Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Saturday, 11 May 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 29 - Finale

And so it's come down to the final 3 of Dane, Anthony and Kyra, after Adam was evicted in 4th place. One will walk away with the grand prize, who wins? The jury of Samantha, Cory, Estefania, Damien, Mark, Adam and whoever finishes 3rd place will decide

Basically what will happen is that the final 3 will compete in 2 or 3 comps, to which the winner of part 1 will advance to part 3, and the other 2 will compete in part 2 to take on the winner of part 1 to decide the final HoH of the season. Once the final HoH is decided, the person who is HoH will have the casting vote on who to send to jury in 3rd place.

Once the jury is assembled, and we know who the final 2 is then the jury will ask the final 2 questions and then the jury cast their votes, to which Arisa will reveal the result of near the end of the broadcast. Whoever has most votes will be declared the winner of Big Brother Canada.

Hope that explains things, and now over to the show and we kick things off with a rather lengthy recap of the season before we head straight into the first part of the final HoH comp

HoH comp part 1

What the inmates have to do here is balance 25 crystals on their respective platforms, but the catch is they have to wade under bamboo bars and not disturb the platform they have to balance the crystals on, as it's floating on the water. If the crystals crash down, then it all has to be done from scratch. The first houseguest to balance 25 on their platform advances to part 3.

Dane tells us he thrives on pressure, and has been dreaming of this moment. Anthony is very confident about this competition, and compares himself to a great white shark and refers to Dane and Kyra as dolphins. Kyra says they are not weak, and wants to give a good showing in this comp

Lots of close calls with them all making it to the 20's before the stacks collapse, and then we see several more attempts but this comp is a lot harder than it looks as we see a string of collapses

But then, Dane manages to stack the 25 needed and he gets the light shone on him to indicate he is the winner of part 1.

Winner and advancing to part 3 - DANE

Kyra and Anthony will compete in part 2, to earn the right to play Dane in part 3

HoH comp part 2 - Kyra v Anthony

And it's a memory comp, something Kyra should have no problem with Anthony is particularly useless at.

The gist of this one is to stack up 4 answer blocks to correspond with questions asked about the season. Timed competition, so fastest will win and advance to play Dane in part 3

Kyra is very quick out of the blocks, and manages to get over the line in their heat after a few little stumbles

As for Anthony, he has a complete brain freeze at the crucial moment, and makes the rookie mistake of giving up which a big no no at this stage of the season.

Winner and advancing to part 3 to play Dane will be KYRA

Jury segment

And taking their place as jury adviser is Ika from seasons 2 and 5, and she reveals the 6th juror is ADAM. Lucky us, the showmance is reunited complete with heavy petting. He describes how his departure came about. They can see Dane is excelling at the game, and to be fair he is, and they also admit Kyra shouldn't have got this far. Ika brings up about who broke up the Pretty Boys, but then again it was the ONLY move Kyra could make so it was hardly a big move as such.

HoH comp part 3 - Dane v Kyra

Trivia to finish things off, and it's about the members of the jury in an A or B format

1. On what day did the Secret Assassin nominate Cory for eviction

Both correct

2. Adam only lost one Veto competition he competed in

Both correct

3. What day was Mark voted for the block for the second time

Both correct

4. How many jury members played in the Comp Beast Hall of Fame competition

Dane correct and takes the lead, Kyra starts to have a meltdown

5. How many jury members have NOT won a competition

Dane correct and goes further ahead

6. Over the course of the season, how many times was the Veto used on a member of the jury

Dane wins and he is the final HoH of the season and locks in his place at the final 2, and he also has the casting vote to send Anthony or Kyra to jury

3rd place eviction

Dane decides to evict Kyra, and boy does Kyra lose it with Dane. Sums up Kyra really in this season, always spit their dummy out when things don't go their way. They tell Arisa they got played several times, and comes across as quite petulant in their interview.

Jury introduction

Samantha, Cory, Estefania, Damien, Mark and Adam take their seats. Arisa then introduces them to the final jury member, Kyra. Lots of happy faces on the jury I might add.

Honest opinion, Dane came off better in regards to the ensuing questions. However, last year's final 2 of Kaela and Paras were a bit better as they were so much more passionate, even though they were talking at warp speed and trying to outdo each other in the shouting stakes

And so we move to the jury vote where all the votes are locked in, shame Kyra can't let go of the disappointment and has to come across as petulant as they do even when placing their vote.

Pre jury evictees

Laura, Maki, Kailyn, Chelsea, Eddie and Kiera are introduced and we see various clips of their time in the house. In my opinion, Chelsea and Kiera should have lasted much longer if not for certain twists which screwed their time in there, especially Kiera thanks to the never mentioned again Blood Veto. A twist which Kyra could have made a REAL big move, and got rid of Mark and we may have had a bit of a competition.

Meltdown segment now, as in the biggest meltdowns from the series.....Moving swiftly on to the top secrets montage, and please note there is NO mention of the Blood Veto. Whether that is due to time constraints or it was deliberately left out, you decide.

And it's time......

Finale result

Samantha voted for Dane

Cory voted for Dane
Estefania voted for Dane
Damien voted for Dane

Winner of Big Brother Canada 2019 is DANE!!!!!!!

Adam, Mark and Kyra all voted for Dane, so it was a unanimous vote

Cue the confetti as Dane and Anthony come out of the house

Right winner and final 2, and Anthony paid the price for not engaging his memory as much as he did his mouth. I wouldn't have been disappointed though if Anthony won, as it has been basically a Pretty Boy steamroll most of the season. They had no opposition in there, as nobody thought to set up a counter alliance and hence no power shifts or the Pretty Boys taking any hits until final 5, when Kyra could only make one move in putting two Pretty Boys up.

So, it's a little break now until about mid June when we head back down south for civilian series 21 of Big Brother USA with Mrs Chen Moonves still at the helm.

New pod alert as in Lynsey and Gaz covering the final few episodes on BB on Blast, right here

Rob has a Podcast also have their finale dissection up and it can be located by clicking on their link to the right, and it should be noted they will be doing some final roundtables and dissection for this season before USA starts

In fact thank you to all the podcasters and bloggers for all their hard work in this season, you know who you are and it is all very much appreciated :)

And speaking of thank yous, a big thanks from me to everyone who has popped in over the course of the season and liked, shared, retweeted or even commented. Looking forward to doing it again, when we go again for USA in a few weeks time.

Shame there is no UK version to jump straight into as the house is now officially gone and a new home has yet to be confirmed in regards to transmission. Fingers crossed the UK can get that new home, preferably one that will treat it with a little respect.

That being said, it's time to close the doors and catch a breather for the final Big Brother adventure for 2019 in a few weeks. Once again a thousand thanks to everyone who has popped in to read these posts, I promise one day I will understand fully the North American format of Big Brother after so many years of the UK format.

Until such time that Big Brother USA starts up, stay frosty, keep on rocking and for the final time this season, cheerio.....


Thursday, 9 May 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 28 - Veto and Eviction

The most crucial Veto of the season is up for grabs, as the embers start dying on this series and one from Dane, Adam, Anthony or Kyra will be crowned the winner

HoH - Dane
Nominated pre Veto - Adam and Kyra

Everyone will take part in this final Veto of the season, and as stated the most crucial Veto of the season as one from Anthony, Adam or Kyra will miss out on the finale

But first, Arisa goes to the house and tells them of the incoming eviction......

We pick things up after the nomination ceremony, and Adam is being told he is the pawn to get Kyra out. But we know this is not true, as the edit has been hinting at Adam being shown the door. His loyalty will be his ultimate undoing, I reckon. Kyra knows there is a plan to get Adam out, and they hope it's honoured. Dane admits Adam is too dangerous to keep in the game.

Dane talks to Kyra about said plan to get rid of Adam, and Dane says Adam has to be lulled into a false sense of security so he doesn't catch on it's him going, and have to rely on Anthony as Anthony will have the sole vote if Dane wins Veto.

Veto competition

Everyone plays now, including the HoH, and the competition is called Veto Hunter. Kudos to the comp designers, as this is a really top notch set up. Basically it's based on an 8 bit video game, and they have to explore and find the questions and then the houseguest the question is referring to. If they believe the answer is correct, they can lock it in and if correct they will get a veto. However if they collect 5 coins and put them in a box, then they will get a minute added onto their time.

Kyra - Doesn't do very well, after saying they are very confident of winning this competition, they quickly dissolve into tears when it all starts going wrong.

Adam - Starts well, but loses one question which eats up a lot of time. Could be crucial at the end.

Anthony - Absolute disaster, and guarantees last place in the comp as he did not finish

Dane - He is not sure he has won this and thinks Adam has won

Finishing times:

Last - Anthony (Did not finish)
3rd - Kyra (54:05)
2nd - Adam (29:10)

Winner and final Veto holder - Dane

Adam, by this point, knows he is gone and it really does feel like a formality. Dane says he will not use the Veto, and will let Anthony have the sole vote to get rid of Adam. The remaining not so Pretty Boys then share a moment with their pose. Anthony is still convinced this is the best alliance in history, probably in his own mind but everyone knows it is far from the best as there's basically been no opposition to the boys in this season.

Jury segment

Mark's turn to go into the jury house, and he admits to the Pretty Boys much to Cory's anger as she claims she was lied to by Anthony. He shows the jury the tape of Kyra winning HoH, and Sam is chuffed that Kyra won something and hints at throwing a vote at them should they make final 2. Mark thinks he can sway the jury votes any way he wants.

Back to the house, and the remaining Pretty Boys discuss the next step and neither Dane or Anthony can look Adam in the eye when he asks them about possibly being cut, making him even more certain he's toast.

As stated earlier, Adam's been too loyal for his own good as he gets really emotional talking about Dane and Anthony's loyalty in the game and how he had their backs when the alliance was set up. Dane says he feels sick about making this move, but Adam would be very difficult to beat.

Adam goes to talk to Anthony as he is the sole vote, and does a last minute pitch to keep him in over Kyra and promises to take Anthony to final 2, warning him Dane will take Kyra to final 2. But in all honesty the decision has already been made.

Veto ceremony

Before that, they get to see some messages from some of the fans, who say the houseguests have been very inspirational in their own little ways. Back to business and Kyra and Adam make their final pleas.

Dane decides NOT to use the Veto, so it will be Kyra or Adam leaving, but it's just a formality really. 


Anthony drags out his decision pretending it's a really hard one, but we all know what's coming and most who are still watching are screaming JUST GET ON WITH IT.

And to no shock to anyone, Anthony with his sole vote evicts ADAM

In his interview with Arisa, he is in a little shock that he was betrayed like that and goes into a little detail about how he's disappointed with Anthony. He then says Dane will win overall, and take Kyra to final 2 and make Anthony regret his decision.

Talk then turns to Samantha, and he says she will be a little upset when he walks through the door of the jury house. Arisa then closes the interview and then talks about the finale

Kyra, Dane or Anthony....Who will win? The jury decides as this season comes to a conclusion in Episode 29

Thank you for reading these posts, and please keep the comments, RT's, likes and shares coming in

Listen to BB on Blast right here and Big Brother Radio right here, and don't forget Rob has a Podcast can be found amongst the links to the right

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until the finale, stay frosty, keep on rocking and cheerio.....

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 27 - Final 4 HoH and Nominations

And so the end is near for this season, as we head into finale week and one of the not so Pretty Boys has finally left the building. Thankfully it was only the weakest one in Mark, by a vote of 2-0

Outgoing HoH - Kyra
Nominated pre Veto - Dane and Adam
Veto winner - Adam

Adam decided to use the Veto on himself, and Kyra put up Mark as the replacement. Another flop HoH, as proven already this season you just cannot trust Kyra with any sort of power as they will bungle it.

Anyways, back to the matter at hand and it was another memory game for Adam, Dane and Anthony as one of them looks to seal their place in the final 3, and there's where the last episode left off....

We pick up the action after Mark's eviction, and Anthony is saying one of the not so Pretty Boys had to go eventually and that he trusts Dane more than Mark. Dane brags about his crocodile tears. In case you didn't see it, Dane laid it on pretty thick to try and stay in, and he succeeded. A little celebration dance ensues, and he is pretty certain he will make it to final 2.

Adam, meanwhile, is uncertain on who to trust. Kyra tells him there was a plan to keep Dane, which prompts Adam to think who is that coming from, and he goes to talk to Dane and Anthony. He asks Anthony about said plan, and wonders if Kyra wants Dane to stay especially to take him out. Some  thinking from Adam suggests he is going to try and get the boys on board for an all boys final 3.

HoH competition

Name That Mission is the name of the game, and the boys will see various houseguests faces and guess which Veto comp those faces played in. Each correct answer is worth one point, but if someone buzzes in and guesses incorrectly, that person is frozen out and the other two will get a chance to guess. Kyra is ineligible to play as they are the outgoing HoH. Highest score wins HoH

Mission 1 - On a Roll

Adam scores 1 point

Mission 2 - Spaced Out

Dane and Adam tied on 1 point

Mission 3 - Comp Beast Hall of Fame

Dane takes the lead with 2 points

Mission 4 - Miner Delay

Dane now on 3 points

Mission 5 - Wendy's Challenge

Dane still in the lead with 3, Adam on 2

Mission 6 - Balls Out

Dane now with 4 points, and he is the final 4 HoH and seals his place in Final 3 for finale night

A very happy Dane says he can't believe it. Almost out the door in the last eviction, and now on his way to finale night. Adam is very disappointed, to which Anthony consoles him. Dane is still celebrating and is so confident of being overall winner now. Adam sees Dane and says he is not mad at him, but secretly Adam thinks he himself is going to jury. Dane urges him to win the Veto, and that Kyra cannot win. Don't think there is much danger of that, but it would be best to chop Kyra before the finale just be on the safe side.

Still with Adam and Dane, and Dane is reminding Adam they have 7 HoH comp wins between them. Dane then goes off to speak to Anthony, as he doesn't know if Adam is good. Neither of them can come up with a solution, as Dane doesn't know what to do in terms of nominations. Anthony hints that he himself has never touched the block, and doesn't want that to change. This chat is to be continued later, and they will formulate a plan.

Who wants to see my HoH room

Dane gets a video message from his friend Coco, who tells him everyone is being super supportive and that they are psyched whenever Dane to watch him on TV.

Adam leaves the other three in the HoH room, and Kyra says to Dane that he pulled his weight especially against them. More talk of the later on plan from Dane and Kyra leaves the room. Anthony and Dane fist bump, looks like this final 2 is a goer then.

BB Canada awards

To keep this short, as this was basically the Canada version of the season recap that USA usually do near the end. Previous winner Sarah Hanlon walks in and outfits the final 4 into sort of 60's outfits for these awards. A jumbo sized bed has been put in the living room. Martinis are in order for these awards and there is a little toast to the final four.

Caught in the Act moment - Adam and Sam
Favourite Bugging Out moment - Have Not room closing
You're How Old? moment - Cory is 29
Most Excellent Groove - Damien

Then the final 4 settle down as they are shown a recap of the season 

Moving swiftly on.....

Back to proper house action, and Kyra and Dane are discussing the upcoming Veto, and he thinks it's going to be something involved with days. Dane is trying really hard to juggle all his relationships in the house, and then tells Kyra about Anthony not wanting to touch the block.

Dane has chosen Adam for the final Wendy's meal for this season, simply because he wanted to return the favour when Adam invited him. Johnny from Season 6 is the guest server for this meal. As promised to Anthony, Dane tells Adam that he will be taking Adam to final 2 and thinks Anthony wants an all Pretty Boys final 3. Adam asks outright if Anthony will be going to final 2, and Dane denies this, but there is a deal in place to keep Anthony off the block. Adam admits going out at final 4 will break his heart.

Anthony and Dane are already planning ahead to final 2, thinking they will both beat Kyra and Adam. As if by magic, in walks Kyra and Anthony says he is useless with days. Kyra comes straight out and says Dane and Anthony don't have to pretend around them, which doesn't go down too well with Anthony.

Which leads to Anthony v Kyra yet again as he insinuates Kyra can't be trusted which doesn't go too well with Kyra. Anthony tells Kyra he doesn't have to wait for Kyra to say yes to when they can have a conversation. Kyra just replies with "You act like you weren't talking game" and Anthony storms out.

Nomination ceremony

Kyra and Adam are nominated pre Veto, he apologises to them both and reminds them whoever gets this particular Veto is guaranteed final 3.

Can Kyra or Adam win Veto and seal their final 3 spot? Find out in Episode 28, same BB Canada time, same BB Canada channel......

Thank you for reading, and please keep the likes, RT's, comments and shared coming in

This season has been a long slog, but we are very nearly there now, and after the finale has come and gone we all get a much earned breather until such time as Mrs Chen-Moonves returns with season 21 of regular BB USA.

If you have missed BB on Blast's or Big Brother Radio's latest pods, they can be located here and here, while Rob has a Podcast's link can be found on the right and the link will take you straight to their BB Canada archive

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and cheerio....

Sunday, 5 May 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 26 - Eviction

Five will become four very soon, as Mark or Dane will get their marching orders from the house and the not so Pretty Boys will finally be broken up

Outgoing HoH - Kyra
Nominated pre Veto - Adam and Dane
Veto winner - Adam

To no surprise, Adam used the Veto on himself and Mark found himself named as the replacement nominee

Straight after the Veto ceremony, Mark tells us he is very confident about staying. How little he knows.....Kyra says three shots have been taken at them and they have all missed, and brags they may sealed Dane's fate

Meanwhile, staying on Planet Kyra, they say to Anthony and Adam that they are feeling bad for Dane, but it's a game move. Away from this planet now and back to reality, Dane is feeling oh so confident he is staying, whilst saying he has been laying it on thick with emotions to ensure he stays over Mark.

Kyra tells Dane that he played a legendary game, and not to sound like they are rubbing it in a bit they tell Dane now he knows what it feels like. Dane tells Kyra he told Adam not to vote for him, which prompts Kyra to say Adam can and they can break the tie. In a bit of Kyra storytelling, they say about Dane breaking a tie to save them in week 2, and this time they could vote Dane out.

Dane is now retelling the conversation with Kyra to Adam, and more or less says he will NOT give Kyra the satisfaction of having the casting vote which would see him evicted. Dane goes to see Anthony and pitches about how he needs Anthony as he can't beat Adam or Kyra in a mental comp, and again he lays it on thick with the emotions. He goes on to show Anthony his secret strategy case. He basically just pleads to Anthony for a few minutes, before they fist bump and Dane leaves the room.

Still with Dane after the commercial break, and he talks about how he was initially knocked back in his chosen sport of ice hockey as he was too small, but he is reassured being on this show was his true destiny.

Mark still feeling very confident about staying in, and already starts planning for final 4 with Anthony. He tells Anthony if it's Adam v Anthony in the final 2, he would have to give his vote to Adam, which naturally does not go down well with Anthony.

Let's meet the jury members so far....

Samantha thinks it won't be Adam, Dane or Kyra coming through the door after her and she is correct, as first through the door to the biggest told you so is Cory. She tells Samantha about the not so Pretty Boys signal, and Samantha is delighted when Cory tells her Adam is the reason she is there as she says Adam is still fighting for her

Next in is Estefania and it has finally sunk in about everything when she is told the truth about the alliance.....

Last but not least, in comes Damien, which disappoints Cory. Damien reveals it was Dane who put him up, and Samantha says the not so Pretty Boys don't want to make any big moves. Estefania then finds out Damien voted her out. They all then toast the remaining houseguests and wish them luck.

Back to house action, and Anthony is talking to Dane about a possible final 2. Anthony basically tells Dane that his loyalty was with Dane all the way through, but Dane has done some pretty disloyal things. Anthony then more or less admits he will try and keep Dane in the house, and then Dane promises a final 2 with Anthony. In the meantime he will act like he is toast for this present eviction.

Staying with Anthony and he is certain Kyra wants Dane out, so he has to come up with something to get Kyra on board and then make Kyra think it was their own idea. That's not too difficult, Anthony, Kyra will fall for anything she is told as they have demonstrated several times.

Speaking of Kyra, they summon Dane and warn him Mark is very shady, and that Adam is going to be very tough to beat. Kyra is very certain they can get Anthony to keep him. Dane turns on some waterworks, and says he doesn't deserve to be there while Kyra insists that he does.Kyra thinks Adam is unstoppable, and they agree to help each other. After Kyra leaves the room, Dane smiles at the camera. Kyra is so easily fooled, aren't they

Mark and Anthony now discuss what they are about tell Kyra, and they come up with that if Mark stays in, he could take out Adam. Mark then goes to Kyra with this story, and also tells Kyra that Adam makes everyone feel comfortable.

Eviction vote

Arisa checks in with the houseguests and Dane and Mark give their final pleas before voting time

As nominees, Dane and Mark will not vote and Kyra as HoH will only vote in the event of a tie, only Adam and Anthony will vote in this one.

Unsurprisingly, both Adam and Anthony vote out Mark, and Mark becomes the next member of the jury. Before he goes, Mark shares a little tidbit of information in that it was Dane's idea to backdoor Samantha during Cory's HoH stint.

Arisa points out to Mark that he threw Dane under the bus, and Mark claims it was all for Canada and that he doesn't care. Mark admits he should have campaigned more. Arisa then asks him about the supposed big move he was going to make when he was HoH, to which Mark claims he didn't have the numbers. He then says he should have put up Dane and Estefania, and then backdoored Adam if he didn't get to play in the Veto. He ends the interview by wanting Anthony to win.

HoH competition

As outgoing HoH, Kyra does not get to play in this one. No name is given to this competition, but the aim is to name the Veto competition in which the houseguests displayed competed in. The faces will appear on the plasma, and houseguests are free to buzz in when they choose. Whoever gets it right gets one point, and if it's wrong the person who buzzed in is frozen out and it will be handed over to the other two players to guess. Whoever gets most points will win the final 4 HoH and lock in their place at the final 3

Just a reminder, there is one more Veto for this season and it's the most crucial one, and whoever is Veto holder will have the only vote to evict.

And so we head into the last 3 episodes, and it will go something like this. Episode 27 is HoH and Nominations and the BB Canada awards, Episode 28 is a special Eviction and we find out who our final 3 are, and then it's onto the 2 hour Finale when one of Kyra, Anthony, Adam or Dane will be crowned 2019 BB Canada winner.

Finale Week is upon us, it may not have been the best season ever this year but in truth it has pretty much flown by and hopefully we WILL get a series 8.

Thank you for reading, and please keep the shares, likes, comments and RT's coming in

Latest BB on Blast pod right here and Garry and Erica's latest pod is right here, and Rob has a Podcast's link is right over there in the links section. Be sure to check them out.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and cheerio....

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 25 - Power of Veto

The final regular week of this series continues, as we take the next step towards seeing which of the not so Pretty Boys will be sent to the jury house

In the last episode, much to some people's disappointment including mine, Kyra won HoH but allowed themself to be manipulated by Anthony, resulting in Adam and Dane going on the block. To say Adam is a tad upset would be a bit of an understatement and he will be gunning for that Veto along with everyone else.

He starts this episode by saying how much Kyra screwed him as they were apparently close, while Dane is very cool about it, but is surprised he is on the block with Adam. Kyra repeats their line of "You both had to go up as they couldn't take each other off the block"

Adam is boiling mad with Kyra as he tells them the Pretty Boys have been in charge and fooling everyone since day one. Adam thinks the Pretty Boys are the best alliance in history and Kyra will NOT beat any of them. Getting way ahead of yourself there, Adam, firstly this is NOT the best alliance in history, and secondly if the other side of the house had a modicum of intelligence your lot would have been stubbed out weeks ago, and thirdly the person you are mad with didn't have the guts to use the Blood Veto and make the REAL big move.

Kyra is still claiming they knew about the alliance. Look at reason 3 above, YOU had the chance to change the game, Kyra, and you blew it. Just admit you have been outplayed, outfoxed and undone in practically every way possible. To compound the error, after their conversation with Anthony and Mark, they have some alone time and say to us via the camera that this was a big move. Kyra, it was the ONLY move you could make.

Dane and Adam are more determined to win the Veto more than ever now, and shortly afterwards Adam grills Anthony about a circulated rumour that Anthony planted the nomination seeds to which Anthony denies. Adam takes the words at face value, and says the Pretty Boys shouldn't be arguing with the finish line in sight and they hug it out.

Veto competition

With only 5 left, everyone plays including the HoH. This competition is called Jewel Heist and here is how it works. Quite simply the players have to get as many jewels as they can.

Green = 1 point
Blue = 2 points 
Red = 3 points

Sound easy? Not on your life. They can only steal the jewels when the laser beams are off, and the player who scores the highest will win the Veto

Score flashes as we go along

Adam in the lead with a score of 13 and Mark has 8 
Dane eliminated
Adam and Anthony tied on 25, Kyra on 11 and Mark stayed on 8
Anthony takes the lead with a score of 27 to Adam's 25
Anthony 28, Adam 27, Kyra 21, Mark 18
Kyra eliminated
Anthony and Adam tied on 30, Mark 20
Mark eliminated
Adam 39, Anthony 34

Winner of the Veto is ADAM and he seals his place in the final 4

Visit of the mums and Mark's friend

Exactly what the title says.....

The mums of Kyra, Anthony, Adam and Dane and also Mark's friend make their way in, and the final 5 watch it all unfold on the monitors in the lounge. Naturally there are lots of tears

Ultimately after a house inspection, the loved ones get a card from Big Brother saying only one of them can spend time with their loved ones. Dane's mum rules herself out as Dane has seen her more than once via the HoH messages, and the same with Adam's mum. Anthony's mum graciously hands the honour to Kyra's mum, and Kyra will get to see their mum. Lots of hugs and tears all round as expected.

Kyra tells us that seeing their mum reminds them of the outside world, and Kyra is still there to win by getting out the big players, which includes Dane. They then tell Anthony about being emotional, but will not let their emotions ruin their game. Anthony lays it on really thick with the compliments by this point.

Back with Dane, and he admits he needs Mark to be sitting next to him on the block, so will go to Anthony. Anthony is resisting this idea as he says there were rumblings about him and Mark going on the block, and that Dane hasn't got his back more or less. Dane admits if he had a chance to take Anthony or Adam to final 2, Anthony would be his choice, to which Anthony is finding difficult to believe.

Adam says to Mark the Pretty Boys had to take shots at each other eventually, and then by magic Kyra comes into the room and there is an awkward silence. Dane wishes everyone luck for the rest of the season. Kyra tries to remind people that they couldn't waste this power, and yet again the Blood Veto springs to mind straight away. Not really that much power to waste in this HoH, Kyra. 

Veto ceremony

To no great shock, Adam uses the Veto on himself. He then gives daggers to Kyra. Kyra just sounds like a broken record as in I had to do it as I knew you could win the Veto. Kyra names MARK as the replacement, and says it's the only game move they could make to make sure a strong player leaves.

To be continued in Episode 26, Dane v Mark to see who goes to jury next

Thank you for reading as always, and keep the RT's, comments, shares and likes coming in

New pod alert: BB on Blast have dropped a new pod which can be listened to right here

In case you missed Garry and Erica from Big Brother Radio, click right here

And don't forget, Rob has a Podcast can be found in the links to the right as they will be on air discussing every episode to the end, and it is quite an impressive archive

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and cheerio.....

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 24 - HoH and Nominations

And so we move into the final regular week of this season and in case you missed it Damien and Estefania were moved to jury in the double eviction, leaving just the not so Pretty Boys and Kyra in the house as the final 5. 

Evicted first - Estefania (3-1)

Outgoing HoH - Dane
Nominated pre Veto - Damien and Kyra
Veto winner - Anthony

Anthony did not use the Veto and Damien was voted out 3-0

The finale moves closer as we get very close to crowning this year's winner, first of all there is the small matter of who will make it to final 4, and more especially who will be in power next and who will go on the block. So let the last regular week commence as we find out who will get the keys to the HoH kingdom....

We pick up the action just after Damien's exit and the not so Pretty Boys are mighty relieved to have survived the double, and now their thoughts turn to the final four without Kyra in it. Speaking of Kyra, the hanger on is pretty pleased as well to have made it this far. Don't mean to sound like a broken record, but Kyra has by far been THE worst player this season. The house have had three shots to take them out, but still Kyra hangs in there.

HoH competition

As per the rules, the outgoing HoH is not eligible to play in this case Dane. So it will be Kyra, Adam, Anthony and Mark participating in We Need An Answer. Basically it's a memory quiz based on the season so far. The first three to place their answers will be locked in, while the fourth person will be frozen out. Most points will win the HoH and their spot in final 4.

Who scored in each round

1. Kyra, Mark and Adam
2. Kyra
3. Kyra and Adam
4. Kyra
5. Adam, Anthony and Kyra
6. Kyra, Mark and Anthony
7. Kyra, Adam and Mark
8. Kyra and Adam

And somewhat surprisingly and astonishingly KYRA is the new HoH. Only one way this is going, well they mucked up the Blood Veto so only one way this is going after that disaster. The only plus is that it won't be a not so Pretty Boys steamroll to final 4, but it's only a small consolation when Kyra could have changed this season so much earlier, but didn't have the guts

Adam goes to see Kyra to see if they are still down with the final three plan of Kyra, Adam and Dane to which Kyra says yes.

Feels like Kyra is getting a little carried away with this power already as they brag about 'making a big move', hardly a big move when the not so Pretty Boys are the only ones that can only go up. They say they like Adam but feel more in sync with Dane and they've had a rocky week with Anthony and that Mark is annoying

Who wants to see my HoH room

Kyra gets a video message from their nieces and nephew, to which they say it is making Kyra more determined for the final push. They then choose Anthony for the Wendy's meal

Kyra promises Adam won't touch the block, and Dane must go up on the block so Anthony doesn't get suspicious. They settle on Dane going up as a pawn only, but Dane brings up the possibility of Anthony winning Veto and pulling Mark off the block.

Have not competition

Next up, the competition which will decide whether the Have Not room will stay open or close for the season. All houseguests will play and since they spent so much time in the Archive Room, they will be given an observation quiz, so get studying for 30 minutes. Pass and no more Have Nots for the season, fail and they will be Have Nots for the rest of the season.

Question 1 - Correct
Question 2 - Correct
Question 3 - Correct
Question 4 - Wrong
Question 5 - Wrong
Question 6 - Correct
Question 7 - Wrong

Houseguests will be have nots for the rest of the season......or will they? A short while later after many tears, Kyra receives news from Big Brother that the houseguests were being pranked and the Have Not room is closed for the season much to everyone's relief.

In a bit of useless information, Dane tells Adam he's an engineer. He wanted everyone to think he's dumb. Okaaaaaaaaay, moving right along.....

Anthony says he doesn't want Mark on the block due to loyalty. He then claims he needs to get his skates on on trying to convince Kyra to put Dane and Adam up instead.

Kyra tells Mark he's an option. They are all close to Adam, but they (Kyra) are running their own HoH. That's debatable for a start. Mark says he would be the best option to go against Kyra, which Kyra notes.

Arisa plugs the BB Canada awards and the vote is open for Canada to vote for the winners on the official website

The latest alumin to show their face serving Wendy's is Erica from Season 6. Now it's time for Anthony to turn on the charm, as he basically buries Dane and Adam to Kyra, and Kyra falls for it hook line sinker and copy of Angling Times. Kyra is telling us how nobody can tell them how to run their HoH. Has Kyra not noticed Anthony has done exactly that? To cap things off Anthony manages to convince Kyra he and they will be final 2.

Back to Adam and Kyra, and Adam is worried about Anthony getting into Kyra's head. Bit late for that, Adam, even if you don't know it. Kyra assures him that they made up their own mind. Good old fashioned unintentional comedy, you can't beat it, can you. Adam says he is determined to win HoH next week and take Kyra to final 2.

Nomination ceremony

Kyra still convincing themselves this is a 'big move' when it really isn't, and knows some will be mad whoever they pick.

Back in the living area, Kyra nominates Dane and Adam, to Anthony's secret pleasure. So much for running your own HoH eh, Kyra.

Kyra claims Adam has been more loyal to Dane, and Adam does not take this too well. Dane has gone up as he has won 3 HoHs this season and put Kyra up every time. Back with Adam, and they say Adam has to go up so he can't win Veto and use it on Dane. Then for another laugh, Kyra says they didn't come for third place, they came to win.

Meanwhile, away from Planet Kyra, Adam is spitting tacks about going up and questions Kyra's loyalty and says if he goes down then Kyra goes down with him.

To be continued in Episode 25, when EVERYONE including the HoH CAN play in the Veto competition

Thanks for reading and please keep the likes, RT's, comments and shares coming

New pod alert as Garry and Erica from Big Brother Radio have brought out their take on Week 8, and that can be found right here

BB on Blast will be back soon, but you can catch their previous pod by clicking here

Rob has a Podcast can be found via their link on the right as they dissect the daily happenings in the house

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and cheerio.....