Imagine that, BB giving Kieran a pep talk about believing in him reminding him he made it into the house from 50,000 applicants. I am liking this voice, so many layers so far and hopefully more to come as we get further into this series.


It's that time of the episode again, as Big Brother summons the housemates to the Nominations Room

As it will be with every eviction, everyone gets called in one at a time and says one name which is locked in as their vote to evict. On with proceedings.....

By a vote of 12-1-1, ALAN is evicted from the Big Brother Australia house. Price he pays for being so sure he was staying in.

And that is it for another episode, to be continued in episode 3

Coming up, the final four housemates for this season make their entrance and they will be revealed in the next summary

Thank you everyone who has popped in so far, it is much appreciated. Feedback, likes, retweets, shares and comments are very welcome.

Shout outs to BB on Blast, Big Brother Radio, Rob has a Podcast and Big Blagger

Big Brother Radio will be back on air on June 13 for a BBUK preshow, as in case you missed it E4 in the UK will be airing the most iconic episodes. Full tweet from Doc right here - https://twitter.com/BigBroRadio/status/1271084591785422853

And as always Big Blagger is running series 7 from the UK in its entirety, and if you missed any episodes click here or watch live with everyone else from one of these locations 

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Big Brother Australia 2020 - Episode 1

G'd day, mates, and welcome to the 2nd rebirth of Big Brother Australia 

Yes, Sonia and the gang are back for a fresh new format and there is a new voice in town as the original voice as in Leon has been replaced. So it's goodbye to the familiar Australia format, and a move to the USA/Canada type of format. 

Just unfortunate they will be going in to no crowd, but they do get to meet Sonia at the entrance for a chat before going in the house 

The downside is this season is pre-recorded, and there is an eviction every day so most likely won't be able to know them too well 

Down to business as Kieran is first in and straight away is called to the Diary Room and is given a number of secret missions as the rest walk in, will he pass? Stay tuned, as if he doesn't everyone is sleeping outside 

First lot in: 


It should be noted Big Brother is calling them in as they come in for a little chat, Leon may be gone and I did enjoy his dry humour, but I do feel this new person is doing a good job so far. Once Matt is in, Big Brother calls Kieran and mentions how displeased he is with Kieran's progress, and tacks on an additional mission in that Kieran has to do a secret handshake with the housemates. 

Check out this argument between Angela and BB about who's house it is, she is full of herself. Definitely one to watch in terms of personality, but get the feeling she could wind the housemates up which may be a good or bad thing depending on one's point of view 

Sofa gatherage to reveal Kieran has PASSED his secret missions, and housemates will sleep in the bedroom on the first night 

Amidst all the unpacking, we see a VT of Ian's collection from his travels. We also find out he plays the spoons, and he says has spent most of his life in the Australian Bush so has very little people skills. I know how he feels about that, as I have autism and very poor social skills. 

Angela is not liking the conversations, calling them 'boring'. She then goes into the Diary Room to say there is no tea, to which he tells her it is not part of the basic rations and will have to be earned in the future. She's very snobby on first impressions, did she know what show she was signing up for.... 

Talia has her eye on Daniel, lucky us. Nice and early showmance, yawn-o-rama. 


Basically whoever wins nominates 3 housemates and it is who goes THEY decide. 

The opening challenge is called Swingers and here is how it works:

Housemates have to lay on swings, and must propel themselves backwards and forwards, and have to place 5 balls on a shelf. That's about the size of it. In a fun element, Big Brother is doing play by play.

Fast forward a little, and it comes down to Talia and Laura.....

Talia eventually manages to win, and gets the first power of this season in nominating 3 housemates for eviction

She chooses to nominate Laura, Kieran and Zoe and Big Brother gives them to the rest of the day to decide who to evict. 

Shortly afterwards, a new room is introduced in the Eviction Room with a kind of red tinge to it.....

Cue Sonia, going to the airlock where she will talk to the housemates for the evictions. Just in, there will be NO interview with Sonia post-eviction which is a bummer. Each nominee gives their plea to stay in, and now for the serious business.....

Taking the dubious honour of being first evicted is LAURA by 6 votes to Kieran's 2 and Zoe's 3


4 new housemates and an icy challenge awaits for the next Nominations Challenge

And there we have it, BB chums, Australia is officially back in the Big Brother family, and while it may be a little different it's nice to have some sort of Big Brother to lift the gloom in the current climate. Welcome back to our friends down under, it's been a long time.

Granted, this format may take some getting used to, but I'm all for it. Hey it's Big Brother after all and let's give it a chance before writing it off prematurely.

A shoutout to Lynsey and Gaz over at BB on Blast, who have recorded their first podcast for the new BB Australia era, and they can be found right here

A shoutout too for Big Blagger, and more especially their sister channel Blagger TV which is running series 7 of the UK version. You know the one with Nikki, Aisleyne, Lea and the gang. The winner may have been obvious, but this is really a standout series and join in if you can every day at 9pm UK time. Watch back any classic episodes you may have missed right here or join in the fun at one of three locations

Thank you everyone who will read this amongst the many other recaps out there, and please feel free to leave some feedback, likes, retweets and shares

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking......