Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Celebrity Big Brother US - The Finale

Sad news, citizens, this is the last blog for Celebrity Big Brother USA....Good news, this blog will be back for Big Brother Canada :)

Either Ross, Marissa, Omarosa, Mark or Ariadna will be crowned winner of this season as we head towards the conclusion of this season

Welcome, everyone, to Big Brother from the Batcave with your blogger from the UK, Richie (richie4eva on Digital Spy and richiew4ever on Twitter)

"From wild competitions to epic blindsides, to national headlines....Tonight the craziest 3 weeks in Big Brother history come to an end. 5 celebrities are left in the Big Brother house but only 1 can win the quarter million grand prize...."

Previously on Celebrity Big Brother:

  • Brandi was evicted, and Omarosa went to work to paint a target on James
  • James was evicted
  • Ross worked hard to seal deal to the end
  • Ari and Omarosa became unlikely allies
We also see some highlights from earlier in the series

Who will rise to power, who will be evicted, and of course who will win it all and also win America's Favourite Houseguest

Find out presently as we take this last rollercoaster ride of the season

Julie welcomes us to the show, and plugs tonight's events before we head to the house

We pick up the action from where the recap show left off as the HoH competition began near the end of the recap show

Ari says she needs to win this HoH, and Ross says he wants to win the HoH

Mark says it is time to win some competitions after laying low throughout this series, and Omarosa talks about the pull she has with Ariandra

Various shots of houseguests shaking back and forth on their skates, shortly afterwards Marissa falls and is out of this competition

Basically whoever is last standing on their skis win HoH, and these skis are elevated and is a test of obviously balance

Ariadna is next to fall, and Ross decides to try and cut a deal with Mark. Ross says he will keep Mark safe from the block. Marissa wants Mark to win as she apparently knows he wouldn't throw her out if both them make it to final four.

Ari wants Ross to win this competition as she is sure Mark will come for her next as he got rid of Brandi on his HoH watch

Omarosa speaks up about the deal Ross and Mark are making, to which Mark says it's a secret deal and says for Omarosa to keep her earmuffs on

Mark says he wants to win this HoH as Ross wants to get a letter from his (Ross) mother, and finally Mark gives in and drops off to give Ross this particular HoH and a guaranteed place in the final four

Omarosa slow claps Ross's win saying another competition has been thrown to him

Back to Julie, and she plugs the Veto, eviction and the final HoH before calling a break

"Ross has been playing all sides of the house all game long, it's safe to say his nominations could be his biggest move yet"

Ross wants to see Omarosa out of the door, and tells Mark that if Omarosa wins Veto he will put Marissa up but needs Mark to vote Ari out

Ross admits to Marissa he is a big threat, and can't argue with 2 HoH's and 2 Vetos. Marissa tells Ross she thinks he is going to win the whole thing. Ross then tells Marissa he thinks about kids like him who have never thought they could do anything like this, and then starts crying. Talk then turns to Omarosa, who Ross says is the main target and makes a pledge to Ari he will keep her (Ari) safe if Omarosa wins Veto.

Ross thinks Ari will have his back going forward to final four if she is still there

Ari says she has to trust Ross she is not the target

Nominations time

"It is my responsibility to nominate two house guests for eviction"

Ross nominates Ari and Omarosa

Ross says Omarosa put him on the block twice, and Ari is on the block simply because they are running out of housemates...Omarosa says she will fight for the Veto

Back to Julie, and she plugs the final Veto competition of this season before calling a break

"After battling 26 days, Omarosa and Ari's Big Brother lives are on the line....Can either of them win the Veto and make it to final four"

Back to the house, and it's time for the final Veto competition

The website has malfunctioned on fictional site BBBuzz.com and the days have disappeared. What houseguests have to do is match the days up to the correct stories. Once they think they have the days correct, they have to hit the buzzer. The houseguest who pairs up the most correct stories in the fastest time will win the final Power of Veto

The scores and times will be revealed at the end of the competition

Marissa - 8 out of 8
Mark - 6 out of 8
Ross - 8 out of 8
Ariadna - 4 out of 8
Omarosa - 1 out of 8

We have a tie breaker, so Marissa and Ross only move forward to see who was fastest

Marissa - 12:31
Ross - 5:42

Ross wins the final Power of Veto, and he says he won't celebrate unless he wins the overall prize

Straight to the Veto meeting we go, and Ross asks Omarosa and Ari to give reasons to why he should save one of them

Ross decides NOT to use Power of Veto, and Omarosa or Ari will finish in 5th place in a few minutes

Ross is pretty confident Omarosa will be leaving, but admits she could last minute campaign to try and get Ari out

"Will Ross finally get his wish and rid the house of his rival"

Julie goes live to the house, and asks Ari and Omarosa to make their final pleas to stay before the houseguests vote on who to evict

Voting time and it will only be Mark and Marissa voting as Ross is only allowed to vote in the event of a tie, and the 2 nominees are not allowed to vote

Marissa votes to evict Omarosa
Mark votes to evict Omarosa

Finishing in 5th place is Omarosa

Final four is Ari, Marissa, Mark and Ross

Omarosa is so glad she lasted so longyt and is happy she took out the biggest target in James. Omarosa talks about how she wanted to let people know who the real Omarosa is. 

Short interview, and Omarosa thanks her friends and loved ones for her support. Julie tells her she has one more job tonight as Omarosa is on the jury

Next up, it's the final HoH of the season

All up for grabs now, as whoever wins this HoH gets to choose who joins them in the final 2, and send the other two packing to jury

Hash it Out is the title of this final competition, and they must decide which of their former houseguests posted an incorrect statement. Whoever scores most will win the most important HoH

1. Shannon v James

Answer - James

Marissa takes an early lead

2. Keisha v Chuck

Answer - Chuck

All correct, and Marissa still in the lead

3. Metta v Shannon

Answer - Metta

Marissa still in the lead

4. James v Brandi

Answer - James

Everyone correct, Marissa in the lead with 4...Everyone else is on 3

5. Shannon v Brandi

Answer - Shannon

Everyone correct, Marissa STILL in the lead

6. Brandi v James

Answer - Brandi

Three way tie between Marissa, Ross and Mark. Ari is eliminated

Tie breaker question:

What was the time in seconds, how long was the Rocky Mountain Fly from start to finish

Ross - 1300 seconds
Mark - 2000
Marissa - 1000

Closest was MARISSA, and she wins the final HoH

Marissa is guaranteed final 2, and she has to choose who to take with her and which 2 will be evicted

Joining her in the final 2 will be ROSS, and Mark and Ari are the two evicted and the final members of the jury

Ari says Marissa did not make a mistake taking Ross to final 2, and Mark says likewise. Mark says at the end of the day they all wanted to compete, and people can never articulate what it's like to be in the Big Brother house

Ari says it was the best experience of her life, and Mark says thank you to everyone who made it possible for him to go in there

Julie calls a break before bringing the jury out

Out come Chuck, Keisha, Shannon, Metta, Brandi and James...They do not know yet who the final 3 on the jury are

Julie asks Shannon who she wants to see on the jury, to which she says Ross and Marissa...James doesn't want Mark on the jury

Julie recaps the last few minutes to the jury and introduces the lasr 3 members of the jury....Now we move onto the jury asking Ross and Marissa questions before they (jury) make their decision on who wins

"What do you both most regret when playing the game"

Marissa says there were some moves she had to do when her friends were on the block, and Ross says his biggest regret was on day 2 when he was so naive and says Brandi knows what he is talking about

"Was it important to stay true to your word in this game, or were you willing to do whatever it took to win in this game"

Ross says as things change you have to be flexible in this game and have to choose a right or die, but stayed true to his character. Marissa says she meant everything she said, and was figuring out how to make things happen

"Marissa, why do you deserve to win over Ross"

Marissa said she went along with some of Ross's, and believes she picked the right person to take to final 2 and stayed true to herself and thinks her and Ross played the best games

Julie cuts in as Marissa rambles a bit, causing amusments in the audience

Ross says he didn't hesitate when Keisha and Metta wanted to go home, and played the game hard but with compassion

"How did your strategy change over the course of the game, and what was the biggest lie you told"

Marissa says she stayed true to herself, and Ross says his strategy didn't change for a second but didn't tell the whole truth some of the time

Julie asks Ross and Marissa for their final pleas on why they should win

Marissa said she was true to Ross and their friendship, Ross says he loved this game and starts talking about the kid who is in the very first season audience and talks about his 2 HoH's and 3 Veto's. He is proud to be sitting in the final 2.

Julie announces it is time for the jury voting, and looks to Metta and says it is Vote to Win to much amusement. In case you missed it Metta thought it was vote to save earlier in the season when it was vote to evict, and he thought he was saving that particular person

Julie tells off the jury for conferring as they each take it in turns to insert their keys into the vote to win podium. Metta is mucking about and blindly inserts a key into the podium

Everyone's vote is locked in, a little chaotic around the edges, but it is done and very soon we will know the winner

Julie calls a break before she announces the winner

And off we go, this is it as we find out who is the first ever Celebrity Big Brother US

Jury votes are as follows and it's 5 votes to win

Mark votes for Ross
Ariadna votes for Marissa
Omarosa votes for Marissa
James votes for Marissa
Brandi votes for Ross
Metta votes for Ross
Shannon votes for Marissa
Keisha votes for Marissa

MARISSA wins Celebrity Big Brother and the quarter million grand prize!!!!!!!

Not the winner everyone wanted, but that is what the history books will show

Marissa's son comes on stage and he is in tears

Julie calls a break before announcing who Chuck voted for and also America's Favourite Houseguest

Chuck voted for Marissa, so the final score was 6-3 to Marissa

The top 3 vote getters for AFH were Shannon, James and Ross

America's Favourite Houseguest is ROSS

And that's it for this season, 2 series of Big Brother down and 4 more to go

I've thoroughly enjoyed this series, despite the winner and the two quitters, a little chaotic around the edges but an excellent series none the less

There was more gaming in this series than there has been in the last few summer series, and it absolutely flew by

I do hope I have done a good job for this series, and look forward to taking on the North American format again from March 7 when Big Brother Canada begins

Over to you, Arisa and Big Brother Canada and the very best of luck for your series

Before I go, I would like to point you in the direction of two podcasts which also covered the finale

BB on Blast - https://www.spreaker.com/user/lightupvm/cbbus-finale (Will contain strong language)

Both CBB's are difficult to separate, as they were both equally good so joint first place for them going into Big Brother Canada

And that as they say is IT for this series, to everyone who has read, RT or Liked my posts so many thanks from me and hopefully see all of you around on March 7

Until then, always remember someone is always watching :)

Until March 7 and beyond.....

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Episode 11 - Veto and Double Eviction

Hello, citizens, as we enter the final stages of Celebrity Big Brother USA and tonight's a DOUBLE eviction

So without any further ado, let's get straight into proceedings

Julie opens the show with "7 celebrities are left in the house, with 3 days left that means only one things, its a double eviction"

Previously on Celebrity Big Brother:

  • Ross and Marissa had secured 2 final 4 alliances
  • First with Ariadna and Brandi, and also with James and Mark
  • But Marissa was feeling more loyal to her original final 4
  • Ross was playing both sides, but Ari was very suspicious
  • Mark won HoH, and wanted to break up some of the duos
  • Mark put Brandi and Ari on the block
Julie welcomes us in and plugs Double Eviction night, and says there are more duos than there are days left

We pick up after the nominations ceremony and Mark is saying Brandi is the main target

Brandi is not surprised she has been nominated, and thinks this is James's doing and says James is going on personal vendettas rather than game reasons

Ariandra says it sucks she and Brandi are on the block, and will fight for Veto and hopefully win so she can take herself off the block, and force Mark to put someone else up

Omarosa is happy she is not on the block and wants to send 'wicked witch' Brandi out of there

Mark thinks Brandi is pissed at him, but Brandi tells him she has not been lobbying for him for weeks and doesn't know who told him that. Mark replies with the HoH is not all it's cracked up to be

Mark thinks Ari is crying and James tells him to tell her she is not the target

Brandi says Ross is making deals with everyone in the house and is going with whoever has the power

Marissa says she feels confident with James and Mark now she is not on the block, then informs Ross Brandi is the target

Ross says he thinks he could beat Brandi at the end, but also says if he tells her the truth about everything it could put Brandi in a downward spiral

Ari asks James how he is feeling about the nominations, and he tells Ari nobody is going for her and she says she doesn't know. James thinks Ari is not a strong player and would prefer Ari stays in the house rather than Brandi

Ari says she better win the Veto as you never can tell what happens in this competition

Omarosa again talks about Trump, saying some people claim he does not have qualified people around him, and the narrative is "How did she (Omarosa) become Director of Communications" to which Omarosa goes through her various degree qualifications.

Veto competition time, ICYMI it's the HoH, 2 nominees and 3 houseguests through random draw

Mark, Brandi, Ari and the 3 chosen through random draw are Omarosa, James and Marissa....So Ross will sit this one out as the only houseguest not chosen

Marissa and Ari are in the pantry discussing Ross, and Ross walks in to get some food. Ross says he can't go against the house when Ari asked him about where he will place his vote

Ari reiterates she HAS to win Veto as Ross didn't give her a clear answer

Back to Julie, and she goes live to the house to announce to them it is a double eviction night, so what that means is that there will be HoH, nominations, and a Veto competition tonight to decide who will leave after tonight's first evictee

Back in the studio, Julie plugs the next part of the show as in the Veto competition and more of James versus Brandi and then calls a break

Back from the break and back to the house action, a game is taking place to which Brandi says "Say something bad about Julie" to which Ross and Marissa make a swift exit

Omarosa says Brandi is getting worse, and what Brandi said is right at the top of her no no's in the Big Brother franchise

Brandi says if there is anyone she could have on the block right now, it would be James and Omarosa. Brandi then says she knows James is not voting for her, to which James thinks she is assuming, and Brandi says she saved him twice. James says she has been poking him since day one and been rude and that he can't wait to send her home when the time comes

James continues to talk about Brandi, until she walks into the same room as him to which he walks out straight away

Brandi says she overheard the conversation and accuses Marissa of agreeing with James, which Marissa denies. Brandi continues to work herself up, and Marissa eventually walks out.

Marissa thinks there is no saving Brandi now, even though the original plan was to get rid of Omarosa if Omarosa was on the block

Time for the Veto competition, and the rules for this one say:

Housemates have to guess which eyes nose and mouth belong to the action figures of the houseguests in front of them, as they have been mixed up. In simple english, they have to put the names of who they think the eyes belong to, the nose belong to and the mouth belong to, and keep changing around if the answers for the various dolls are not right. The houseguest who finishes all 4 dolls in the fastest time wins the Veto

Once housemates have finished or don't beat another houseguests time will join Ross in the HoH room and watch proceedings from there until everyone has finished

Omarosa up first, and she will set the time for the others to beat

She says she doesn't want to win Veto, so deliberately goes as slow as possible

Omarosa finishes with a time of 38:52.80, so there's the time to beat which won't be too difficult as Omarosa did throw this competition

Ari up next, and she finishes with a time of 9:10.56 and is the current leader

Everyone else fails to beat Ari's time, so Ari wins Power of Veto and highly likely she will use it

Mark says he will put Marissa on the block if inevitably Ari uses the Veto and takes herself off the block. Reason being, there is no chance it will backfire and Brandi WILL go home.

Ari does indeed save herself and uses the Veto on herself, and Mark does indeed choose to put Marissa on the block and it's the first time for Marissa on the block

Marissa is very cool about being on the block as Brandi's fate is going to be sealed anyway

Back from the latest break, and Julie goes live to the house as it's time for the first live eviction of the night and Marissa or Brandi will go first

Brandi - Made some amazing friendships, and wants Ari to win the overall competition

Marissa - Not going to campaign against Brandi, and being a cancer survivor is the greatest achievement of her life

And let the first vote of the night begin, Mark will only vote in the event of a tie and the 2 nominees cannot nominate at all

James votes to evict Brandi
Ari votes to evict Marissa
Ross votes to evict  Brandi
Omarosa votes to evict Brandi

Brandi is evicted 3 votes to 1

In her interview, Brandi says to Julie she was expecting it to be her that went. Brandi says this show won't affect her friendship with Ross outside of the house won't be affected, she can't stay mad at Ross for long and also that he bribed her with free alcohol for as long as they are friends which draws laughter from the audience. Out of Real Housewives and Big Brother, she says Big Brother is more cut-throat. She didn't expect to make the relationships she did in the house, and she made a lot of friends so she wins. She admits she is wasn't very strategic.

Julie plays the goodbye messages for Brandi, including James saying he didn't enjoy the time he spent with her and glad she is gone

In closing in a segment earlier in the show, Julie says to Brandi to say something bad about her in a joking way

Next up, we begin the road to seeing who is next to go tonight and it's a memory competition called 'BB Auction' and it's TRUE or FALSE

Mark as outgoing HoH is not eligible to play

1. Less than half the pieces of art were labelled as sold

Answer - TRUE

Everyone except Ari score a point

2. There was a star on the front of the hat on Ross in Ship Shape

Answer - FALSE

And again, everyone except Ari score a point

3. James's nutrition plan was sold for $3,203

Answer - FALSE

Ross and James are tied at 3 points, Omarosa and Marissa have 2 and Ari moves to 1 

4. One of the headbands in Marissa's Fashion Passion had 10 flowers on it

Answer - FALSE

Three way tie between Omarosa, James and Ross on 3 points, Marissa has 2 and Ari has 1

5. There was one open tube of lipstick in Ariadna's beauty buffet

Answer - TRUE

Tie between James and Omarosa on 4, Marissa has 3 and Ari has 2

6. The inhaler shown in Breath of Omarosa was Blue

Answer - FALSE

Everyone got it right

7. Final question, on Mark's Fab Vocab, the letter S was pictured onto a blue crystal

Answer - TRUE

Tie for first place between James and Omarosa, so tie breaker time between James and Omarosa

The person who comes closest to the exact figure will win, or if both go over the closest to the exact number wins

In the awards season competition, how long in seconds did it take from start to finish

James answers 5,402 seconds
Omarosa answers 1,200 seconds

Omarosa is the new HoH, but just temporarily for this second eviction 

Julie calls a break to allow Omarosa to decide who she wants to put on the block 

Omarosa nominates ROSS and MARISSA

Julie plugs the Veto competition, finale and America's Favourite Houseguest and calls a break

Casting for the civilian summer series is then plugged

Back from the break, and we move onto the Veto competition and everyone is playing as there is only 6 left following Brandi's departure

The Veto competition is called Artrageous and here is how it goes:

In front of the memory wall are 6 paintings, and each painting has a replica in designated rooms....One of them doesn't match and the house guests have to find it and lock it in at any podium they wish that they are standing in front of right now. If they guess wrongly they are automatically eliminated from the competition, and whoever gets it right will win Power of Veto

Not a very long competition as Ross correctly guesses painting number 4, and wins Power of Veto

Julie calls a break to allow Ross to strategise

To no surprise, Ross uses the Veto on himself and Omarosa puts James on the block next to Marissa and we move to the second vote of the night

Omarosa and the 2 nominees are not allowed to vote

Ari votes to evict James
Mark votes to evict Marissa
Ross votes to evict James

James is evicted 2 votes to 1

James takes his time leaving and Julie asks him to hurry up

James admits he was surprised Omarosa put him on the block, and thinks Ari should have been on the block. Julie asks him where he went wrong, and James says not making a deal with Omarosa. He thought Omarosa would be out next. Julie talks about the feud between James and Brandi in the house. He says he would not date Brandi but would have a drink with her, and thinks Ross may win.

His final thought is that he beat Brandi

Julie goes back to the house and congratulates the final 5 of Ross, Ari, Marissa, Omarosa and Mark

Scenario for finale night is as follows:

  • Normal HoH, Veto and Eviction for 5th place
  • Final four for final HoH of this season
  • Winner of the final HoH gets to choose who joins him or her in the final 2, and the other 2 houseguests left will be evicted
Hope that makes sense to everyone who reads this :)

And so that wraps up the penultimate post for this particular season, as I won't be blogging the recap show and will be jumping straight to finale night and that post will be posted probably around Monday or Tuesday time

The plan for this blog going forward is that I WILL be doing posts for BB Canada and before that starts the blog will hopefully get a little makeover before launch day on March 7

That being said, as always thank you to everyone who reads these posts and it's full steam ahead to see who will be crowned

Follow me at @richiew4ever on Twitter if you like what you read, and every view, RT or Like for these posts is very much appreciated

Until we meet again after finale night, remember someone is always watching :)

Friday, 23 February 2018

Episode 10 - HoH and Nominations

Next episode before the finale is upon us, citizens, and it's on to the next HoH competition and nomination ceremony ahead of the DOUBLE eviction taking place in Ep. 11

Episode #10 of 13 from the US Big Brother house, if you like what you read and if you haven't already please follow me @richiew4ever 

Recap of previous events:

  • With Omarosa becoming the new HoH, she set her sights on splitting up Ross, Brandi, Ariadna and Marissa's alliance
  • Omarosa made Ross her #1 target and secured deals with Metta, Mark and James
  • Operation Get Ross out was put in motion, but Mark and James wanted to flip to take out Brandi and wanted to create a new final 4 which didn't include Ari so Marissa turned it down
  • Ross won VIP Veto, and used it on himself but didn't use it the second time
  • Omarosa put Metta on the block and he ended up going to the jury
Find out presently who is in power next and who will go on the chopping block on Celebrity Big Brother

The aftermath of Metta's eviction starts tonight's show, and Brandi is relieved she is still in there but she says she will miss Metta

Omarosa says Metta was ready to go and just before the show went to air made a fascinating final 3, we see a flashback to Metta saying he wants to go.....Ain't got no time for quitters, and that's number 2 after Keshia

Ross is happy to still be there and had to do some major gaming to stay in there, although it does feel a bit pointless given what happened and we see a flashback of Ross doing said gaming with Marissa and wanted to take Ross and James to final 4 as well

Said people are now figuring out what to call themselves, and decide on Roomie Squad. James seems pretty confident they WILL be the final four if one of them wins the next HoH. Ross wants to see where the power falls with who wins HoH

Marissa says her and her alliance of Ari and Brandi cannot allow Omarosa to break them up

James is disappointed at Ross for using the Veto on himself when he (Ross) knew he had the numbers, and points out to Ross that Omarosa may not be the next target and admits to wanting to break up Ari and Brandi.

Ross pitches to the ones he is working with, that is everyone except Omarosa, to band together to get Omarosa out next

Ari is worried that James will come after her next, and Ross tells Mark that he is happy that Mark is still there

Ari tells Brandi that she saw Ross talking to Mark, and Brandi then talks about who is after who and says this HoH is the most important one of the game

Omarosa would love for a woman to win this season, and then thinks that Marissa is working with Ross and Ross has a deal with Mark and James. Omarosa says she has to sew seeds of dissension amongst some people and create some distrust

HoH competition up next, and it's entitled 'Red Carpet Ride', ICYMI Omarosa is NOT eligible to play as outgoing HoH....The competition is to be played in 3 rounds where it will be the girls going first and then the men, and then the 3 fastest will go into the final round, and the fastest in the final round will be the new HoH...Of course it wouldn't be BB if there was some chicanery and this is no different as the carpets will be very unsteady, and will be a little 'easier' at some random intervals and if a houseguest touches the floor they have to start from the beginning

The girls up first, and they are falling off relatively early....For anyone who knows a certain show, this reminds me of Bridge Ball from Takeshi's Castle. Back to the competition, Marissa comments this is not very easy and Ari comments it is very tricky.

Brandi is first to complete the girls heat, Marissa is second and Ari is third

On to the men and Ross is saying he is in a good spot and is working with everyone except Omarosa and plans to throw the competition. James points out that if Brandi or Ari win HoH he is going on the block

Mark says he is not feeling positive about winning this competition,but he manages to finish first in the mens heat, with James second and Ross third

Competing in the final heat will be:

Mark with a time of 01:23
James with a time of 01:52
Brandi with a time of 06:48

Marissa, Ari and Ross are eliminated

Onto the final round we go with the HoH up for grabs, Ari says if James or Mark win they will be looking to put two of the girls on the block. James doesn't hit his button when he gets to the end, and will give the HoH reins to Mark if he gets to the end. Mark does indeed get to the end before Brandi and wins HoH

Omarosa works out James is throwing the competition to Mark, so James can play in the next HoH

Ross is happy that Mark won, as he (Mark) can get his letter from home and other privileges that come with the HoH power, and Ross is also pleased he (Ross) will not be going on the block

Marissa says she and Ross are very well set up with Mark as they have an alliance, but is worried about Brandi and Ari and says she needs to do whatever she can to move the target elsewhere

She then says to James that Omarosa told her to put him up, to which James says Omarosa came to him and Mark to get them onside and Marissa says everything Omarosa says is a lie

Marks says to Omarosa he will be very happy to put Brandi up, and won't have any blood on his hands for putting Ari up as well...Omarosa says these two going up on the block makes her happy as it will keep in the house for a little longer.

Ross and Mark high five in the bedroom, and Mark repeats that the least blood on his hands is putting up Ari and Brandi. Ross says Omarosa told Marissa, Brandi and Ari that Mark and James told Omarosa to put up Marissa. Mark denies this and Ross says they know it's not true.

Mark says Omarosa has to go, and so should Ari and Brandi but a backdoor for Omarosa is also discussed

A segment follows where Mark talks about missing his music, and we see James singing a song about Mark in the Diary Room

Omarosa name drops Trump when she mentions doing a segment on Oprah with him, and she talks about some time she spent on Air Force One. 

Talk now turns to who is the 'showmance of the season'

And finally it's the nominations ceremony

"It is my responsibility as Head of Household to nominate two houseguests for eviction"

Nominated are BRANDI and ARI to no great shock

But there's still the Veto competition to come, so those two could change

But remember it is a DOUBLE eviction, so lots of competition to play out in episode #11

Who will Veto and will it be used to save Brandi or Ariadna....Find out on the next episode of Celebrity Big Brother

Thanks for reading if you do, and good luck if your favourites are still in the competition as we take another step towards finale night

Remember someone is always watching, until next time :)

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Episode 9 - Veto twist revealed and another one leaves

Hello, citizens, and welcome to post #9 of this series and another one for the archives of Big Brother from the Batcave

Julie says "you watched, you voted, and tonight you will shake up the Power of Veto"

Previously on Celebrity Big Brother:

  • Ross, Ariadna, Brandi and Marissa formed a power alliance to send Shannon packing
  • When it came to the live eviction, Brandi went rogue and went against the agreed decision
  • Shannon was evicted despite the rogue vote
  • Omarosa became the new HoH after promising James she wouldn't backdoor him, and vowed to shake up the house
  • Brandi confessed to the rogue vote, and it's didn't go down too well with her alliance
  • Omarosa formed alliances with the remaining men
  • Brandi confessed to Omarosa about the rogue vote, and subsequently joined Ross on the chopping block
  • As mentioned by Julie at the start a special Veto tonight, to which the details are in my previous post
So without further ado, let tonight's festivities commence for Celebrity Big Brother

Julie welcomes us in and gives us a brief lowdown of the above events, and cryptically says "Never underestimate the power of a wink"

Omarosa explains she put Brandi on the block due to the rogue vote in the last eviction, and Ross because he put her on the block at the time when Keshia suddenly wanted to leave and says it's always personal

Ross says they had to sit there and listen to Omarosa's speech, although he says she didn't stick around for his speech when he put her on the block

Brandi admits she is afraid of what her alliance think about her after admitting to the rogue vote

Omarosa says she is planting sees of doubt and wonders what other final 4/5 are in place already

Marissa says that thanks to Brandi's admission of guilt Omarosa is now aware of the strongest final 4 in there

 Lots of distrust in Brandi, and Marissa feels personally attacked....She is not concerned how it will affect their friendship, more along the lines of alliance gamewise

Mark incorrectly thought he was going on the block just before the nominations ceremony, Marissa however thinks he went to the HoH room to cut a deal with Omarosa

Marissa makes her way around the house with her suspicions about Mark, discussing it with Brandi, Ross and Arianda

Ross decides to go and talk to Mark and James to see if they are with him or against him

A little game ensues regarding Twitter, and it involves asking questions you woldn't ask in real life

"Belinda" wants to ask Ariandra if she has a message to Steve Harvey. For those that don't know, Steve Harvey incorrectly named Ari as Miss Universe which caused no end of controversy.

"Steve" asks Omarosa about her most memorable moment in the White House, to which Omarosa replies the ten days in which Scaramucci was the Comms Director and it was the shortest tenure of any Comms Director

Brandi think Mark and James are working with Omarosa, and indirectly asks the question through the game, but doesn't get the answer she wants

James still saying Brandi has been rude to him since day 1

Julie plugs the Veto twist and eviction and then calls a break

Back from the break, Julie says everyone is scrambling due to this Veto twist and back to the house we go

Ross manages to corner James and Mark to find out where he and they stand in terms of the Veto and eviction. He tells them not to trust Omarosa, and she will get in everyone's head before too long. James is having second thoughts about his deal with Omarosa, but is torn on whether Brandi or Ross should go

James and Mark debate on who is a better partner going forward, and thinks Omarosa is in this for herself. Mark says he has to think about the Omarosa deal he made in the previous episode. He also says Metta tends to blow in the wind and discuss a future Omarosa backdoor.

James pitches an idea to Marissa to align with him, Mark and Ross. Marissa says she wants to save Ross, but doesn't want to betray Ari as well. James says its a game, and doesn't think anyone can beat Ari at the end. Marissa tells James she has to think about things and about not being able to work with Ari.

Julie reveals the Veto participants as Omarosa, Ross, Brandi, Mark, Metta and Marissa

Omarosa as HoH, Ross and Brandi as the nominees, and the other 3 were random draw choices

Julie is about to reveal what America voted for in terms of the Veto to us and the housemates, so here we go 

Julie goes live to the house, and goes through the stipulations of the 3 Veto's to the houseguests and the power is the VIP Veto which basically means the winning houseguest can use Veto once, twice or indeed not at all if the winning houseguest chooses at the current Veto meeting only.

And off we go for the Veto competition,to which Julie reiterates the stipulations of the VIP Veto

The competition is in the form of a sort of Krypton Factor jigsaw puzzle, once it is completed the houseguests have to push the button on their podium and the winner gets the VIP Veto

After much building, Ross is proclaimed the winner by Julie and he has won the VIP Veto...However it was VERY close between him and Omarosa

Julie calls a commercial break

Back from the break, she congratulates Ross and explains the rules again so everyone understands so there can be no misunderstanding

Ross uses the first Veto on himself, and Omarosa puts Metta up in his place as Metta wants to quit, I mean leave

As for the second Veto, Ross says no and it's Brandi v Metta

Metta - Metta says thanks to Big Brother and CBS for having him and that he misses his family

Brandi - She thanks Metta for wanting to go home, cue much amusement from the houseguests and audience

And now for the vote:

Ross evicts Metta
James evicts Metta
Mark evicts Metta
Ariadna evicts Metta
Marissa evicts Metta

All of the votes are in, remember the HoH can only vote in the event of a tie and the two nominees are not allowed to vote

Julie announces by a vote of 5 to zero, Metta is evicted from the house

Another eviction ruined because a quitter didn't have the guts to self evict, it's not as if Metta needs the money given how much he must have made on the NBA circuit

Metta is crying as we go to him and Julie, and Julie tells him he was in there for 20 days and only had 6 days to go. Metta goes into detail about missing his daughters and their mothers. He says Shannon was amazing, and wants Ross to win.

7 left and one eviction left, so it's a Double Eviction leaving 5 for the final...Julie plugs said Double Eviction and of course the finale on February 25

So that's that for another night, and thank you to everyone who comes in to read these posts. I hope they are to everyone's liking :)

Next blog incoming for the next HoH competition and nominations very soon, so stay tuned 

Until then, just remember there is always someone watching :)

Until next time....

Monday, 19 February 2018

Episode 8 - HoH and Nominations

Welcome to another edition of Big Brother from the Batcave. Tonight sees the next Head of House competition conclude and who the next HoH will put on the chopping block
This is the BBFTB for episode #8 of Celebrity Big Brother USA. Follow me on Twitter @richiew4ever. If you like what you read here, leave a comment or RT on Twitter or share on Facebook when the latest installment of this blog is posted
Previously on Celebrity Big Brother:
  • Ariandra won HoH, and put Shannon and James on the block
  • James won Veto, and used it on himself
  • Mark was put up as a pawn,ensuring Shannon went out
  • Julie announced the endurance HoH, which started at the end of the show and continued on feeds
We start the action after Julie left them for the night, basically they all have to sit on elevated seats for as long as possible. Various objects are thrown in and the wall is tilting to distract them, and the first three who drop off their seats will be on slop

Omarosa says she is the number 1 target so is going all out to win so she does not leave

James says Omarosa is the main target, and doesn't really trust anybody

Ariandra says they were all supposed to vote Shannon out, but feels disappointed someone went against that and voted Mark

Brandi says she has to win so she can keep her and Ariandra safe in the game. She admits the seats in the competition are uncomfortable

James says this competition is tough,and needs to hang on a little longer

Popcorn drops down and then a lot of water shoots at the houseguests, before the wall starts tilting

Metta decides to drop as his muscles are hurting, so he is on slop as per the competition rules

T shirts are next to be fired at the houseguests, and then Ross drops down so he is the second to be on slop

Speculation is rife with Ari, Brandi and Metta that it was Brandi who placed the rogue vote

Mark the final houseguest on slop as he is the third to drop, and now with the slop houseguests sorted out it's down to the real business

Marissa is 4th to drop, and Brandi, Omarosa and James are the last three houseguests standing

Brandi is next to drop, and we are down to Omarosa and James

Omarosa tries to cut a deal with James, and swears that she will not go after him or backdoor him if she gets HoH

James agrees to the deal, and James drops

Therefore Omarosa is the new HoH, and she couldn't be happier and vows to shake up the house

The houseguests go back into the house, and there are some very large tins of slop which Ross, Mark and Metta will have between them for 48 hours

Omarosa plans to shake up the house by trying to split up the 4 person alliance, while Ross thinks Brandi wants Shannon's jury vote if she gets to the finale

Marissa talks to James about accepting Omarosa's deal,and James explains he's not necessarily taking it seriously. He asked who cast the rogue vote, to which Marissa says they are trying to figure it out.

In the very next scene, Brandi confesses to placing the rogue vote to which Ariadna says she can't trust Brandi anymore, and Marissa says she is shocked

Brandi walks out of the bedroom in tears, but Ross says Brandi needs to stay so the alliance has the numbers. Brandi is mad at her alliance, and gives them the cold shoulder when they try to talk to her to keep the alliance together.

Omarosa questions Ari about who placed the rogue vote, not knowing obviously Brandi confessed. Omarosa admits Ross is her target, and then Brandi admits to Omarosa she placed the rogue vote and with the information she has to try and use it to her own advantage

An announcement from BB saying there is a veto twist which will be voted for by the American public, but no more...More details on this Veto twist and the full details at the end of this post

Omarosa says with this twist she does not know what is coming next

Omarosa goes to Mark and doesn't know whether to target Ross due to this twist, and she explains to Mark about the alliance. Mark says he has purposefully stayed out of the drama, and he and Omarosa make a deal not to target or backdoor each other down the line

Metta next up and it's basically the same pitch she gave Mark, and she gets Metta on board

On to James next, and she says she doesn't want anyone else near the 4 people alliance and yes he's on board with her

More White House discussion from Omarosa to Ross

Omarosa is pretty confident James, Metta and Mark are on board, and now wonders which of the girls in the alliance she is going to put up next to Ross

Nominations ceremony time

"As Head of Household, it is my responsibility to nominate two houseguests for eviction"

Omarosa has nominated Ross because he nominated her in the past and for the rogue vote Omarosa has nominated Brandi for not going with the house vote when it was unanimously decided to vote out Shannon

ROSS and BRANDI face eviction pre-Veto, but all that can change after the Veto competition

Now for the details of the Veto twist

Diamond Veto - The Veto winner has the power to remove one of the nominees from the chopping block and also name the replacement nominee

VIP Veto - The winner of this Veto will have the opportunity to use it once, twice or not at all.in the same Veto meeting. If the winner of the VIP Veto removes one of the nominees, he or she will wait for a replacement nominee to be made before deciding if they want to use it a second time

Spotlight Veto - The winner of this Veto is guaranteed to be in the spotlight at the Veto meeting, because this Veto HAS to be used to save one of the TWO nominees from the Chopping Block

One of the three above scenarios WILL play out when it kicks in in the next episode which will be posted very soon, and another houseguest will be kicked out taking them down to 7 as we move a step closer to the finale

All in all a good episode even if some don't agree with who became HoH

All that remains is to say sorry this post is a little late, and I will try to get the Veto/eviction episode done and written up a bit earlier

So until next time, take care and remember someone is always watching.....

Sunday, 18 February 2018

And then there were 8...

Greetings citizens of Big Brother world, and off we go for another episode of Celebrity Big Brother USA

The show started with Julie asking if Shannon could escape another eviction, after the last evictions events saving her due to Keisha demanding to leave (as explained in last blog)

Let us all find out right now.....


  •  James and Shannon became allies, which painted a target on their backs
  • Ariadna and Brandi pitched an idea to then HoH Ross, and also to Marissa and Mark
  • But with Keshia and Omarosa on the block, Keshia made an emotional plea for them to evict her and the backdoor plan was put on the backburner and Keshia was sent packing
  • Omarosa found out she wasn't the number one target anymore
  • Ariadna won the HoH
  • James and Shannon were put on the chopping block
Who will be the next one out......Find out presently on this next post for Celebrity Big Brother USA

Julie welcomes us in, and says its been an emotional time for Shannon

On to house events we go and its the aftermath of the nominations ceremony, with Ariadna saying Shannon is the biggest player in there and everybody wants her out. Ariadna then speaks Spanish and it translates to "It's time for a big move inside the house"

Shannon says she is feeling very betrayed at these people she thought were her allies, and they went after her when there are much bigger targets in the house

James says to Ari that he's not going to be bitter about the decision to put him on the block as it's just a game. He thanks her for not backdooring him, and then asks if Shannon wins Veto who would go on the block in her place to which she doesn't give an answer

Brandi is happy James is on the block, as it "knocks his ego down a little bit" and for her game Shannon has to go

Brandi then tells Shannon it was a group decision to put her and James on the block, and Shannon thought Omarosa would have been on the block. Shannon says Marissa and Ross stabbed her in the back and won't be getting her jury vote

Brandi calls Shannon one of the best players in there, but Shannon says Ross and Omarosa as 'superfans' are better than her, and denies an alliance with James and is fed up of getting the blame for things she hasn't done

Omarosa walks in and Shannon asks her to leave and Omarosa refuses, so Shannon chooses to address Omarosa directly. Shannon says Omarosa said a lot of things that were hurtful, but Omarosa denies it. Shannon and Omarosa then go toe to toe in regards to things that may or may not have been said. Omarosa said when she (Omarosa) went on the block she was gracious and respectful, she knows what it feels like.

Omarosa says she is not going to contribute to Shannon's stress. Shannon says Omarosa knows the game better than Shannon does

Mark says seeing Shannon melt down the way she is is disappointing, and says she can still win the Veto competition

Back to the bedroom, Shannon's tears continue and says she is not going to fight and says the only thing that can save her is the Veto, but is not getting her hopes up on that

Omarosa says there are 3 stages to Shannon:

1. Shock "Why I am I on the block"
2. Anger
3. Actress overdrive

This coming from the stupid idiot (Omarosa) who walked out overacting an asthma attack, because she didn't win HoH

Ross says it's better to talk to Shannon later when she is less emotional, Omarosa now saying Shannon was being sincere, but in the Diary Room says Shannon has to go

Brandi asks Omarosa if she ever slept with Trump, to which she strongly denied...

James makes his way to the shower and Marissa says she is staying in the room whilst Ross covers his eyes...James takes off his clothes and Marissa's eyes nearly pop out of her head while Ross's eyes remain covered

Veto player picks up next, as before 6 players for Veto competition

2 nominees and HoH, in this case nominees Shannon and James and HoH Ari, and 3 houseguests from random draw....Ross, Omarosa and Brandi are the 3 choices...Big Brother will inform them when the competition will begin

Metta has picked up a toy owl, and talks about wanting something to attach to and go all the way to the end of this game...He says he is not putting the owl down, and calls the owl Orwell

Shannon requests to talk to Omarosa, and they share a hug....Shannon says she is hoping to get back in Omarosa's good graces should she not win Veto. Shannon tells Omarosa that she (Shannon) was fighting for Keshia the whole time. Omarosa says putting game aside, she is worried about Shannon and it breaks her heart to see her melting down like this. Omarosa plants some seeds about Marissa planning to backdoor Shannon. She says she is hedging her bets and needs to cover herself in case she doesn't win Veto.

Omarosa now plants some seeds with James about Ross and Marissa, and says she wants James to get paranoid thinking he is the real target.

James confronts Ross and Marissa and they of course deny everything and then they report back to Ari about what Omarosa said to James. Marissa is saying not to believe everything Omarosa says

Ross considers options for the replacement nominee should Shannon or Ross win Veto and take themself off the block, and says Omarosa has been showing her teeth lately

Marissa is afraid Omarosa is going to mess everything up, as she is going around giving false information. She then confronts Omarosa, and Omarosa denies everything

She (Marissa) then summons James to the room, and then confirms Omarosa told him about being the real target. Omarosa then accuses James of twisting things in terms of being the real target, resulting in James walking out saying he doesn't want to get involved in a dramatic argument

Julie plugs the upcoming Veto competition, and says you have to keep your friends close and enemies closer as we go back to the house

Ari says to Ross that James will come after one of the 4 alliance members should he win Veto, and then agreement all round that Shannon could do the same if she wins

Ross says Omarosa's stirring has unsettled the alliance, then there is agreement that if James stays and wins HoH to try and get him to get Omarosa out

Brandi is angry at herself for suggesting they ally with James, as she thinks he is obnoxious

James is summoned to the HoH room, and the alliance of 4 pitch the idea of getting Omarosa out if he wins HoH

Shannon suggests she is in this for herself as of now.

Metta says he is gunning for Shannon as he didn't get to go home and see his wife

Brandi tells James Omarosa has been lying to her, and the alliance tries to make a final 5 deal to which James scoffs at in the Diary Room and can only trust himself so decides to tell them what they want to hear

Messages from home which will be skipped over in this post, as it just feels pointless as they will be seeing these people in the next few days anyway.

Omarosa tells us more about Trump and said he needed help with certain words, and wonders what is going on on the outside right now. Omarosa then talks about someone in Clinton's era called Ken Starr, and she eloquently calls him 'the boogeyman'

Veto competition time, and it's called Dining in the Dark or words to that effect

Ross is hoping Shannon doesn't win Veto

Rules: They basically have to rush through their four course meal, and complete their four course meal in the fastest time. Whoever is fastest as in switching on their light at the end of the course wins the Veto

Let's just say lots of gunk involved, and houseguests have to find the route to the next course in the dark and times are revealed after everyone has done their 4 course meal

Times were as followed:

Ross - 09:46
Ariadna - 12:02
Omarosa - 19:29
Brandi - 21:29
Shannon - 08:25
James - 06:24

James wins the Power of Veto, so fabulous no prize for guessing what he will do and who will go

Shannon now admits she needs a miracle to stay in there

Ross asks Ari who he will be putting on the block in James's place, and Ross says Mark to which Ari says Mark will hate them....She then says Omarosa is used to being on the block, and Ross says Mark has no power in the house

Veto meeting, and Ari says it is inevitable that James will use the Veto so has to decide who to put up as his replacement without putting a target on her own back

Unsurprisingly James DOES use the Veto, and Ari puts up MARK in James's place although it does seem academic as they have all but decided who they are sending out

Shannon and James share a hug and Shannon says he has to split up the pairs

Julie plugs the upcoming eviction and another break is called

Back from the break, Julie goes live to the house...Although this does feel pointless as we know who is going

Closing speeches from Mark and Shannon follow, including the usual messages to the outside for their families...Mark does goes on a bit, and calls them housemates, housemates and then mashes his words calling them housegates. Julie jokes to Shannon about time constraints after Mark's rambling. 

Shannon puts out a message about conservation and animal welfare and plugs her website

It's time, and Julie reminds us that the two nominees cannot vote and Ari as HoH can only vote in the event of a tie, but again it would feel pointless as we know who she would choose

So onto the vote.....

Ross votes to evict Shannon
Marissa votes to evict Shannon
Omarosa votes to evict Shannon
James votes to evict Shannon
Brandi votes to evict Mark
Metta votes to evict Shannon

Thankfully Metta gets his vote right this time, and Shannon is evicted 5 votes to 1

Julie reveals to the house that SHANNON is evicted, after some hugs she reveales where Metta's owl Orwell is

Straight away, Julie asks who Shannon feels most betrayed by to which Shannon names the 4 member alliance of Ross, Marissa, Brandi and Ari. She says Ross told her about the backdoor scheme just before she left, and so he won't be getting her jury vote. She thought about throwing the first HoH, and felt she had to win as all the girls had dropped and couldn't let the boys win. She says the boredom did get to her, and the sitting around waiting with nothing to do. 

Shannon's goodbye messages are played to her, and Julie wraps up the interview

And to close this particular show, Julie announces the next HoH competition and it's an endurance comp which will continue on the live feeds overnight, and the result will be revealed on here in the next post.

The next competition is titled "BB Arena" and it's in the shape of a basketball court...The houseguests have to just sit on the seats which are hanging off a wall while BB throw various objects and other stuff at them. The last houseguest standing will be the new HoH, and the first three to drop will be on slop until a certain time.

And that's it as Julie plugs the shows to come as we head into the final full week of this season....

Result to be revealed in dues course as stated above, and of course thanks for reading and hope you enjoy this post :)

Another episode in the bag as we head towards finale night in a few days time, and although the result was kind of predictable, it has been another great episode and this season is getting rave reviews from most people

Until next time, remember that someone is always watching.....

Good night :)