Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday 21 February 2018

Episode 9 - Veto twist revealed and another one leaves

Hello, citizens, and welcome to post #9 of this series and another one for the archives of Big Brother from the Batcave

Julie says "you watched, you voted, and tonight you will shake up the Power of Veto"

Previously on Celebrity Big Brother:

  • Ross, Ariadna, Brandi and Marissa formed a power alliance to send Shannon packing
  • When it came to the live eviction, Brandi went rogue and went against the agreed decision
  • Shannon was evicted despite the rogue vote
  • Omarosa became the new HoH after promising James she wouldn't backdoor him, and vowed to shake up the house
  • Brandi confessed to the rogue vote, and it's didn't go down too well with her alliance
  • Omarosa formed alliances with the remaining men
  • Brandi confessed to Omarosa about the rogue vote, and subsequently joined Ross on the chopping block
  • As mentioned by Julie at the start a special Veto tonight, to which the details are in my previous post
So without further ado, let tonight's festivities commence for Celebrity Big Brother

Julie welcomes us in and gives us a brief lowdown of the above events, and cryptically says "Never underestimate the power of a wink"

Omarosa explains she put Brandi on the block due to the rogue vote in the last eviction, and Ross because he put her on the block at the time when Keshia suddenly wanted to leave and says it's always personal

Ross says they had to sit there and listen to Omarosa's speech, although he says she didn't stick around for his speech when he put her on the block

Brandi admits she is afraid of what her alliance think about her after admitting to the rogue vote

Omarosa says she is planting sees of doubt and wonders what other final 4/5 are in place already

Marissa says that thanks to Brandi's admission of guilt Omarosa is now aware of the strongest final 4 in there

 Lots of distrust in Brandi, and Marissa feels personally attacked....She is not concerned how it will affect their friendship, more along the lines of alliance gamewise

Mark incorrectly thought he was going on the block just before the nominations ceremony, Marissa however thinks he went to the HoH room to cut a deal with Omarosa

Marissa makes her way around the house with her suspicions about Mark, discussing it with Brandi, Ross and Arianda

Ross decides to go and talk to Mark and James to see if they are with him or against him

A little game ensues regarding Twitter, and it involves asking questions you woldn't ask in real life

"Belinda" wants to ask Ariandra if she has a message to Steve Harvey. For those that don't know, Steve Harvey incorrectly named Ari as Miss Universe which caused no end of controversy.

"Steve" asks Omarosa about her most memorable moment in the White House, to which Omarosa replies the ten days in which Scaramucci was the Comms Director and it was the shortest tenure of any Comms Director

Brandi think Mark and James are working with Omarosa, and indirectly asks the question through the game, but doesn't get the answer she wants

James still saying Brandi has been rude to him since day 1

Julie plugs the Veto twist and eviction and then calls a break

Back from the break, Julie says everyone is scrambling due to this Veto twist and back to the house we go

Ross manages to corner James and Mark to find out where he and they stand in terms of the Veto and eviction. He tells them not to trust Omarosa, and she will get in everyone's head before too long. James is having second thoughts about his deal with Omarosa, but is torn on whether Brandi or Ross should go

James and Mark debate on who is a better partner going forward, and thinks Omarosa is in this for herself. Mark says he has to think about the Omarosa deal he made in the previous episode. He also says Metta tends to blow in the wind and discuss a future Omarosa backdoor.

James pitches an idea to Marissa to align with him, Mark and Ross. Marissa says she wants to save Ross, but doesn't want to betray Ari as well. James says its a game, and doesn't think anyone can beat Ari at the end. Marissa tells James she has to think about things and about not being able to work with Ari.

Julie reveals the Veto participants as Omarosa, Ross, Brandi, Mark, Metta and Marissa

Omarosa as HoH, Ross and Brandi as the nominees, and the other 3 were random draw choices

Julie is about to reveal what America voted for in terms of the Veto to us and the housemates, so here we go 

Julie goes live to the house, and goes through the stipulations of the 3 Veto's to the houseguests and the power is the VIP Veto which basically means the winning houseguest can use Veto once, twice or indeed not at all if the winning houseguest chooses at the current Veto meeting only.

And off we go for the Veto competition,to which Julie reiterates the stipulations of the VIP Veto

The competition is in the form of a sort of Krypton Factor jigsaw puzzle, once it is completed the houseguests have to push the button on their podium and the winner gets the VIP Veto

After much building, Ross is proclaimed the winner by Julie and he has won the VIP Veto...However it was VERY close between him and Omarosa

Julie calls a commercial break

Back from the break, she congratulates Ross and explains the rules again so everyone understands so there can be no misunderstanding

Ross uses the first Veto on himself, and Omarosa puts Metta up in his place as Metta wants to quit, I mean leave

As for the second Veto, Ross says no and it's Brandi v Metta

Metta - Metta says thanks to Big Brother and CBS for having him and that he misses his family

Brandi - She thanks Metta for wanting to go home, cue much amusement from the houseguests and audience

And now for the vote:

Ross evicts Metta
James evicts Metta
Mark evicts Metta
Ariadna evicts Metta
Marissa evicts Metta

All of the votes are in, remember the HoH can only vote in the event of a tie and the two nominees are not allowed to vote

Julie announces by a vote of 5 to zero, Metta is evicted from the house

Another eviction ruined because a quitter didn't have the guts to self evict, it's not as if Metta needs the money given how much he must have made on the NBA circuit

Metta is crying as we go to him and Julie, and Julie tells him he was in there for 20 days and only had 6 days to go. Metta goes into detail about missing his daughters and their mothers. He says Shannon was amazing, and wants Ross to win.

7 left and one eviction left, so it's a Double Eviction leaving 5 for the final...Julie plugs said Double Eviction and of course the finale on February 25

So that's that for another night, and thank you to everyone who comes in to read these posts. I hope they are to everyone's liking :)

Next blog incoming for the next HoH competition and nominations very soon, so stay tuned 

Until then, just remember there is always someone watching :)

Until next time....

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