Greetings, citizens of Big Brother world. In case you missed it, Kato won the endurance HoH competition, and put Dina and Tamar on the block. This did not go down well with Tamar, as we shall find out in the imminent fallout.
This episode sees the Veto played out and indications are showing that if Ryan doesn't win this one Tamar or Dina are coming off the block and he is going on it, as he is seen as the biggest threat.
So, without further ado let's get this show on the road with Mrs Chen-Moonves
We pick up the action straight after the nominations ceremony, and Tamar is going crazy. You could call it "how dare you nominate me" as she says she is not a maid, as the reason she was put up is because Kato said her housekeeping leaves a lot to be desired, or words to that effect. Kato then goes on to say to her to go home to her children which only served to make her even more mad, even calling Kato a sexist pig.
As you may or may not know, the plan is to keep Dina safe no matter what but there is still a level of trust with her that hasn't been reached and he can't reveal to her it's all to backdoor Ryan. Tamar meanwhile is in floods of tears, overacting much?
But eventually Tamar does confront Kato, and Kato insists that it was nothing malicious. Why does she think everyone in the house is out to get her, didn't she get the memo about this show works? Such a drama queen, but I can see why she is staying in. Much like BBUK, she brings the drama and some will say if she goes it will be boring.
That being said, Kato does eventually explain the Operation: Backdoor Ryan plan to Tamar, and it placates her somewhat. But you just know that next kick off is just around the corner when it comes to her.
In other parts of the house, Tom is pitching about a final four alliance to Lolo, as in himself, Lolo, Kato and Natalie. They seemed to agree for now, but will be interesting if they can sustain it as they will have to turn on each other eventually if they all make the final four. Natalie,meanwhile, didn't take much persuading when Kato revealed the previously mentioned operation concerning Ryan.
Whoops, Ryan has walked in on this particular plotting but he kind of had an inkling that he would be a backdoor target, so he informs alliance member Joey and us all that he HAS to win Veto or he will be taking a walk.
Both of them take a walk to see Kato, but Kato is very coy about what he intends to do, whether or not Ryan wins the Veto.
And now we move onto the Veto picks and competition, during the break Natalie, Tom and Joey were picked by random draw to play in the Veto. All that planning, and it turns out Ryan is not playing after all so it's all on Joey's shoulders, but it looks an impossible task to keep Ryan in there even if Joey does win Veto.
The competition itself is called Worldwide Rollout and here is how it works. Each celebrity will roll their ball around a globe to get their ball to land in the highest number possible. One turn each and the highest score after all players have rolled their ball will be the Veto winner. Note, no penalties for finishing last.
Tom scores 35
Dina scores 0
Kato scores 15
Natalie scores 0
Tamar scores 35
Joey scores 0
We have a tie break between Tamar and Tom and both of them will have to roll again, this time Tom scores a 70 and Tamar scores 45.
Winner and Veto holder - Tom
Julie announces Tom must make up his mind about whether or not Tom will use the Veto immediately. Into the ceremony we go and in accordance with Kato's plan from earlier, Dina comes off the block. To no great shock Kato names Ryan as the replacement nominee.
Which leads us nicely into the.....
Eviction vote
In case you missed it, it's an even number of housemates for this eviction so the HoH, in this instance, Kato will not be allowed to vote and also Ryan and Tamar will not be allowed to vote
Joey votes to evict Tamar
Everyone else who is not HoH or the nominees voted to evict Ryan
Therefore, evicted by a vote of 6-1, Ryan becomes the 2nd person evicted and on to the jury
In his interview with Julie, he mentions he made a bit of a boo boo not getting rid of Lolo when he had the chance, and that he was the biggest threat and that caused his downfall from the house.
Before wrapping this episode up, Julie plugs the new twist which is called 'Power of the Publicist'. Basically whoever gets this power, can take themselves off the block if they are nominated for eviction, or put on the block as a replacement nominee. This power can only be used once during the
next two nomination or Veto ceremonies and it will expire on the February 4th episode. Who gets this power, America decides, and whoever gets the power will be revealed in Episode 7.
To be continued in Episode 7, and it's going to be the 3rd HoH competition and the new HoH's nominations
Final thoughts
As expected, a predictable backdoor with Ryan not winning the Veto and finding himself evicted by a huge margin like Jonathan. Tom stepping up a gear with his Veto win, and his alliance with Kato seems to be paying off. Lolo and
Tamar in competition to see who can be the maddest in there, but I imagine Lolo will be feeling pretty pleased now Ryan is out of there. Will also be interesting to see who gets this twist power and if or when they will use it, bound to cause some tension, so stay tuned.
Thank you for reading this post, and please keep the RT, likes, comments and shares coming.
Rob has a Podcast will be on air shortly after the televised episode, as they dissect the latest episode as in who got the twist power, whether or not it has been used and also who is on the block pre-Veto.
Don't forget to click on the links to the right for all your USA and Canada needs, and also for any news of BBUK's future.
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Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking....