Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Celebrity Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 6 - Power of Veto and Eviction 2

Greetings, citizens of Big Brother world. In case you missed it, Kato won the endurance HoH competition, and put Dina and Tamar on the block. This did not go down well with Tamar, as we shall find out in the imminent fallout.

This episode sees the Veto played out and indications are showing that if Ryan doesn't win this one Tamar or Dina are coming off the block and he is going on it, as he is seen as the biggest threat.

So, without further ado let's get this show on the road with Mrs Chen-Moonves

We pick up the action straight after the nominations ceremony, and Tamar is going crazy. You could call it "how dare you nominate me" as she says she is not a maid, as the reason she was put up is because Kato said her housekeeping leaves a lot to be desired, or words to that effect. Kato then goes on to say to her to go home to her children which only served to make her even more mad, even calling Kato a sexist pig.

As you may or may not know, the plan is to keep Dina safe no matter what but there is still a level of trust with her that hasn't been reached and he can't reveal to her it's all to backdoor Ryan. Tamar meanwhile is in floods of tears, overacting much?

But eventually Tamar does confront Kato, and Kato insists that it was nothing malicious. Why does she think everyone in the house is out to get her, didn't she get the memo about this show works? Such a drama queen, but I can see why she is staying in. Much like BBUK, she brings the drama and some will say if she goes it will be boring. 

That being said, Kato does eventually explain the Operation: Backdoor Ryan plan to Tamar, and it placates her somewhat. But you just know that next kick off is just around the corner when it comes to her.

In other parts of the house, Tom is pitching about a final four alliance to Lolo, as in himself, Lolo, Kato and Natalie. They seemed to agree for now, but will be interesting if they can sustain it as they will have to turn on each other eventually if they all make the final four. Natalie,meanwhile, didn't take much persuading when Kato revealed the previously mentioned operation concerning Ryan.

Whoops, Ryan has walked in on this particular plotting but he kind of had an inkling that he would be a backdoor target, so he informs alliance member Joey and us all that he HAS to win Veto or he will be taking a walk.

Both of them take a walk to see Kato, but Kato is very coy about what he intends to do, whether or not Ryan wins the Veto.

And now we move onto the Veto picks and competition, during the break Natalie, Tom and Joey were picked by random draw to play in the Veto. All that planning, and it turns out Ryan is not playing after all so it's all on Joey's shoulders, but it looks an impossible task to keep Ryan in there even if Joey does win Veto.

The competition itself is called Worldwide Rollout and here is how it works. Each celebrity will roll their ball around a globe to get their ball to land in the highest number possible. One turn each and the highest score after all players have rolled their ball will be the Veto winner. Note, no penalties for finishing last.

Tom scores 35
Dina scores 0
Kato scores 15 
Natalie scores 0
Tamar scores 35
Joey scores 0

We have a tie break between Tamar and Tom and both of them will have to roll again, this time Tom scores a 70 and Tamar scores 45.

Winner and Veto holder - Tom

Julie announces Tom must make up his mind about whether or not Tom will use the Veto immediately. Into the ceremony we go and in accordance with Kato's plan from earlier, Dina comes off the block. To no great shock Kato names Ryan as the replacement nominee.

Which leads us nicely into the.....

Eviction vote

In case you missed it, it's an even number of housemates for this eviction so the HoH, in this instance, Kato will not be allowed to vote and also Ryan and Tamar will not be allowed to vote

Joey votes to evict Tamar

Everyone else who is not HoH or the nominees voted to evict Ryan

Therefore, evicted by a vote of 6-1, Ryan becomes the 2nd person evicted and on to the jury

In his interview with Julie, he mentions he made a bit of a boo boo not getting rid of Lolo when he had the chance, and that he was the biggest threat and that caused his downfall from the house.

Before wrapping this episode up, Julie plugs the new twist which is called 'Power of the Publicist'. Basically whoever gets this power, can take themselves off the block if they are nominated for eviction, or put on the block as a replacement nominee. This power can only be used once during the 
next two nomination or Veto ceremonies and it will expire on the February 4th episode. Who gets this power, America decides, and whoever gets the power will be revealed in Episode 7.

To be continued in Episode 7, and it's going to be the 3rd HoH competition and the new HoH's nominations

Final thoughts

As expected, a predictable backdoor with Ryan not winning the Veto and finding himself evicted by a huge margin like Jonathan. Tom stepping up a gear with his Veto win, and his alliance with Kato seems to be paying off. Lolo and 

Tamar in competition to see who can be the maddest in there, but I imagine Lolo will be feeling pretty pleased now Ryan is out of there. Will also be interesting to see who gets this twist power and if or when they will use it, bound to cause some tension, so stay tuned.

Thank you for reading this post, and please keep the RT, likes, comments and shares coming.

Rob has a Podcast will be on air shortly after the televised episode, as they dissect the latest episode as in who got the twist power, whether or not it has been used and also who is on the block pre-Veto.

Catch up with Big Brother Radio right here. BB on Blast, a new podcast is right here

Don't forget to click on the links to the right for all your USA and Canada needs, and also for any news of BBUK's future.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Monday, 28 January 2019

Celebrity Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 5 - HoH and Nominations 2

Greetings, citizens of Big Brother world. The first eviction is in the bag and the next grab for power as in the HoH competition begins, and it's survival of the fittest as it is endurance.

The story so far:

Ryan crowned the first HoH defeating Jonathan, who subsequently went on the block as the penalty. Ryan chose Tom and Anthony to join him on the block. Ricky then went on to win the Veto competition, but decided not to use it as the pitches were not to his liking. However in a further twist, Anthony quit the show, despite the show trying to spin that he was actually a fake housemate. Ryan chose Kandi as the replacement for Anthony, and then shortly afterwards Kato won the take 2 Veto, and he promptly revealed that he would be taking Tom off the block, resulting in Ryan naming Joey as the replacement. At the not so live eviction, Jonathan was evicted by a huge margin and will take his place on the jury.

The journey starts into Week 2, and can this be any more chaotic? Stay tuned to find out as we kick off the new week with the previously mentioned endurance HoH competition and some good old fashioned nominations.

We pick up the action after Jonathan's eviction, and Ryan claims he is shocked as Jonathan was his ride or die, and will try and get his own back on Lolo and everyone else. Natalie is complaining she didn't get a hug from Jonathan as he left, but the more pressing matter for them is who placed the rogue vote for Kandi and Tamar quickly comes to the conclusion that it was Dina. She is sharp that girl, even if she is a little eccentric

Tamar though doesn't really care, to which fame hungry Natalie says voting is vital to this format. No shit, Natalie, really?

HoH competition

Rock Till Ya Drop is the name of this game and here is how it works. The houseguests must hang on to a leaning wall, and this being endurance they will have all matter of things thrown at them, as in things commonly associated with rock concerts. Beer, sugar and jello are coming in from all directions as the competition gets underway

Ryan, as outgoing HoH, is not eligible to play and there are no penalties for dropping off early

Order of elimination:


Winner and new HoH - Kato

Before dropping, Natalie made a deal with Kato that she would not be on the block if she drops and hands this HoH to him

It is worth noting that Tamar was going way over the top with her theatrics, and how bad that must have been for people watching this on the feeds when this all happened live as it happened.

After the competition, Ryan is first to see Kato to promise an alliance in exchange for Ryan not going on the block, and also tips off Kato about the girls and their alliance. Meanwhile, Tamar is paranoid she is going to be on the block and she confesses this to Natalie. No sympathy from me, will be just what she deserves for being such a drama queen.

Kato confesses to Ricky that he has narrowed down the block candidates to Ryan, Tamar and Dina. Ryan for being the biggest threat, Tamar and her messy ways and Dina for her comments during the HoH comp when she was urging Joey to drop.

Meanwhile, back with Tamar and she engages in some handbags with Lolo when Lolo insinuates Tamar is lying about Dina lying about the eviction vote. But doesn't Tamar have an daily issue with someone, there isn't anybody she isn't cheesed off with while she's been there, as Lolo points out.

But the tension is short lived as they hug and make up shortly afterwards, conveniently just before the nominations are due to be announced. Will this be enough to save Tamar, let us all find out

Nominations ceremony

It is now back down to two nominees as of this ceremony, and Ryan escapes the block bullet for now as Kato decides to put DINA and TAMAR on the block for the reasons explained above, but Kato also adds for Tamar that he claims that she wants to go home anyway as she misses her kids. Safe to say this went down like a lead balloon for Tamar, and said she would not speak to Kato. Oh like he's really concerned about that, Tamar.

To be continued in Episode 6, and the voiceover reveals it will be a LIVE Veto competition and ceremony along with Eviction 2

Final thoughts

Tamar heavy episode, which seems to indicate it will be her going next and it's my belief she WILL go. That is if she still on the block after the Veto, but will be very surprised if any of them take her off the block if they win Veto. Will they take the shot and get her out, THEY will decide later

Thank you for reading this post, and please keep the RT, likes, comments and shares coming.

Rob has a Podcast will be on air shortly after the televised episode, as they dissect the latest episode as in who won Veto, whether or not it was used and also who was the second houseguest to leave the premises.

Catch up with Big Brother Radio right here

BB on Blast, a new podcast is about to land and it can be located right here

Don't forget to click on the links to the right for all your USA and Canada needs, and also for any news of BBUK's future.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Sunday, 27 January 2019

Celebrity Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 4 - Eviction 1

When we last left the celebrity houseguests, Ricky won the Veto. Ryan tried to pitch to Ricky about using the Veto and getting Lolo on the block, but Ricky ratted to the girls about Ryan's plan, leaving the girls to start plotting their revenge. Ricky decided not to go with anyones plans, and left Tom, Anthony and Jonathan on the block. 

However the quitter is finally revealed tonight, and that will be covered. All will be revealed in due course. Let's just say it's a little shady from a certain executive producer to what reason she gives for this houseguest's departure.

So without further ado, let us all find out who the quitter is, and how their departure will be covered

We pick up the action after the Veto ceremony, and Tom says it's not a good feeling about still being on the block. Lolo doesn't know who to trust. Ryan and Jonathan discuss the peculiar hand movements from Natalie and Tamar as soon as Ricky announced he was not using the Veto. He's really getting paranoid I would say

Ryan summons everyone to the Diary Room and reads out a message from Big Brother about the incoming twists. Breaking news, at least in this episode, that ANTHONY has left the building, and we have our excuse for Anthony quitting in that that certain executive producer has gone with the fake housemate twist, which is a load of rubbish as they don't want to admit he actually quit.

Anthony reveals on the plasma that Ryan will have to nominate someone else to replace him, and he chooses KANDI. Kandi is puzzled to her nomination, putting it down to no alliance with Ryan. Anthony then reveals there will be a new Veto competition, which will start soon.

Veto picks and competition Take 2

Julie reveals Dina and Kato will join Ryan, Jonathan, Kandi and Tom and the name of the game is Press Room. Well that's what I am calling it as it wasn't offically given a name. Very simple set up in that the Veto players have to decide how many headlines on the newspapers in the task room are true and which are false. The winning housemate will win the replacement Veto, and there are no penalties or prizes in this one.

Eventually the winner of the replacement Veto is KATO, who correctly guessed 8 true headlines. He admits he will use the Veto on Tom, and tells the man himself. 

Ryan goes to make his peace with Lolo, but doesn't go quite as planned as Lolo reveals she knew of his plan to get her on the block. Awkward with a capital A. Ryan tries some fancy words to cover his tracks, and Lolo takes his words at face value, but there is still a degree of mistrust in Lolo's eyes. 

Veto ceremony

To no great shock, Kato uses the Veto on Tom. In case you are not familiar with this format, Ryan as HoH now has to pick a replacement to take Tom's place and he picks JOEY. 

Now for some of that thing called fallout, as Tom, Kato, Ricky and Lolo start making plans for the incoming vote. Lolo suggests if Kandi goes some of the house tension between Kandi and Tamar will dissipate. Who will go, we will find out in due course and THEY decide.

Julie plugs the eviction vote, and calls a break before voting starts

And we're off....

Usual rules in the North American voting format, in that each houseguest will be summoned to the Diary Room, and tell Julie who they want to evict. The nominees are not allowed to vote, and if it's an odd number of houseguests then the HoH has the deciding vote in the event of a tie.

Eviction vote

Dina votes to evict Kandi
Kato votes to evict Jonathan
Tamar votes to evict Jonathan

Julie calls a break before the voting continues

Ricky votes to Jonathan
Tom votes to evict Jonathan
Lolo votes to evict Jonathan
Natalie votes to evict Jonathan

With a vote of 6-1, Jonathan is first to be evicted and as this is a really short series he gets to go to jury.

During his interview with Julie, Jonathan says he maybe shouldn't have tried befriending Ryan straight away. Julie tells him he should have told the girls he wanted to save Dina, and effectively shortened his time in the house by a few days.

And that's that for this episode, and in the next episode we will have the next HoH competition, and it will be endurance. Who will be next on the block, find out in the next episode when we find out who gets the keys to the kingdom and they make their nominations

Final thoughts

Jonathan rightly evicted, you get nothing in this format of the show for playing too hard and too fast and Jonathan paid the price. The target on Ryan gets bigger every day, and will the next person in power have the courage to put him on the block. Pity a certain executive producer couldn't have just told us the truth about Anthony's departure, all shades of Five era BBUK right there. Hopefully as we start this 2nd week of this series, it will even itself out with less headaches, and less making it up as production goes along. 

Thank you for reading this post, and please keep the RT, likes, comments and shares coming.

If you missed the post eviction episode from Big Brother Radio, you can listen right here, and as always Rob has a Podcast will be on air shortly after the televised episode, as they dissect the latest episode as in who got crowned the new HoH and whoever they nominated.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Friday, 25 January 2019

Celebrity Big Brother USA - Episode 3 - Power of Veto

When we last left the celebrity houseguests, Ryan had beaten Jonathan for HoH and Jonathan automatically went on the block as the loser. Jonathan seemed pretty confident he wouldn't be going and got to work on a 7 person alliance. When it came to nominations, Ryan picked Anthony and Tom to join Jonathan on the block.

In other news, the quitter has been confirmed and there will be more details in the next post as there were no details during the Veto episode. 

Who will win Veto and will they use it.....stay tuned

Back to the matters at hand, and we pick up the action after the nominations ceremony, where there's hugs all round but when backs are turned, "how dare they nominate me" sort of moods

Anthony says he is impressed with Ryan and his tactics, putting the supposedly biggest threats on the block. We will see about that at a later date. Tom is confident he will be saved by whoever wins the Veto.

Meanwhile, the girls are questioning why Dina wasn't put on the block as planned, wondering who is actually running this HoH. Tamar is already certain Jonathan is running this HoH, and she wouldn't be far wrong. 

The girls are thinking it would be a good time to sacrifice Jonathan to the BB gods first, but on the other side of the coin it may be too early to do that very thing.

Whoops, Natalie is busted by Tamar talking about her final two deal with Lolo. It takes a while before the coinage descends with Natalie that Tamar is actually in the room. Tamar is relishing this, and lets us know in the Diary Room, and she calls Natalie a Big Brother rookie. I would call Natalie fame hungry, but that's just me. Tamar continues her many tirades, looking to swing things in her favour in trying to pitch to the girls to get Jonathan out the door.

Lolo is showing symptoms of jealousy thinking he should show some sort of loyalty as they were both in the same Olympic team. Did she not get the memo it's every houseguest for themselves in this house. She even goes as far as to sticking her fingers up at their pictures, right in front of them.

Veto picks and competition

In case you missed it, it's 6 who play Veto. Ryan, Jonathan, Anthony and Tom are already playing, and picked to play alongside them will be RICKY and JOEY

Today's competition is called Celebrity Giddy Up, and here is how it works. Players have to ride their respective bucking broncos, and they have to go backwards and forwards 60 times. The next step entails putting 30 gold bars on a rotating horseshow. They have those 30 seconds to return to their bronco, if they don't then they are out of the game. This can be done multiple times, so no penalty if they don't get all the gold bars on the horseshoe the first time.

First houseguest to accomplish the challenge wins the Veto, no penalties for finishing last in this one.

After much bucking and building, Ricky emerges the winner and gets the Veto. He is reluctant though, as he admits he wanted to keep off the radar.

A little segment about the previously mentioned tension between Tamar and Kandi, and looks like Tamar comes off worst in the latest exchange as she starts crying in the Diary Room while Kandi remains calm as a cucumber.

Let the pitching commence, as Ryan is first to pitch that if the Veto is used Ryan will put up one of the girls. Lolo is mentioned to Ricky. However, Ricky has a big wooden spoon and uses it to stir the pot, by ratting Ryan out to the girls, specifically Lolo. Lolo wastes absolutely no time in telling the other girls, to which they will fight to keep Lolo away from the chopping block. You know what they say about a woman scorned, watch out Ryan.

Veto Ceremony

After much deliberation, Ricky decided NOT to use the Veto declaring he wasn't convinced by any if all of the pitches. And there we have it, either Jonathan, Anthony or Tom will be heading out to meet Julie. It was also announced there will be a 'shocking twist that will send another celebrity out the door'.

To be continued in Episode 4....

Final thoughts

An ok episode, and an eviction which could go any way. More news on the quitter as and when it happens as not to spoil things for those waiting for the next episode.

Thank you for reading this post, and please keep the RT, likes, comments and shares coming.

Big Brother Radio's latest episode is right here, should you wish to catch up, and there will be another episode after the eviction episode, so be sure to catch that 

As always Rob has a Podcast will be on air shortly after the televised episode, as they dissect the eviction and whatever this twist may be.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Celebrity Big Brother USA - Episode 2 - HoH and Nominations

When we last left the celebrity houseguests, Ryan and Jonathan had won the first HoH. However, Julie announced that only one of them could be HoH, so Ryan and Jonathan would have to compete in a one on one competition. The loser of the competition would be automatically on the block, and the winner would also have to nominate two more houseguests to put on the block.

Everybody clear on that? Good.

In other news, we may have a quitter already and there will be more details when the Power of Veto post goes up soon. Some of these people, do they not think what they are getting into when they sign up for this show, no matter what format it is.

Back to the matters at hand, and alliances are starting to form as we head into the celebrities first few days in the house, and Ryan v Jonathan and nominations loom on the horizon

We pick up the action after Julie's announcement about the HoH situation, and needless to say it has caused some shockwaves.

Who will be HoH and first on the block this season, stay tuned.....

Groovy opening credits I must say

Jonathan has reservations about competing against Ryan, given Ryan's Olympic status. Give it a go, Jonathan, you will never know what happens. Not a spoiler or hint before anyone gets upset.

Let the plotting begin, with Jonathan discussing with Ryan who to put on the block and keeps saying there are 12 people. Congratulations, Jonathan, you can count. Hopefully Jonathan won't play too hard too fast, but as I typed that he suggests 7 people in an alliance. Erm, right, Jonathan.

He pitches the idea that the alliance should be himself, Lolo, Eva, Kandi, Joey, Tamar and Ryan. He may as well have suggested the whole house, to Tamar and co. What a tool. Although it should be noted that Joey ruled himself, but Joey doesn't believe in alliances. Um, isn't that the whole point of this format, Joey, or haven't you seen this show before.

A short while later, Ryan heads into the pool and shows off his swimming skill, while Anthony is discussing White House stuff and celebrities with Tom.

Can't really take to Natalie, as she never respected WWE or the wrestling business and in my honest opinion only used them as a stepping stone to be more famous. Let's see if she can change my opinion, however long she stays in.

In the bedroom, Tamar is suggesting a four girl alliance with Kandi, Natalie and Lolo. High fives all round as their alliance is establised. Natalie is thinking about playing both alliances against each other. A dangerous game if I do say so myself, but it's within the rules so every man/woman for themselves.

Ryan v Jonathan is off and running, and they are attached to ziplines in the backyard and have to knock down their respective two billboards. To reiterate, the winner is HoH and the loser automatically goes on the block.

Fast start as expected from Ryan, and he totally obliterates one of his and then destroys the other as well, but he has left two blocks on the second billboard and he does struggle with these.

Meanwhile, Jonathan takes down one of his billboards and starts to catch up. Ryan says he has to find the right angle to take those two rogue blocks on the second billboard, while Jonathan claws his way back by eventually taking out his first billboard.

Ryan, however, has one block left now and eventually finds the right angle to take down that one rogue block.

Winner and new HoH: Ryan
Loser and automatically on the block: Jonathan

Julie announces to Ryan that 2 more housemates will be nominated for the block, and says Ryan has 30 minutes to decide who will join Jonathan on the block. Reminder, Natalie and Kato can't be nominated as they are immune.

Suggestions from all sides for Ryan to scrutinise, with the ladies in his alliance wanting him to nominate Mama Lohan, but Jonathan was against this for some reason. Ryan is really uncertain, roughy translated "I don't want to put a target on myself in the future". Come on Ryan, it's every houseguest for themselves, be really ruthless.

Nominations time, and Julie appears on the plasma to summon them to the sofas

Ryan nominates ANTHONY and TOM to join Jonathan on the block, but as you all know by now that could all change by the time Veto is done and depending on the Veto winner using it.

Hugs all round to end this episode and everyone saying it's cool, to be continued in Episode 3: Power of Veto

Final thoughts

Really enjoyed that competition, but remember we have had a quitter. Won't say who or why as the full facts are not known. Jonathan is indeed playing a bit too hard already, which could be his downfall, and Joey making the most basic rookie mistake in not wanting to be in an alliance, so look at him to maybe be an early departure as well

BB on Blast have a new podcast out for this series, which can be located right here. Big Brother Radio will be on the air straight after the Veto episode, right here

Click on the links to the right for all your USA and Canada information, and maybe some potential news about the UK version when it presents itself

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Celebrity Big Brother USA - Launch pt.1

Back in the saddle, as another year of Big Brother is upon us. Sadly the UK will not be joining in the party this year, as the show needs a new home after unfortunately being cancelled by Five.

On a more jolly note, USA and Canada are still alive and kicking and we start proceedings with a good old fashioned celebrity special from the good old US of A, so over to you Mrs Chen Moonves and let the battle to see who will join Marissa on the celebrity winner's roll call commence

For the UK readers amongst you, you may or may not have heard of some of these people going into the USA house but it is quite an intriguing list so let's hope they are good in the house as they look on paper

Without further ado, let's get this year's party started, 12 celebrities for this series and they will be entering in two groups starting with.....

Ryan Lochte - Multiple Olympic medallist
Natalie Eva Marie - Former WWE superstar
Tom Green - Comedian
Lolo Jones - Olympic Athlete
Kato Kaelin - Witness at OJ Simpson trial
Tamar Braxton - Singer

Back to the studio, and Julie calls them in one by one to the stage and warns them to expect the unexpected before she sends them into the house.

First Diary Room appearance goes to Tamar, and she's quite calm...I don't think ;)

These first 6 go on the house tour, investigating their new surroundings. Remember on the UK version, they had to stay in the living area or kitchen as the bedrooms stay locked until everyone was in.

Bit of an awkward situation when Kato suggests a 6 person bobsled, and then when Tom suggests OJ could walk in in the next group. I would think OJ has better things to do than go on this show. Not dissing the show of course as I  love it.

And here come the other 6 not rights for this series....

Joey Lawrence - Actor, producer and sometime director
Dina Lohan - Agent and mother to Lindsay
Jonathan Bennett - TV host and actor
Kandi Burruss - Reality star and singer
Ricky Williams - Retired NFL player
Antony Scaramucci - Former White House communications officer

Same procedure with the first 6, and the game is officially underway as Julie announces the opening night twist which will decide the first HoH

Was worth pointing out Jonathan's facial expressions as they were announced, and in the Diary Room he is so excited to be in there with Ryan, Lolo and Kato amongst others

Meanwhile, Kandi reveals there is some past bad feeling between herself and Tamar, watch this space to see how that develops. Have a feeling that 'woah' will seem to be the most annoying word this season

Back to the studio, and Julie summons everyone to the living room and reveals the first twist of the season .

Power Pairs is the name of the game and here is how it works. The celebrities have to pick someone to pair with, and whichever pair is victorious in this first challenge, only one will be HoH, BUT there is a catch for the other part of the duo. Stay tuned and all will be revealed in due course.

The pairs will be on swings and one of the pair will collect champagne from the makeshift bottles and pass it on to the other part of the pairing. First pair to fill up their glass will be declared the winners.

5 pairs will play but one pair won't, and the pair that don't are immune from the first eviction. Let us all find out who the pairs will be and who will be immune

Ryan and Jonathan - Pink
Tamar and Kandi - Green
Joey and Ricky - Red
Lolo and Tom - Blue
Dina and Anthony - Purple

This leaves Natalie and Kato and they are announced as immune from the first eviction, and Julie announces whoever is HoH will have to nominate two people for eviction

After much spillage Ryan and Jonathan emerge victorious, but remember only one of them can be HoH.

Here comes the kicker as Ryan and Jonathan must next battle each other to see who will be the first HoH of this season, which will be seen in part 2 of the launch. Whoever doesn't win this battle will automatically face the first eviction vote, so it looks like 3 on the block with one going in the first eviction.

To be continued in Launch pt.2

Final thoughts - A really good start and line up, and can't wait to see Ryan v Jonathan to see who will be HoH and who will be first on the chopping block. Was rather hoping Natalie and Kato wouldn't be immune but them is the breaks I suppose. On we move to part 2, and it is hard to see past Ryan being the first HoH and Jonathan finding his way onto the chopping block, but stranger things have happened and it could be the other way around.

In closing, sure going to miss the UK show while it is on hiatus. Hopefully it will come back in some form in the future, probably just not this year so it can rest, breathe and restructure somewhat.

In case you missed them over the festive period, Big Brother Radio did some podcasts which can be found here and here. For the first two podcasts for this season, click here and here

As for BB on Blast, check out their interview with UK winner Cameron right here or if you prefer the video version click right here and for the Christmas show click here

And remember please show the links to your right some love for all the USA and Canada news you could hope for, and speaking of Canada they have announced their launch date for March 6, so make a note of that in your diary

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....