And so it's come down to the final 3 of Dane, Anthony and Kyra, after Adam was evicted in 4th place. One will walk away with the grand prize, who wins? The jury of Samantha, Cory, Estefania, Damien, Mark, Adam and whoever finishes 3rd place will decide
Basically what will happen is that the final 3 will compete in 2 or 3 comps, to which the winner of part 1 will advance to part 3, and the other 2 will compete in part 2 to take on the winner of part 1 to decide the final HoH of the season. Once the final HoH is decided, the person who is HoH will have the casting vote on who to send to jury in 3rd place.
Once the jury is assembled, and we know who the final 2 is then the jury will ask the final 2 questions and then the jury cast their votes, to which Arisa will reveal the result of near the end of the broadcast. Whoever has most votes will be declared the winner of Big Brother Canada.
Hope that explains things, and now over to the show and we kick things off with a rather lengthy recap of the season before we head straight into the first part of the final HoH comp
HoH comp part 1
What the inmates have to do here is balance 25 crystals on their respective platforms, but the catch is they have to wade under bamboo bars and not disturb the platform they have to balance the crystals on, as it's floating on the water. If the crystals crash down, then it all has to be done from scratch. The first houseguest to balance 25 on their platform advances to part 3.
Dane tells us he thrives on pressure, and has been dreaming of this moment. Anthony is very confident about this competition, and compares himself to a great white shark and refers to Dane and Kyra as dolphins. Kyra says they are not weak, and wants to give a good showing in this comp
Lots of close calls with them all making it to the 20's before the stacks collapse, and then we see several more attempts but this comp is a lot harder than it looks as we see a string of collapses
But then, Dane manages to stack the 25 needed and he gets the light shone on him to indicate he is the winner of part 1.
Winner and advancing to part 3 - DANE
Kyra and Anthony will compete in part 2, to earn the right to play Dane in part 3
HoH comp part 2 - Kyra v Anthony
And it's a memory comp, something Kyra should have no problem with Anthony is particularly useless at.
The gist of this one is to stack up 4 answer blocks to correspond with questions asked about the season. Timed competition, so fastest will win and advance to play Dane in part 3
Kyra is very quick out of the blocks, and manages to get over the line in their heat after a few little stumbles
As for Anthony, he has a complete brain freeze at the crucial moment, and makes the rookie mistake of giving up which a big no no at this stage of the season.
Winner and advancing to part 3 to play Dane will be KYRA
Jury segment
And taking their place as jury adviser is Ika from seasons 2 and 5, and she reveals the 6th juror is ADAM. Lucky us, the showmance is reunited complete with heavy petting. He describes how his departure came about. They can see Dane is excelling at the game, and to be fair he is, and they also admit Kyra shouldn't have got this far. Ika brings up about who broke up the Pretty Boys, but then again it was the ONLY move Kyra could make so it was hardly a big move as such.
HoH comp part 3 - Dane v Kyra
Trivia to finish things off, and it's about the members of the jury in an A or B format
1. On what day did the Secret Assassin nominate Cory for eviction
Both correct
2. Adam only lost one Veto competition he competed in
Both correct
3. What day was Mark voted for the block for the second time
Both correct
4. How many jury members played in the Comp Beast Hall of Fame competition
Dane correct and takes the lead, Kyra starts to have a meltdown
5. How many jury members have NOT won a competition
Dane correct and goes further ahead
6. Over the course of the season, how many times was the Veto used on a member of the jury
Dane wins and he is the final HoH of the season and locks in his place at the final 2, and he also has the casting vote to send Anthony or Kyra to jury
3rd place eviction
Dane decides to evict Kyra, and boy does Kyra lose it with Dane. Sums up Kyra really in this season, always spit their dummy out when things don't go their way. They tell Arisa they got played several times, and comes across as quite petulant in their interview.
Jury introduction
Samantha, Cory, Estefania, Damien, Mark and Adam take their seats. Arisa then introduces them to the final jury member, Kyra. Lots of happy faces on the jury I might add.
Honest opinion, Dane came off better in regards to the ensuing questions. However, last year's final 2 of Kaela and Paras were a bit better as they were so much more passionate, even though they were talking at warp speed and trying to outdo each other in the shouting stakes
And so we move to the jury vote where all the votes are locked in, shame Kyra can't let go of the disappointment and has to come across as petulant as they do even when placing their vote.
Pre jury evictees
Laura, Maki, Kailyn, Chelsea, Eddie and Kiera are introduced and we see various clips of their time in the house. In my opinion, Chelsea and Kiera should have lasted much longer if not for certain twists which screwed their time in there, especially Kiera thanks to the never mentioned again Blood Veto. A twist which Kyra could have made a REAL big move, and got rid of Mark and we may have had a bit of a competition.
Meltdown segment now, as in the biggest meltdowns from the series.....Moving swiftly on to the top secrets montage, and please note there is NO mention of the Blood Veto. Whether that is due to time constraints or it was deliberately left out, you decide.
And it's time......
Finale result
Samantha voted for Dane
Cory voted for Dane
Estefania voted for Dane
Damien voted for Dane
Winner of Big Brother Canada 2019 is DANE!!!!!!!
Adam, Mark and Kyra all voted for Dane, so it was a unanimous vote
Cue the confetti as Dane and Anthony come out of the house
Right winner and final 2, and Anthony paid the price for not engaging his memory as much as he did his mouth. I wouldn't have been disappointed though if Anthony won, as it has been basically a Pretty Boy steamroll most of the season. They had no opposition in there, as nobody thought to set up a counter alliance and hence no power shifts or the Pretty Boys taking any hits until final 5, when Kyra could only make one move in putting two Pretty Boys up.
So, it's a little break now until about mid June when we head back down south for civilian series 21 of Big Brother USA with Mrs Chen Moonves still at the helm.
New pod alert as in Lynsey and Gaz covering the final few episodes on BB on Blast, right here
Rob has a Podcast also have their finale dissection up and it can be located by clicking on their link to the right, and it should be noted they will be doing some final roundtables and dissection for this season before USA starts
In fact thank you to all the podcasters and bloggers for all their hard work in this season, you know who you are and it is all very much appreciated :)
And speaking of thank yous, a big thanks from me to everyone who has popped in over the course of the season and liked, shared, retweeted or even commented. Looking forward to doing it again, when we go again for USA in a few weeks time.
Shame there is no UK version to jump straight into as the house is now officially gone and a new home has yet to be confirmed in regards to transmission. Fingers crossed the UK can get that new home, preferably one that will treat it with a little respect.
That being said, it's time to close the doors and catch a breather for the final Big Brother adventure for 2019 in a few weeks. Once again a thousand thanks to everyone who has popped in to read these posts, I promise one day I will understand fully the North American format of Big Brother after so many years of the UK format.
Until such time that Big Brother USA starts up, stay frosty, keep on rocking and for the final time this season, cheerio.....