Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Monday 28 January 2019

Celebrity Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 5 - HoH and Nominations 2

Greetings, citizens of Big Brother world. The first eviction is in the bag and the next grab for power as in the HoH competition begins, and it's survival of the fittest as it is endurance.

The story so far:

Ryan crowned the first HoH defeating Jonathan, who subsequently went on the block as the penalty. Ryan chose Tom and Anthony to join him on the block. Ricky then went on to win the Veto competition, but decided not to use it as the pitches were not to his liking. However in a further twist, Anthony quit the show, despite the show trying to spin that he was actually a fake housemate. Ryan chose Kandi as the replacement for Anthony, and then shortly afterwards Kato won the take 2 Veto, and he promptly revealed that he would be taking Tom off the block, resulting in Ryan naming Joey as the replacement. At the not so live eviction, Jonathan was evicted by a huge margin and will take his place on the jury.

The journey starts into Week 2, and can this be any more chaotic? Stay tuned to find out as we kick off the new week with the previously mentioned endurance HoH competition and some good old fashioned nominations.

We pick up the action after Jonathan's eviction, and Ryan claims he is shocked as Jonathan was his ride or die, and will try and get his own back on Lolo and everyone else. Natalie is complaining she didn't get a hug from Jonathan as he left, but the more pressing matter for them is who placed the rogue vote for Kandi and Tamar quickly comes to the conclusion that it was Dina. She is sharp that girl, even if she is a little eccentric

Tamar though doesn't really care, to which fame hungry Natalie says voting is vital to this format. No shit, Natalie, really?

HoH competition

Rock Till Ya Drop is the name of this game and here is how it works. The houseguests must hang on to a leaning wall, and this being endurance they will have all matter of things thrown at them, as in things commonly associated with rock concerts. Beer, sugar and jello are coming in from all directions as the competition gets underway

Ryan, as outgoing HoH, is not eligible to play and there are no penalties for dropping off early

Order of elimination:


Winner and new HoH - Kato

Before dropping, Natalie made a deal with Kato that she would not be on the block if she drops and hands this HoH to him

It is worth noting that Tamar was going way over the top with her theatrics, and how bad that must have been for people watching this on the feeds when this all happened live as it happened.

After the competition, Ryan is first to see Kato to promise an alliance in exchange for Ryan not going on the block, and also tips off Kato about the girls and their alliance. Meanwhile, Tamar is paranoid she is going to be on the block and she confesses this to Natalie. No sympathy from me, will be just what she deserves for being such a drama queen.

Kato confesses to Ricky that he has narrowed down the block candidates to Ryan, Tamar and Dina. Ryan for being the biggest threat, Tamar and her messy ways and Dina for her comments during the HoH comp when she was urging Joey to drop.

Meanwhile, back with Tamar and she engages in some handbags with Lolo when Lolo insinuates Tamar is lying about Dina lying about the eviction vote. But doesn't Tamar have an daily issue with someone, there isn't anybody she isn't cheesed off with while she's been there, as Lolo points out.

But the tension is short lived as they hug and make up shortly afterwards, conveniently just before the nominations are due to be announced. Will this be enough to save Tamar, let us all find out

Nominations ceremony

It is now back down to two nominees as of this ceremony, and Ryan escapes the block bullet for now as Kato decides to put DINA and TAMAR on the block for the reasons explained above, but Kato also adds for Tamar that he claims that she wants to go home anyway as she misses her kids. Safe to say this went down like a lead balloon for Tamar, and said she would not speak to Kato. Oh like he's really concerned about that, Tamar.

To be continued in Episode 6, and the voiceover reveals it will be a LIVE Veto competition and ceremony along with Eviction 2

Final thoughts

Tamar heavy episode, which seems to indicate it will be her going next and it's my belief she WILL go. That is if she still on the block after the Veto, but will be very surprised if any of them take her off the block if they win Veto. Will they take the shot and get her out, THEY will decide later

Thank you for reading this post, and please keep the RT, likes, comments and shares coming.

Rob has a Podcast will be on air shortly after the televised episode, as they dissect the latest episode as in who won Veto, whether or not it was used and also who was the second houseguest to leave the premises.

Catch up with Big Brother Radio right here

BB on Blast, a new podcast is about to land and it can be located right here

Don't forget to click on the links to the right for all your USA and Canada needs, and also for any news of BBUK's future.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

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