Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Sunday 27 January 2019

Celebrity Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 4 - Eviction 1

When we last left the celebrity houseguests, Ricky won the Veto. Ryan tried to pitch to Ricky about using the Veto and getting Lolo on the block, but Ricky ratted to the girls about Ryan's plan, leaving the girls to start plotting their revenge. Ricky decided not to go with anyones plans, and left Tom, Anthony and Jonathan on the block. 

However the quitter is finally revealed tonight, and that will be covered. All will be revealed in due course. Let's just say it's a little shady from a certain executive producer to what reason she gives for this houseguest's departure.

So without further ado, let us all find out who the quitter is, and how their departure will be covered

We pick up the action after the Veto ceremony, and Tom says it's not a good feeling about still being on the block. Lolo doesn't know who to trust. Ryan and Jonathan discuss the peculiar hand movements from Natalie and Tamar as soon as Ricky announced he was not using the Veto. He's really getting paranoid I would say

Ryan summons everyone to the Diary Room and reads out a message from Big Brother about the incoming twists. Breaking news, at least in this episode, that ANTHONY has left the building, and we have our excuse for Anthony quitting in that that certain executive producer has gone with the fake housemate twist, which is a load of rubbish as they don't want to admit he actually quit.

Anthony reveals on the plasma that Ryan will have to nominate someone else to replace him, and he chooses KANDI. Kandi is puzzled to her nomination, putting it down to no alliance with Ryan. Anthony then reveals there will be a new Veto competition, which will start soon.

Veto picks and competition Take 2

Julie reveals Dina and Kato will join Ryan, Jonathan, Kandi and Tom and the name of the game is Press Room. Well that's what I am calling it as it wasn't offically given a name. Very simple set up in that the Veto players have to decide how many headlines on the newspapers in the task room are true and which are false. The winning housemate will win the replacement Veto, and there are no penalties or prizes in this one.

Eventually the winner of the replacement Veto is KATO, who correctly guessed 8 true headlines. He admits he will use the Veto on Tom, and tells the man himself. 

Ryan goes to make his peace with Lolo, but doesn't go quite as planned as Lolo reveals she knew of his plan to get her on the block. Awkward with a capital A. Ryan tries some fancy words to cover his tracks, and Lolo takes his words at face value, but there is still a degree of mistrust in Lolo's eyes. 

Veto ceremony

To no great shock, Kato uses the Veto on Tom. In case you are not familiar with this format, Ryan as HoH now has to pick a replacement to take Tom's place and he picks JOEY. 

Now for some of that thing called fallout, as Tom, Kato, Ricky and Lolo start making plans for the incoming vote. Lolo suggests if Kandi goes some of the house tension between Kandi and Tamar will dissipate. Who will go, we will find out in due course and THEY decide.

Julie plugs the eviction vote, and calls a break before voting starts

And we're off....

Usual rules in the North American voting format, in that each houseguest will be summoned to the Diary Room, and tell Julie who they want to evict. The nominees are not allowed to vote, and if it's an odd number of houseguests then the HoH has the deciding vote in the event of a tie.

Eviction vote

Dina votes to evict Kandi
Kato votes to evict Jonathan
Tamar votes to evict Jonathan

Julie calls a break before the voting continues

Ricky votes to Jonathan
Tom votes to evict Jonathan
Lolo votes to evict Jonathan
Natalie votes to evict Jonathan

With a vote of 6-1, Jonathan is first to be evicted and as this is a really short series he gets to go to jury.

During his interview with Julie, Jonathan says he maybe shouldn't have tried befriending Ryan straight away. Julie tells him he should have told the girls he wanted to save Dina, and effectively shortened his time in the house by a few days.

And that's that for this episode, and in the next episode we will have the next HoH competition, and it will be endurance. Who will be next on the block, find out in the next episode when we find out who gets the keys to the kingdom and they make their nominations

Final thoughts

Jonathan rightly evicted, you get nothing in this format of the show for playing too hard and too fast and Jonathan paid the price. The target on Ryan gets bigger every day, and will the next person in power have the courage to put him on the block. Pity a certain executive producer couldn't have just told us the truth about Anthony's departure, all shades of Five era BBUK right there. Hopefully as we start this 2nd week of this series, it will even itself out with less headaches, and less making it up as production goes along. 

Thank you for reading this post, and please keep the RT, likes, comments and shares coming.

If you missed the post eviction episode from Big Brother Radio, you can listen right here, and as always Rob has a Podcast will be on air shortly after the televised episode, as they dissect the latest episode as in who got crowned the new HoH and whoever they nominated.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

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