For the final time, at least on Five anyway, welcome citizens of Big Brother world
The end is finally here on Five, and all they can give us is 75 minutes. Yes, only 75 minutes. Screw you Frow and Five, you will sink like a stone once you are relieved of the show that has brought you your highest ratings.
Shall we get started? Straight away a montage plays of all 18 years of the show. Surely this doesn't mean THE end, although Netflix does feel like the final hope as the terrestrial channels won't touch it.
Cut to Emma, and she is already very emotional and who can blame her. I know a lot of people give her a hard time on this show, but this is genuine raw emotion from her. I dare anyone to say she is not a genuine fan, and I am pleased she made it right to the end of this era as given how far Frow and Five have dragged this show into the gutter, I would not have blamed her if she had quit.
Definitely one thing I won't miss in a million years is that whoop whoop which found its way into this era of the show. Back to this final show, and Emma makes her way along the set saying who knows what the future holds for the show, and someone I know on Twitter shouts 'NETFLIX' to which Emma laughs and points at. She then throws some shade at certain people in regards to the time of the show (Five and Frow)
3rd and 4th place
And finishing in 4th place is CIAN, and 3rd place and bronze medal goes to ZOE. Emma announces they will be leaving together. That was a genuine surprise about Cian finishing fourth, but Zoe should never have got this far let alone finish 3rd. Anyways it's a bit unfair they have to share each others interviews and best bits, bear in mind it's the scheduling and the number of craps certain people higher up give about this show. Hence this rushed feeling for the show.
Bit of controversy in Zoe's interview as something got lost in translation and people interpreted it her being able to Facetime her son, to which she has denied. Not much of note for their interviews, as much of it was Zoe talking about bobble hats, periods and giggling a lot. Emma then drops the bombshell on them that it is the last series (at least on this channel). Thanks Emma, just make us feel a bit more sad why don't you.
A step closer to crowning the final Five champion, but first time for some series highlights and I will put it on record that I have enjoyed this series, granted there were a few little bumps near the end and we know who is going to win, as he has had a really big push since his chum got kicked out, other than that....If only the show was allowed to be like this series, obviously apart from knowing who is going to win, but NO Five HAD to interfere to try and appeal to the demographic that only like the constant fighting which basically sunk the show in the end
It's all there from Ellis's removal, Anamememelia and her mememe tirades, and all the way through to Lewis's removal and the final 4 being revealed. Overall a really good final package for the final series of this era. The ex housemates are then rolled out, and as always Lewis G still doesn't know how to put a shirt on. Hussain wants Akeem to win, as does Isabella. Kenaley, Zoe, Sian, Kay and Anamememelia are skipped over, and Emma goes straight to Tomasz. Can't skip over their favourite housemate could they. Seriously though to be fair it's that thing called time and scheduling yet again.
Here we go, can't think who is going to win this.....
Final 2
And voila, CAMERON wins and Akeem is runner up. Obviously Akeem is coming out first, before Cameron gets yet another moment. If he hasn't had enough already inside and outside the house, if you have seen his videos and Twitter. Not going to link them as they are not very nice.
In my opinion, Akeem put 1000% into this show and he did get a lot of heat from housemates and social media alike for being 'fake. For me he was just being himself. I particularly loved it when his dog went in, that would have set me off no end if I was in there and Mitts (RIP) had gone in, hell even new arrival Lenny.
For the final time Emma goes to the house, and here comes Cameron. Thought this would be the last time we would hear Marcus, but he does make one last appearance on the final ever BOTS. Before Emma calls the final break, Cameron's dad makes his way on screen and is heard saying 'Do you know what you have done'. Let's just say I am disappointed with the result, and a flat moment to end the Five era on. But hey ho, the history books will show Cameron has won.
Obviously most of the focus of Cameron's interview was his coming out, and his supposed journey all the way through this series. Think I will skip over it as most of his coming out and his journey has already been covered, and of course he is told about this being the last series on this channel.
All that remains is Emma saying all her thank you's to presenters past and present, the crew and every single housemates. The crowd start chanting for Emma, and like at the start she starts crying as she says it is time for the house to find a new home, to which someone else I know on Twitter screams NETFLIX. The final montage starts playing and in one more throwback to the past, we get the echoey voices throughout the house.
And that's it, THE END at least for now hopefully. A not so fond farewell to Five in my opinion
Final thoughts
And these are the FINAL thoughts for now as far as the UK version. In fact here is something I wrote earlier on the Digital Spy forum and then posted to Twitter, which sums everything up
To be sung like Bring Me Sunshine
Brought us sunshine and lots of smiles
Brought us laughter and many tears
In this world of BB
They brought so much happiness
So much joy to be had with the episodes that followed
Made us happy through the years
Also brought us many tears
The show must go on
If it has to go online
Bring us fun, bring us sunshine, bring us hope
Thank you Emma, Rylan too
Thank you Marcus, Davina too
In this world of BB
We will never give up hope
Bring the show back
Don't be long
Bring us hope
Hopefully bring on Netflix in the future, but please just let the show have time to rest and restructure.
That being said, I just want to thank everyone who's taken the time to read my posts and left likes, comments, shares and retweets, and for one more time in 2018 and indeed for one last time for now for the UK version, keep those RT's, likes, shares and comments coming.
If you missed Big Brother Radio's show, that can be located right here and also BB on Blast's penultimate UK show can be found right here
2023 edit, check out BB on Blast's interview with 2018 winner Cameron right here
And even though this particular blog will be closed until February, please show the other links on the right some love and check them out for any news about USA and Canada and also if the UK version gets a home. Here's to hoping eh? Well one can dream. Personally I do think it will be back, and probably on Netflix.
And so, my viewers, that is it for 2018 and a very good year for the franchise I have to say. USA was much better this year, along with Canada and the UK. The UK version will be missed by yours truly, but Big Brother from The Batcave will get back to you. A nice little break now, as we move towards the holiday season with great speed, a nice rest and recharge to enjoy all that and then it's all systems go for 2019.
So until February and Celebrity Big Brother USA, stay frosty, keep on rocking and #savebbuk....