Another week almost down, and I have absolutely no idea how this HoH is going to be done, will Claire have to be outed as secret HoH? Will everyone get to play? Guess we'll have to find out when Julie goes to the house at the end of the show
In the meantime:
Hannah continues to emerge as a contender as she basically tricks Claire into playing for the secret HoH, and later in the week Hannah won Veto.
Nice little pattern there, sort of a Derek X revenge tour as Tiff initially won HoH, lost it to Claire who kept nominations the same anyway, then Hannah won the Veto
Veto was used on Xavier, so no replacement was needed. A straight shootout between Kyland and SB. Although there does seem to be a little dissension in the Cookout ranks, as Kyland was pitching really hard for the Veto to be used on him, something which didn't go down well with Tiffany but she has his card marked for a later time if things go her way soon. Her target is still SB for tonight, and it does kind of seem inevitable.
Some would say karma for SB's lousy attitude during her HoH that she basically handed over to Kyland, I mean everyone called it that she would be on the chopping block and possibly leaving for jury this week. If/When that happens, Claire and Alyssa really do need to put the remaining pieces together and win both the HoH and Veto this coming week as they must be kind of aware they will be next two out.
And woohoo, our first visit to the jury house and we get to see Brit and Derek X
Pointless filler alert, as the kitchen caught fire as everyone was distracted by Hannah falling out of the hammock and hitting her head on the floor. Nothing serious in terms of Hannah, as she is moving about.
Just been so easy for the Cookout this season, numbers in jury when they eventually start going there
But then again there is that triple coming up, if the rumours are true of course. 7 to 4 in two hours.
Jury segment
The pieces finally falling into place for Brit and Derek X about the Cookout, but in my honest opinion all this is going to be for nothing if it's a Cookout final 3 or 4.
Eviction vote
Pointless pleas, remember what Tiff wants, Tiff gets. This is a lost cause.
Claire has the deciding vote as secret HoH
Derek F - SB
Alyssa - SB
Tiff - Kyland
Azah - SB
Hannah - SB
Xavier - SB
Claire would have evicted SB, so wouldn't have made any difference
HoH comp
The all too familiar spinning endurance one, where they are crashing into all sorts of things and having all sorts thrown at them while spinning round.
Claire is eligible to play but can't win so has to throw it, if that makes sense. If she doesn't throw it, then second place wins. First three to fall will be the Have Not's for the week, last houseguest standing if it's not Claire, will be the new HoH
Essentially Alyssa against the Cookout, and got to pray it's Alyssa or this could be a very long and predictable week
And as I say that, Alyssa is out so Cookout guaranteed to win this HoH, and Julie announces TWO double evictions over two weeks. Frustrating as we know which two will be out next week, and then it's the usual major alliance picking each other off.
Comp to be concluded in Episode 26, as we take another huge step closer to the end of this season and by god it has really flown by.
Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking....
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