Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 30 - Final 6: Power of Veto

The Cookout may have achieved their mission, but it has come at a cost post-celebrations
Kyland won the HoH, I know lucky us, and to compound things puts up one of the people's favourites in Tiffany, along with Hannah.

Definite battle of the sexes as Xavier and Derek F have been whining constantly and coasting along in this alliance about the women. Seriously, what is Derek F or should that be Derek Do Nothing as that is exactly what he has done in nothing, zilch, nada, done apart from naming the alliance. What a revolting thought it is that he actually could be sitting in one of those final 2 chairs on 29 September.

Oh look, Derek Do Nothing is celebrating Tiff being on the block. At least she's done more than you, Derek, and without complaint if she doesn't win a comp.

You get the impression Derek is enjoying this a bit too much in terms of the ladies being on the block....

It's all but confirmed in the house now, so no cause for argument. Boys v Girls, sadly Tiff knows she is the target and a goner unless she wins the Veto.

Veto comp

No picks from this point as there are only 6 left so everyone plays tonight and at final 4 next week. 

Tonight sees the final round of the BB Comics comps, unless there's a few more in the DE comps in the next episode of course.

A old favourite I may add, as in get on a zipline and go past a window to see the correct layout of comics and remember every detail, then put them in order and with every detail. 40 minute time limit, and the fastest player wins the Veto

Derek - 14.05
Hannah - 14.06
Xavier - 20.56
Tiff - Timed out
Azah - 20.22
Kyland - 11.44

And sadly, Kyland wins Power of Veto. Safe to say he won't use it but stranger things have happened

I just can't with these smug boys, they are so certain they are heading to final 3 but unfortunately they may just be right. I mean it seems certain now Tiff is out first in the 2nd DE, so all pressure on Hannah and Azah, although I don't really rate Azah's chances too much so all intents and purposes more pressure on Hannah.

Veto Ceremony

And as expected and despite a last minute pitch from Tiff, Kyland does not use the Veto and it will be Tiff or Hannah guaranteed out first in the next episode. More likely Tiff, as she is Kyland's target.

So we move on to the second of the two double evictions, where as last week it's a whole week of Big Brother in one night. As in HoH, Noms, Veto, Veto ceremony and eviction.

To be continued in Episode 31, and it's a longer episode as in 2 hours so will be interesting to see what they pull out of the hat to fill time

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

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