Xavier the latest housemate to feel the Big Brother boot, and tonight the slowmance continues to be prodded and shoved in our faces, you know the one I mean. That supposed love affair the one between Chad and Sophie.
May be a little revenge in the air today though with Casey the Constipated gunning for the so called happy couple, as one of her clique left as in the previously mentioned Xavier the Invisible.
Some more familiar tasks ahead as in Remote Control/Pause, you know that one where BB tell them to pause, rewind or fast forward. All that and more to come.
But first....
It's celebration day in the house as it's one month and counting for Chad and Sophie, oh yawn at this particular slowmance. If we had wanted something akin to Love Island, we would have tuned into that if it was on. I remember when both UK versions were competing against each other, and Love Island was whooping Big Brother in the ratings. Then again civilian Big Brother was being run into the ground by now, when it was in its absolute pomp in the Channel 4 era it was unstoppable, but the Five version, well let's just say less said the better about that particular era until the final series.
Back to present day Australia, must we with this slowmance? Garden picnic the lot for Chad and Sophie. Is this really what we have left in this series now queen Angela has gone? Seriously? Really?
The show must go on I suppose, and Casey is looking on at this picnic and her eyes going a shade red. No that's not her still struggling to drop one, just plain disdain that her comrade Xavier has left the building and she wants to avenge him.
Moving swiftly on to the first challenge for today, with the prize being burgers all round. And again, look familiar? Remote Control or Pause or whatever you want to call it. Anyways, to cut a long story short they did pass, but that doesn't tell the whole story.
Kieran is really giving this challenge his all, but that's not enough for Mat and Daniel who are constantly burying Kieran
Mat: “Look at him, perched up there, ready to feed his face again, the bloke’s been nominated four bloody times and we can’t get rid of him. I’ve had enough. It’s not OK to be in this house and act like an eight-year-old. He’s been in here a month and done the dishes three times and we kicked him out halfway through one of them because he didn’t wash them properly.”
Daniel: “Can we fast forward to Kieran’s eviction?”
Mat: “Can you run like him?”
Pair of jerks if you ask me, belittling someone else to make themselves feel better
I particularly know that feeling when you are sneered at for even just running a certain way, not a nice thing at all, and these two are probably are going to be in the live final the way things are going.
Not a very pleasant prospect at all
Back to the show, and Marissa is now grassed on by Casey for mocking the ever so macho Daniel for crying about his ex girlfriend, and apparently she also called the slowmance, "Dumb and Dumber". Make of that what you will.
Anyway, onto the nomination challenge, rules a bit complicated to explain properly so will just say Casey went on to win as she made a bargain with Chad for safety. She nominated Kieran and Marissa, no courage of her convictions as stated earlier she was absolutely gunning for Sophie, and there goes a perfect chance blown of getting the slowmance, or at least one of them, out of there.
Unfortunately, it's Marissa who is a goner and now we are down to 8 as the live finish line starts coming into sight. Seems more likely every day Mat and Daniel will be filling two of those seats on live finale night, who will join them? Still all to play for. However I would safely assume that Kieran or Sarah's head will roll next.
Apart from that little bitch about Hannah at the start, and winning the Aussie style Veto, what has Sarah actually done. At least Kieran's trying to impress, even if his physical prowess or strategy is not up to much.
Time for Sarah to step it up a bit, and hopefully she will in Episode 15
Thank you for reading as always, and please keep any feedback, shares, likes or retweets coming. They are all very much appreciated.
Shout outs
BB on Blast - https://www.spreaker.com/show/bb-on-blast
Big Brother Radio - https://www.spreaker.com/show/big-brother-radio
Rob has a Podcast - https://robhasawebsite.com/shows/big-brother-podcast-rhap/
Sistah Speak - https://www.spreaker.com/show/sistah-speak-big-brother
Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever
Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....
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