Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday 20 March 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 6 - Nominations and Have nots competition

In our previous Big Brother adventure:

Maki was evicted 6-5, with Dane having the casting vote. Maki wished a plague on the house, as Dane had promised Maki he would be safe, so safe to say Maki didn't take things too well. Shortly afterwards, Chelsea took the honours and rose to power as the new HoH.and we will see who she nominates pre-veto.

We pick up the action after Chelsea's victory, and it's safe to assume that there are some early targets for the block

Kyra is understandably very happy about surviving, while Kailyn takes the credit for 'rallying the troops' and forcing Dane's hand. She is then seeing bragging to Estefania, Eddie and Kiera about getting Dane to swear on his father. 

Back with the not so Pretty Boys alliance, and Dane is not taking being the casting vote too well, as Adam reassures him that Maki was too dangerous to be kept in the house.

Chelsea, meanwhile, has identified an early contender for putting on the block in Kailyn. She identifies Kailyn as the reason for the house being divided the way it is. She is then with Adam, Sam, Kyra and Anthony celebrating her victory, but celebrations are cut short when Eddie walks in. Talk about awkward.

Speaking of Eddie, he is tellng Kailyn that he has to play smart while fulfilling his dream of being in the house. Kailyn is convinced the vote would be split, and she is also convinced she and Eddie are not in trouble this week, and that Cory would be in trouble this week. Wishful thinking I reckon.

Who wants to see my HoH room

Usual segment where the HoH gets their keys to their base of operation for the next few days. Chelsea's video message is from her friend Jordan, who admits she has never watched the live feeds until now.

Back to the game, and staying in the HoH room, Chelsea is saying to Adam and Samantha that Kyra needs to stay calm and that arrogant talk can place targets on backs. In a conversation with Kyra, Kyra is being told to be careful and that Kyra and Chelsea can't be glued together.

Have Not's competition

Slop and Slide is the name of this competition and here is how it works. Teams have been determined by random draw, and each team member will take it in turns to slide into the slop ahead of them and find a recipe. Once their plate is complete, the next team member will be be up to play. The first team to finish will be eating well for the week. The last two teams left will play off in a final round and the losers will be the Have Not's for the week.

The teams:

Kailyn, Dane and Estefania
Kiera, Kyra and Adam
Sam, Anthony and Eddie
Mark, Cory and Damien

To cut a long story short Sam, Eddie and Anthony did not fare too well all the way through and will be Have Not's for the week

After the comp is over, the not so Pretty Boys convene and all are in agreement Kailyn is very dangerous to their alliance and also agree to keep their ears open and start planting some seeds

For this week's Wendy's meal, Chelsea has picked Mark, and this weeks guest is Hamza from series 6. Over the meal Mark says he will do whatever Chelsea says and take out whoever she wants

Back in the HoH room, Kailyn continues to be the subject of discussion with Kyra, Chelsea, Adam and Sam. All admit she is dangerous, and that Adam and Sam could be on the block if Kailyn wins HoH. Backdoor talk ensues with Kailyn being the target.

Damien requests to talk to Chelsea, and wants to lull her into a false sense of security. Chelsea says she doesn't know where Damien's head is at. He tells Chelsea that Kailyn and Maki approached him and that's why he voted to keep Maki.

Kiera thinks herself and Dane will be fine when it comes to nominations, although they haven't spoken much game and would love to work with Chelsea in the future.

In a conversation, Chelsea tells Kiera she needs to surround herself with people who have her back. Secretly Chelsea admits Kiera would be the perfect backdoor pawn in terms of getting rid of Kailyn.

Arisa reveals that one houseguest will get access to Leon's lounge, as in the real secret room, and will be able to get intel on the other houseguests

Back to house action, and Dane hides on a shelf in the store room, and makes Kiera jump a few feet in the air when she walks in.

Back to Chelsea, and she says she is playing a balancing act as in lulling Kailyn into a false sense of security so Kailyn doesn't build up reinforcements if she catches on to Chelsea's plan for a backdoor. She admits she wants Kailyn gone for her own game, but admits she has to be cautious for this plan to work as it could backfire and make herself a target.

Nominations ceremony

After much pondering, KIERA and DAMIEN are nominated for eviction pre-Veto by Chelsea. Reasons being that she and Kiera haven't talked much game and there is also the trust issue and is a comp threat. Just about the same reason for Damien in that no game talk has taken place and he is an easy pawn.

In closing, Kiera says she will fight hard for the Veto and Damien says he will find some way to fight his way out of this, while Chelsea says she will be sweating that people don't figure out her real plan and that is to get Kailyn out.

Can Damien or Kiera find their way off the block? To be continued in Episode 7, with the Power of Veto competition. Same Big Brother time, same Big Brother channel.

Thank you for reading these posts if you are reading them, and any RT, likes, shares or comments are very much appreciated

Unfortunately, due to technical issues BB on Blast have not brought out their next podcast, hopefully they will be back in action soon.

However, Garry and Erica have brought out episode 2 of their Big Brother Radio spin off, and that can be listened to right here

Please show the links on the right some love with all the USA, Canada and UK news for Big Brother

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and cheerio.....

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