Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Monday 4 February 2019

Celebrity Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 8 - Power of Veto and Eviction 3

When we last left our cracking up housemates:

Tom had won HoH, and decided to put up Kandi and Joey, based on his gut feeling that one of them had the Power of the Publicist power which can be used once and once only up for the next nominations or next 2 Veto meetings.

He of course was totally wrong, as it was Mad as a March Hare Tamar who had been given the power by the USA voters

In this episode we have another Veto and then Eviction 3 takes place. The finish line is in sight as another celebrity is sent packing, and those remaining try to build some late alliances

We pick up the action after Tom's nominations.....

Kandi is not taking her nomination particularly well, and she does have a point as she is an innocent party this time. Meanwhile, plotting between Tom and Kato continues into another day as the plan is to now backdoor Finky Ricky, providing the Veto is used.

Meanwhile Kato and Finky Ricky are having it out with the other mad person of the house in Lolo, this time about Ricky being the 5th member of the only stable alliance in the house. Look out, Mount Lolo is about to erupt as she confronts Tom and very loudly tells him about his paranoia. She then tells him she can't play with emotional players. Pot meet kettle, Lola. Don't accuse someone of doing something you are equally guilty of doing, what is your problem?

Veto picks and competition

Joining Tom, Kandi and Joey in this game will be Natalie, Lolo and Dina

The competition is called Kick the Competition and here is how it works. Two at a time, the houseguests will try to kick field goals. The first of the two to kick 3 field goals will win their round, then the next two houseguests will take their turn and so on

Lola v Dina - Lola wins
Joey v Tom - Tom wins 
Kandi v Tom - Tom wins
Natalie v Tom - Natalie wins
Lolo v Natalie - Natalie wins

Winner and Power of Veto holder - Natalie

She tells us the Veto will NOT be used, just so Ricky can't be backdoored

Veto ceremony

Natalie sticks to her word, and does NOT use the Veto. Tom is not looking happy with this, and claims it is RIP to the alliance with the girls. So the battlelines are drawn between Natalie and Lola, and in the other corner Kato and Tom, according to Finky Ricky that is. 

Natalie and Lola try to make Tom believe that he didn't even try to discuss strategy as far the Veto went. Ricky, knowing full well this alliance is all but dead, tries to throw his penny's worth as well for reasons only known to himself. Think it's safe to stick a fork in this particular alliance and move on with the finish line in sight.

By this point, Joey has finally decided to play the game. He pitches to Natalie, Tamar and Lolo to keep him in and then try to take Tom out of the game. Will it be too little too late, we'll have to wait and see in a little while as the eviction vote gets ever closer.

Oh boy, Lolo off on one again. Now she's screaming at Kato and Tom for their apparent misconduct after winning the last few games. This is stinking of Lolo being a sore loser to me, just because she hasn't won much yet. Tom tells us from the sanctuary of the Diary Room, this is only Big Brother and not the Olympics. Thank you Tom, the voice of reason there, just say it to her face now.


Tom as HoH, and Kandi and Joey as the nominees are not allowed to vote

To cut a long story short, everyone who could vote voted to evict Joey and he left the house by a vote of 6-0

One of the better interviews in recent times, as Joey admitted he knew he was toast and proceeds to do an impression of Lolo. He also remarked that Lolo can go from 0 to 60 in a matter of seconds.

To be continued in Episode 9, and it's a 3 for one night as in HoH, Veto AND Eviction 4

Final thoughts

Natalie could have a good chance of winning, wonder if anyone is going to take the shot at her and Lolo to break them up as time is running out. Surprised Joey went, as that was definitely not the plan before. Wonder what was said that wasn't shown, only the cutting room floor will know and we won't unfortunately.

Thank you as always for reading these posts, and I do strive to give satisfaction. Feel free to leave comments, shares, RT's and likes

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Until next time, keep on rocking and cheerio.....

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