Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Big Brother Canada 2020 - Episode 1 - Launch

Greetings and welcome, citizens, to a brand new mint fresh decade and a whole new year of Big Brother. Well internationally at least, and with a new decade we welcome back Australia to the Big Brother family.

But back to the present, and it's Canada up first and now mum of THREE Arisa, who may I say is looking particularly fab as she heads out of the eye to kick off proceedings

This year's theme is superheroes and comic books, as shown from the houseguests intro's

First group in is Brooke, Angie, Chris, Kyle, Minh-Ly, and Sheldon

For the number crunchers and stats people amongst us, Kyle was first through the door. Can he beat the first in curse of the civilian Big Brother in North America? 

Group 2 is Carol, Suzanne, Jamar, Madeline, and Michael  

Group 3 is Nico, Vanessa, Rianne, John Luke, and Hira

Houseguests bios right here along with their interviews with former houseguest Ika, courtesy of Big Blagger. No Edmondtonians in this series at least not yet, but Alberta is well represented, along with the first houseguest from Prince Edward Island

Early observations as they are mingling, in that Michael is gunning for a showmance already and makes a beeline for Madeline, and they are certain something is going to happen as they have already christened themselves M&M. Holy mush, as Burt Ward's Robin once said

Anyways, if you followed the show on Twitter, you would know there has been a viewers vote for a few days, and the four houseguests with the fewest votes as in a favourite houseguest poll will participate in two challenges, one involving strength which is played out in this episode and a mental challenge.

After some mingling, Arisa gathered them to the living area and explained there would be no HoH this week, and about the aforementioned vote.

Facing the strength challenge as they were the bottom four in the vote would be SUZANNE, NICO, CHRIS and MINH-LY

Strength challenge

Think of this as an endurance challenge, as the four participants had to grab a rope and pull on it to keep their 'cars' from going over the edge. Each car was built to distribute proportionally to the houseguests respective body weights, if that makes sense.

Chris crashed out first, followed by Nico and then Suzanne. So that means Minh-Ly won safety for the week, and now it's down to the other three for the mental challenge and the second safety spot. This will play out in the next episode, along with the first eviction of the season

That's about it really......

Post show analysis - Really good start I have to say, and some really good potential in there. Minh-Ly showing the boys how it should be done with that first challenge, and earning her safety. Definitely one to watch there in terms of the competitions. Some really good personalities, but best not get too attached to any one person yet, as there will always be a few who start off as social media or forum favourites but will say or do something stupid to get the boot, whether it be before or during when the jury places are decided.

As per with Canada, there will be a Wendy's meal for the HoH's when they get started, along with haves and have nots and may I say a beautiful looking house. If you wish to see the house in its splendour, click right here

That all being said, a big welcome to the first members of the Big Brother family for 2020, and good luck to them as they start their journey towards the big prize at the end.

To be continued in episode 2 as what's left of launch night reaches its conclusion.....

Suzanne, Chris and Nico face a mental challenge, which will be described in greater detail when it arrives

In closing, be sure to join Lynsey and Gaz on BB on Blast when they begin their podcasts for this season, and also Rob and the team over at Rob has a Website for all your show recaps, round tables and live feed discussions once the feeds are up for the season. Speaking of the live feeds, Canada's are free so be sure to log in sometime if you want to see what the houseguests are up to live as it happens

Follow me on Twitter - richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....Enjoy, complain or a little of both for these summaries. The choice is yours ;)

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