Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Big Brother Canada 2020 - Episode 4 - Power of Veto

When last we left our new houseguests:

Chris became the first into power for this season when he won HoH, he then set about a 'master plan' in which Brooke and Hira would be nominated as pawns, when in truth his real target has always been Michael

In case you didn't know, Chris has had a soft spot for Madeline from the moment he walked in and he walked in on Michael and Madeline getting cosy, which caused his eyes to go white and his skin to go green. Not literally but you get the jist I hope.

Anyhow, he went through with this so called master plan and put Brooke and Hira on the block, which didn't go down to well with either nominee. In simple English, it's the usual "how dare you nominate me".

So onwards to the Veto episode we go, and the fallout from Chris's nominations.....

And we start with Chris assuring Brooke the Veto will be used on her should he win it, but Brooke was reluctant to believe Chris, and tells us pawns usually go home.

People's favourite Minh, my own words, questioned what would happen if Michael's little group won the Veto and took it upon herself to paint herself as a decoy target should the situation need it.

Chris tells Hira he will also be safe, however he didn't let on who the target would be but Hira promised loyalty anyway.

Madeline, who by this point is really suspicious of Chris's motives, but failed in her interrogation to get much out of him other than the decoy plan of Minh going up, which incidentally he fed to John Luke and Michael as well. Oh boy, this guy is digging his grave.

To the strange case of Minh and Jamar's friendship/possible showmance, and urgh a kiss is shared. Is that kiss one and done, or is there more to come. These two.... I just don't know what to make of them I really don't.

Meanwhile, Rianne is let in on the backdoor Minh decoy plan as...How little they all know what the real scheme is

Veto comp picks

If you didn't know already, in the Canadian version the HoH doesn't play in the Veto comps until final 5.

Joining Brooke and Hira in this competition are Vanessa, Madeline and Carol. Suzanne, as chosen by HoH Chris, will host this competition.

Before the comp, Madeline and Michael are suspicious of Chris's intentions. Madeline convinced herself not to use the Veto, should she win it, just so she can keep her alliance safe. Suzanne, however, convinced them both Minh was the real plan.

Back to the comp, and it's endurance along with memory. Basically the 5 have sleds on their back and have to drag it to the icy water pond in their respective lanes to bob the different coloured fish  out of the water, and take it back to their respective rack. The colours of the fish have to be put in the correct sequence of the picture puzzle. The fish are also different sizes. No penalties for finishing last or no bonus prizes in this one.

To cut a long story short, HIRA completes his puzzle first and wins the first Veto of the season

Back to the scheming and plotting with Minh and Kyle, a most incompatible pair if ever I saw one, but on this occasion they both agreed they need to stick together for the operation backdoor Michael plan.

Meanwhile the latest confirmed lovebirds in Michael and Madeline, both admitted their feelings for each other. Holy mush and all that.

Slop immunity for this week

Some sofa gatherage as the housemates are told Vanessa gets that particular privilege as voted for by Canada. As a Have Not, she gets to choose a really nice meal and it is promptly delivered via the front door.

John Luke and Michael said how much they didn't want to be in Minh's position right now, little knowing they couldn't be further from the truth as they will find out presently if Hira uses the Veto.

In perhaps a little mistake, Minh blabs about wanting to backdoor Kyle to Carol and Vanessa. Little knowing Vanessa is on Kyle's side, to which she promptly goes running to Kyle to tell her of this plan and he then goes running to Chris with the information. Suzanne,Vanessa and Kyle then get in Chris's ear about taking out Minh, but he seems hellbent on taking out his 'love-rival'.

Veto Ceremony

Unsurprisingly, Hira uses the Veto on himself, and in another great non shock, Chris names Michael as the replacement. Madeline was hopping mad at Chris, probably because her only storyline could be going out of the window, or in this case the door if Michael goes. John Luke was a surprise though, does he not know this is a game and he is coming across as a bit of a crybaby with his reaction. Madeline was adamant Chris would go up, should she win HoH next time.

To be continued in Episode 5.....Who goes, THEY decide

Another good episode, and Minh continues to shine. Going to be very interesting to see how Chris goes forward when he is not HoH, as there some laser beams pointing right at him. Think I will stick to my prediction that he will be out long before jury

As for this eviction, hope and think it will be Michael. A wise move so we don't get a showmance shoved in our faces. In two minds about Minh and Jamar right now, so we'll see how that one goes for now.

Anyway, thanks everyone who reads these posts. It is very much appreciated, and please keep any likes, comments, shares, and retweets coming in

Some news in today, that due to the coronavirus concerns there will be no crowd for the not so live eviction, and also that BB USA open auditions are cancelled so it's been switched to online auditions only.

On a lighter note, a shout out to Lynsey and Gaz from BB on Blast, who are at this moment recording their second podcast for this season. If you missed the first one it can be found right here

And don't forget Rob has a Podcast which on every day, with overnight updates, episode discussions and round table discussion. Link is thataway >>>>>>>

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

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