Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Big Brother Australia 2020 - Finale

And so the end is near, and it's time for this series to face it's final curtain

Perhaps not the final 3 everyone wanted, as the show was hell bent on pushing Bromance v Slowmance on us every other episode, and everyone not involved found their way to the door, and for Kieran some money to go with it.

So it's either Daniel (bully), Chad (dumbass), and Sophie (insert your own description here) who will take home the grand prize of over $230,000. I know, the agony of choice. Fill your

Maybe Sophie should just win as, and I've just seen this myself on Twitter by the way, 3 female winners out of 11 series. She would make a welcome addition to an otherwise male dominated role call of winners.

On to the show, and given the current events in the world it does feel very flat in the studio, and alarmingly social distancing is very hit and miss throughout

All housemates present and correct, with the exception of Laura and Zoe due to Covid restrictions preventing them travelling to the studio.

This is where it gets a bit, oh I don't know the words, meh I think would an accurate description as it's basically best bits of the housemates we have already seen in some form, and then conversation with said ex housemate, and rinse and repeat for the next ex and so on, and so on, and.....think you get the picture. Few examples:

This is only my opinion, and I'm not being bitter, but as soon as Angela left the wheels did come off gradually. She warned the non alliance members in there about a possible steamroll, but they chose to ignore the warning. 

For a lot of people, no matter what the BB Australia history books will say, Angela is and always will be this series People's Champion. Just a shame they don't have an Australia Favourite Housemate kind of vote.

Hold your excitement, here come the final 3.....

Just feels like dummy Chad is getting the most promotion here, a pity that a slowmance which is unlikely to go the distance gets the most promotion, given how much him and Sophie were shoved down our throats at the expense of some non alliance members being given valuable airtime. 

Sophie is such a sweet girl, just hope she doesn't get her heart broken by that dummy

Anyway, back to the show and now the final 3 have to plead their cases to win and are then joined by loved ones. Daniel reunited with his ex Anna, Chad with his mum and Sophie with her mum and sister.

This is it then, the moment some have been waiting for as in finding out the winner of this series......after Sonia has mentioned there have been 700,000 votes.

Brace yourselves, folks.......The winner is CHAD!!!!!!

Stupidity wins out in the end and I'm not talking about the voters by the way as they can vote for who they like, and certainly a mixed response to that result. The dumbest player in BB Australia history wins.

With Sophie in very close attendance, he drops a very loud F bomb which Sonia has to apologise for, and then says he is going to spend the money on a boys trip and help his mum out. That's got to sting for Sophie, not one mention there. Is there really any point in her pursuing this slowmance with Chad.

And so that's it as Sonia signs off this year, and for me summing that series up with one name or word......ANGELA

Best there is, best there was and the best there ever will be and guaranteed to put smiles on faces for some in this year of constant bad news.


And so my friends, that is the end of the line for BB Australia, and now we move back over to North America and Big Brother USA, if it eventually goes ahead. Looks like it's going to be an All Stars version, and looking at some of the names..... One hint, one who I always think is so adorable to this day may be going in.

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read these posts, and thank you all for the comments, shares, likes and retweets for this series.

Shout outs

Blagger Tv which is re-running BB7 UK - https://twitter.com/blagger_tv?lang=en

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until we meet again for USA, or in 2021 for a fresh year of Big Brother, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking......

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Big Brother Australia 2020 - Episode 20

It's a new day yes it is, the battle of the ages. If you are a fan of the Bromance or Slowmance that is, as they are the final 4 for the BB Australia 

For the neutral it's pretty much meh, as everyone who didn't fit into this storyline have unfortunately found their way to the door, or in others cases a bunker or a white room.

This is what we have to work with, thankfully brief, but just a shame the two factions have come out on top.

Back to the present, and we open with messages from the former housemates, a sad reminder of what could have been in this series if more of the people outside of said factions had been allowed to shine some more rather than being pushed into the background. 

Another treat awaits the factions as in a champagne breakfast, as the last day in the house is dawning and once the final evictee is announced, everyone is out and it's off into the wild blue yonder.

Mat knows the challenge today is crucial, as Chad and Sophie will be gunning for him if one of them win....Sorry, but if Chad had used his pea that he calls a brain Mat would have already been out, and it would have been Daniel taking a walk.

Anyway, we move towards the final challenge of the series....But first, we look at some game talk from the two factions, both agreeing the opposite faction should be broken up.Tell us something we don't know.

On to the final challenge, labelled 'winner takes all'. In simple english, whoever wins gets the final vote and stamps their ticket to the final and the other 3 are on the block. Got it? good.....

4 long descending tracks are laid out, and housemates have to put a ball on the track, run down the stairs, and catch the ball. At random times, BB will instruct housemates to put another ball on the track in addition to the one or more they already have. If any of the balls hit the ground, then that housemate will be eliminated.

Order of elimination was Sophie, Daniel and then Mat. *Sigh* Chad wins. He can't fumble the ball this time. Daniel knows his or Mat's time is up, more likely Mat, and he and Mat get in Chad's ear about making the right choice.

But they are not the only ones wanting a word, as Chad is called to the Diary Room where he gets a call from his mum. Staying with Chad, after his shower, he talks things over with Sophie in terms of who to take with him. The agony of choice between Daniel and Mat.

Fast forward to eviction time for the final time this series, and the ever so lovely Sonia who congratulates Chad on making it to the finale, but the time has come to rubber stamp 4th place for one of those on the block.

And taking that particular honour will be Mat, the bromance FINALLY broken up. Shame it took this long to be honest, when it should have been ages ago. 

Sophie - My pick to win, and she can do a lot better than Chad on the outside
Chad - Prize money chicken feed to him, especially when any modelling contracts come calling
Daniel - Must have made a few bucks in his sporting career to tide him over

And so we move to the sad occasion of Big Brother saying goodbye to the housemates, as they all make their way to the exit and lots of fireworks.

Can Sophie be the first girl in 12 years in terms of BB Australia win? Or will the bully (Daniel) and bear in mind I don't throw that word around lightly, or the dummy known as Chad take the honours.

Australia, it's all down to you as tomorrow you decide which of these three not rights takes home the $235,000 prize

To be concluded in the Big Brother Australia 2020 finale, same BB time and same BB channel

Thank you for reading as always, and please keep any comments, likes, retweets and shares coming. All much appreciated

Shout outs

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until the finale, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Monday, 20 July 2020

Big Brother Australia 2020 - Episode 19

G'day citizens as we head into Finals Week, and we have our final 5 for this year.

In case you missed it:

Kieran left the house with $15,000 of the prize money after he pushed the button in the White Room, while Sophie went back to the house to resume her slowmance with Mr Modelling Career, Chad. Lucky us eh?

Bromance v Slowmance, oh and Sarah is still there as well. A little ray of light in the gloom, and one would think our only hope of stopping the seemingly inevitable battle of the alliances in the final four. Sorry to sound like a broken record here, but if only Chad had done his job a few days ago as in putting up both of the bromance, then we wouldn't be sitting here having these same thoughts on what might of been and what direction this series could have taken.

But that is the way the icecube crumbles, and why things are the way they are. You had one job, Chad, and you blew it.

Anyway, back to the present and the slowmance is back in all it's glory as we get a few shots of Chad and Sophie. Never a bucket around when you want one. Although if it upsets the Bromance, then all the better, as they are not happy about this recent development.

As Sophie states:

“I had two dreams. One was going to the Olympics and that never happened. The other was Big Brother. To be able to stand there on the last day, it would just complete me,”

Meanwhile, Sarah is really happy that Sophie is back. She could do with some backup in the female, but how loyal will Sophie be so close to the end, and that prize money in sniffing distance.

But wait, we have an intruder and I'm not talking about the two legged kind, more four legs and as cute as a button. Welcome Banjo the golden retriever to the house, even if it's only for an hour. He's so ridiculously cute. A nice little segment, 'nuff said.

Back to house business, and we start the first of today's challenges where the housemates have to collect falling grain in their buckets and run up some stairs and put it back in their respective funnels, before the funnels ran dry. Whoever's ran out first would be the first on the chopping block, and the unlucky housemate turned out to be Sarah.

It also turns out that since Mat had his vote from the White Room left over, as in he would have had the casting vote if Kieran or Sophie hadn't of pushed the button. This vote has carried over into today, so he gets an extra vote come eviction time.

Disappointing outcome on both counts, they (BB) really are pushing for this Bromance v Slowmance final four and the outcome of today's vote seems all but certain. But stranger things have happened....We'll just have to wait and see.

As in the second challenge of the day, which does look strangely intriguing. Basically, the premise is that everyone except Sarah will be locked in a cage that rapidly fills with water. First stage they have to open a combination lock, then get a set of keys which will open their 5 padlocks. First to do so gets to pick the other nominee to sit alongside Sarah.

Lose lose with this one given it's the potentially preliminary Bromance v Showmance, and on this occasion it's the inept and clueless Chad who takes the honours and no prizes for guessing which alliance he will gun for, and in saying water is wet he chooses Mat to sit beside Sarah.

Sarah takes everything pretty well, and hopes to talk Daniel around into getting rid of Mat. But realistically he won't do that. She does her best plea to Daniel, imploring him to think about the game rather than the bromance.

Fast forward to eviction time, and the usual appearance from the ever lovely Sonia, looking pretty in pink today I may add.

Sarah's pleas to Daniel fell on deaf ears as expected, and with Mat's advantage of an extra vote we have a Bromance v Slowmance final 4....Yawn, 'nuff said. One of these alliances is going to win unfortunately.

Angela warned the neutrals what would happen, and nobody listened

Before closing time, the final four are told it is 'winner takes all' and 3 will face the chopping block and the winner of the challenge gets the sole vote.

Really does feel now like, who wins who cares.....

The last step before the live finale is looming, who will be the 3 on the block and who will get the sole vote.....Find out soon, same BB time, same BB channel

Thank you everyone as always who is popping in and reading these posts. Please keep the feedback, likes, shares and retweets coming, all very much appreciated.

Shout outs

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Big Brother Australia 2020 - Episode 18

And so we go into the final episode before Finals Week, and there are two occupants of the White Room in Kieran and Sophie. Each with an equal chance of winning some of the prize money, with the person who doesn't steal some of the money to go back into the house, both with axes to grind with the bromance.

At the moment it's down to Sarah to stop the worst possible scenario in those three, but hopefully some backup will arrive when Kieran or Sarah get back.

So we start today with Chad mooning, not like that, over Sophie. He's fooling nobody, he's really thinking of those lovely modelling contracts possibly coming his way after the show. That's all he is there for, seriously.

And it's good news for the main house occupants, as everything is back to normal as in everything is back where it should be, including the pool water. So what was the point of yesterday then? Answers on a postcard please.

Mr. Modelling Career has gone to Big Brother to tell them his plan of getting back at the bromance for getting rid of Sophie. This coming from the same guy who completely bottled out of putting those two on the block, and ridding the house of one of them.

Blockhead's first port of call is with Mat, who asks him if he is down to go to final 3 but Chad says Sarah and himself go a long way back and it will be her he goes to final 3 with. So much for keeping things subtle.

Today's first glimpse of the White Room, and Sophie is already making out her revenge list against the bromance, in writing "Revenge is a b***h" on the wall.

Sarah's still there in case anyone hadn't noticed, and she's onto Daniel and Mat as well. Who isn't? This is all on Chad, he had one job and he blew it. Sorry to sound like a broken record about this, but it's so infuriating how this series endgame could have played out if the bromance were split up. Sarah makes it her mission to make sure it's not an all male final 3, good luck to her.

And these tennis balls really could come at any time, as the boys and Sarah find out over time. Lots of missed shots, and the shopping budget continues to shrink. But does it really matter how much they got, as they will all be gone soon anyway

Anyways fast forward to another message from home and it's Sarah who is the lucky recipient who gets to talk to her mum, to tell her about making final 4. Our only hope, along with whoever comes back from the White Room of stopping the bromance in its tracks.

Quickly onto the nominations challenge, as there's not much else and the rules are:

Yes, your eyes are not playing tricks, NO eviction tonight with The White Room twist taking centre stage, plus it's not the usual power obviously. That new power will be revealed in a little while.

Back to the noms challenge, and Chad is eliminated first by Daniel. He then eliminates Sarah and it's down to the bromance to which Mat wins, which as per the pre comp stipulation he gets an advantage. 

Fast forward now to a final 4 party, but it's wouldn't be Big Brother without some sort of stirring would it, and right on cue here comes the big man as he reveals the White Room. Just the look on the bromance's faces is pleasure itself.

Enter Sonia on the big screen, her announcement to the White Room in full:

“On the screen before you, an amount of money will gradually increase over one minute,”

“At any point during this minute, either of you can press your red button, freezing the total. Whoever presses the button will be allowed to keep the money. But must leave the Big Brother house for good. Whoever doesn’t press there button will receive a second chance and return to the Big Brother house.”

“Oh and one more thing – the money you’ll be tempted with will be taken out of the overall prize money,”

Said without trying not to burst out laughing, so to put it in simple terms one will get some money and do a runner, while the other can go and try and get their revenge back in the house. As in they are back in the game the moment they step back in there

The money counter will go up, not down. Whoever presses the button at whatever amount gets that amount. Did I ever say I cannot stand it when the prize fund is mucked around with no matter what version of the show it is.

Additional rule, if nobody presses their button then challenge winner Mat will have the deciding vote on who goes back in.

All academic anyway as Sophie has decided she is NOT pressing her button, leaving the field open for Kieran, who presses his button at the $15,000 dollar mark and leaves the house with that amount. 

Sophie, inevitably looking for all those lovely magazine deals with Chad, re-enters the house for her big reunion with Mr. Modelling Career. Buckets being handed out at the door, can't see this one lasting too long on the outside. As soon as that first modelling contract lands, he'll be off.

Meanwhile the bromance, still smarting from that twist probably because they couldn't get Kieran out on their terms, have the mother of all tantrums. The bullies, and I don't use that word lightly, got outsmarted and they go crying to Big Brother. Big Brother in no uncertain terms tells them to eff off and also that 'that's the name of the game'.

And there is the question of Sophie's revenge as we head into Finals week....What exactly that will entail remains to be seen, but we are back up to five now. Tune in for the endgame for this season next week, same Big Brother time same Big Brother channel

Thank you as always for reading these posts, and please keep those retweets, likes, comments and shares coming in

Shout outs

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Big Brother Australia 2020 - Episode 17

When last we left our remaining housemates, another version of the White Room had been introduced with Kieran becoming it's first occupant after the rest of the housemates thought they had voted him out

Tonight sees the White Room occupancy go up by one as it increasingly becomes bromance (Mat and Daniel) versus slowmance (Chad and Sophie) with Sarah stuck in the middle. 

And speaking of the White Room that is where we start as Kieran makes his grand entrance and is told by Big Brother that is where he will be confined. If he can't take the pressure then all he has to do is push one of the red buttons in front of him, but if he does that is the end of his game. Seems simple enough, doesn't it.

No hard work required, which sort of sums up Kieran's time in there. Without sounding mean, how DID he get this far? Add to the fact there is a real danger he could actually win depending on what will happen with this White Room business. You shouldn't get rewarded for doing nothing, and Kieran hasn't actually earned his stripes.

3am in the morning in the main house, and Chad being his usual stupid self, for stupid see yesterday's post when he could have chopped off one of the heads of the bromance by putting them both up, yet stupidly put up Kieran and Mat. Mat was the pawn by the way. 

Anyway, back to the scintillating conversation of the slowmance, and even Sophie can see the danger of the bromance and that they want her out. Hasn't it dawned on her, Chad is only in there to boost his modelling career, that prize money will only be chicken feed to him. She could do a lot better than him.

Next day is dawning, and suddenly the house is empty and I do mean empty. Toiletries, cutlery, all furniture, and even the pool is devoid of water. Where this is leading I don't know, guess the old adage "All will be revealed in due course".

So back to Kieran in The White Room, and he knows what is happening in that others will be joining him presently, and in his own little way starts plotting his vengeance against the slowmance and Sarah. Hell hath no fury like a Kieran scorned and all that. 

After the nominations challenge announcement from Big Brother, the bromance get their plan in motion to get Sophie out. Shortly afterwards Sophie checks in with Mat, and he is very evasive about today's plan, and it doesn't take her long to work it all out. And yes she goes to see Chad about her worries, and he's seriously telling her not to worry. You can tell she's going to be the brains of the outfit, if she pursues things with Chad in the outside world.

Onto the nominations challenge, housemates would be strapped to a bag with 70% of their body weight taken into account. They must unlock 3 chained boxes that contain puzzle pieces, and have to find said keys within a bunch of 30. Think you can guess the rest, as in first person to complete their puzzle wins.

After a while, Daniel emerges as the winner and he goes through with the plan of putting up Sophie and he also nominates Sarah. Oh Chad, you could have saved your slowmance as Sophie was giving you all the warnings in the world, were those dollar signs really blinding you that much....

Before eviction time, Sophie is almost certain it will be her taking the walk. She knows it will be a tie, and Daniel will get rid of her. And lo and behold come eviction time that's exactly what happens.

Remember, Chad. This is all on you and your stupidity. You only have yourself to blame for this situation, you had one job in the last episode and you blew it.

Oh so emotional exit for Sophie, or so she thinks. Like Kieran, Big Brother stop her in her tracks and direct her to the White Room. Kieran is waiting behind the door to greet her, and makes her jump a few feet in the air. Moment of panic there as she nearly presses one of the red buttons in her fright.

And so we get down to the final four containing Sarah, Daniel, Chad and Mat. And there's still the White Room occupants to think about and who will be the final occupant tomorrow if there will be one? 

All this and hopefully more as we head towards Episode 18 and indeed the last episode before the live finale

Who wins, Australia decides

Thank you for reading and as always, keep those likes, shares, comments and retweets coming...

Shout outs

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking

Monday, 13 July 2020

Big Brother Australia 2020 - Episode 16

Week 6 here we come, and the finish line is in sight for the housemates

Three more to fall, and then the remaining three go to the live finale. But just looking at who's left, feels like who wins who cares at this point

I mean we got Kieran, coasting through on the sympathy vote but then again he is being given such a hard time by the cool kids aka Mat and Daniel, who don't deserve to win and then we have Sarah who has done barely anything to merit winning, and then there's the slowmance of Chad and Sophie. Less said the better.

Anyway, in case you missed it Casey fell at the latest hurdle when her plan for revenge against the slowmance didn't quite work out and she was sent packing. So it's basically bromance (Mat and Daniel) against slowmance (Chad and Sophie) and the neutrals in the middle being Kieran and Sarah

This week it's The White Room. Another task dragged out of mothballs, which has been done on the Australian version before if I remember correctly, and also on the UK version and less said about the UK's attempt the better, let's just say disaster from start to finish.

Hopefully this latest incarnation will provide some suspense and have people talking about it for the right reasons, rather than the wrong ones.

Back to the present, as there is an episode to write about, and Mat and Daniel are boiling mad about their ally Casey being voted out. How dare the others vote out Casey, I don't think. To quote a song line, "It's all about the game, and how you play it...."

They are vowing to take out one of the happy couple, namely Sophie for daring to have a swing vote. 

Fast forward and Kieran corners Daniel for a strategic chat, which may I say bores the pants off Daniel causing him to make a hasty retreat, not too far away and cue more griping which would make Statler and Waldorf from the Muppets proud. It is then decided to try and get Kieran on board to get to Chad. I'm sure Chad will shaking in his boots, or in this case designer shirts.

For today's first challenge, Big Brother rolls out their Power Booth in which housemates will enter at Big Brother's request, and blindfolded. A pink ticket or blue ticket will be caught by the housemate in there. Reminds me of the end game on The Crystal Maze when they have to collect gold and silver tokens, and have to get more gold than silver to win the prize

Pink = Reward
Blue = Punishment for another housemate

Rewards and Punishments

Sarah gave Kieran a punishment of washing the dishes for the rest of the day
Chad gave Kieran a punishment of a disadvantage in the next noms challenge
Mat gave Kieran a punishment of handing over his belongings to BB for the rest of the day
Sophie gave Daniel a punishment of banishing him to the door for the rest of the day
Kieran got a reward of a pizza to himself
Sophie gave a punishment to Sarah for her and Chad to swap clothes

No doubt in real time they were turning the air blue with all these punishments, distinct lack of rewards there

Slowmance talk, and Sophie is paranoid the cool kids are going to come after her and Chad if Mat or Daniel win the upcoming nominations challenge, and she be spot on as that is exactly what the other two plan to do.

And so we move onto the more important challenge of the day as in the nominations challenge and with the top 5 looming, it's all to play for.

Wobble boards and balancing are the key elements here, as housemates have to balance on a wobble board and hold onto a disc on which a ball is placed. If the ball falls off or the housemate steps off their board, they are eliminated from the competition.

As per his punishment given to him by Chad earlier, Kieran has a disadvantage as in he has to make sure two balls don't fall, but it's only one ball off and he is eliminated.

Kieran and Sarah both out early and it's down to bromance v slowmance. Fast forward and Daniel tries to make a deal with Chad for top 3, but Sophie is right there shooting it down and the comp carries on. Shortly afterwards, Daniel falls anyway and it's another comp win for Chad. Yawn, the slowmance continues.

You would think it would dawn on them to try and break up the cool kids, but nope it's the usual bottle job and Kieran ends up on the block along with Mat as a pawn. The stupidity of some of these people really is astonishing. Down to Sarah again I guess to see who goes this time as Sophie and Kieran try to work their 'magic' to see which way she will swing today.

Eviction time again, and here comes the ever lovely Sonia on the screen. She tells them what we knew already, that there is only 3 more evictions to go until the live finale where Australia decides the winner.

7th time of asking Kieran is evicted.....or is he?

As he is making his way out, much like Angela, BB stops him in his tracks and tells him he is not out of the game yet and escorts him to The White Room which is basically Angela's bunker redone.

What he will have to do is to be revealed in due course, so stay tuned as that finish line gets ever closer

To be continued in Episode 17

Thank you everyone for reading. Please keep the comments, likes, shares and retweets coming. All very much appreciated.

Shout outs

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking

Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Big Brother Australia 2020 - Episode 15

Another week draws to its close for the Big Brother Australia house, and we've seen the game temporarily suspended due to Corona fears, the slowmance continue to be, well, slow and boring the pants of everyone, and Xavier and Marissa get the old heave ho from the house. Who will be the last to leave this week, let's take a journey and find out.

Saucy Big Brother starts today with him having a little fun with Sarah, not like that, behave yourselves. She answers the series long question about her height, saying "I'm not a dwarf". But does this stop Big Brother in his tracks, oh hell no. At least this is more light hearted than the crap Mat and Daniel pointed in Kieran's direction in the last episode, yes that crap. I haven't forgotten.

At least when BB does mean, he does it in a dry kind of way so it's funny. After all, no queen Angela to share a tea and a chat with as she left days ago in real time. So he has to find some conversation somewhere, and Sarah is it.

To quote Sarah directly, and this is in no way edited by me:

“People think you can get in everywhere for kids prices. No, I’m an adult!”. “I tried searching if I was a dwarf when I was 16 so I could get on the disability pension. But I’m not a dwarf. I’m not a dwarf! And it sucks because I have to go through a lifetime of short jokes and I don’t even get compensated for it.”

At least she's providing some humour now, as she has been quiet since she won the Veto alternative, and before that had a little complain about Hannah.

Roll on the first challenge, and lo and behold another sort of copy from UK as in Room 101 from civilian series 6, one of the nastiest series the UK produced, but that's for another day's writing. Back to the Australian version, and there are menial tasks all for everyone, but Kieran and Mat are chosen for a secret mission where it is more luxurious for them, and if they went undetected for the duration of the task, as this was the shopping one not the nomination challenge and we will come to that in a bit, then the shopping budget would go up to $400.

And yes they were successful so $400 for shopping......

Unfortunately after this task is done, it's Operation Put Down Kieran again from you know who. Look we know as well as them he is kind of rubbish at this game, well not quite true as he has managed to get this far. Will he get the last laugh on them if he gets further than them, we'll have to wait and see.

Kieran: “I am manipulating the house, I’m like the puppet master of the chessboard,” he says. “Mate, I’m a snake and I’m gonna kill you if you don’t get that wound treated that I’m biting at the back of your leg. They’re playing my game but they don’t even know they’re playing my game.”

Dan, Mat and Casey, the aforementioned usual suspects are putting some pieces together to try and get Sarah on board, while Sophie is trying to get the little one on her side

Anyways onto the nominations challenge, yes already as there's not much else going on, and it's a hang on for dear life one like in USA, basically they have to stand in fixed frame and hold on with the apparatus going forward at BB's discretion

To cut a long story short, Sophie is the winner of this one and Casey could be in big trouble as she was actively targeting the slowmance. Sure enough it's her and Kieran on the chopping block as decreed by Sophie. But wait, there is a further twist in the tale, as for the first time this series WE HAVE A TIE when it comes to eviction time, as Sophie has managed to get Sarah onside. So in this case Sophie will have the deciding vote.

She decides to jettison Casey, so no revenge for Casey and the slowmance survives another day unfortunately.

And so ends week 5, and coming next week we have the ever so popular white room. You know the one where housemates can STEAL the prize money if they so wish. One of the main bug bears of mine along with outside contact. This caused so much trouble in the UK, because the person who walked out with the money, not the winner, just the winner of this twist should have been kicked out for saying some horrendous things about one of the housemates in that particular series.

Anyways, let's see what the Australian version does before writing it off, not too difficult is it

The book closes on Week 5, and the road to Week 6 begins....Who goes THEY decide

Thank you for reading as always, and please keep the likes, comments, shares and retweets. All much appreciated

Shout outs

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Monday, 6 July 2020

Big Brother Australia 2020 - Episode 14

Xavier the latest housemate to feel the Big Brother boot, and tonight the slowmance continues to be prodded and shoved in our faces, you know the one I mean. That supposed love affair the one between Chad and Sophie.

May be a little revenge in the air today though with Casey the Constipated gunning for the so called happy couple, as one of her clique left as in the previously mentioned Xavier the Invisible.

Some more familiar tasks ahead as in Remote Control/Pause, you know that one where BB tell them to pause, rewind or fast forward. All that and more to come.

But first....

It's celebration day in the house as it's one month and counting for Chad and Sophie, oh yawn at this particular slowmance. If we had wanted something akin to Love Island, we would have tuned into that if it was on. I remember when both UK versions were competing against each other, and Love Island was whooping Big Brother in the ratings. Then again civilian Big Brother was being run into the ground by now, when it was in its absolute pomp in the Channel 4 era it was unstoppable, but the Five version, well let's just say less said the better about that particular era until the final series.

Back to present day Australia, must we with this slowmance? Garden picnic the lot for Chad and Sophie. Is this really what we have left in this series now queen Angela has gone? Seriously? Really?

The show must go on I suppose, and Casey is looking on at this picnic and her eyes going a shade red. No that's not her still struggling to drop one, just plain disdain that her comrade Xavier has left the building and she wants to avenge him.

Moving swiftly on to the first challenge for today, with the prize being burgers all round. And again, look familiar? Remote Control or Pause or whatever you want to call it. Anyways, to cut a long story short they did pass, but that doesn't tell the whole story.

Kieran is really giving this challenge his all, but that's not enough for Mat and Daniel who are constantly burying Kieran

Mat: “Look at him, perched up there, ready to feed his face again, the bloke’s been nominated four bloody times and we can’t get rid of him. I’ve had enough. It’s not OK to be in this house and act like an eight-year-old. He’s been in here a month and done the dishes three times and we kicked him out halfway through one of them because he didn’t wash them properly.”

Daniel: “Can we fast forward to Kieran’s eviction?”

Mat: “Can you run like him?”

Pair of jerks if you ask me, belittling someone else to make themselves feel better

I particularly know that feeling when you are sneered at for even just running a certain way, not a nice thing at all, and these two are probably are going to be in the live final the way things are going.

Not a very pleasant prospect at all

Back to the show, and Marissa is now grassed on by Casey for mocking the ever so macho Daniel for crying about his ex girlfriend, and apparently she also called the slowmance, "Dumb and Dumber". Make of that what you will.

Anyway, onto the nomination challenge, rules a bit complicated to explain properly so will just say Casey went on to win as she made a bargain with Chad for safety. She nominated Kieran and Marissa, no courage of her convictions as stated earlier she was absolutely gunning for Sophie, and there goes a perfect chance blown of getting the slowmance, or at least one of them, out of there.

Unfortunately, it's Marissa who is a goner and now we are down to 8 as the live finish line starts coming into sight. Seems more likely every day Mat and Daniel will be filling two of those seats on live finale night, who will join them? Still all to play for. However I would safely assume that Kieran or Sarah's head will roll next.

Apart from that little bitch about Hannah at the start, and winning the Aussie style Veto, what has Sarah actually done. At least Kieran's trying to impress, even if his physical prowess or strategy is not up to much.

Time for Sarah to step it up a bit, and hopefully she will in Episode 15

Thank you for reading as always, and please keep any feedback, shares, likes or retweets coming. They are all very much appreciated.

Shout outs

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Sunday, 5 July 2020

Big Brother Australia 2020 - Episode 13

A rater solemn episode today, citizens, as the events of the world finally catch up to the Big Brother house as in that virus sweeping the world. Don't forget this is pre-recorded, but the finale is live when Australia decides who wins from whoever the final 3 will be

When last we left our mates Down Under, Hannah was the latest to feel the boot as she left the premises. Another one we barely knew, and with the good news that we will get another series in 2021 hopefully the show will be fleshed out a little so we can get to know the housemates a little more. Granted there is no live feed in the Australian version any more due to an incident in 2006, which I won't talk about, but can we get to know the housemates better next year? Not too much to ask

Back to the present, and we start with the ever lovely Sonia announcing:

“A Big Brother crew member has been exposed to a person who has tested positive for COVID-19. 

That crew member is being tested right now but, until we know the results, the decision has been made to pause the game. Filming has been suspended. However the rigged cameras will still be able to record with limited essential crew.”

And in the house, the cameras behind the screens move back behind the screens, and as the housemates notice, the cameras are not following them around. 

A short while later, Big Brother summons everyone to the Diary Room and announces:

“Coronavirus has been intensifying around the world. Now things have escalated here in Australia,” 

"As a precaution, the Big Brother house will be placed in lockdown"

“The game will be suspended. Until Big Brother gets the test results back."

As a result of this announcement, they are all allowed a single phone call home to make sure their loved ones are ok and feeling safe. 

All Chad can think about is how this will affect his modelling work, reminds me somewhat of the later years of the UK version when it became less about the experience and more about how much work they could get outside of the house. Going to be pretty difficult for everyone to get work, pal. The effects of this will be felt for years.

Good news about the crew member by the way, he came back negative so it's game back on and onto a scavenger hunt where BB informs the housemates that there is a token hidden somewhere in the house, and the housemate to find was to report to the Diary Room. It turns out to be Sarah who finds the token, and the prize is that she has got a power to remove herself or a fellow housemate from the chopping block should she or they be nominated this week

So basically a Veto, and as if she's going to use it on anyone but herself if she is nominated. 

This is where it gets a bit absurd if you don't mind me saying, Musical Chairs for the Nominations Challenge. But it is a little different, not like the kiddies party game. Some chairs are strategically placed around the house, all shapes and sizes mind you. At the sound of the alarms, housemates have to run to the target and then when the alarm stopped, straight to a chair. Then it's just the usual rules of Musical Chairs, as in the last one without a chair is out. Last housemate standing, well you know the rest by now.....

He nominates Xavier, Casey and Sarah

Yes you guessed it, Sarah uses her power as widely expected and it's down to Xavier and Casey

Fast forward to eviction time, and to cut a long story short Xavier picks up all the votes and is out of there.

Coming up in Episode 14, we learn that Casey vows revenge on her fallen comrade. Will she get that revenge, find out in the next episode.....

Thanks as always to everyone coming in and reading these posts, and for the likes, retweets, comments and shares. It is very much appreciated.


Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Friday, 3 July 2020

Big Brother Australia 2020 - Episodes 10-12

And so we move into a brand new mint fresh week Down Under

Sophie and Chad's lightweight showmance, continues at snail's pace while Ian, Garth and Zoe were the latest booted. No bunkers to save them like the queen, just a good old fashioned boot out of the door.

Episode 10 - The Alphas awaken

So this is what we have to look forward to if Angela is evicted, as we are greeted with something out of When Harry Met Sally, as Casey can be heard screaming. But no one else is in the vicinity, as she has somehow managed to get herself an attack of constipation. Probably the most interesting thing she'll do in there, as she is practically non existent apart from being on the coat-tails of Xavier, Dan and Mat. You remember Xavier don't you, the little man with a big outburst on Garth, before Garth was booted.

Is it really just going to be an Alphas steamroll, Xavier and Casey may do well to watch their backs going forward. Anyways enough of the future and back to the present where Casey has now managed to move to the diary room, to seek medical attention about said constipation.

Now onto the first challenge of the day, and what is that we see before us....Another familiar task from the UK, namely the box task from civilian series 6. The series which most dubbed one of the nastiest series in UK history. It would take forever to explain why, as we have a job to do here. In a change from the UK version, housemates will be paired up and go under box, not in them and taped up as that's obviously very dangerous. The two housemates who last the longest under their box will win a special prize.

Seven hours later, Marissa is DQ'd from the challenge by BB, as she just doesn't stop talking about ye dayes of olde. She was paired with Shane by the way. so he misses out as well

The eventual winners turn to be the Alphas co-leaders Mat and Daniel, and the prize is oysters and champagne which conveniently turn out to be Queen Angela's favourites and they get to invite two other people to join them. No prizes for guessing who comes along, you guessed it. Angela and Xavier. Pretty fishy if you ask me.

This couldn't have fallen any better for the Alphas, as they wine and dine Angela on the pretence of getting Shane out, when in fact she is the target. The queen takes a big risk of agreeing on a so called plan to merge the alliances. Will the risk pay off, we'll have to wait and see. For the record, out comes that lip gloss again that has proved so effective for Angela.

Double whammy for Mat in this episode as he goes on to win the elimination challenge, and decides to nominate Marissa, Angela and Shane. Mat gives his explanation as to cover up the new alliance with Angela, his words not mine.

However the queen's subjects could not be happier at this as they scurry around like mice and kids in a candy store trying to oust Angela

Xavier, in particular, says Angela treats people like a big pile of poo.....Just the way people like her, Xavier, and at least she's doing SOMETHING in that house, unlike you. While Sarah says Angela is a liar, manipulative and deceitful, see Xavier.....

When it comes to crunch time, Shane is dispatched to the boundary for six votes while Angela scrapes through with five. The queen is hanging on by her fingernails, but that was just too close for comfort.....

Episode 11 - Angela's Last Stand

And we are under starters orders again with Casey and her toilet troubles,and this does last a little while up to the housemates breakfast time where Casey reveals every little detail of her toilet troubles.

First challenge of the day already and housemates have to strap themselves in as all of them have to wear a balloon, and it mustn't be popped as the punishment is that if a balloon is popped, those housemates who lose a balloon must camp outside overnight with nothing but tinned food. Angela is amongst those campers once this challenge is done. Meanwhile, indoors Mat is plotting Angela's downfall saying she has to go this time, blissfully unaware Marissa is listening in.

Naturally Marissa reports back to Angela, who starts to put a plan in action to save herself from a possible exit, which includes giving Sophie a veiled warning about voting for her.

A warning that falls on deaf ears as Sophie wins the latest nomination challenge and she chooses Angela, Marissa and Kieran for the chopping block. Hell is coming, and if the queen is going then she's not going to go down fighting, as we shall soon see. Sonia, go and get a cuppa as the queen is going to speak for a few minutes.

Chad and Sophie are the first to feel her wrath as she says Chad will be next to fall, and that Sophie will just eliminate herself. She then outs the Alphas as Daniel, Mat, Xavier and Casey.

Chad finds his voice, but Angela is quick to shut him down saying this is the first time she has heard Chad talk, and so say all of us.

Casey is next to get hit with Angela's words, as she is accused of coasting through. Angela truly is the voice of the voiceless out here. Casey tries to come back with, "How dare you say I don't deserve to be in here" or words to that effect. Sonia is just sitting back and watching the carnage and who can blame her. 

A short while later, after more exchanges it's finally down to business and much to every viewer's disappointment it's Kieran with no votes, Casey one vote, and Angela bags the rest.

The queen's reign is over, and all most of us can say is thank you for the entertainment, Angela. The house will be a hell of a lot more quiet without you in there.

Episode 12 - Rise of The Alphas

Yawn, and immediately Daniel is pining over an ex girlfriend. Someone send in some violins. Wonder if she will making an appearance.....Oh of course she does, as she pops up on the big screen in the living room and Dan asks if she still love. Loooooooong pause, and another looooong pause before she says yes. Talk about making things awkward, asking the biggest question straight off the bat.

Now step forward the most useless player in Kieran, thinking he smells blood because Daniel's defenses are down after that awkward segment. Kieran wants Casey gone, and that's it. No plan, nada. 

Daniel, of course, goes and tells Casey and......I think you know where this is heading, and you have guessed right. Casey makes her way to Kieran and gives her a piece of her constipated mind. Kieran wonders how the boys could have betrayed him. In simple terms, weren't you listening when Angela gave you a clear tip off before she left.

All this and the boys are mad at Casey? When they could focus their energies on getting rid of Kieran for daring to suggest getting rid of one of their number?

The only way Kieran is getting rid of one of you is if he wins a challenge, and that is NOT going to happen anytime soon. Won't waste too much time in this one, as expected Kieran does NOT win the nomination challenge, instead that honour goes to Dan and Xavier. Yes ANOTHER pairs challenge

But in a change to the rules, remember BB can change the rules at any time, from this point it's that the winners of the challenge don't vote in the eviction vote. Sophie and Hannah are the unlucky two this time, don't lay bets on the showmance breaking up as Chad issues a soggy lettuce warning about not sending his storyline packing, and of course they follow suit and we lose Hannah.

This is what we have to look forward to now Angela's gone, going to be a slow road to the end of the recorded shows. Remember if indeed Mat and Daniel steam roll to the end, it's that third person with them that's going to be the key. 

Who wins - Australia decides.......

To be continued in Episode 13

Thank you as always to everyone who looks at these posts, and especially for the comments, likes, shares, and retweets. All very much appreciated.


Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking.......