Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Monday, 14 May 2018

Big Brother Canada 6 - Episode 29 - Finale

And so we reach the end of the line for this series, citizens, and in case you missed it in the penultimate episode:

Veto winner - Kaela

With the sole vote, she sent Will packing in 4th place

The alumini of past winners came into the house to give the final 3 advice and a pep talk ahead of this finale

Paras, Derek and Kaela take on the 3 part HoH for the right to go through to the final 2, so who will get cut at final 3 and fall at the last hurdle,and more importantly who will be in final 2 and take home the grand prize....Find out on the season finale of Big Brother Canada 2018

Proceedings start with a video montage of the final three, and some of their best bits in audio form followed by more flashbacks from the season

"The time has come at last, this season our final 3 housemates have been through hell. Now they are back again to see who will conquer this monster of a season. Derek, Kaela and Paras will compete in a punishing 3 part competition to determine who will win the final HoH. For 70 days these three have wrestled with their demons, now it's time to face The Beast"

Final HoH, part 1

In case you missed it, whoever wins this part of the competition goes straight through to part 3 of the competition while the other two face off in part 2 with that winner going through to part 3. Whoever wins this HoH gets the casting vote to send 3rd place to jury, and takes their place in final 2 with whoever of the three is left.

That being explained, off we go....

The rules for part 1, houseguests have to carry 3 coins at a time and make their way to their respective pillars and have to make 3 stacks of 20 coins on each pillar. If their coins fall, then they have to restart that particular pillar. The first houseguest to successfully stack their coins on each pillar will advance to part 3 of the competition

Paras says she has fought very hard to get to this point, and that she is a strong woman and people underestimated her. Kaela says she has fought through so much adversity to get to this point, and every step of the way someone was trying to get her out and she's still there. Derek says he knows he is stronger than the 2 girls, and the most important life in the house is his own.

After a while Derek loses two pillars of his coins, and Paras loses all of hers. Derek's not having much luck as his reserve coins keep falling, but all of a sudden Kaela loses all of her coins. So pretty much everyone is starting from scratch....

Paras is making some progress, and she says she can smell victory and sure enough.....

Winner of HoH, part 1 and advancing to part 3 - PARAS

Paras is whispering it's her season as she walks through the house and up to the HoH room, she continues to ramble to herself as the segment ends.


HoH comp, part 2 - Kaela v Paras (Winner takes on Paras in part 3)

Reach for the Stairs, for Part 2. The rules are that Kaela and Derek must match up the blocks in front of them with the corresponding houseguest and day. They must work one row at a time, then hit the buzzer when they are done and their time will be locked in. Fastest houseguest goes through to face Paras in part 3 to determine the final HoH

Derek finishes with a time of 20m and 43s, and Kaela finished with a time of 17m and 06s

Advancing to part 3 is KAELA

Kaela and Paras will face off in the final part of the competition

Derek is taking a shower, while Kaela tells Paras she can't believe she beat Derek. Paras tells Kaela that if Kaela wins part 3, she would have won 3 HoH's and 3 Vetos, and also says to Kaela not to let love get in the way if she is thinking of cutting Derek and it would be stupid not to cut him.

Jury segment

Season 3 winner Sarah joins this season's jury. She tells them it has been an incredible season, and then introduces Will as the penultimate juror. Will tells them how he came to be on jury, which is explained in more detail on the previous post. Sarah asks them if any of the final 3 are floaters, and goes to Will first. He says it's not Paras as she won an important HoH, meanwhile Olivia says to be a floater would be an amazing strategy. Maddy says Paras had her ear in a lot of rooms. Will says Derek thinks he is a Romeo. Ryan asks Johnny how it feels that Kaela beat him. Sarah asks everyone if the theme brought out a dark side in any of the final 3. Ryan says Paras only had to turn on the waterworks to pull everyone in, while Maddy says there is no morals or ethics in a game for $100,000


Final HoH, part 3 - Kaela v Paras

And it's a trivia competition to end the competitions for this season

1. On what day did Johnny win his second Veto competition

Answer - Day 29


2. Who was the first juror to be eliminated from the competition Buttoned Up

Answer - Ryan


3. No juror was evicted the first time they were nominated

Answer - True

2-2 (Both answered incorrectly)

4. How many Veto competitions did Will compete in this season

Answer - 4


5. How many jurors were a nominee on Day 55

Answer - 4


6. Which Power of Veto competition had more jurors compete

Answer - Fisherman's Barf


7. Alejandra was nominated once on an odd numbered day and once on an even numbered day

6-5, and winner of the final HoH is PARAS


Back to the house, and it's eviction time

Finishing in 3rd place and taking the last jury place is DEREK

Kaela v Paras for the $100,000 prize

Arisa asks Derek how he managed to get this far, to which he replies he wanted to hook up with someone who had knowledge of the show, as he had not seen much of the show as a viewer. He says he learnt a lot from Kaela. Arisa asks him what he did to prove himself through this season, to which he responds with it was important to continue to keep stepping outside your comfort zone and that the house does that to you.


Ryan, Alejandra, Olivia, Johnny, Maddy and Will are introduced to the audience as the jury. Arisa introduces Derek as the last member of the jury. 

Jury questions

Ryan to Kaela - "On the day I was evicted, you were the last person to get my vote. What can you say now to change my mind"

Straight off the bat, Kaela is shouting her answer saying Ryan was the only person who knew exactly who she was and about her competitive side and that she was the bigger threat if she was sitting beside Derek

Alejandra to Paras - "You spent the season preaching loyalty and your word. I want to know if that was real or was it strategy, playing on people's emotions like that"

And like Kaela, Paras is shouting her answer as in she thinks playing on people's emotions was strategy, but giving her word wasn't and that was the only mistake she made, and not the fact she kept Kaela. 

Olivia to Kaela - "What big moves were you making before you won HoH on Day 34"

Another shouty answer, to which she responded with that she paired up with Derek as he knew nothing about the game and she molded him into the player she needed him to be.He was the person seen as the bigger target over her.

Johnny to Paras - "Paras, you are on live tv right now. Tell me why Kaela played a worst game than you? Drag her through the mud"

Paras said Kaela got in a showmance and put a target on her back since day one. She then says Kaela was obvious about her alliances, and knew the entire time she was working with Olivia and Alejandra. Paras says her own game was nobody knew about the moves she made all season, and that she brought herself here and won the final HoH. She says she brought Kaela here, not the other way around.

Maddy to Paras - "Some may think you fell into final two. Paras, tell them why they are wrong"

Paras says she started playing night one, and put herself in four alliances that had her covered. She says she made herself third in every single duo and pitted people against each other. She says she made a call to get to the final five which meant the final four, and brought herself to final 3 and eventually final 2 and it's her game. 

Will to Kaela - "Please explain to me how you think it was more strategic to get rid of me in the final four and not Derek"

She says there was no way she was being taken to final 3, and Will and Paras would have both been taking each other, and that Derek doesn't see the game the way she wanted to. She continues to raise her voice as she says people think Derek carried her, when in fact she carried him through the game

Derek to Kaela - "What was the biggest secret you kept all game to use to your advantage"

She says she has a criminology and psychology degree and separated her emotions from the game. She thanks Big Brother Canada for giving her emotional people to play with, and to play on their emotions based on how they would react. She knew where they were every time, and she called them all babies.


Time for the final pitches

Kaela - Friends, I have earned my place in the final 2. I have been a target since week one in this house because of my showmance. I have been a have not more than anyone else in this season. I won two HoH's, three Vetos. Everyone is sitting in the jury because of me. I'm a huge superfan of this show. I did not come here to be a favourite. I came here to make big moves, stir the pot and play Big Brother. I wanted this my entire life. I earned my position. I earned every single week I was given in this house. Please let me represent the craziness that happened this season. I want this more than anyone. Please vote for the best player that played.

Paras - When I walked into this house, I knew if I were to be fierce and competitive person that I am, I would be walking out night six. I hid it, and pretended to be a goofy girl. I'm a law student. I also played both sides of the house the entire season. No-one knew about it. Ten nominations without touching the block. That's 66 days, and more than anybody in this house. My social game carried me through this season. When it was time to prove myself, I did that. I won the two most important HoH's of the season. I brought myself here to the final 2.

Jury Vote

Arisa reminds the jury it is vote to WIN, as in the first season Topaz accidentally voted for Gillian when she was going to vote for Gary to win and handed the game to Gillian. When Arisa revealed Topaz had voted for Gillian, Topaz kicked off but the decision was final

What the jury do now is place the key with the name of the person they want to win into the slot on the podium

Ryan - "I can't believe I got to play. I was never on slop as a diet. I would never vote for what I consider to be a slop game"

Alejandra - "We can't all be flawless. My vote goes to the person who played a nearly flawless game"

Olivia - "I am voting for the person who managed to evade my sharp intuition"

Johnny - "This house was filled with two things, rats and snakes. I beleive that in the end we owe it to the Big Brother  and have it the way mother nature wanted it to be for the snake to eat the rat"

Maddy - "Everybody knows I played this game with my heart. But today as a player, as a juror, and most of all as a fan, I vote with my head"

Will - "I'm voting for the biggest reacher (?) of the game"

Derek - "I was in the final three with two beautiful ladies that we formed a real deal. My vote goes to the one person I trusted and had loyalty until the end"

All votes are locked in.....Result coming a little later


Arisa plugs Big Brother USA which is launching in June

Next up is recap of the housemates who didn't make it to jury, all of whom can be found in the posts detailing the start of this season. Following this is a talking to the cameras segment.


Two more segments of best bits follow the commercials

And now the moment we have all been waiting for....

Result time

Here we go at last, Arisa tells Paras and Kaela that 4 is the magic number to win

Ryan has voted for PARAS (1-0)
Alejandra has voted for PARAS (2-0)
Olivia has voted for PARAS (3-0)
Johnny has voted for PARAS (4-0)

Ladies and gentlemen, your new Big Brother Canada winner is PARAS!!!!!!!

The final score ends up being 6-1 to Paras with Will and Maddy voting for Paras and of course Derek voting for Kaela

This was the first ever female final two for Big Brother Canada announces Arisa. Paras says she has been a fan of the Big Brother franchise since she was 11 years old and been watching for five years. She says to be standing there is a dream come true.

Arisa closes the show by thanking the houseguests for another unbelievable season, and everyone behind the scenes, and especially the fans for making the season happen

And that is that for Big Brother Canada 6.....

Final closing thought - Well done to Paras....This finale will be talked about for weeks to come amongst the fanbases. Lots of questions and explanations where it went right for Paras and where it went wrong for Kaela. A good series I thought, but a hell of a lot of tactical mistakes in this season which would take an age to go through. Not everyone will agree with the winner, and some will think it should have been the other way around in terms of winner. In any case, thank you Arisa, and the crew for another season and I do hope we can all do it again next year if there is a season 7.

Speaking of thank you's, plenty of them for all of you who have taken the time to read my posts for this season, and do hope you will all be around when BB USA kicks off in a few weeks. I won't deny I am a novice at the North American format, but I will say this series has been educational and I do hope I can carry this knowledge forward when USA starts.

Can't thank everyone enough for the likes, retweets and shares for these posts.Everything is very much appreciated, and look forward to refreshing and restarting when USA rolls around.

For the final time this season, be sure to check out finale analysis on some of the links on the right and more so for all your Canada, USA and UK needs when it comes to Big Brother

BB on Blast will have a new podcast out for the finale very soon, which I will be retweeting a lot on Twitter so look out for that.

So it's curtain down on Big Brother Canada and next up it's Big Brother USA at some point in June, and then later down the line it will be Big Brother UK

Follow me on Twitter at richiewe4ever

It's been an honour and until Big Brother USA starts, enjoy the little rest and see you back here in a few weeks, and remember someone is always watching......

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Big Brother Canada 6 - Episode 28 - Final Veto and 4th place eviction

One more show to go after this one, citizens, and it's all over for another year

When we last left the final 4:

HoH - Paras

Nominated - Derek and Kaela

In this penultimate show we will see who wins the most important Veto of the season, and if it is used to save Kaela or Derek after they were nominated by Paras, and then the Veto holder has the sole vote to send someone out in 4th place and on to the jury

The 5 past winners will also be showing up after 4th place has left to give the final 3 tips on how to win the grand prize in the final show. The past winners consist of:

Season 1 - Gillian
Season 2 - John
Season 3 - Sarah
Season 4 - Nick and Phil
Season 5 - Kevin

We start off with a flashback to the very first series of Big Brother Canada where Arisa calls everyone to the sofas for the announcement of the 4th place eviction, and then every 4th place eviction from then until 2017

24 HOURS BEFORE 4th PLACE EVICTION (Veto Competition)

As it's final 4, everyone is playing this competition

Paras is first up, and as she takes her place ready for the competition, she can be heard saying that this Veto is everything and that if she has to fight for anything in this game it's this Veto and if she wins this one she can see herself winning this game.

This competition is called Stuck in the Past, and it's within a giant maze. Houseguests have to collect 4 bags of numbers and take them back to the centre of the maze. Houseguests will be blindfolded, and along the way will run into different directions. These different directions will have a button on them, and by pressing them houseguests will get a question from evicted houseguests. If the answer is known then it is a simple choice of left or right, however get a question wrong and it is a dead end and houseguests must backtrack and go the other way. Once all the numbers have been collected they must put them in the right place on a podium where there are a final series of questions. The houseguest who is fastest will win the final Veto and a guaranteed place in the finale

And off we go....

Will up next, and wants to win it for his son. After much fumbling around he retrieves the 4 bags but struggles with the centre puzzle. He fails to realise Derek and Kaela are two people, as they have been known as Daela due to their showmance.

Derek up next, and he says he wants him and Kaela in final 2, a short segment as he makes his way around the maze

Finally, Kaela is up. She says she came in the house to win and not take 2nd place or 4th place. She finishes the game very quickly, and straight to the results we go....

Last place with 38.07 minutes was PARAS

Winner of the final Veto and guaranteeing their finale place - KAELA (24.11 minutes)

House party 

All housemates are having a go at Perfection.....and that's about it really for this segment


Jury house

Jury members so far - Ryan, Alejandra, Johnny, Olivia and Maddy

In case you missed it, Maddy became the next member of jury when she finished in 5th place. Time to see what happened when she arrived at the jury house.

Alejandra says she hates that it is Maddy who has come to the jury house, and she was hoping it would be Paras or Will. Maddy tells them how she came to be there, and that Kaela won the HoH and starts to describe the Veto comp, but says she can actually show them as she has brought along a USB stick with the footage. The action picks up where Will stupidly listened to Derek's pitch and dropped off his voodoo doll, to which the jury call Will an idiot, much like social media out here did really.

Moments before 4th place eviction

In the Red Rose bedroom, Will questions Kaela about whether she will keep Derek or not. She wonders whether she cuts him now and send him out in 4th place or later in the final 3. Will tells her that this would be her $100,000 move to cut Derek now, and also if she doesn't take either chance to cut Derek she will not win.

Paras asks Kaela if she has made up her mind yet, and Kaela says she is still thinking about it. Paras says if Derek is not there, her and Kaela's chances of winning are so much higher

4th place eviction

Straight to the decision, and Kaela obviously decides to use the final Veto on herself. She now has the sole vote to send out Derek or Will, as Will is the only other choice left as Paras is HoH. Arisa tells Kaela she must evict one of those two on the spot. She says to Derek, to be the best you have to beat the best and she votes to evict....

Finishing in 4th place and going to jury - WILL

Final 3- Paras, Kaela and Derek

Very brief interview for Will, and to close the show its the 5 past winners advice for this year's final 3


Past winners are in the house

Arisa appears on the plasma and congratulates the final 3, and informs them of the visitors who will talk to each of the final 3 in turn.

Paras up first, and it's hugs all round. She tells them that she has obsessively watched all previous series and John says they have been watching her and the current bunch all season. Sarah asks Paras what it is like to be in the final 3, to Paras can't answer yet as she is still in shock at meeting the alumini. Sarah tells they are there to talk a little business and it's not over yet, and Kevin says there are still some decisions to be made. Paras explains she has played a strong social game, and thought she would be leaning on competition wins, and surprised at how many alliances she was able to make.

Kevin tells her that she was able to respect Kaela and Derek and if she gets to final 2 she is going to have to get a majority vote from the jury. One of the brothers comes straight out and asks Paras if she's a floater, she says no and explains her definition of a floater.


Derek up next, and he straight out tells them he has not watched a single season. John asks Derek what move has Derek made in the game that was just his and not Kaela's. Derek explains getting in the showmance and playing good cop bad cop, and that everyone made Kaela out to be really smart and he has been able to shield himself using Kaela. Sarah asks him, as he hasn't seen any season what the game is to him. He says it's a general test of all of them as human beings to see how for they can push themselves to the limit. The brothers and John ask him directly who he will take to final 2 and who is his best shot at winning the prize against. Derek responds with heart says Kaela, head says Paras.

And finally Kaela, she says she came in as a massive superfan and loves the show so much. She knew Big Brother is a social game, and is going to pull out her East coast charm and says she is so good as separating her emotions from the game. Gillian asks if Kaela will be able to separate her emotions with Derek. Kaela says 100%, and won't be afraid to cut Derek if it comes to it. Kaela asks Gillian if she would have cut Emmett in her season, to which Gillian says no. John asks Kaela if she would be able to beat Derek if she took Derek to final 2. Kevin reminds Kaela that the jury are emotional, and if she is worried about a bitter jury. Kaela says they would be bitter against Paras as well, and hopes they can put those emotions aside.

Split decisions amongst the alumini on who will win as the segment closes

Arisa plugs the finale, and that is it for the penultimate episode

Who will take the prize, the answer is in the finale episode....To be concluded in episode 29

And so, chums, as these posts approach their close for now, a big thanks to everyone who has read them and I do hope they were to your liking. Thank you so much for all the views, likes, retweets and shares, they are so appreciated

I may be a novice at the North American format of Big Brother, and hope I have done it justice

In closing, the obvious person went and it's just about the right final 3 as we head into the final episode of this season

Let's hope for a good finale, and may the best houseguest win. Good luck to your favourite if they are still in there.

Click on the links to your right for all your Big Brother Canada, USA and UK version needs, and don't forget BB on Blast has a new podcast out and Rob has a Podcast which air shortly after the finale has concluded

This Canadian adventure may be ending after the finale recap, but this blog will return when BBUK launches, and it will be all hands to the pump once again.

Before BBUK, BB USA launches at some point in June and that will be covered as well

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

And for the penultimate time in this series, someone is always watching......

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Big Brother Canada 6 - Episode 27 - HoH, nominations and BB Canada awards (final 4)

Greetings, citizens, and welcome to the final week of Big Brother Canada 2018. One more step towards the end we go, as one houseguest will guarantee their place in the final 3 when they win HoH.

Tonight also sees the BB Canada awards presented, and finish off with the HoH deciding who will go on the block before we head into the final Veto competition of this season

As we head into this episode:

Outgoing HoH - Kaela, so she won't be playing in this competition

Evicted - Maddy with a vote of 2-0

It's down to either Paras, Will or Derek to win HoH, and without further ado let's get this show on the road

We pick up the action as Arisa announces Maddy is evicted.....

Paras says she is really upset at Maddy being evicted, as she saw herself and Maddy going to the end together, but on the other side of the coin she is happy she has made final 4. Kaela says Maddy was her target and is glad she is gone as Maddy was a big threat when it comes to mental competitions.

Derek says the game is his to lose as it heads into final 4, and he points out Will and Paras haven't won a competition between them and he has Kaela at his side until the end. Will says he feels pretty good sitting in the final 4, and says Paras had a good social game and Derek and Kaela have the comp wins. He goes on to say Derek and Kaela are looking for someone to take with them to the final 3 and thinks he is looking good for that position.

Paras says she always envisioned herself sitting in final four, but nobody will take her to final 3 so she has to win the HoH competition

HoH Competition

Legends of the Fallen is the name of the game, and in case you missed it up top Kaela is not eligible to play as she is the outgoing HoH. In front of them is a monitor which will slowly reveal information about previous evicted houseguests and the legacy they have left, and the houseguests have to guess who the houseguest is. One point is scored for every correct answer, and there are no penalties or eliminations if there is an incorrect answer. The highest scoring houseguest at the end will be the final 4 HoH

Derek says every comp he and Kaela have won have put a huge target on their backs, and he has to focus on his game

And off we go....

1. Nominated 1 time, first to use Veto....

Paras buzzes in and says ERICA

Correct answer, and Paras takes the lead

2. Evicted Day 55....

Derek buzzes in and guesses JOHNNY, which is incorrect. Will buzzes in with Olivia which is incorrect, and Paras guesses ALEJANDRA

Paras is correct and takes a 2 point lead

3. HoH 1 time, won 1 Veto

Will buzzes in and guesses HAMZA, which is incorrect. Paras buzzes in with RYAN

Another point for Paras, and she is starting to pull away. Arisa tells her if she answers the next question correctly, she will be the new HoH

4. HoH 1 time, in heaven in week 1....

Will buzzes and guesses HAMZA, which is incorrect....Paras guesses OLIVIA

Winner and new HoH - PARAS


In the kitchen, Derek is telling Kaela he wasn't thinking fast enough. He tells her he is a believer in fate, and knew as soon as he was losing it would be even sweeter if himself or Kaela win the Veto. Kaela says it sucks Paras is HoH, as she would have preferred it to be herself, Derek and Will because Paras has played a better game than Will.

In the Red Rose bedroom, Paras is doing a victory dance after winning HoH and also making it to final 3. She goes to the White Rose bedroom to talk to Will, and he says he is so disappointed with himself. Kaela reminds Will and Paras that there is still the Veto to play for. Will says he is glad to see Paras win HoH, but he also says he needed that win and could go home if he doesn't win Veto.

In the living area, Kaela tells Derek it's not over and tells him they got this. Derek says he will not dwell on this, and tells Kaela she doesn't have as much to worry about as he does as he is in more danger of going if Paras or Will win Veto.

Who wants to see my HoH room

Perfection is the final chosen game for this season. We see a pic of Paras's cat and a pic of her friend Britney. She also has a toy cat. Big Brother informs them that they will all have a Wendy's meal, and then the video message is from Paras's best friend

Straight on to the remaining houseguests ordering their Wendy's meals, Paras tells us she has had a great day with winning HoH and getting the message from her best friend

Kaela tells us it is weird to be back in the Red Rose bedroom as she hasn't been in there since Week 4, and then tells us she didn't expect to like someone as much as she likes Derek

Back to Paras, and she says it is just sinking in to how close she is to the end. She starts one of her monologues to the camera, and says how she gets to play in the final HoH.


BB Canada awards

The front door opens and in walks a town crier and announces the awards ceremony, and this one has a medieval theme hence the houseguests looking medieval as they put on their costumes.

It is of course a medieval banquet, and the awards will be presented as they tuck into said banquet

Flashbacks of the nominees will be played before the winner is revealed

Most Epic Battle nominees:

Will v Ryan
Johnny v Derek and Kaela - Winner
Derek and Kaela v Alejandra

Favourite Retching

Olivia - Winner

Finest Lip Lock

Derek and Kaela
Kaela and Veronica - Winner


Oddest of Duos

Alejandra and Olivia - Winner
Veronica and Will

Favoured Jester

Paras imitates Olivia - Winner
Veronica with makeup

A recap video is then played to the final 4 of this season


Paras tells us that usually there is pitching going before nominations, but this time around the house is split. She basically tells us her nominations are going to be Kaela and Derek and wants Will to know she is still with him.

Kaela knows she and Derek are going on the block, and tells him she can't not have him there. She asks Derek if he will vote for her if she cuts him at final 3. He neither confirms or denies it.


Nominations ceremony

Very pointless shortlist ensues, so straight down to business

Paras nominates KAELA and DEREK

No surprises there, as she gave those nominations away earlier in the episode

To be continued in episode 28, which is the final Veto of the season and also 4th place will vacate the premises

And that is a wrap for another episode

Closing thought - An ok episode I suppose....Well done to Paras for making it to final 3, although in the grand scheme of things this particular HoH is meaningless, and whoever wins this final Veto has all the power. No surprise who she nominated, and it's shouldn't be a surprise who is evicted if Kaela or Derek win the Veto

Only 2 episodes left now and then we find out who is crowned winner for this season. After finale is done, this blog will be going on hiatus for a little bit and will reactivate when the UK show starts. Whenever that it is anybody's guess

Don't forget, as always click on the links on the right for all your BB Canada, USA and UK needs

BB on Blast have a brand new podcast up as of now, and as always Rob has a Podcast will be on the air shortly after the televised episodes

My everlasting thanks to anyone who reads these posts, and the likes, shares, and retweets are very much appreciated

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until the next episode, someone is always watching........

Monday, 7 May 2018

Big Brother Canada 6 - Episode 26 - Eviction (final 5)

Five become four in this episode, as the race to the finish line intensifies as one houseguest leaves and the final 4 HoH begins to see who will guarantee their place in the final 3.

In case you missed recent events:

  • Kaela won HoH, while the terrible trio of Paras, Will and Maddy disintegrated
  • Paras and Will turned their backs on Maddy, as Maddy spilled secrets to Kaela
  • Kaela decided to chip away at the terrible trio, and nominated Paras and Maddy
  • Kaela won Power of Veto, giving all the power once again to the showmance
  • She didn't use the Veto, therefore keeping the nominations the same
This episode also sees either Paras or Maddy head to jury, and also sees visits to some of the families and also to the jury house where Alejandra, Johnny and Olivia join Ryan as we move a step closer to crowning this year's winner

We pick up the action after Kaela decided NOT to use the Veto, and it seems set in stone what is going to happen as Kaela has been saying all week Maddy will be going. Kaela says both Maddy and Paras are a big threat together, so one of them has to leave

Paras says she is really sad as her game could end, and is not ready to say goodbye to the house. She has envisioned Arisa saying she is the winner of this season, but that image is getting much more faded. She is then seen talking to the cameras about how much she sucks at competitions.

Meanwhile, Maddy says her window of success keeps getting smaller. Kaela gives her a hug, and tells her it is hard as it's final 5. Maddy admits she is exhausted of this game, and says she has been a target of every HoH this season. She tells Kaela 5th place is something to be proud of.

In the garden, Paras asks Will if Derek is still on the same page and Will is unsure. She then tells Will she knows what Maddy is capable of, and is scared. Will tells Paras she has his vote. She says one thing she has learned in this season, is decisions start out black and white the beginning of the week and come eviction it's grey.

Maddy starts her pitching to stay to Derek, as in saying there are big advantages in Paras staying and in herself staying. She continues with when it comes to physical stuff she has not been so successful. In the Diary Room, she says Derek has never had an endurance competition against Paras, and that Paras has placed 2nd in two competition, as she was advised to let go as she would be safe. Derek says Paras isn't as stupid as she comes off, and has to think about all angles to consider and trying to give each other the best chance to win a competition.

In the kitchen, Paras is still worrying about the eviction. She says she and Will handle things differently, and she has to bite her tongue and keep her eyes on the prize. Once Will and Maddy leave, Paras once again talks to the camera, calling Will an idiot for dropping in the Veto competition amongst other things.


Back to the house, Derek and Kaela are in the pool. Derek is telling her it's nine days until their lives change. He lays out his plans to her post Big Brother, and Kaela says as long as they see it they can achieve it. Derek asks her if she can see herself in final 2 with him. She says in the Diary Room, she could hurt him if she cut him before final 2, but she went in there to play and also to win but at the same time it's hard because she cares for Derek and it's a crappy feeling.

In the Red Rose bedroom, Maddy is studying for possible future competitions. She says she wants to win Big Brother, as so many people said she couldn't do it and they doubted her ability to get in there. She is now talking to the cameras saying she learnt things about herself that she didn't know, and that she is out of her league and that it is really hard in there. More tears flow from Maddy.

Paras tells Kaela she is nervous. She says in the Diary Room that if it comes down to Kaela being a tie breaker vote, and that she needs to make sure Kaela thinks she is going to be good for Kaela's game and good for Derek's game. She pitches about Maddy knowing statistics about other players. Kaela just tells Paras to do what she has to do, and Maddy will do what she has to do to stay.

Maddy is pitching to Will, saying if Paras wasn't there it would be easier for him. In the Diary Room, she says Will has shown time and time again that he runs where it is safest, but needs to direct him to her where it is safer. She reminds Will of his competition performances and how Paras has outlasted him, so with her in the mix his odds of being in the final shorten. She tells him that if he is next to Paras in final 2, Paras has been tight with the girls, Paras has Ryan's vote and Johnny would vote for him for sure, but the majority of the jurors would vote for Paras.

Paras with another one of her monologues to camera, plays out the scenario should she win HoH of putting Kaela and Derek on the block. Will says this decision between Paras and Maddy is one of the more difficult decisions.

Paras pitches to Derek to try and lock down his vote. Derek explains his conversation with Maddy, and Paras says Derek would be an idiot to keep Maddy and that he has played a pretty much flawless game up to a certain point. She tells him the showmance plan has worked out amazing, but if Maddy stays in, she could end up going to the end.


To the Jury House....

Ryan says the jury house is not like the Big Brother house, and then can be seen ordering and then tucking into a large Skip the Dishes meal. Shortly afterwards, the car with Alejandra is making it's way to the jury house. She says she is fighting back tears, and doesn't know if Ryan is going to be shocked to see her or excited. She tells Ryan, Johnny set her up and tells him her version of events leading to her eviction. Johnny and Olivia follow shortly afterwards. Johnny says Derek and Kaela are going to steam roll. The jurors agree reluctantly that they would pick Kaela to win.

Eviction vote

Derek and Will the only ones voting in this one...Kaela as HoH, will only vote in the event of a tie, and as always the nominees will NOT vote.

And off we go....

Derek votes to evict Maddy
Will votes to evict Maddy


Evicted and next member of the jury - MADDY

Final four are KAELA, DEREK, WILL and PARAS

Arisa tells Maddy not to cry. She tells Maddy about making final five and how much of a big fan she is of the show. Maddy says it was fun being in there and finishing fifth is ok. Aris points out how Maddy was loyal to a fault. Maddy says she believed in her campaign, but she had a tough week. Arisa plugs the official Facebook page and the Q and A's for Maddy on there.

Time to go to the East coast to meet some of the families

A short but pointless segment to visit Will and Kaela's families....The main point being Will's son saying out loud that is he is just rubbish at Big Brother. Moving on.....

Only 2 minutes of the show left, so will go into the HoH competition in the next post and wrap things up with this current one.now

To be continued in Episode 27, where we will see who gets the next HoH power and books their spot in the final 3

Closing thought - Predictable eviction with Maddy going. Doesn't really matter who wins this upcoming HoH apart from winning a final 3 spot, as the final Veto is more crucial to who will really fall at the last hurdle

Anyways, thanks for reading this recap if you have made it this far, and as always a thousand thanks for the retweets, likes and shares.

Only 3 more recaps left for this season, and then it's down tools for a few weeks before the longer slog of the UK show starts whenever that will be

Don't forget to click on the links to the right for all your Big Brother Canada, USA and UK needs...Rob has a Podcast is on the air as always shortly after the televised episodes.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, someone is always watching....

Thursday, 3 May 2018

Big Brother Canada 6 - Episode 25 - Power of Veto (final 5)

In case you missed it in the last post:

  • Kaela won HoH
  • Fractures started appearing in the dumb trio, when Paras and Will cut ties with Maddy, after Maddy threw them under the bus to Kaela
  • Maddy suggested backdooring Derek if the person who was not on the block won the Veto
  • Kaela decided to start chipping away at said fractures in the trio
  • Kaela nominated Paras and Maddy
Can Paras or Maddy win the Veto and take themselves out of danger and into the final 4, find out presently on Big Brother Canada

We pick up the action at the end of the nominations ceremony, where as stated Kaela had nominated Paras and Maddy.....

Paras - Never been on the block once this season, which makes Kaela believe Paras has one of the better social games

Maddy - Intelligent and strategic which hinders Kaela's game

Kaela's words not mine

Kaela elaborates by saying she nominated Maddy because she is a mental threat, and also that Kaela found out about the plan to backdoor Derek. Maddy admits its going to be an uphill battle to stay in the house. Meanwhile Paras says she feels stupid, as she saved Kaela and now she is on the block herself, and it's not a surprise she is there on the block given how Maddy threw her under the bus. Kaela tells Paras she is not going anywhere.

In the bathroom, Kaela tells Maddy that she couldn't say anything bad about her or Paras, and that she knew it would be her and Derek on the block otherwise.

In the backyard, Will tells Paras she is going to have to gun for the Veto. Paras says if Maddy wins Veto, she is going home. Paras tells Maddy this fight is far from over, and Maddy says she is not resigned. Maddy recaps the blowout she, Paras and Will had about Maddy's conversation with Kaela and says she feels terrible. She tells Paras she feels like she sold her soul to the game, and starts crying. She tries to explain to Paras that she didn't manipulate her. Paras tells her that she (Paras) screwed over a lot of people in this game, but couldn't do it to Maddy and Will. Maddy says it's really hard to separate game from personal relationships you make.

In the HoH room, Derek suggests to Kaela that Maddy is the best person to leave the house, to which Kaela agrees. Will says as he made a deal with Derek and Kaela this week not to use the Veto if he won it, so he's not on the block. Kaela says there is no way she can beat Derek, but she says she knows she can beat Will.

In the pantry, Paras suggests to Will about not making any deals with Derek and Kaela. Will says he has already told them he will not use the Veto, and is not moved when Paras says he is going to have to. He tells her he has already given his word, and Paras repeats to make sure Derek goes up and they vote him out otherwise Derek or Kaela will win this game.

In the HoH room, Kaela is looking at her family picture and wondering how she is still there and says she will do whatever it takes to win.


Veto competition

No player picks as there is only 5 left, so everyone will be playing

Stick it to Me is the name of the game. Houseguests will be on their respective voodoo dolls which is full of different colour pins. The light bar will indicate what colour pin to pull. If a houseguest falls off or if they are unable to pull your pinin the time allotted , it means elimination from the competition. If there are multiple pins of that colour, houseguests can decide which pin to pull on their doll, and of course the last houseguest standing will win the Veto

Off we go....

Derek says winning this Veto is a must, and that he and Will have a deal but if he goes back on his word, he could haul Maddy or Paras off the block. Maddy says she will need to do major voodoo to get off the block.

Maddy eliminated first as she drops off her doll
Paras eliminated second


Will eliminated third, dumb as a stump as he listened to an unrealistic pitch from Derek
Derek last to be eliminated

Veto winner - KAELA

In the White Rose bedroom, Kaela tells Will he is final four no matter what. She tells him she can't take Derek at the end, so she needs somebody. Derek tells Will that he had to throw something at him.

In the pantry, Derek and Kaela discuss Will's elimination from the competition, and Kaela is pleased that Derek got Will to drop as it would have meant Derek going on the block if Will had used the Veto, and Derek may have gone home.

Back in the White Rose bedroom, Will apologises to Paras for losing the competition, but insists they are both going to final four anyway. He tells Paras that Derek done him dirty, and that he and Derek made a deal. He then says Derek and Kaela don't trust him, and they would have used the Veto on him, put him on the block and pretty much threatened him.

In the Diary Room, Paras basically calls Will an idiot, and that she or Maddy are screwed


Task time

Big Brother are giving Will and Paras the chance to experience what it is like to be Have Not's as they have not been Have Not's all season long. They must each chug a slop shake, take a 15 minute nap together on the tomb in the Have Not room and take a one minute dip in the moat in the same room. If they pass (which they probably will) the Have Not room will be closed for the season.

And imagine that, they do pass all challenges so no more Have Not room for this season

Straight to the house party and if you missed it, this week's game is Awkward Hugs

Back to the action, Maddy is feeling positive that they can pull this off, while Paras thinks they cannot hold back. She says Will has effectively screwed her and Maddy, so her and Maddy have to make a last ditch effort to save the both of them.

Paras pitches to Maddy about telling Kaela that Derek may cut her (Kaela) next, so he has a way easier time in final 3. Maddy suggests telling Kaela together, but Paras thinks it will have to be separate


The last chance saloon for Paras and Maddy begins now, as Paras is first in to talk to Kaela. She says she and Maddy have to convince Kaela that using the Veto is better for her game, and they need to be very careful.

Paras tells Kaela she is worried if she doesn't win next week, then she is going home. Kaela asks straight out if Paras thinks Derek would send her (Kaela) home. Paras says if she was Derek, the strongest competitor would be Kaela and Will and herself haven't been able to pull anything out. Kaela is unsure if Derek would take her to final 3, but she would cut him.

Maddy up next with Kaela, and again Kaela says she would cut Derek and wants to be the one to cut him. Maddy tells Kaela that this is the week to get Derek up and out of the house. Maddy makes a point that the female showmance partner has never cut the male first.

Kaela tells Derek she couldn't beat him in final two. She asks Derek straight out if he would cut her, and he says no. She admits she would cut him in a heartbeat.


Veto ceremony

Paras says Kaela could prove her loyalty by keeping her in the house...Maddy says they all have a chance at the grand prize, and will respect Kaela's incoming decision

Kaela DOES NOT use the Veto, and says it is too dangerous to keep both of them around so one of them has to go, and completes the ceremony

Paras says cutting Derek will bite Kaela later on. Maddy says Kaela chickened out and if Maddy stays it will be hell

Who will make it to final 4, and indeed who will win an important HoH to get to final 3.....To be continued in episode 26

Closing thought - Quite simply, WILL YOU IDIOT. To listen to Derek the Dummy of all people and blowing your chance of winning this competition. If Will ends up winning this game, it will be a disaster. Unfortunate at least one of the 3 idiots is going to get to final 3, Maddy or Paras I can deal with, Will absolutely not.

Eviction prediction - Pretty predictable it's going to be Maddy as Kaela has been making it very clear

As always, thank you for reading if you have made it this far, and a thousand thanks if you have retweeted, liked or shared this post.

Rob has a Podcast on the air shortly after the televised episodes, and as always click on all the links to the right for all your BB Canada, USA and UK needs

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, someone is always watching.....

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Big Brother Canada 6 - Episode 24 - HoH and Nominations (Final 5)

When last we said our farewells to the final 5:

Will, Paras and Maddy were flipping non stop to whether Kaela or Alejandra should go. When they finally decided, Alejandra was next to go to jury. Derek won HoH, and nominated Johnny, Olivia and Maddy as two more were to leave. Kaela won Power of Veto, to no surprise she chose not to use it and Johnny and Olivia were sent packing to jury.

Tonight sees the final 5 HoH decided and who will be nominated pre-Veto as we take another step towards the end and the crowning of the winner of Big Brother Canada 2018

The first 11 or so minutes is the recap of the triple eviction, which can be read about in full in the post before this one.

So it's straight to the HoH competition

HoH competition

As outgoing HoH, Derek is ineligible to play. This competition is called Previously on Big Brother Canada. Houseguests will hear a series of recaps of events that took place during a specific week of this season. They will then spin their respective dials to reveal the face of the person they think was HoH during the week being described. The highest scoring houseguest at the end will be the new HoH

Paras says this is the most important HoH of the season so far, and she needs to win because she has to send one of Kaela or Derek packing

1. "Houseguest were shocked and for very good reason when the Veto was used for the first time this season"

Answer - ERICA

Everybody correct

2. "Will struggled to make the house kiss the cod, not knowing it was all a big facade"

Answer - DEREK

Everybody correct

3. "Houseguest left with regrets and woe, when evicted without playing in that weeks veto"

Answer - ERICA

Kaela, Will and Maddy move onto 3 points, Paras is on two

4. "The game as a whole changed on a dime when a nominee won Veto for the very first time"

Answer - Olivia

Everybody correct

5 - "The BBCan house was brimming with plots. The week the HoH picked two have nots"

Answer - Johnny

Will incorrect so he stays on 4, Paras moves to 4, Kaela and Maddy on 5

6. "Houseguests had a chance to make the house neat, but in a slick twist they had to clean to the beat"

Answer - HAMZA

Will and Paras eliminated, Kaela and Maddy go to a tiebreaker


Tie breaker question - In the Under Fire competition, how many shots did all the competing houseguests fire combined?

Maddy guesses 112
Kaela guesses 180

Answer - 517

Winner and new HoH - KAELA

Kaela says she just saved herself and Derek in this game, and can't believe it. Derek tells her he can't believe she pulled that off.

Will goes into the White Rose bedroom and kicks a pillow which hits a camera, and he says an expletive which obviously gets bleeped out. Meanwhile in the Red Rose bedroom, Maddy starts crying. She says when she came into the house she underestimated the emotional endurance. Paras said she made the wrong call, and one of Derek or Kaela is going to final 3. She asks Maddy why Maddy would keep the showmance and says the game has been handed to Derek or Kaela.

Derek is still congratulating Kaela in the living area, and says they have two chances next week with HoH and Veto. Kaela says it feels fantastic, and that she worked so hard to get to where she is in the game and is ready to take herself to the end of the game. She tells Derek that she thinks the trio is regretting keeping them.

Maddy says she has given herself enough time to wallow, and there is still a lot of game left to play. She goes to the White Rose bedroom, and tells Will and Paras there is one way they can pull it off. She pitches that if one of them wins Veto, and they are on the block to take themselves off and Derek is the only other candidate and will be unanimously be voted off. She suggests throwing the Veto to the person who will not be on the block they can still make it through.


Who wants to see my HoH room

We see a pic of Kaela with her sister, and the chosen game for this week is Awkward Hugs. The video message is from her best friend Taylor, and we also see Kaela's cats. Unsurprisingly she chooses Derek for the Wendy's meal, and we go straight to that particular segment. Kaela speaks for whoever is left watching saying you do NOT save the showmance ever, but unfortunately the other 3 did/

Still in the HoH room, Maddy goes to talk to Kaela even though Maddy says Kaela has an idea of what she will do in terms of nominations. Maddy says she wants to make it clear to Kaela that she wanted her to stay in the game, and she feels kind of guilty as it is sort of throwing Will and Paras under the bus, but in reality she is telling the truth.

In the kitchen, Maddy tells Paras she had the chat with Kaela. Paras says Maddy is giving her really weird vibes right now, as she had the chat with Kaela and something is not feeling right. She says she herself needs to have a chat with Kaela to make sure they are still good.

Paras tells Kaela she is nervous about nominations, and figured they should have a talk. Kaela tells her not to worry about the noms as the Veto is more important for Paras this week. Paras says there is no way to pitch without being *bleep* to the other two and that's why it's hard to say anything. Kaela asks Paras what was flipping her back and forth. In the Diary Room, Paras says it feels like Kaela has suddenly gone skeptical about her, and that something has got into her head. She immediately suspects Maddy.


Still with Paras, and she says she has to go and talk to Maddy as she suspects Maddy has gotten into Kaela's head. Paras tells Maddy her vote will depend on whether or not Maddy tells her the truth. She asks if Maddy told Kaela if Paras was the one going back and forth on the vote, to which Maddy says both of them went back and forth on the vote, and she didn't deny Paras was. Maddy says if Kaela said something else, Paras can think what she can, as Paras doesn't have anyone else to go to in this game. She then says she doesn't like getting double questions about things. Paras says she feels like she was thrown under the bus. Maddy says she knows this is her last week in the house.

Will makes his way to the Red Rose bedroom, and sees that Paras is crying. She says she got played by Maddy and to ask Maddy about the situation. Will then asks Maddy, to which she says Paras is upset as Kaela asked Maddy about Will and Paras being on the fences and claims that Paras thinks Maddy threw her under the bus. Will also thinks Maddy threw Paras under the bus, and says Maddy was only looking out for her own game and not Paras's.

Will returns to Paras and says Maddy played her. Paras says she made two calls to protect Maddy and this is what she gets in return and says she is going home this week. Will says he and Paras don't need Maddy anymore.


Maddy goes to speak with Will and Paras, and asks if there is anything else they want to ask about. Paras says she stuck her neck out for Maddy, and Maddy says she is not trying to hurt Paras's feelings. Paras says she has never felt more betrayed in this house. Paras starts crying and Will tells Maddy she can forget her chances of winning the game.

In the garden, Will tells Kaela and Derek whether he goes on the block or not, he will not use the Veto. Kaela says the trio is falling apart, and wants to ensure one of the three will go home and they don't try to backdoor Derek


Nominations ceremony

Kaela says she is not nominating Derek, so there are only 3 options

Kaela nominates MADDY and PARAS

And that's a wrap for this episode, to be continued in the next Power of Veto episode

Closing thought - Horrendous episode for Will and Paras, and think it's safe to say they are NOT winning this season. Maddy hasn't really done anything worthwhile this season, so it is only realistically between Derek and Kaela. Although I wouldn't be too shocked to see Derek or Kaela fall at the last hurdle at final 3. Kaela is so right when she said the trio were stupid for not splitting her and Derek up.

Thanks for reading this post if you have made it this far, and as always a thousand thanks if you have retweeted, shared or liked these posts through social media

Remember the links on the right for all your BB Canada, USA and UK needs, and that Rob has a Podcast are on the air shortly after each televised episode

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, someone is always watching