Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 3 - HoH, Nominations and Cory's secret mission

Last time on Big Brother Canada:

  • Adam formed the Pretty Boys alliance consisting of himself, Mark, Anthony and Dane
  • Adam nominated Laura and Damien for eviction, and there was no hope for a Veto reprieve as there was no Veto competition
  • Laura was evicted by everyone (11-0)
  • Cory was voted in over Holly for a secret mission, failure meant instant eviction. Meanwhile success meant Cory would stay in AND be immune from the next eviction
To cut a long story short, Cory had to make 3 final 2 deals within 24 hours, will she do it? Stay tuned to see if she accomplishes this mission and to see who becomes HoH and who they nominated

We pick up the action after Cory has made her entrance....and to say there are some sour faces when Cory comes in would be an understatement. She reminds us of the secret mission she has been given, 3 final 2 deals within 24 hours or she is out already.

Conversation around the house is about the lady of the moment, and I suspect a lot of rearranging in people's heads.....Welcome to Big Brother, and all that.

HoH competition

Swiftly on to the HoH comp we go, and it's a test of endurance. Golf theme for this competition as the houseguests have to balance the ball on the bottom of the larger than life clubs in their possession. Basically, they can buzz in and take a shot at a hole when they hear FORE. If they miss the hole or drop their ball from their club they will be eliminated

As outgoing HoH, Adam is not eligible to play and Cory, as newbie of the house, won't play in HoH or Veto and for now is immune from being nominated.

Order of elimination:-

Mark (failed the shot to the hole)
Anthony (failed shot)

Dane is the new HoH, and dedicates the win to his late father

Before nominations, he has to choose three Have Nots and they turn out to be Adam, Samantha and Mark. They will live on slop and not have the best surroundings to sleep in.

In the HoH room Dane is in floods of tears as he explains how he lost his dad to suicide, and we see his video message from his sister.

Back to the game at hand, and Maki suggests to Dane about nominating Kiera and Kyra but Dane's real target is Maki himself

In other house news, Adam and Sam are trying very hard to resist the temptation of a showmance, but we all know it's going to happen anyway if they are both there in a few weeks. Meanwhile, Dane and Anthony discuss their mutual distrust of Chelsea, Adam and Sam, and come to the conclusion Adam may be using them to further his own game. Discussion then turns to getting Sam out pronto, as she is apparently shady. Good luck with that if the showmance starts to hot up.

Back to the HoH room, and Dane has chosen Eddie to share his Wendy's meal and serving them their meal is none other than Big Brother Canada alumin Ika Wong.

Regarding Cory's mission, she picks up Eddie straight away for a final 2 deal and then manages to get Kailyn onside for her 2nd deal, just one more deal to get and she is safe and immune.

That honour falls on Damien, and Cory pins her hopes on getting him on board before time runs out. With a little time left she manages to get him on board, and her mission is a success with a reward of immunity and more importantly staying in the house.

Nominations ceremony

Dane's shortlist was Chelsea, Samantha, Maki and Kyra

Dane settled on Kyra and Maki, and they will be on the block pre-Veto

To be continued in Episode 4 and the first Power of Veto competition of the season

Will Kyra or Maki win Veto and take themself off the block or will the nominations stay the same. How will the housemates react if they find out about Cory's mission?

All these answers and more as we head further into the season, so stay tuned. Same Big Brother time, Same Big Brother Blog

Reminder, give the links to the right a look for all the intel on USA, Canada, or maybe UK you can shake a stick out

Rob has a Podcast is on air shortly after the episodes have aired, so be sure to listen in on their opinions

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and cheerio....

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