Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday 1 November 2018

Big Brother UK 2018 - Episode 41 - Nightmare on Elstree

Greetings citizens, and hope everyone had a nice Halloween. 4 days left of the show in the Five era, yes goodbye Five in a few days and hopefully hello Netflix after a little rest and restructuring for the show.

Back to this particular episode and it's a spooktacular episode, although Cameron does overdo things a bit. Not bashing Cameron of course, but the guy is just a miserable so and so whatever happens and this is the guy that's the hot favourite to win now his chum Lewis has been removed.

It's close to Big Brother time, and boy do they have a day planned for the final 6, so sit back and read this recap of this thriller of an episode

And off we go for the last ever (for now) shopping task, wonder if they will pass....Gut instinct says yes as it's the final full week

Housemates are woken up to the Ghostbusters theme, and may I say an excellent set design and a very apt theme to start the episode. Akeem wakes up to find all the food gone, and thinks they are on basic rations, how little they know about Cian and Cameron hiding it. It is eventually discovered, and now we move on to the main event for the evening....

As usual it's a fixed number of passes sealed in an envelope and they have to collect more sweets than what total is in said envelope, think you get the picture by now. Throughout the day, there will be tasks, obviously scary tasks, and so forth to collect sweets.

First up, it's Sian and Akeem in the Hellstree House. Meals will be served on each bell and sweets must be collected. First bell and it's a pigs head with sweets either side, and then it's real maggots with sweets in the middle. Final course is a real person hiding under the table with their head popping up, they let out a shriek which makes Akeem jump backwards. More sweets are collected as Big Brother throws everything at Sian and Akeem, including a little person in a dolls mask emerging from under the table and someone screaming from one of the many mirrors. Sian is totally unfazed by all this as she continues to gather the sweets.

At the conclusion, Akeem and Sian tell everyone else about what they experience, effectively spoiling the surprise, but as it's the final week we'll let it go as they won't fail this task anyway.

Cameron is summoned to the Diary Room, and they make him jump with a very tame BOO. He says he is unhappy, what else is new. Meanwhile Zoe and Sian are putting on some very tame Cockney accents in the smoking area. Back to Cameron, and Big Brother asks him if it was his mum and dad, when he goes into a monologue about shower water going cold and him hearing older male and female voices. Big Brother tells him to stay safe, and Cameron is chased back to the house by that person in a dolls mask jumping out at him in the passageway between the house and Diary Room.

Brooke, Cameron and Zoe up next, and into the Big Brother cemetery they go. I could never do this part as I am genuinely terrified of cemeteries. That well looks strangely familiar, oh yes it is Rylan's well he uses on eviction night for the The Final Farewell. Anyways someone pops up from the well, and then all around them zombies aka people in make up surround them. Cue lots of screaming as Zoe, Brooke and Cameron try to gather sweets amongst all the screaming and people in make up.

Cameron is refusing to sit down in case of another surprise from Big Brother, and Big Brother unleashes a scream on them making them jump three feet in the air.

Next up it's Dead Set revisited as a horde of zombies pile into the house and garden, obviously not real ones or that would have been end of series and the housemates would be dead themselves. Lots of pass the parcel as they try to stop the undead horde grabbing the sweets, and eventually they lock the zombies out but they have left Cian outside. Cameron is overacting to the hilt, saying he is terrified, bet he's not though. The big chicken. Sian showing him how it should be done as nothing is still unfazing her. A short while later, she suggests flicking Skittles at the zombies should they come back.

In the Diary Room, Akeem has brought in a plastic severed arm in case the zombies come back.

Speculation in the garden that Sian or Akeem will win, how little Cameron knows how much help he is getting from backstage to get him over the finish line

Case in point being the next part, and due to Cameron constantly talking about a ghost in the house, Big Brother conveniently give him and Cian the final part of the task in which they will take a camera through the camera runs. Needless to say, Cameron and his overacting strike again.

As expected, they have passed the final shopping task. Pretty unfailable all round really, but thanks for such a great task to end the shopping tasks. It was much appreciated.

To be continued in Episode 42, where there will be special guests. All will be revealed in the next post as we take another step towards the end

Final thoughts

What can be said that hasn't been said already, an excellent task to end the shopping tasks in terms of this channel. Always nice to see a bit of fun in the final week, and not the usual misery we get in this era of the show when it comes to the final week. Hopefully the 3 guests will not spoil things and make them miserable so close to the end. It's the last final week, let's have them leave happy for a change and not totally miserable.

Thank you for reading this hopefully spooktacular post, and please keep those RT's, likes, shares and comments coming in. We are nearly there, folks, the end is in sight.

If you missed BB on Blast's interview with Arisa, click here and please check out the other links for all your UK, USA and Canada information.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and #savebbuk

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