And so we reach the end of the line for this series, citizens, and in case you missed it in the penultimate episode:
Veto winner - Kaela
With the sole vote, she sent Will packing in 4th place
The alumini of past winners came into the house to give the final 3 advice and a pep talk ahead of this finale
Paras, Derek and Kaela take on the 3 part HoH for the right to go through to the final 2, so who will get cut at final 3 and fall at the last hurdle,and more importantly who will be in final 2 and take home the grand prize....Find out on the season finale of Big Brother Canada 2018
Proceedings start with a video montage of the final three, and some of their best bits in audio form followed by more flashbacks from the season
"The time has come at last, this season our final 3 housemates have been through hell. Now they are back again to see who will conquer this monster of a season. Derek, Kaela and Paras will compete in a punishing 3 part competition to determine who will win the final HoH. For 70 days these three have wrestled with their demons, now it's time to face The Beast"
Final HoH, part 1
In case you missed it, whoever wins this part of the competition goes straight through to part 3 of the competition while the other two face off in part 2 with that winner going through to part 3. Whoever wins this HoH gets the casting vote to send 3rd place to jury, and takes their place in final 2 with whoever of the three is left.
That being explained, off we go....
The rules for part 1, houseguests have to carry 3 coins at a time and make their way to their respective pillars and have to make 3 stacks of 20 coins on each pillar. If their coins fall, then they have to restart that particular pillar. The first houseguest to successfully stack their coins on each pillar will advance to part 3 of the competition
Paras says she has fought very hard to get to this point, and that she is a strong woman and people underestimated her. Kaela says she has fought through so much adversity to get to this point, and every step of the way someone was trying to get her out and she's still there. Derek says he knows he is stronger than the 2 girls, and the most important life in the house is his own.
After a while Derek loses two pillars of his coins, and Paras loses all of hers. Derek's not having much luck as his reserve coins keep falling, but all of a sudden Kaela loses all of her coins. So pretty much everyone is starting from scratch....
Paras is making some progress, and she says she can smell victory and sure enough.....
Winner of HoH, part 1 and advancing to part 3 - PARAS
Paras is whispering it's her season as she walks through the house and up to the HoH room, she continues to ramble to herself as the segment ends.
HoH comp, part 2 - Kaela v Paras (Winner takes on Paras in part 3)
Reach for the Stairs, for Part 2. The rules are that Kaela and Derek must match up the blocks in front of them with the corresponding houseguest and day. They must work one row at a time, then hit the buzzer when they are done and their time will be locked in. Fastest houseguest goes through to face Paras in part 3 to determine the final HoH
Derek finishes with a time of 20m and 43s, and Kaela finished with a time of 17m and 06s
Advancing to part 3 is KAELA
Kaela and Paras will face off in the final part of the competition
Derek is taking a shower, while Kaela tells Paras she can't believe she beat Derek. Paras tells Kaela that if Kaela wins part 3, she would have won 3 HoH's and 3 Vetos, and also says to Kaela not to let love get in the way if she is thinking of cutting Derek and it would be stupid not to cut him.
Jury segment
Season 3 winner Sarah joins this season's jury. She tells them it has been an incredible season, and then introduces Will as the penultimate juror. Will tells them how he came to be on jury, which is explained in more detail on the previous post. Sarah asks them if any of the final 3 are floaters, and goes to Will first. He says it's not Paras as she won an important HoH, meanwhile Olivia says to be a floater would be an amazing strategy. Maddy says Paras had her ear in a lot of rooms. Will says Derek thinks he is a Romeo. Ryan asks Johnny how it feels that Kaela beat him. Sarah asks everyone if the theme brought out a dark side in any of the final 3. Ryan says Paras only had to turn on the waterworks to pull everyone in, while Maddy says there is no morals or ethics in a game for $100,000
Final HoH, part 3 - Kaela v Paras
And it's a trivia competition to end the competitions for this season
1. On what day did Johnny win his second Veto competition
Answer - Day 29
2. Who was the first juror to be eliminated from the competition Buttoned Up
Answer - Ryan
3. No juror was evicted the first time they were nominated
Answer - True
2-2 (Both answered incorrectly)
4. How many Veto competitions did Will compete in this season
Answer - 4
5. How many jurors were a nominee on Day 55
Answer - 4
6. Which Power of Veto competition had more jurors compete
Answer - Fisherman's Barf
7. Alejandra was nominated once on an odd numbered day and once on an even numbered day
6-5, and winner of the final HoH is PARAS
Back to the house, and it's eviction time
Finishing in 3rd place and taking the last jury place is DEREK
Kaela v Paras for the $100,000 prize
Arisa asks Derek how he managed to get this far, to which he replies he wanted to hook up with someone who had knowledge of the show, as he had not seen much of the show as a viewer. He says he learnt a lot from Kaela. Arisa asks him what he did to prove himself through this season, to which he responds with it was important to continue to keep stepping outside your comfort zone and that the house does that to you.
Ryan, Alejandra, Olivia, Johnny, Maddy and Will are introduced to the audience as the jury. Arisa introduces Derek as the last member of the jury.
Jury questions
Ryan to Kaela - "On the day I was evicted, you were the last person to get my vote. What can you say now to change my mind"
Straight off the bat, Kaela is shouting her answer saying Ryan was the only person who knew exactly who she was and about her competitive side and that she was the bigger threat if she was sitting beside Derek
Alejandra to Paras - "You spent the season preaching loyalty and your word. I want to know if that was real or was it strategy, playing on people's emotions like that"
And like Kaela, Paras is shouting her answer as in she thinks playing on people's emotions was strategy, but giving her word wasn't and that was the only mistake she made, and not the fact she kept Kaela.
Olivia to Kaela - "What big moves were you making before you won HoH on Day 34"
Another shouty answer, to which she responded with that she paired up with Derek as he knew nothing about the game and she molded him into the player she needed him to be.He was the person seen as the bigger target over her.
Johnny to Paras - "Paras, you are on live tv right now. Tell me why Kaela played a worst game than you? Drag her through the mud"
Paras said Kaela got in a showmance and put a target on her back since day one. She then says Kaela was obvious about her alliances, and knew the entire time she was working with Olivia and Alejandra. Paras says her own game was nobody knew about the moves she made all season, and that she brought herself here and won the final HoH. She says she brought Kaela here, not the other way around.
Maddy to Paras - "Some may think you fell into final two. Paras, tell them why they are wrong"
Paras says she started playing night one, and put herself in four alliances that had her covered. She says she made herself third in every single duo and pitted people against each other. She says she made a call to get to the final five which meant the final four, and brought herself to final 3 and eventually final 2 and it's her game.
Will to Kaela - "Please explain to me how you think it was more strategic to get rid of me in the final four and not Derek"
She says there was no way she was being taken to final 3, and Will and Paras would have both been taking each other, and that Derek doesn't see the game the way she wanted to. She continues to raise her voice as she says people think Derek carried her, when in fact she carried him through the game
Derek to Kaela - "What was the biggest secret you kept all game to use to your advantage"
She says she has a criminology and psychology degree and separated her emotions from the game. She thanks Big Brother Canada for giving her emotional people to play with, and to play on their emotions based on how they would react. She knew where they were every time, and she called them all babies.
Time for the final pitches
Kaela - Friends, I have earned my place in the final 2. I have been a target since week one in this house because of my showmance. I have been a have not more than anyone else in this season. I won two HoH's, three Vetos. Everyone is sitting in the jury because of me. I'm a huge superfan of this show. I did not come here to be a favourite. I came here to make big moves, stir the pot and play Big Brother. I wanted this my entire life. I earned my position. I earned every single week I was given in this house. Please let me represent the craziness that happened this season. I want this more than anyone. Please vote for the best player that played.
Paras - When I walked into this house, I knew if I were to be fierce and competitive person that I am, I would be walking out night six. I hid it, and pretended to be a goofy girl. I'm a law student. I also played both sides of the house the entire season. No-one knew about it. Ten nominations without touching the block. That's 66 days, and more than anybody in this house. My social game carried me through this season. When it was time to prove myself, I did that. I won the two most important HoH's of the season. I brought myself here to the final 2.
Jury Vote
Arisa reminds the jury it is vote to WIN, as in the first season Topaz accidentally voted for Gillian when she was going to vote for Gary to win and handed the game to Gillian. When Arisa revealed Topaz had voted for Gillian, Topaz kicked off but the decision was final
What the jury do now is place the key with the name of the person they want to win into the slot on the podium
Ryan - "I can't believe I got to play. I was never on slop as a diet. I would never vote for what I consider to be a slop game"
Alejandra - "We can't all be flawless. My vote goes to the person who played a nearly flawless game"
Olivia - "I am voting for the person who managed to evade my sharp intuition"
Johnny - "This house was filled with two things, rats and snakes. I beleive that in the end we owe it to the Big Brother and have it the way mother nature wanted it to be for the snake to eat the rat"
Maddy - "Everybody knows I played this game with my heart. But today as a player, as a juror, and most of all as a fan, I vote with my head"
Will - "I'm voting for the biggest reacher (?) of the game"
Derek - "I was in the final three with two beautiful ladies that we formed a real deal. My vote goes to the one person I trusted and had loyalty until the end"
All votes are locked in.....Result coming a little later
Arisa plugs Big Brother USA which is launching in June
Next up is recap of the housemates who didn't make it to jury, all of whom can be found in the posts detailing the start of this season. Following this is a talking to the cameras segment.
Two more segments of best bits follow the commercials
And now the moment we have all been waiting for....
Result time
Here we go at last, Arisa tells Paras and Kaela that 4 is the magic number to win
Ryan has voted for PARAS (1-0)
Alejandra has voted for PARAS (2-0)
Olivia has voted for PARAS (3-0)
Johnny has voted for PARAS (4-0)
Ladies and gentlemen, your new Big Brother Canada winner is PARAS!!!!!!!
The final score ends up being 6-1 to Paras with Will and Maddy voting for Paras and of course Derek voting for Kaela
This was the first ever female final two for Big Brother Canada announces Arisa. Paras says she has been a fan of the Big Brother franchise since she was 11 years old and been watching for five years. She says to be standing there is a dream come true.
Arisa closes the show by thanking the houseguests for another unbelievable season, and everyone behind the scenes, and especially the fans for making the season happen
And that is that for Big Brother Canada 6.....
Final closing thought - Well done to Paras....This finale will be talked about for weeks to come amongst the fanbases. Lots of questions and explanations where it went right for Paras and where it went wrong for Kaela. A good series I thought, but a hell of a lot of tactical mistakes in this season which would take an age to go through. Not everyone will agree with the winner, and some will think it should have been the other way around in terms of winner. In any case, thank you Arisa, and the crew for another season and I do hope we can all do it again next year if there is a season 7.
Speaking of thank you's, plenty of them for all of you who have taken the time to read my posts for this season, and do hope you will all be around when BB USA kicks off in a few weeks. I won't deny I am a novice at the North American format, but I will say this series has been educational and I do hope I can carry this knowledge forward when USA starts.
Can't thank everyone enough for the likes, retweets and shares for these posts.Everything is very much appreciated, and look forward to refreshing and restarting when USA rolls around.
For the final time this season, be sure to check out finale analysis on some of the links on the right and more so for all your Canada, USA and UK needs when it comes to Big Brother
BB on Blast will have a new podcast out for the finale very soon, which I will be retweeting a lot on Twitter so look out for that.
So it's curtain down on Big Brother Canada and next up it's Big Brother USA at some point in June, and then later down the line it will be Big Brother UK
Follow me on Twitter at richiewe4ever
It's been an honour and until Big Brother USA starts, enjoy the little rest and see you back here in a few weeks, and remember someone is always watching......