Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Friday 16 February 2018

Operation: Get Shannon Out

Good evening citizens, and welcome to another edition of Big Brother from the Batcave as another episode of Celebrity Big Brother USA rolls in

When we last left our houseguests:

  • With Ross as boss, he decided to put Omarosa and Keshia as he thought they were gunning for him
  • Shannon and James got closer and Ross considered flipping the script
  • At the noms ceremony, he stuck with Keshia and Omarosa
  • Brandi and Ariadna pitched an idea to Ross to backdoor Shannon
  • Marissa won Veto, and the plan was close to completion but Keshia threw a spanner in the works as she explained her breast milk and pleaded to be evicted
  • The housemates duly complied and Keshia left the premises

A new houseguest rises to power and will put 2 on the block, and the lead up to Keshia ultimately leaving coming up....

Lots of emotion ensues as Keshia walks out the door, and Omarosa is first up saying how emotional it actually is in there and how she will be on the block every chance they got

Marissa laments about not using the Veto and how the plan to backdoor Shannon went crazy due to the Keshia events, and how she was swayed not to use the Veto so Keshia could get out to her baby

Flashback to 2 hours before Keshia's departure, and Keshia is asking to go home giving the same reasons she did at the eviction....So why didn't she self evict then instead of wasting everyone's time at the eviction itself? Surely she knew what Big Brother entails and what she was signing up for

Ariadna says, Keshia going home could affect her own game and also the whole alliance. She admits they wanted Shannon to go home, but as of right now there is no plan B

Brandi is mad that Keshia has suddenly brought this up on the eve of backdooring Shannon, and questions her (Keshia's) choice to actually be there in the first place

Mark says how everybody's mind set is changing after 2 weeks in the Big Brother house, and is crazier than a Sugar Ray concert from 1999

Metta laments how when Keshia wanted to go home, everyone listened to her but when he wanted to go home nobody listened, so has decided to play

Shannon says she would have evicted Keshia, as she was a strong player...Meanwhile Brandi is telling Ross it was frustrating having to let Keshia go, and that Shannon is still there

Shannon says Keshia's eviction speech meant nothing to her alliance, and to make sure Omarosa or Metta don't win the next HoH

Ross wants Shannon and James to think they are still working with him and Marissa, and to make sure Shannon and James don't find out about the next secret plan to backdoor one of them

The HoH competition up next, and Ross is dressed as a ship's captain, just a reminder Ross as outgoing HoH is NOT eligible to compete

The competition is called "Get Your Putt in Gear

Each houseguest, apart from obviously Ross, have to sink 3 holes in one in order. The houseguest with the fastest time becomes HoH

Omarosa says that last week she was blindsided and out of the loop, and this time is in the loop and would love to be the one to take the shot to get Shannon out

Shannon knows Omarosa is after her, and Ariandra hopes one of her alliance wins HoH so they can get Shannon out

Brandi is up first, and finishes with a time to beat of 5:56.46

Shannon putts the first 2 holes very quickly, but struggles with the 3rd hole as with everyone the 3rd hole, well how to describe it, is a curvy uphill and downhill type of hole. Think it's best seen rather than described in words. Anyways, Shannon does struggle a lot with the 3rd hole but does eventually putt the 3rd hole and her time is 3:04.91, and is therefore on the winners podium for now

Marissa is nervous now that Shannon is on the podium, as the backdoor cannot be used

Omarosa next up, but doesn't beat Shannon's time so is eliminated

Marissa runs out of time so is eliminated

Ariadna is up next, and with a time of 2:18.08 she takes her place on the winners podium...Ross points out some of them are TOO happy with that result

Metta up next, and Mark says Metta CAN'T win as it would create no end of pandemonium and he doesn't as time runs out

Mark decides again to throw another competition, so he can drift through again aka what is known as a floater

James shoots through the first 2 holes, but just runs out of time as the ball falls into the 3rd hole

So therefore, ARIADNA is the new Head of Household

Shannon thinks Omarosa is going up on the block, so is blissfully unaware of the plan of herself and James going on the block

Omarosa is just TOO happy that Ariadna is HoH, and her,Brandi and Ari dance in the bedroom

James says he knows who the best pawn is to go on the block, and James thinks Ari should put Metta and Omarosa...Ross says everyone is on board to backdoor Shannon, and wonders how it will go down as in, do they do it at Veto, or will those two go on the block straight away and 'shake up the house'

Metta saying the beast has been unleashed, along with a animal sound effect thrown in for good measure....The same Metta that didn't know it was Vote to Evict and not Save?

Omarosa tells the houseguests about the White House layout, and there's a lot of restrictions and limitations to what they can do in there

A plug for a 'game-changing vote appears on screen, as Marissa explains Shannon HAS to go, and Ari repeats shortly afterwards. One suggestion is to nominate Mark and Omarosa, and then hope one of them wins the Veto so they can backdoor Shannon.

Ari is saying how Shannon has the biggest power to win over people, and Brandi says Shannon is overcooked in regards to the game. Ari tells Metta to stay in the room, so Shannon can't easily influence her, sort of a bodyguard role. On cue here comes Shannon, cue a lot of shifty faces as she joins the others. Shannon wants to talk about Metta, but obviously can't as he is in the room and won't leave, resulting in Shannon going back downstairs.

Shannon leaves the kitchen area, whilst putting the pieces together that she is going on the block. She tells James she has no fight left, to which James tells her to snap out of it. She says she is tired of being attacked.

Nominations ceremony time....

Shannon saying she didn't turn on anybody, whilst Ari watches from the top of the stairs

Omarosa replies about Shannon supposedly campaigning to get Omarosa on the block while she was in the hospital

Ari nominates JAMES and SHANNON,and says its nothing personal and that they are the biggest threats in the house

James says Ari is following Brandi's lead too much, and Shannon breaks down saying there is no fight left in her. Omarosa says revenge is a dish best served cold

Who will the Power of Veto and will it be used to save James or Shannon, and who will next to be sent packing....Find out in the next episode

I hope this was a good read for everyone as we hurtle towards another veto and eviction

Does look like it's curtains for Shannon unless she can think of something very quickly or win Veto

Can she do it, I certainly hope so, but she is getting it from everyone except James

Tune in for the next post very soon once the veto and eviction are done

Until next time, and remember someone is always watching :)

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