Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Sunday 10 March 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 2 - Nominations and Eviction

So here we are again, citizens

When we last peeked into the house, Damien won the first vote of the season as in getting top level clearance and could watch the housemates every move. Adam won the first HoH of the season and Cory or Holly will be voted in for a secret mission. Relatively simple stipulations, as in if whoever goes in fails their mission they are straight back out, and if they win they will get a 1 week reprieve from the eviction. Oh, and Arisa announced there would be no Veto competition so whoever was on the block would stay there with no hope of parole this week.

Think that's about it, so off we go for another episode and it's goodbye to one and hello to one more. How long the newbie will be there depends on themself.

We pick up the action after Adam comes into power.....

Needless to say he is very happy, as he claims he would have been on the block had he not won. But I was under the impression, the first HoH is always a poison chalice so cue a target going on Adam straight away. Urgh at the name of his alliance aka 'Pretty Boys', not too vain or arrogant is he.

Samantha now trying to muscle her way into his alliance, or should that be affections, and not being very subtle about it. Meanwhile Eddie tells us from the Diary Room, that he is going to play dumb for a little while if they are the right words to use, to get the lay of the land. He makes it no secret that he doesn't like Adam. He's got the idea some have got about Adam. Eddie could be one to watch if he gets far into the competition.

The usual 'Who wants to see my HoH room' segment where we get to see the HoH get a video message, in this case Adam. Samantha getting her feet under the table with Adam, you could never tell she wants this showmance really bad.

Laura pitches to Adam about not putting her on the block, but makes the rookie mistake of mentioning Samantha to put on the block. 


Usual rules in the North American format, in that the HoH puts two houseguests on the chopping block. Reminder that there is NO Veto competition this week, how long this is going to last is anyone's guess

Adam shortlists Eddie, Laura, Kiera and Damien. Back with the houseguests, he has narrowed 4 to 2 and put LAURA and DAMIEN on the block.

Adam feels Damien is a rank novice at this game, while he says to Laura he can't keep her in the house with the targets he has in mind. In other words he doesn't want her ruining his chance of the showmance with Samantha.

Straight away, Laura goes into 'how dare you nominate me' mode. Memo to Laura, welcome to Big Brother. Meanwhile, Damien is taking it much better, and even mentions the Blood Veto which was seen in Episode 1, but we are still waiting to find out its purpose

Back in the so called secret room, Damien has received a letter saying there is a Secret Veto hidden away, but Damien is having major problems finding it.

A short while later, Adam's found this so called secret room and makes a major blunder in telling just about everyone. Why, Adam, why, you stupid *bleep*, wouldn't it have been better to keep it to yourself? What a maroon.....


Arisa goes to the house, and gives Damien and Laura 30 seconds each to plead their cases. Adam, as HoH, is not allowed to vote. 

To cut a long story short, EVERYONE voted for Laura to leave and it was an 11-0 vote and the regional judge was sentenced to eviction. Not entirely unexpected if I am being honest, too many flaws in Laura's plans contributed to her downfall. Before she left, she warned people to be mindful of Samantha

In her interview with Arisa, Laura explained that she could see the threat of Samantha. Whether that sinks in with everyone else remains to be seen.

Anyways, back to the twist at hand and it will be Cory or Holly going in. Arisa reveals that CORY will be going in and she explains the twist to Cory

To be continued in Episode 3.....

Will Cory be successful or will she leave as quickly as she arrived? Who will be the next HoH and who will they nominate?

All this and more in the next episode, stay tuned. Same BB time, Same BB channel

In case you missed it, BB on Blast's first BB Canada podcast can be found right here 

Thank you for reading if you pop in to read these posts

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and cheerio.....

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