Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Big Brother Australia 2020 - Episode 17

When last we left our remaining housemates, another version of the White Room had been introduced with Kieran becoming it's first occupant after the rest of the housemates thought they had voted him out

Tonight sees the White Room occupancy go up by one as it increasingly becomes bromance (Mat and Daniel) versus slowmance (Chad and Sophie) with Sarah stuck in the middle. 

And speaking of the White Room that is where we start as Kieran makes his grand entrance and is told by Big Brother that is where he will be confined. If he can't take the pressure then all he has to do is push one of the red buttons in front of him, but if he does that is the end of his game. Seems simple enough, doesn't it.

No hard work required, which sort of sums up Kieran's time in there. Without sounding mean, how DID he get this far? Add to the fact there is a real danger he could actually win depending on what will happen with this White Room business. You shouldn't get rewarded for doing nothing, and Kieran hasn't actually earned his stripes.

3am in the morning in the main house, and Chad being his usual stupid self, for stupid see yesterday's post when he could have chopped off one of the heads of the bromance by putting them both up, yet stupidly put up Kieran and Mat. Mat was the pawn by the way. 

Anyway, back to the scintillating conversation of the slowmance, and even Sophie can see the danger of the bromance and that they want her out. Hasn't it dawned on her, Chad is only in there to boost his modelling career, that prize money will only be chicken feed to him. She could do a lot better than him.

Next day is dawning, and suddenly the house is empty and I do mean empty. Toiletries, cutlery, all furniture, and even the pool is devoid of water. Where this is leading I don't know, guess the old adage "All will be revealed in due course".

So back to Kieran in The White Room, and he knows what is happening in that others will be joining him presently, and in his own little way starts plotting his vengeance against the slowmance and Sarah. Hell hath no fury like a Kieran scorned and all that. 

After the nominations challenge announcement from Big Brother, the bromance get their plan in motion to get Sophie out. Shortly afterwards Sophie checks in with Mat, and he is very evasive about today's plan, and it doesn't take her long to work it all out. And yes she goes to see Chad about her worries, and he's seriously telling her not to worry. You can tell she's going to be the brains of the outfit, if she pursues things with Chad in the outside world.

Onto the nominations challenge, housemates would be strapped to a bag with 70% of their body weight taken into account. They must unlock 3 chained boxes that contain puzzle pieces, and have to find said keys within a bunch of 30. Think you can guess the rest, as in first person to complete their puzzle wins.

After a while, Daniel emerges as the winner and he goes through with the plan of putting up Sophie and he also nominates Sarah. Oh Chad, you could have saved your slowmance as Sophie was giving you all the warnings in the world, were those dollar signs really blinding you that much....

Before eviction time, Sophie is almost certain it will be her taking the walk. She knows it will be a tie, and Daniel will get rid of her. And lo and behold come eviction time that's exactly what happens.

Remember, Chad. This is all on you and your stupidity. You only have yourself to blame for this situation, you had one job in the last episode and you blew it.

Oh so emotional exit for Sophie, or so she thinks. Like Kieran, Big Brother stop her in her tracks and direct her to the White Room. Kieran is waiting behind the door to greet her, and makes her jump a few feet in the air. Moment of panic there as she nearly presses one of the red buttons in her fright.

And so we get down to the final four containing Sarah, Daniel, Chad and Mat. And there's still the White Room occupants to think about and who will be the final occupant tomorrow if there will be one? 

All this and hopefully more as we head towards Episode 18 and indeed the last episode before the live finale

Who wins, Australia decides

Thank you for reading and as always, keep those likes, shares, comments and retweets coming...

Shout outs

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Until next time, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking

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