Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Backdoor or no backdoor

Good day, citizens of Big Brother world, and welcome to another edition of Big Brother from the Batcave

First, a recap of recent events

  • An alliance of 7 set their sights on James
  • Keshia suggested taking down Chuck and putting Mark up on the block
  • Omarosa confronted Shannon about the betrayal when Chuck was evicted
  • Omarosa suffered an asthma attack and temporarily left the house
  • Ross won HoH
  • Shannon suggested putting Omarosa and Keshia on the block
  • Ross suggested putting Shannon or James on the block if Omarosa didn't come back
  • She did return, and Ross stuck with his original nominations

Who will be next to go out and talk to Julie, the answers coming right up

Julie welcomes us in for tonight's festivities, as she explains recent events, she does a fake cough in an obvious reference to Omarosa when she returned to the house and much to the amusement of the live audience

Omarosa says Big Brother is "hour by hour, day by day, battle by battle" and is focusing on a new battle, to lay low and find a new alliance

Keshia says she is going to go out fighting, while Shannon was expecting all hell to break loose but it didn't when Omarosa returned from the hospital and was put on the block

Ross shares Shannon's sentiment, but he is uncertain what to believe about Omarosa and whether she has really changed or not

Ariadna says to Brandi that the house is going crazy and that they could talk to Ross, and Brandi queries whether it makes sense. Ariadna says Shannon has to go, to which Brandi agrees but Brandi says Ross is scared of Shannon and James and that they are getting too much power. In the Diary Room, Brandi confirms James and Shannon are working together and points out Shannon is overplaying

Ariadna suggests getting Keshia on board to try and get rid of Shannon, in other words a backdoor, and then in the Diary Room says Omarosa is a weak link and reiterates that James and Shannon have to be broken up

Brandi pitches the idea to Ross, suggesting they could recruit Keshia...Ross said he was already considering it

Ross pitches the idea of backdooring Shannon to Marissa, should one outside of James and Shannon winning the Veto, to which Marissa agrees to eventually

She says she couldn't believe it when she saw Shannon was going to be in the house, but believes it is Shannon's time to go

Talk now turns to Omarosa, saying how she was the villain in basically every show she has been in, and then Mark refers to Omarosa's stories about being breaking news and keeps expecting news banners along the bottom of the screen

Back to backdooring Shannon, Ross says he won't backdoor her unless he has the votes and says he needs 4 votes, he is now pitching the idea to Mark. Mark wants to tell James, but he is stopped by Marissa and Ross as Ross is afraid it would all get back to Shannon eventually

Next stop is the jacuzzi, with Metta talking to the camera Anne Widdecombe style...For those that don't know, Anne made a habit of talking to the camera in the UK version this past January. Metta messes around with the plastic flamingos

Plotting continues towards the Shannon backdoor, but Ross is having second thoughts and then Shannon knocks on the HoH door and Brandi, Marissa, Arianda and Ross wonder if she overheard anything

Next up, the not so live now Veto competition

Now You See It is the name of the competition, and the rules are:

The houseguests will be shown several billboards advertising several star studded crews. For each billboard Julie will ask a question referring to a particular item on that billboard to which the houseguests must answer MORE, EXACTLY or LESS. The winner stays on and the loser is eliminated, the winner then chooses the next two houseguests and so on. If both houseguests on the podiums answer incorrectly both are eliminated. The competition continues until one houseguest is left standing and that houseguest will win Power of Veto

And we're off

First up is Keshia and Ross

Eliminated - Ross

Shannon v Omarosa

Eliminated - Shannon

Ariandra v Marissa

Eliminated - Ariandra

Omarosa v Keshia

Eliminated - Keshia

Omarosa v Marissa

Eliminated - Omarosa

Marissa wins Power of Veto

Keshia is suddenly bawling her eyes out about missing her child

Back from the commercials, Marissa is asked by Julie to give her decision and decides NOT to use the Power of Veto, so Shannon stays for a little longer. Julie calls a break before we find out who goes.

Time for the final speeches

Keshia reveals her breast milk has continued to deplete and pleads on their compassion to evict her. She turns to James and tells him that she has nothing to hide, and she did the dirty work on Shannon and said he wasn't her choice and wishes them all the best

Omarosa says she is so proud of Keshia and sends out lots of love to her friends and family, and that the house has taught her so much

Time for the live voting to begin

Shannon evicts Keshia
Ariadna evicts Keshia
Brandi evicts Keshia
James evicts Keshia
Mark evicts Keshia
Marissa evicts Keshia
Metta evicts Keshia

Keshia is evicted 7-0

Keshia saying she will tell all the stories when she gets out

Keshia says to Julie that she came to play but her baby means more to her than her celebrity fee and has been pumping 'religiously' so her baby has fresh nutrients and has yet to move to solids. Julie points out how long Keshia has been in there and away from her baby, and Keshia said she had to go as she is a single mum and has to provide for her daughter. Talk moves to Omarosa and Keshia is surprised that she bonded with her so much.

Final thought from Keshia, it was the most unique experience of her life. Julie reminds Keshia that she is on the jury, but can go home and watch with the rest of us and she will be back for finale night on February 25

Julie plugs the next HoH/Nominations episode and Veto/Eviction episode, and that's good night until the next episode

Another good episode in the bag as we take another small step towards the February 25 finale, surprising twist at the end. Personally I am pleased Shannon is still there and looking forward to seeing what she does when she finds out about this little backdoor plan that was cooked up

Go Team Shannon, and may god have mercy on them when she does find out

Hope this has been a good read, chums, and looking forward to the next episode when a new HoH is crowned and more nominations are made

Until next time, and remember someone is always watching :)

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