Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday 8 May 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 27 - Final 4 HoH and Nominations

And so the end is near for this season, as we head into finale week and one of the not so Pretty Boys has finally left the building. Thankfully it was only the weakest one in Mark, by a vote of 2-0

Outgoing HoH - Kyra
Nominated pre Veto - Dane and Adam
Veto winner - Adam

Adam decided to use the Veto on himself, and Kyra put up Mark as the replacement. Another flop HoH, as proven already this season you just cannot trust Kyra with any sort of power as they will bungle it.

Anyways, back to the matter at hand and it was another memory game for Adam, Dane and Anthony as one of them looks to seal their place in the final 3, and there's where the last episode left off....

We pick up the action after Mark's eviction, and Anthony is saying one of the not so Pretty Boys had to go eventually and that he trusts Dane more than Mark. Dane brags about his crocodile tears. In case you didn't see it, Dane laid it on pretty thick to try and stay in, and he succeeded. A little celebration dance ensues, and he is pretty certain he will make it to final 2.

Adam, meanwhile, is uncertain on who to trust. Kyra tells him there was a plan to keep Dane, which prompts Adam to think who is that coming from, and he goes to talk to Dane and Anthony. He asks Anthony about said plan, and wonders if Kyra wants Dane to stay especially to take him out. Some  thinking from Adam suggests he is going to try and get the boys on board for an all boys final 3.

HoH competition

Name That Mission is the name of the game, and the boys will see various houseguests faces and guess which Veto comp those faces played in. Each correct answer is worth one point, but if someone buzzes in and guesses incorrectly, that person is frozen out and the other two will get a chance to guess. Kyra is ineligible to play as they are the outgoing HoH. Highest score wins HoH

Mission 1 - On a Roll

Adam scores 1 point

Mission 2 - Spaced Out

Dane and Adam tied on 1 point

Mission 3 - Comp Beast Hall of Fame

Dane takes the lead with 2 points

Mission 4 - Miner Delay

Dane now on 3 points

Mission 5 - Wendy's Challenge

Dane still in the lead with 3, Adam on 2

Mission 6 - Balls Out

Dane now with 4 points, and he is the final 4 HoH and seals his place in Final 3 for finale night

A very happy Dane says he can't believe it. Almost out the door in the last eviction, and now on his way to finale night. Adam is very disappointed, to which Anthony consoles him. Dane is still celebrating and is so confident of being overall winner now. Adam sees Dane and says he is not mad at him, but secretly Adam thinks he himself is going to jury. Dane urges him to win the Veto, and that Kyra cannot win. Don't think there is much danger of that, but it would be best to chop Kyra before the finale just be on the safe side.

Still with Adam and Dane, and Dane is reminding Adam they have 7 HoH comp wins between them. Dane then goes off to speak to Anthony, as he doesn't know if Adam is good. Neither of them can come up with a solution, as Dane doesn't know what to do in terms of nominations. Anthony hints that he himself has never touched the block, and doesn't want that to change. This chat is to be continued later, and they will formulate a plan.

Who wants to see my HoH room

Dane gets a video message from his friend Coco, who tells him everyone is being super supportive and that they are psyched whenever Dane to watch him on TV.

Adam leaves the other three in the HoH room, and Kyra says to Dane that he pulled his weight especially against them. More talk of the later on plan from Dane and Kyra leaves the room. Anthony and Dane fist bump, looks like this final 2 is a goer then.

BB Canada awards

To keep this short, as this was basically the Canada version of the season recap that USA usually do near the end. Previous winner Sarah Hanlon walks in and outfits the final 4 into sort of 60's outfits for these awards. A jumbo sized bed has been put in the living room. Martinis are in order for these awards and there is a little toast to the final four.

Caught in the Act moment - Adam and Sam
Favourite Bugging Out moment - Have Not room closing
You're How Old? moment - Cory is 29
Most Excellent Groove - Damien

Then the final 4 settle down as they are shown a recap of the season 

Moving swiftly on.....

Back to proper house action, and Kyra and Dane are discussing the upcoming Veto, and he thinks it's going to be something involved with days. Dane is trying really hard to juggle all his relationships in the house, and then tells Kyra about Anthony not wanting to touch the block.

Dane has chosen Adam for the final Wendy's meal for this season, simply because he wanted to return the favour when Adam invited him. Johnny from Season 6 is the guest server for this meal. As promised to Anthony, Dane tells Adam that he will be taking Adam to final 2 and thinks Anthony wants an all Pretty Boys final 3. Adam asks outright if Anthony will be going to final 2, and Dane denies this, but there is a deal in place to keep Anthony off the block. Adam admits going out at final 4 will break his heart.

Anthony and Dane are already planning ahead to final 2, thinking they will both beat Kyra and Adam. As if by magic, in walks Kyra and Anthony says he is useless with days. Kyra comes straight out and says Dane and Anthony don't have to pretend around them, which doesn't go down too well with Anthony.

Which leads to Anthony v Kyra yet again as he insinuates Kyra can't be trusted which doesn't go too well with Kyra. Anthony tells Kyra he doesn't have to wait for Kyra to say yes to when they can have a conversation. Kyra just replies with "You act like you weren't talking game" and Anthony storms out.

Nomination ceremony

Kyra and Adam are nominated pre Veto, he apologises to them both and reminds them whoever gets this particular Veto is guaranteed final 3.

Can Kyra or Adam win Veto and seal their final 3 spot? Find out in Episode 28, same BB Canada time, same BB Canada channel......

Thank you for reading, and please keep the likes, RT's, comments and shared coming in

This season has been a long slog, but we are very nearly there now, and after the finale has come and gone we all get a much earned breather until such time as Mrs Chen-Moonves returns with season 21 of regular BB USA.

If you have missed BB on Blast's or Big Brother Radio's latest pods, they can be located here and here, while Rob has a Podcast's link can be found on the right and the link will take you straight to their BB Canada archive

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and cheerio....

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