Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Big Brother Canada 2020 - Very short episode 6 and some personal experiences

May be a bit short today, citizens, and for the foreseeable future given events in the real world and recent events in the Canada house, which will be elaborated on in the next episode......

Oh eff it, you know what screw spoilers for now, Jamar has been expelled for simply reacting to aggressive goading from Kyle and Jamar didn't even raise his hands at all. Just effing bullshit Kyle is still there as he has been problematic from the start in encouraging people to try and say the N word, and threatening to break Jamar into a million pieces and now all this goading. A boot for Kyle and a simple warning for Jamar in regards to future conduct would have sufficed

Just really stinks, it really does

WTF have we done to deserve this start to 2020. World War 3 narrowly averted, Australia burnt pretty badly, floods in the UK, and now this dam virus understandably closing everything down around the world. The sooner we can show the red card to this virus the better, as this UK government and namely he who is in charge has basically told most of us in the UK to wash our hands, and then eff off and die, while he sits merrily on his big wads of cash watching the rest of us suffer. Then you have these stupid nimrods panic buying and stockpiling toilet roll. Toilet roll, but why? What part of 'this virus will not give you the shits' do these people not understand

Eff's sake, what is the matter with these people, the same nimrods who are going to complain about having no money left, due to their general stupidity and selfishness. At least the elderly and vulnerable can have 2 hours to themselves to get their shopping done, without having said nimrods just barging into the queue and taking up real estate with their full up trollies with stuff they don't need.

This past Saturday, I went to the shop as I needed some bread and little things, and no no toilet paper as I have enough of that. So anyway there I was deciding what to buy, and this little gang of about 6 or 7 little girls came crashing in, screaming their heads off. They looked at me like I had the plague or something, as I let out a sigh of shall we say exasperation as I went about my business and all I got in the end was a loaf of bread and a 12 pack of Walkers Crisps. Anxiety going through the roof all the while as these girls kept on screaming which was only stopped by the shop owner telling them to keep the noise down.

Same anxiety when I went to Sainsbury's for some of the main shop on Tuesday, and was shocked to see how empty the shelves were and this was only mid afternoon, which didn't help my general fear and anxiety. Came out of there with what I could get, amongst other things:

Dairy Milk chocolate bar
Lime and Coriander crisps
6 pack of Hula Hoops
1 bottle of 2 litre Pepsi Max
Long life milk

Have enough tins and noodles as my dad was kind enough to give me some of that out of the supplies I was supposed to devour when he was away on holiday in Gran Canaria, but now that has been cancelled for a second time, with most countries locking down to stop the spread of this virus.

Before I take a breath, I just want to give a special shoutout to a certain someone overseas who I've known for 16 years who helped calm me down a lot with their kind words, and understanding about my situation in regards to my autism and anxiety. Coming from the heart, thank you so much :) I won't say their name out loud, as I want to respect their privacy but you know who are, and thank you so much for being so patient with me over these 16 years

Anyways in terms of Big Brother Canada, and I am going to keep this short so I don't go off on another tangent

Sheldon won HoH, and nominated Madeline and Rianne

In terms of podcasts, BB on Blast's 2nd pod of this season, and hopefully won't be the last with what is happening in the world, right here

Link is that away >>>>>>>>> in regards to Rob has a Podcast if you want to catch up with live feed discussion, episode recaps, and roundtable discussions

Sorry to go on a bit in this one, but I had to vent somewhere

Just remember though, 1 minute is all it takes to check on family and friends if they need to talk, or even if it's to make sure they are ok with what is currently happening.

Hopefully normal business resumed as of next episode when the Veto is up for grabs. So until then, stay healthy, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking......

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