Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Big Brother UK 2018 - Finale - Goodbye Channel 5

For the final time, at least on Five anyway, welcome citizens of Big Brother world

The end is finally here on Five, and all they can give us is 75 minutes. Yes, only 75 minutes. Screw you Frow and Five, you will sink like a stone once you are relieved of the show that has brought you your highest ratings.

Shall we get started? Straight away a montage plays of all 18 years of the show. Surely this doesn't mean THE end, although Netflix does feel like the final hope as the terrestrial channels won't touch it.

Cut to Emma, and she is already very emotional and who can blame her. I know a lot of people give her a hard time on this show, but this is genuine raw emotion from her. I dare anyone to say she is not a genuine fan, and I am pleased she made it right to the end of this era as given how far Frow and Five have dragged this show into the gutter, I would not have blamed her if she had quit.

Definitely one thing I won't miss in a million years is that whoop whoop which found its way into this era of the show. Back to this final show, and Emma makes her way along the set saying who knows what the future holds for the show, and someone I know on Twitter shouts 'NETFLIX' to which Emma laughs and points at. She then throws some shade at certain people in regards to the time of the show (Five and Frow)

3rd and 4th place

And finishing in 4th place is CIAN, and 3rd place and bronze medal goes to ZOE. Emma announces they will be leaving together. That was a genuine surprise about Cian finishing fourth, but Zoe should never have got this far let alone finish 3rd. Anyways it's a bit unfair they have to share each others interviews and best bits, bear in mind it's the scheduling and the number of craps certain people higher up give about this show. Hence this rushed feeling for the show.

Bit of controversy in Zoe's interview as something got lost in translation and people interpreted it her being able to Facetime her son, to which she has denied. Not much of note for their interviews, as much of it was Zoe talking about bobble hats, periods and giggling a lot. Emma then drops the bombshell on them that it is the last series (at least on this channel). Thanks Emma, just make us feel a bit more sad why don't you.

A step closer to crowning the final Five champion, but first time for some series highlights and I will put it on record that I have enjoyed this series, granted there were a few little bumps near the end and we know who is going to win, as he has had a really big push since his chum got kicked out, other than that....If only the show was allowed to be like this series, obviously apart from knowing who is going to win, but NO Five HAD to interfere to try and appeal to the demographic that only like the constant fighting which basically sunk the show in the end

It's all there from Ellis's removal, Anamememelia and her mememe tirades, and all the way through to Lewis's removal and the final 4 being revealed. Overall a really good final package for the final series of this era. The ex housemates are then rolled out, and as always Lewis G still doesn't know how to put a shirt on. Hussain wants Akeem to win, as does Isabella. Kenaley, Zoe, Sian, Kay and Anamememelia are skipped over, and Emma goes straight to Tomasz. Can't skip over their favourite housemate could they. Seriously though to be fair it's that thing called time and scheduling yet again.

Here we go, can't think who is going to win this.....

Final 2

And voila, CAMERON wins and Akeem is runner up. Obviously Akeem is coming out first, before Cameron gets yet another moment. If he hasn't had enough already inside and outside the house, if you have seen his videos and Twitter. Not going to link them as they are not very nice. 

In my opinion, Akeem put 1000% into this show and he did get a lot of heat from housemates and social media alike for being 'fake. For me he was just being himself. I particularly loved it when his dog went in, that would have set me off no end if I was in there and Mitts (RIP) had gone in, hell even new arrival Lenny.

For the final time Emma goes to the house, and here comes Cameron. Thought this would be the last time we would hear Marcus, but he does make one last appearance on the final ever BOTS. Before Emma calls the final break, Cameron's dad makes his way on screen and is heard saying 'Do you know what you have done'. Let's just say I am disappointed with the result, and a flat moment to end the Five era on. But hey ho, the history books will show Cameron has won.

Obviously most of the focus of Cameron's interview was his coming out, and his supposed journey all the way through this series. Think I will skip over it as most of his coming out and his journey has already been covered, and of course he is told about this being the last series on this channel.

All that remains is Emma saying all her thank you's to presenters past and present, the crew and every single housemates. The crowd start chanting for Emma, and like at the start she starts crying as she says it is time for the house to find a new home, to which someone else I know on Twitter screams NETFLIX. The final montage starts playing and in one more throwback to the past, we get the echoey voices throughout the house. 

And that's it, THE END at least for now hopefully. A not so fond farewell to Five in my opinion

Final thoughts

And these are the FINAL thoughts for now as far as the UK version. In fact here is something I wrote earlier on the Digital Spy forum and then posted to Twitter, which sums everything up

To be sung like Bring Me Sunshine

Brought us sunshine and lots of smiles
Brought us laughter and many tears
In this world of BB
They brought so much happiness
So much joy to be had with the episodes that followed

Made us happy through the years
Also brought us many tears
The show must go on
If it has to go online
Bring us fun, bring us sunshine, bring us hope

Thank you Emma, Rylan too
Thank you Marcus, Davina too
In this world of BB
We will never give up hope
Bring the show back
Don't be long
Bring us hope

Hopefully bring on Netflix in the future, but please just let the show have time to rest and restructure.

That being said, I just want to thank everyone who's taken the time to read my posts and left likes, comments, shares and retweets, and for one more time in 2018 and indeed for one last time for now for the UK version, keep those RT's, likes, shares and comments coming.

If you missed Big Brother Radio's show, that can be located right here and also BB on Blast's penultimate UK show can be found right here

2023 edit, check out BB on Blast's interview with 2018 winner Cameron right here

And even though this particular blog will be closed until February, please show the other links on the right some love and check them out for any news about USA and Canada and also if the UK version gets a home. Here's to hoping eh? Well one can dream. Personally I do think it will be back, and probably on Netflix.

And so, my viewers, that is it for 2018 and a very good year for the franchise I have to say. USA was much better this year, along with Canada and the UK. The UK version will be missed by yours truly, but Big Brother from The Batcave will get back to you. A nice little break now, as we move towards the holiday season with great speed, a nice rest and recharge to enjoy all that and then it's all systems go for 2019.

So until February and Celebrity Big Brother USA, stay frosty, keep on rocking and #savebbuk....

Monday, 5 November 2018

Big Brother UK 2018 - Episode 44 - A time for remembering

And for the penultimate time in the Five era, welcome Big Brother chums and it's all systems go as Sian and Brooke leave in a double eviction, and there's a Last Supper and speeches to be had along with some awards presented by some familiar faces. Don't worry they are not actually going in the house, just appearing on the plasma

That being said, let's get this final highlights episode underway as we pick up the action on the eve of Sian and Brooke's departure, and there's lots of talk about the incoming eviction.

Have to say I am so happy we have had a relatively happy final week, as opposed to the usual miserable final week when ex housemates with a grudge got flung back in there and/or Big Brother would deliberately stir the pot and make them thoroughly miserable before they leave.

Saying that, I will be so happy when the show is finally concluded on this channel and it's far away from Five as humanely possible, and on a channel which will give it time to breathe and more importantly try to restore a lot of things Five took away when they got their grubby hands on it.

Back on topic, and in regards to that task Brooke alluded to in her interview with Emma. Well here it is, and it's basically pass the parcel which she wins and wins the right to exchange her coins for real cash, which obviously she received during her interview.

Fast forward now to Brooke and Sian's departures, won't go into too much detail as they have been covered pretty much in the previous post. Needless to say, there are tears all round especially from Zoe. Wish Zoe had gone on Friday, as she's just been so dam miserable, and that Sian had stayed. But that is the way the icecube crumbles, so to speak.

Big Brother breaks out the champagne for the finalists, and for the last time in this era say 'well done finalists'. Remember though they don't actually know it is the final series, as they have been in lockdown so wouldn't have found out. 

And so onto the final Saturday we go, and we are down to four....

Zoe very lucky to still be there, but that is just my opinion. Lots of happiness in the house understandably, but a lot of sadness from the real fans as the end is near.

Next up, the final 4 are shown their audition VT's which raises a lot of laughs and a lot of cringing in there. Oh boy, Cameron is really sugaring himself, hoping his less pleasant videos on Youtube do not get shown. Won't provide links to those videos as they are pretty unpleasant, and all the more reason why he shouldn't win.

Back to this episode as I am rambling too much at the moment, and it's time for the Big Brother awards as voted for by the viewers.....

Categories and winners:

Best Supporting Role - Zoe's dressing gown
Best Original Score - Tomasz
Most Dramatic Performance - Kenaley
Sexiest Performance - Tomasz
Big Brother Genius - Akeem

An ominous reminder from Marcus before the last part of this penultimate episode, 'it's very nearly all over'

On to the FINAL Last Supper, a nice blast from the past. *sigh* Only now it's sinking in it's the end for the show again, as the final 4 make their final speeches. I do hope once the final is concluded we will see the lights go out one last time with the ghostly voices. I remember fondly when we had the live feed back in the day, and some of us forumers would watch the winner go out on the live feed and look at the empty house before they turned the cameras off, knowing the long road had begun to either January or the summer. Bit odd I know, but back in those days we were so invested with live feed, something which has sadly lacked in this era as apparently it's too expensive.

And so ends the penultimate ever episode on Five, one more to go and that is of course the finale where either Cameron, Akeem, Cian or Zoe will be crowned winner

Final thoughts

What's left to be said, except a great big thank you to everyone who has read, liked, shared, commented and retweeted my posts. Has been an absolute blast writing up these for everyone to look back, and after the finale recap is written up, then that's it for 2018. But never fear, the Batcave will be back open for business when USA and Canada return in 2019. As for the finale, hoping Akeem will win, but to be frank it's going to take a miracle to stop Cameron winning in my opinion. Good luck Akeem, let's hope common sense wins out and the relentless pushing for Cameron comes to nothing.

Big Brother Radio will be on the air after the finale has concluded, and come and join in the fun if you wish right here.

If you missed BB on Blast's penultimate podcast for UK, click right here and if you listen right to the end, listen to the final email that's read out

Don't forget to check out the other links on the right, as we prepare for the last waltz on Five with the UK version and we count down to 2019 for Canada and USA

Rambled on so much in this post, and will say now with a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye....Thank you so much Big Brother. We've had laughter, we've had tears, and downright outrage with some of the people who have won the show in this era. Five tried so hard to ruin the show most of us love, but they couldn't break our spirits in the end and we will not go quietly into the night while there is breath left in the old girl known as Big Brother.

To all housemates, good or bad in the Five era, presenters and crew from 2011 to 2018, here's to you all. 

Hopefully onwards and upwards to Netflix, here's to hoping eh? Until the final time we meet, at least on Five, stay frosty, keep on rocking and #savebbuk....

Sunday, 4 November 2018

Big Brother UK 2018 - Episode 43 - And then there were four...

Good day citizens, and welcome to the last ever double eviction in the Five era. Every housemate for themselves as nobody is safe. It's time to rumble, folks. Who went, YOU decided.

For the penultimate time, whoop whoop. That's one thing I won't miss after the finale has concluded, hopefully the slate will be wiped clean if the show is picked up on Netflix.

Emma welcomes us in, and gives us the rundown of the last few days before she runs through the numbers for who is left. The mob outside being as welcoming as ever by booing every housemate left in there, another thing I won't miss. Some of these people only turn up to boo, surely there must be more to their lives than booing someone. Hey ho after the finale, they will have to go elsewhere and I think the X Factor will be picking up some of those waifs and strays.

Anyways, it's time for the next and penultimate round of highlights as the clock ticks down to two of them coming out

We pick up the action with the lights coming on for the new day, and various shots of housemates waking up, making tea, showering and so on. Just the usual morning routine all round really. Cian says he will leave with his head held high if he does leave. Another joeky argument between Cameron, the new golden boy, and Akeem about food. 

One of Zoe's bobble hats has been wrecked after it has been in the washing machine. She has plenty more in her possession, so not much cause for concern. Brooke says where the airtime goes, Akeem follows. At least he's done things in there, Brooke, unlike you.

Sian says she would be happy to get to the final, and has a certain dress she wants to wear if she survives this eviction. Wouldn't be disappointed if she got to the final, and I will say I have been a little harsh on her as she has been somewhat drowned out by the louder personalities in there. She's done very well to get this far.

Wendy the washing machine

Speaking of Sian, she is given a secret task to collect some of the dirty laundry, but will need a partner in 'grime'. She is instructed to recruit Brooke, without Brooke getting suspicious. Mission successful, now for the second part. Wendy wants Zoe and Cameron's dirty robes, and Akeem's Christmas T-shirt along with some of Cian's dirty underwear. If they are successful, then Brooke and Sian will get a kebab each as a reward. Nobody must find out and they are given 30 minutes to accomplish this task.

Zoe is wondering where her gown has gone, little does she know it's not a million miles away. Meanwhile, Wendy gets Brooke and Sian into a singalong, while they tuck into their kebabs and cans of cider, and tests them with a 'quick someone's coming'. Nice to see Wendy back one last time, this gimmick has been quite amusing this year.

Zoe now keeps popping back in and out of the storeroom as she gets increasingly suspicious about where her gown has gone.

Fast forward now to spin the bottle, yes that original game that always ends well. Lots of predicting ensues to see who will finish 6th to 1st. Unsurprisingly the bottle ends up on Cameron in terms of the winner. Nothing sinister, as there is no way to tamper with a bottle. A lot of people are hoping Cameron won't win, won't go into details as in why as we'd be here forever.

Zoe does a lengthy monologue which includes saying she doesn't want to go. You can't stay in there forever, Zoe, you have to come out of there sometime.

Back to Emma, and next up is the finalists friends and family apart from Akeem's as they are on holiday. Fast forward time again.....

Eviction #1

After a talk with Rylan in the BOTS studio, it's off to the house and finishing in 6th place is BROOKE. A real marmite character as some liked her and others didn't, and what we find out is that she did a little task and her big coins got turned to real cash which comes to a total of £1,732. This task will be shown somewhat in the last ever round of highlights in the next episode.

Eviction #2

Back to the house, and lots of screaming can be heard from the mob outside. Shut them up please!!!!

The housemates are told to stand up, each one will be called out as safe or indeed evicted. Cian is safe, Zoe is safe, Cameron is safe....Finishing in 5th place is SIAN, and Akeem is safe.

A smattering of boos for Sian from some of the idiots outside....Seriously what has she done, she's been so inoffensive in there

Emma points out how happy Sian is about being evicted. So what? It's her moment,.let her enjoy it no matter how brief it is. She and Brooke at least get a moment on BOTS to enjoy themselves instead of a rushed interview on finale night and become an after thought. Sian wants Cameron to win, no great shock.

And that's it for the final ever double eviction on Five, onwards and upwards to Episode 44 and the last full highlights show before the shortened finale. Yes shortened, Five can't even give the show a proper send off. That's what Frow and Five think of this show, they will probably break out the bubbly once the curtain has dropped.

Final thoughts

So the final four will be Akeem, Cameron, Cian and Zoe. Not the ideal final 4, swap Zoe with Sian and that would my final 4. Zoe has been nothing but a grump these last few days, who on earth is voting for her. Seriously. Nothing against her personally, but she is so dam false.

Anyways, thanks for reading this post. The end is in sight, and only two more posts to come after tonight and then its goodbye to the UK version at least for now. Have a feeling it will be back, but on what channel or service, Endemol will decide.

This blog will return in 2019 for Canada and the two USA series, and check out the links on the right to keep up to date with information regarding the UK show's future and any breaking details about the upcoming USA and Canada series.

BB on Blast have dropped a new podcast, and can be listened to right here and if you missed the interview with BB Canada's boss lady as in Arisa, click right here

Big Brother Radio will be on the air straight after the finale, and they can be found right here. Who knows you may hear a familiar voice as in yours truly, stay tuned.

In the meantime, follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and #savebbuk....

Friday, 2 November 2018

Big Brother UK 2018 - Episode 42 - Kim, Josie and Nikki too

The end gets ever closer on Five, as the final full week is almost at an end and this episode sees the return of some old faces as they make their final returns to the house

Big Brother in a crabby mood as the lights go on, and who can blame them. Constant rule breaks, and some removals thrown in for good measure in this series.

If only Big Brother had some of this personality in previous years, then maybe the housemates would not have walked all over them. One can only imagine what if......

If only our show had someone like the voice of Big Brother Australia who took no prisoners, that would have been great to see them squirming. Pointless fact, did you know in Big Brother Australia the housemates even got told off for not sitting on the Diary Room straight and calling Big Brother 'mate'.

Cameron is confused as to what is going on, he's about to find out much to his delight. Although some may not agree with what is about to happen as in when Nikki gets in there and speaks to them.

I remember from Celebrity Hijack when a fan took the reins even if it was only brief, myself personally I would have loved to have done a house tour or had a go talking to the housemates

And so the hijacks begin starting with.....

Kim Woodburn

Her bad tempered voice echoes around the house, and she summons them to the dining area to bark out orders to get them cleaning the house from top to bottom. I just don't get the adulation for Kim, as she was a bad tempered so and so in her series. Answers on a postcard please. A short while later, she wonders where Akeem is and summons him to the Diary Room. She starts screaming at him for his lack of effort in cleaning the house. Akeem is thankfully very patient with her highness. Cameron, of course, earns her praise. No shock there.

Brooke next in the Diary Room where she is asked how she thinks she is doing. Kim tells her that she didn't get a letter from her husband when she was in there, and then tells Brooke she is a good girl and to keep up the good work.

And now it's.....

Josie Gibson

One of the worst winners ever, as she was handed the win on a silver plate in a very disastrous 4 out eviction where all of her main competition was dispatched in one night, leaving her with very little competition for the last 3 days. How did she repay those people who voted her to win? She scarpered from Ultimate Big Brother when the celebs called out her showmance with John James. Back from the tangent, she asks Cian about his chances of winning. Cian is gushing about how hilarious Josie is. Should have seen her in her series, Cian, she was far from hilarious. 

Josie then proceeds to pair up the housemates who know each other the least, she picks:

Sian and Zoe
Brooke and Akeem
Cian and Cameron

All to win a bottle of bubbly. Let me guess they will pass and get the bubbly. Oh look at that, the answer is affirmative.

And the final hijack is....

Nikki Grahame

The perennial returnee who actually goes into the house, and proceeds to tell them all about how they are being perceived on the outside. Don't encourage her, Akeem, please. There's only a few days left, but I suppose it is too much to ask Nikki to follow simple instructions, and she herself says stuff it and proceeds to run her mouth. 

She then does the rounds individually telling even more outside stuff, and says how she is honoured about Cameron saying she is his favourite ever, even though he didn't. Eventually Big Brother pipes up saying they are back in charge and tells Nikki to say her goodbyes. Thank goodness, she has revealed more than enough. Off you go, Nikki, and see you around if Big Brother finds a new home. Who knows, maybe you will finally get your win if the show comes back, and you can disappear into the sunset.

Before she goes, she thanks Big Brother for changing her life for the better. Ok, fair do's it did given all her appearances on these shores over the years and her stint on Big Brother Canada even though she didn't have a clue about the North American format

See how quick they change their attitude when outside info goes in, I know some will say there is only a few days left but they shouldn't get ANYTHING from the outside until they actually leave.

I'll leave it there for this episode, to be continued in Episode 43 and a double eviction

Final thoughts

What's there to be said, apart from thumbs down for the outside information. People are entitled to like whoever they wish, remember that. Not a big fan of the 3 that actually went back in, Nikki was expected though as she has become a staple of the show. A step closer to the end we go, and in the next episode Wendy the washing machine returns, one of the many good things about this year

Prediction to go - Zoe and Brooke, although it will probably be Sian and Brooke

Thanks for reading this post, and please keep the RT's, likes, comments and shares coming for these last few episodes

BB on Blast will be dropping a new podcast shortly, and if you missed their interview with Arisa click right here

Please show love to the other links on the right as well, where there is shedloads of information for UK, USA and Canada. USA and Canada will be covered in 2019.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until the next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and #savebbuk

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Big Brother UK 2018 - Episode 41 - Nightmare on Elstree

Greetings citizens, and hope everyone had a nice Halloween. 4 days left of the show in the Five era, yes goodbye Five in a few days and hopefully hello Netflix after a little rest and restructuring for the show.

Back to this particular episode and it's a spooktacular episode, although Cameron does overdo things a bit. Not bashing Cameron of course, but the guy is just a miserable so and so whatever happens and this is the guy that's the hot favourite to win now his chum Lewis has been removed.

It's close to Big Brother time, and boy do they have a day planned for the final 6, so sit back and read this recap of this thriller of an episode

And off we go for the last ever (for now) shopping task, wonder if they will pass....Gut instinct says yes as it's the final full week

Housemates are woken up to the Ghostbusters theme, and may I say an excellent set design and a very apt theme to start the episode. Akeem wakes up to find all the food gone, and thinks they are on basic rations, how little they know about Cian and Cameron hiding it. It is eventually discovered, and now we move on to the main event for the evening....

As usual it's a fixed number of passes sealed in an envelope and they have to collect more sweets than what total is in said envelope, think you get the picture by now. Throughout the day, there will be tasks, obviously scary tasks, and so forth to collect sweets.

First up, it's Sian and Akeem in the Hellstree House. Meals will be served on each bell and sweets must be collected. First bell and it's a pigs head with sweets either side, and then it's real maggots with sweets in the middle. Final course is a real person hiding under the table with their head popping up, they let out a shriek which makes Akeem jump backwards. More sweets are collected as Big Brother throws everything at Sian and Akeem, including a little person in a dolls mask emerging from under the table and someone screaming from one of the many mirrors. Sian is totally unfazed by all this as she continues to gather the sweets.

At the conclusion, Akeem and Sian tell everyone else about what they experience, effectively spoiling the surprise, but as it's the final week we'll let it go as they won't fail this task anyway.

Cameron is summoned to the Diary Room, and they make him jump with a very tame BOO. He says he is unhappy, what else is new. Meanwhile Zoe and Sian are putting on some very tame Cockney accents in the smoking area. Back to Cameron, and Big Brother asks him if it was his mum and dad, when he goes into a monologue about shower water going cold and him hearing older male and female voices. Big Brother tells him to stay safe, and Cameron is chased back to the house by that person in a dolls mask jumping out at him in the passageway between the house and Diary Room.

Brooke, Cameron and Zoe up next, and into the Big Brother cemetery they go. I could never do this part as I am genuinely terrified of cemeteries. That well looks strangely familiar, oh yes it is Rylan's well he uses on eviction night for the The Final Farewell. Anyways someone pops up from the well, and then all around them zombies aka people in make up surround them. Cue lots of screaming as Zoe, Brooke and Cameron try to gather sweets amongst all the screaming and people in make up.

Cameron is refusing to sit down in case of another surprise from Big Brother, and Big Brother unleashes a scream on them making them jump three feet in the air.

Next up it's Dead Set revisited as a horde of zombies pile into the house and garden, obviously not real ones or that would have been end of series and the housemates would be dead themselves. Lots of pass the parcel as they try to stop the undead horde grabbing the sweets, and eventually they lock the zombies out but they have left Cian outside. Cameron is overacting to the hilt, saying he is terrified, bet he's not though. The big chicken. Sian showing him how it should be done as nothing is still unfazing her. A short while later, she suggests flicking Skittles at the zombies should they come back.

In the Diary Room, Akeem has brought in a plastic severed arm in case the zombies come back.

Speculation in the garden that Sian or Akeem will win, how little Cameron knows how much help he is getting from backstage to get him over the finish line

Case in point being the next part, and due to Cameron constantly talking about a ghost in the house, Big Brother conveniently give him and Cian the final part of the task in which they will take a camera through the camera runs. Needless to say, Cameron and his overacting strike again.

As expected, they have passed the final shopping task. Pretty unfailable all round really, but thanks for such a great task to end the shopping tasks. It was much appreciated.

To be continued in Episode 42, where there will be special guests. All will be revealed in the next post as we take another step towards the end

Final thoughts

What can be said that hasn't been said already, an excellent task to end the shopping tasks in terms of this channel. Always nice to see a bit of fun in the final week, and not the usual misery we get in this era of the show when it comes to the final week. Hopefully the 3 guests will not spoil things and make them miserable so close to the end. It's the last final week, let's have them leave happy for a change and not totally miserable.

Thank you for reading this hopefully spooktacular post, and please keep those RT's, likes, shares and comments coming in. We are nearly there, folks, the end is in sight.

If you missed BB on Blast's interview with Arisa, click here and please check out the other links for all your UK, USA and Canada information.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and #savebbuk

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Big Brother UK 2018 - Episode 40 - Recap within a recap

Exactly what the title says, folks. Probably going to be a bit of a short post today

Tonight sees the final 6 act out a recap of what has gone before in the house, as we are reminded of the likes of Lewis G the Bellend, Anamememelia, and so on and so forth.

Let's get straight down to business, as Cian is increasingly desperate for a storyline before he leaves as he dredges up what went on before with Cameron, while Akeem is teaching Welsh to Cameron.

It's not until late afternoon we reach the recap and from the off Sian basically admits we knew all along in that she has done nothing in there that count as memories. Won one Veto and being highest bidder for the letters from home is about the limit to what she has done of note.

Anyways back to the task at hand, and when it comes to show time Big Brother play the theme tune and Marcus talks to the house

Memories include:

  • Anamememelia bringing out her alter ego Tulia
  • Akeem and Cian escaping from the BB prison, and Cian hiding behind the couch
  • Lewis G mixing the mince and salad, and then his kickoff when said meal had to be binned
  • Kenaley kicking off at Isaac in the China task
Guess that's it, but obviously they will pass with it being the final full week. 

Discussion has now turned to what first impressions they had of each other when they first went in, and Sian has got money on her mind and tells us what she would spend the money if she won. Laugh a minute this girl isn't she. Done barely anything, yet there is a danger she will win.

The reward for their hard work is.....brace yourselves, refreshments. Not a party, takeaway, just mere refreshments. Is that it, really?

Zoe back to being her usual happy self, just give her her wish on Friday and vote her out. She could quit as well, she knows where the door is. What a fun sponge she is, just go, and let everyone enjoy their time in there. A short while later, she is still being miserable with Cian and Cameron. You know what you have to do for Friday, voters.

Akeem has sussed out somethings afoot as he correctly predicts another eviction and something happening for Halloween. He is then with Cameron as they argue about who has argued most in the house, it was revealed on BOTS that it was Cameron who has argued the most. I know, riveting stuff isn't it in this episode.

Next up Cameron and Cian plot about hiding the food, and that always ends well doesn't it. We see the plotting as Cian asks Akeem when he's going to bed. Usual going to bed early in the final week, nothing really new. 

Moving onto bedtime, and the food stealing is underway with a mass of giggling from Cian and Cameron, however Akeem is suspicious and waits for them to leave the bedroom. Nothing to see according to Akeem as he heads back to bed.

And that's it really....To be continued in the Halloween episode, Episode 41

Final thoughts

Not much to say about that episode really, as it was pretty much like the Season review episode from USA. Zoe does need to go on Friday, and every time she pipes up the closer she gets to the exit door this Friday. Cheer up woman, and enjoy what's left which isn't too long now

Thanks for reading this shortened episode, and admittedly this episode was a struggle as not much of note really happened. Please keep the likes, RT's, shares and comments coming in.

In case you missed BB on Blast's interview with Arisa, click right here

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and #savebbuk

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Big Brother UK 2018 - Episode 39 - Cooking with Cameron

Good day, Big Brother chums, as we head into the final full week of Big Brother on Five

In case you missed it, Cameron was in mourning for Lewis and Tomasz as they were removed and evicted respectively and Sian was the highest bidder for 3 letters from home and she chose Zoe and Cameron after a major bout of guilt tripping from Zoe.

Tonight sees Cameron learn some cooking and games a plenty as we see Hide and Seek and Egg and Spoon played in the house. Well they have to have some fun in there, and it makes a nice change from the usual misery that happens in the final week.

So without further ado, let's get this final full week started and let the post Lewis and Tomasz time in the house begin, and no eggshells to be seen anywhere and a breath of fresh air at long last.....

Cian notices there's no NOMINATIONS flashing on the screen in the bedroom, while the invisible woman known as Sian talks about the letters from home. Akeem says he wants to be in the final, use caution Akeem as desperation doesn't come across too well with some people.

Brooke starts her episode long rant about not getting her letter from home. She does know she will get her letter before she goes doesn't she, or has she not watched this show before. A further thought, she had more than enough money to bid, so why didn't she if she is so desperate for her letter.

Time for a game of Hide and Seek, with the invisible woman doing the seeking while everyone else goes and hides. Akeem, Zoe and Brooke all pile into the Diary Room, and Big Brother reminds them to be more discreet. We are then treated to several shots of the invisible woman looking around for everyone, and then she makes her way to the Diary Room door and everyone else is sitting in that little passageway. More shots now, and this time the hiders are scrambling around the house looking for other places to hide.

Even Big Brother is getting in the act, which is nice to see, as in previous years on this channel they would be stamping on this fun and giving them something to do which would make them totally miserable.

Cian looking for one last storyline before the end, and it's back to Cameron. He claims Cameron is a ray of sunshine, when he has been anything but. Case in point in the bathroom where Cameron is being his usual happy self. 

Akeem is having an egg and spoon race....wit himself, and manages to drop the egg on the floor. Cameron is still sulking by himself by the way. Oh isn't he a jolly soul, and this guy is the favourite to win now. Oh happy days

Big Brother summons everyone to the dining area for today's task, in which ray of sunshine Cameron (who else?) has been selected to be the cook. Meanwhile, Cian is feeling the heat literally as he has shaved a very sensitive area which is causing him irritation, and Big Brother says they will get back to him with some Aloe Vera.

Cameron now in the Diary Room as Big Brother assists him with some cooking tips as he continues to prepare the Sunday Roast and cheesecake. Why not just give this guy the cheque now and have done with it. Back to Cameron and his cooking and it's all systems go as he puts the final touches to the roast, amid much panic and whining. Compliments all round for him once the roast is finally consumed by everyone.

Some vagina talk which will be swiftly skipped over.....

Cian's pictures from his auction won camera have been developed and he shows them off to the other housemates. Riveting stuff I know.

Back to Brooke whining about not getting her letter from home, just give her her letter Big Brother and give all our ears a rest. Big Brother summons Brooke to the Diary Room, and god help the person on duty. Brooke now saying she wants to leave all because she didn't get her letter. You know where the door is. Cue her getting her letter before she goes, whenever she goes.

Zoe now throwing her penny's worth in about Brooke, saying she is gutted for Brooke. Like hell she is, as Zoe would be piping up big time if she herself didn't get hers. Maybe Brooke should have guilt tripped Sian as well.

Brooke STILL going on and on like Ariston about her letter, shut the hell up about that dam letter. If you've seen this show before, Brooke, you know you WILL get your letter.

Cian and Cameron plan some mischief, anything to stay relevant isn't it Cian.

And that's it for another episode, to be continued in Episode 40 where we will get the Big Brother Soap Opera. More on that in the next post.

Final thoughts

Just give Cameron the cheque now, he's got this wrapped up barring a major miracle in these last few episodes. Nice to see a fun episode for a change and in the final full week as well when Big Brother is usually making them all sorts of miserable, and they even joined in the fun which I hope continues all the way through to the end. PLEASE do not send any ex housemates with a grudge back in, and definitely no stirring to make them miserable before they leave.

Thanks for reading this post and please keep the usual RT's, likes, shares and comments coming in

In case you missed it, BB on Blast had a very special guest on their lategst show in the form of Big Brother Canada host Arisa Cox, and if you would like to listen click right here

For all your UK, USA and Canada information, click on the links to the right as we take another step towards celebrating the end of Five's stranglehold of BBUK

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and #savebbuk....

Monday, 29 October 2018

Big Brother UK 2018 - Episode 38 - Tears of a Cameron

Good day, Big Brother chums, as we move into the final straight of Big Brother UK in the Five era

In case you missed it, Lewis has been removed for 'unacceptable language' and Tomasz has been evicted. This episode sees the fall out from both events as the Cameron to Win campaign kicks off in earnest, not from me but that is the general feeling of this episode. The old pity me pity me routine and all that.

A lot of speculation of what the final 6 may have in store, all in all just hoping they can be allowed to enjoy themselves this week, and that they do not get the usual miserable final week as in ex housemates with a grudge sent back in or the who said this about who stirring.

Anyways, back to this episode and it's lights on and the last day in there for either Tomasz, Akeem or Cian.....

Picking up the action with some speculation from Statler and Waldorf, aka Cameron and Lewis, about whether the incoming eviction will be a double. No worry about that, Whiners R Us.

In the Diary Room Tomasz discusses the eviction and thinks he has no chance against Akeem and Cian, and the Cameron journey storyline continues in the kitchen. Can you smell what Cameron is cooking, it's sausages. He's cooking sausages for the very first time, ahoom ahoom.

Finally it's bye bye Mr Miserable, aka Lewis. Big Brother run through the usual spiel before sending him on his way through the door of shame. We didn't actually see what he said, so there will most likely be theories and questions for months to come to what he said. Back to the house, and Cameron starts sobbing like Lewis has been led out to a firing squad. He is really laying these tears on thick, someone PLEASE tell him Lewis is not dead.

Tomasz says he doesn't want to leave and leave Cameron behind, but Akeem says he will look after Cameron. Meanwhile the man of the moment STILL acting like Lewis has died. He's just left the house, Cameron, what part of you will see him in a few days do you not understand.

Anyways, time for the eviction, and little does Cameron know his day is going to get even worse....And it's bye bye Tomasz, just as pleasurable as when it happened live. So then there were six, and Cameron's mourning continues. Why don't they just put a neon sign over his head saying something like 'Here is your winner'. Anyone but him to win, heck I would even take the invisible woman over him, and she's done NOTHING apart from winning one Veto.

Cian understandably very happy, well anything's better than him going as red a beetroot and crying at the drop of a hat. Marcus comments that most of the housemates are missing Tomasz, when most of us out here are really not. Will not miss those filthy comments one bit.

Cameron, give it a rest with the mourning please, you are getting boring now.

It's a new day now, and the post Lewis/Tomasz eras are officially underway. No eggshells to be seen as in not worrying about upsetting Lewis. Cameron still in mourning for his lost comrades, and Big Brother giving him all the love and care. This guy is cruising to victory, no two ways about it.

Today's task

They each have to select a coin card from the Diary Room, but not reveal them to the others for reasons which will become clear in a moment.

Zoe - 800
Cameron - 200
Cian - 1,000
Brooke - 400
Akeem - 100
Sian - 0

Stick or Twist....Each housemate will have the chance to swap cards with each other over a number of rounds. Stick and they get to keep their cards, while Twist means they can swap. Bluffing is allowed.

All change at the top once it's all done, however the final auction is going to tax them a bit as we shall soon see, as the main prize is 3 letters from home. Although that does seem a bit pointless, as fans of the show will know that everyone will get their letters anyway if they are still in there before the finale.

After much sticking and twisting:

Zoe - 0 coins
Cameron - 400
Brooke - 1,000
Akeem - 100
Sian - 800
Cian - 200

Zoe being her usual happy self in the Diary Room, before everyone is summoned one at a time to find out their coin totals

Akeem - 112
Brooke - 1,732
Cameron - 1, 623
Cian - 996
Sian - 1,680
Zoe - 1,047

Big Brother auction

First item up for grabs is a camera and 20 photos to take with it, won by Cian for 20 coins. Ultimate souvenir as in house furniture to take home after the show, which is won by Zoe for 30 coins, and now time to get the violins out for Letters from Home. Zoe starting to guilt trip people to bid for the letters. She does know she has a button herself she can use if she wants her letter so bad. Sian eventually emerges as the successful bidder, and she has to pick 2 others to get their letters. Zoe needs to shut the hell up, as she is ramping up the guilt tripping Sian just so she can have her letter.

To perhaps no great shock, Sian has chosen Zoe and Cameron to receive their letters, while Akeem, Brooke and Cian will definitely get theirs at a later date.

They'll be seeing these letter writers in a week or sooner anyway, so the letters are pretty much pointless in any event. Not to sound totally heartless of course, far from it.

Brooke is crying her eyes out for some reason, if she has seen this show before surely she must know she or someone else will get an easy task to get the remaining letters.

And to close the show, Cian is given his camera and a few snaps are taken before end credits roll....

To be continued in Episode 39, and a reminder no more nominations or Veto's for this series and there will be a double eviction just before the finale

Final thoughts

Into the final full week we go, and it is looking very much like Cameron is all but over the line unless he manages to screw things up royally before the double eviction or finale night. Tears over Lewis and Tomasz has helped seal the deal, and there we have the pity me pity me sympathy vote. Ideally it should be Akeem's crown, as he has had so many piles of poo to deal with in there from them all, but at least Tomasz went out before him so we were spared Tomasz being all kinds of smug if Akeem had gone instead. Akeem's my winner, but with Lewis gone I sense some of his supporters will be keeping their fingers on the dial to get Cameron over the line.

Anyways, thank you for reading this post, and for this final week keep those RT's, likes, shares and comments incoming as we head down the final straight for this series and indeed the Five era

Some bonus content from BB on Blast has dropped as in an interview with Arisa Cox, the ever so lovely presenter of BB Canada

The Arisa interview can be located right here, and well done Lynsey and Gaz. Please check out the other links on the right as we head into the final straight, all the info about UK, USA and Canada you could hope for.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and #savebbuk....

Sunday, 28 October 2018

Big Brother UK 2018 - Episode 37 - Two for the price of one

Good day and whoop whoop, citizens, as we head into another eviction

Emma starts the show by informing us that Lewis has been removed for 'unacceptable language', and a clip is shown of Big Brother giving him his red card from the house. To be honest he was asking for this as he had no care for the rules and wasn't happy unless he was upsetting someone, and finally Big Brother were finally happy to oblige. Now the others can enjoy what time they have left in there without treading on any egg shells around him, so he won't kick off.

Back to the show, and we pick up the action as the highly confusing prison task resumes. Why it wasn't scrapped after yesterday's disaster is a mystery, but there you go.

Zoe is being her usual happy self, trying to pick Lewis's mantle by any chance? She is so going out first on finale night. Meanwhile, in the cell block bent screw Cameron has obviously turned a blind eye to open talking about Dave and the secret panel.

Brooke talks about Zoe's mood to Big Brother. Why doesn't Zoe walk then, she knows where the door is.

Inmate Akeem is getting interrogated by the screws about the mess created in the office, he reveals nothing. Good on Akeem, he is well aware of the no lagging rule. However all the inmates are punished anyway by sorting out different coloured pebbles. Answers on a postcard please.

Zoe is still sulking, no surprise there. Just go then or get on with the dam task. She is then summoned to the Diary Room. Cheer up Zoe, you have been given an opportunity most people will never get in being in that house.

Next assigment from Dave is to help him escape by gathering a few items, while Big Brother have told the screws they must pick two inmates for some manual labour. Taking the honours for the manual labour will be TOMASZ and AKEEM, as suggested by Cameron.

Needless to say, Dave's task is easily passed by the inmates, but this task has gone so far down the tubes it is hard to know what constitutes a pass and fail now.

As previewed yesterday, more outside contact for Akeem, but it's not what people think and Big Brother, well done you played a blinder on most of us there as I suspect a large amount of people were getting ready to unload a can of whoop ass there if that had been a human visitor. Yes, it was a dog that visited, and they can't exactly blab about the outside can they. I would have been as emotional as Akeem if they had sent my new arrival Lenny in.

And so we move onto the result announcement for the task, and as predicted by my good self Big Brother did find said loophole and they have passed the task. Seemed inevitable really, as end of series tasks are usually unfailable. Luxury budget ahoy....

Back to normal routine, Brooke is explaining to Zoe about watching on the secret CCTV/Live Feed. She says she's 'over it now', but I reckon she would have been screaming the house down if the shopping task had been failed. Shortly after Brooke says she hasn't washed her hair for ages.

Power of Knowledge strikes again, as Big Brother give Akeem the task of organising Cameron and Cian's birthday parties. What happened to earning parties these days, as they are given away like chicken feed these days. Anyways Akeem is successful in his mission, and it's double celebrations all round.


In case you missed it it will be either Tomasz, Akeem or Cian to be leaving, but as we will soon find out this is NOT the last eviction. More on that in a bit. Back to this eviction, and according to Emma it was a close one and getting their marching orders this time will be TOMASZ.

Will skip over the interview, and straight to this important announcement that there will be another Double Eviction before the finale the following Monday and it's Vote to Win as of now. Basically the lines will be freezing and the two housemates with the lowest number of votes will be making their exit, and then 3 more days of Big Brother on Five

Final thoughts

Literally two for the price of one, no more eggshells to be walked on as far as Lewis goes and Tomasz didn't really do anything apart from filthy comments, sitting in on bitching and vapeing on the bench outside. Certainly won't be missed, and now's the time for the more invisible housemates to put a marker down so they won't be evicted on the final Friday.

Thanks for reading this post if you have made it this far, and for this final full week please keep the RT's, likes, comments and shares coming in.

If you missed BB on Blast's latest podcast, listen right here and check out the other links on the right for all your up to the minute information about UK, USA and Canada

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and #savebbuk....

Friday, 26 October 2018

Big Brother UK 2018 - Episode 36 - Prisoner Cell Block BB

Never before had the word inmate been more appropriate than for tonight's episode as the house has been turned into a prison

Taking the roles of the screws will be Zoe, Cameron and the invisible screw known as Sian

All the rest of them will be the lags going behind bars...To pass the task, there must be no swearing, addressing the screws as boss and being on their best behaviour at all times, but there will be a twist as we shall shortly find out. Good luck with the no swearing part with this lot I say.

Now the inmates are behind bars, so to speak, the screws are summoned by The Guv'nor to the office to receive their instructions.

The screws instructions are as follows:

As well as deciding when the inmates have yard time, as in rec time in the garden, the screws must decide on appropriate punishments when rules are broken. One of the suggestions is to get Tomasz running around.

Back to the inmates, and they have a surprise guest or should that be voice in fellow inmate Dirty Dave. Think of him as the Tree of Temptation. Anyways he tells the inmates that what the warders don't know is that he runs things, and if the inmates want the luxury budget they will have to steal back what the screws took from him and placed in their office.

The items he wants returned are a duck ornament, and also some of the screws goodies and then introduces them to the CCTV (aka live feed) so the inmates can spy on the screws and what they are saying. So they will let the housemates watch the live feed, but not us eh?

On to some yard time, and the screws pick Tomasz up on some swearing, while Cian runs off taking all three guards attention away from Akeem sneaking away to pick up said ornament and the goodies described by Dave.

The wardens are suspicious of the inmates actions, to which Cameron suspects a secret mission. Meanwhile, Lewis says he is enjoying being a misfit, and says all of the screws could be quite strict.

Now the screws are on the case, they have decided the inmates will eat in shifts. Lewis being a miserable so and so, no shock there. The cracks between him and Cameron now becoming gaping holes, as Lewis overhears Cameron call him a name and Lewis wonders if that was aimed at him.

Next steal comes in the shape of Dave's ping pong trophy, not sure is what is real and what isn't in this task as Lewis is like this most of the time anyway. This particular argument though is staged, as the distraction to get the aforementioned trophy for Dave. The fails piling up as the swear words come thick and fast.

The screws getting even more suspicious now, and the invisible woman can hear them doing the task as she puts her ear to the door. Safe to say this task is falling flat on its face, but Big Brother will probably find some way to pass them as it's tradition they usually pass the tasks near the end of the series.

Dave now giving them another task to find some hooch hidden in the garden, and also some keys hidden in the screws office. Plotting for the next distraction is fully underway....

Back to the screws, and now they are writing out reports on the inmates. Yes the inmates are listening in with that one thing one certain power hungry controller won't even let the public watch. Wonder if there is a prize in store for best behaved housemate.

Let the latest distraction begin as Lewis hides Akeem's jigsaw piece.....Another faux argument as Lewis is summoned to the Diary Room, and this is revealed to be a rouse. Next up, another plan is hatched to relieve Cameron of his keys.

Lockup time, but not is all as it seems as Dave gets back to them and tells them the screws are going to bed and as soon as they are asleep, a full scale riot is imminent.

Lewis is observing how sad Cameron looks on the CCTV, while Lewis refuses to participate in this full scale riot. Leave him be, let him be miserable on his own. Akeem and Cian sneak into the house and proceed to trash the screws office, but what's this? Cameron is getting out of bed. Look out inmates, don't get sprung right at the end of the day.

Akeem and Cian run into the toilet, and Cameron knocks at the toilet door wondering if it's locked...or could it be this spook he is obsessing about? Answers on a postcard please. Cameron makes his way to the cell, and says he saw someone outside. Now he knows there is something up as they reveal Akeem and Cian are not in the cell, and somehow he is believing what they are saying about him not locking up properly.

The inmates then bizarrely reveal they are watching, as Zoe is threatening to leave altogether. Cian then hides behind the sofa in the garden as Zoe puffs away on a cigarette. As they say in panto "He's behind you". She doesn't even look around once as she heads back to the house after her cigarette.

And that is that for this episode....To be continued in Episode 37, eviction number 7. Akeem, Tomasz or Cian will be shown the door and it's vote to EVICT

Some breaking news as of writing, Lewis has been removed from the house for unacceptable language. The eviction is confirmed to be going ahead, and more news about Lewis's removal as and when it is revealed.

Final thoughts

Not a bad episode all things considered. I would say they have failed this task 10 times over, but I suspect Big Brother will find some loophole to pass them. Shame about Akeem getting more outside info, but what the hell as it is the last few days of the show on this channel and I guess they will all get letters or some sort of contact with their loved ones if they are still in there, before the end. They always do.

As always, my thanks to everyone reading these posts, and please keep the RT's, likes, shares and comments incoming.

In case you missed BB on Blast's latest podcast, you can listen right here, and show the other links on the right some love. All the information about UK, USA and Canada you could possibly need.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and #savebbuk

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Big Brother UK 2018 - Episode 35 - Balance of Power

Once more unto the breach, citizens, as we head into the final Veto competition for this series

In case you missed it: Sian, Brooke, Tomasz, Cian, Akeem and Zoe will be participating. Sian, Brooke and Tomasz came bottom in the final viewers poll, Zoe tops the coin leaderboard and Akeem received the fewest nominations to be saved.

Akeem was successful in the auction to buy the fina;l jigsaw piece, and he gained Power of Knowledge to which he was told in advance about Nominate to Save and also he was able to put out a Yes or No question to the public (OUTSIDE CONTACT) which was did he deserve to be in the final. That answer will be revealed in this episode

In other news, the finale date for this series will be November 5 starting at 10pm and finishing at 11.15pm, talk about giving the show one last kick when it's down. To say it hasn't gone down well on social media and forums would be a bit of an understatement. However, there will be talks soon with Netflix about taking the show to a streaming service. BBC won't touch it with a barge pole, ITV have said no, and Channel 4 don't want it back. So realistically Netflix is quite probably the last hope, if they say no then I guess that's truly the end of Big Brother in this country....Stay tuned are probably the best words to use.

Back to the show at hand, and in case you missed it whoever wins the Veto gets to save two housemates

Cian, Lewis and Zoe are summoned to the Diary Room, due no doubt to Lewis breaking free of his shackles in the previous episode and indeed they are punished, and a paltry 150 coins are deducted from each of their coin totals. Just like that, Big Brother announces their punishment is over. Wow, they have learnt their lesson I don't think.

As for the leaderboard, no change at the top with Zoe leading the way, 2nd is Cameron, and 3rd is the invisible woman known as Sian. In the storeroom, Akeem is flexing his muscles.

Brooke points out the participants in the Veto haven't won a Veto yet, no s**t Sherlock. Cameron says he would save Tomasz if he was playing in this final Veto and won. 

Dining table gatherage as Big Brother announces the final Veto, and says Zoe will be playing as well as she is top of the leaderboard, and also mention that TWO housemates can be saved by whoever wins.

In the garden, Zoe is showing off some of her best impressions.....STFU Zoe, it is insulting to everyone's ears. Moving swiftly on......

Veto competition

Balance of Power is the name of the game. Housemates must traverse a series of balance beams and raise flags with different totals along the way. Only raised flags will count towards a housemates final total. The housemate with the highest total at the end of the competition will win the Veto. No penalties for falling off and scores will not be reset.

Zoe up first and she scores 87 points
The invisible woman Sian scores 215 points
Cian scores 191 points
Brooke scores 215 points
Tomasz scores 45 points
Akeem scores 124

We have a tie between the invisible woman and Brooke, so they will replay their attempts

In the replay, Brooke scored 315 and the invisible woman scored 598 points

Winner of the final Veto is invisible woman SIAN

Statler and Waldorf, aka Lewis and Cameron, speculate about who the invisible woman will save. It's a no brainer who she will save in my opinion.

Time for the invisible woman's decision, and perhaps to no great shock she saves herself and BROOKE. So facing the public vote will be Akeem, Tomasz and Cian.

Refreshments now been provided to the house, while Tomasz doing his usual overacting in the Diary Room. My pick to leave this week, he has seriously outstayed his welcome as he does barely anything in there.

Sian and Cian are reflecting about their time in the house, and Brooke and Lewis are clearing the air about their disagreement in the previous episode. Rare occasion where Lewis is not raising his voice, but give him time as there's still a few minutes left of this episode.

Meanwhile, Zoe decides it would be funny to hide alcohol. That always works out well doesn't it

Akeem is called to the Diary Room to get the answer to his question of whether he deserves to be in the final, and the answer was a resounding YES. Not perhaps the answer Big Brother were hoping for, wonder what may have happened had the answer been NO. One can only wonder I suppose.

As for the missing alcohol, voices are getting raised. You know some of this lot could start an argument in an empty room if they so wished

And on that note, that is it. To be continued in Episode 36, and the return of a classic shopping task which will be elaborated on in the next post.

Final thoughts

The invisible woman actually did something, hold the front page. Although some may not agree with her choice to save Brooke, as it just means both of them will float to the final unless there is one more eviction before the last winner on this channel is crowned.

Thanks for reading this post, and as always please keep the likes, RT's, comments and shares coming in

In case you missed it, BB on Blast have dropped a new podcast and that can be listened to right here, and don't forget to check out the other links to the right for all the latest on UK, USA and Canada

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and #savebbuk......

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Big Brother UK 2018 - Episode 34 - Breaking Bonds

Good day, citizens.....

In case you missed the last installment:

  • The power of positive came to the nominations
  • Akeem, Cian, Sian, Brooke and Tomasz found themselves on the block courtesy of said nominations and also the final viewers vote
  • Lewis once again at the forefront of the arguments
  • Akeem was told that he could ask a question to the public
  • Tomasz became emotional after the Suggestion Box game
Tonight sees the fallout from Big Brother announces who is on the block pre-Veto, and no doubt more arguments will come

So lights on and let's get going for this episode's festivities

Lewis is faux complimenting everyone, while Tomasz is still feeling emotional about last night's Suggestion Box. Boo hoo, my heart bleeds, not....

The invisible woman known as Sian is in the Diary Room talking about Lewis, pity she has done nothing but float through this series and could potentially sneak under the radar and win at the end. Get her out this week, please. Same invisible woman is working on Cameron's new look, not saying much of course but that's exactly what she has said. Exactly NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH of interest.

Statler and Waldorf with their usual comparing notes of misery, Cameron saying he has only had 4 hours sleep, and spent an hour talking to Tomasz. 

Now, Cameron is with Zoe talking about a 'spiritual awakening', oh please. There is no ghosts or ghoulies in there, this guy is talking bollocks. Anything for a storyline when it comes to him. Meanwhile, his partner in misery, Lewis, is telling the bath to shut up.....No, me neither.

Tomasz has an issue with Lewis insisting there be no sex talk. Tomasz seriously overacting, when he's the biggest offender in there the way he leers over Akeem and in terms of talking in sexual ways.

Cameron now getting creative in making a house out of cotton buds, while Akeem is summoned to the Diary Room for his next bit of knowledge. OUTSIDE CONTACT. His question to the public is "Do you think Akeem Griffiths deserves to be in the Big Brother final". We should find out the answer in the next episode.

Absolute silence between Statler and Waldorf in the bedroom, trouble in paradise perhaps? Moving on....Cian, Zoe and Lewis are summoned to the Diary Room, and guess what another paltry punishment for talking about nominations. They are shackled together with some Velcro handcuffs, which is giving them great cause for amusement. Hardly surprising seeing how stupid some of these punishments are, remember the days when serious punishments were handed out and the housemates took notice. Yeah me too.

A short while later, the 3 housemates of the moment are back in the Diary Room and you know who is complaining. Big Brother thinks they haven't learnt their lesson. Lewis is threatening to break out of the house, if he does then just send him home via the nearest bus stop. 

Nominations are revealed to the housemates. AKEEM, BROOKE, CIAN, SIAN, TOMASZ....But you knew that already, Zoe will join the famous five in the Veto comp as she tops the coin leaderboard.

The invisible woman is cooking dinner, shock horror she is actually doing something apart from sitting on the bench smoking and drinking.

Lewis exhibiting symptoms of jealousy towards Cameron accusing him of being miserable, can't think where he gets that misery from. Oh look who's in the next shot with Brooke, yes it's Lewis. He's a very agile man tonight. Seems to be in every scene.

Oh look, yet another rule break from Lewis as he breaks out of his cuffs. Please Big Brother, just do your dam job, and get him out of there. Make an example of him, it's not too late. He's walking all over you, and you are letting him do it. 

Look out Big Brother, he's coming to the Diary Room, and yes he is pissed off as expected. Does he have no other moods apart from pissed off, serious question.

Brooke talks about the three offenders, in her usual snakey tone. Another candidate to go this week.

The invisible woman back in her usual spot in the garden, doing what she's done all series as in smoking and talking. Get her out, she has contributed NOTHING to this series.

Zoe needs to go to the toilet, but as per the punishment rules she has to be shackled up to Cian and Lewis. Naturally Cian and Zoe are reluctant to wake up Lewis, given he very easily kicks off.

Lots of F's, B's and C's from Brooke in the Diary Room about Lewis. Fair to say he is off her Christmas Card list, and the invisible woman is also talking about him. Broken record are the words that spring immediately to mind.

And the man of the episode is off yet AGAIN, look out Big Brother he's stomping his way to the Diary Room. Less said the better about his latest rant, as we are all quite used to it by now. Pointless fact, did you know in Big Brother Australia a housemate could get in trouble for not even sitting up straight on the Diary Room chair

To be continued in Episode 35, when the last Veto comp of the series is played out, and 2 housemates could potentially be saved

Final thoughts

Yet another Lewis heavy episode, does this guy ever let up. I know some will put it down to anxiety but jeez, JUST SHUT THE HELL UP LEWIS. It's a pity this series has somewhat degenerated in the last few days with the noms meddling and Akeem getting outside information, can anyone smell what Ben Frow is cooking. Just when we thought he would leave things alone, these last few days have had his slimy paws on it one last time. 

In case you missed it, one last kick while the show is down, the finale is only 75 minutes on November 5. Five confirmed it today on social media, so it's going to be a very rushed affair. At least when Channel 4 canned it, at least they had the decency to give it a good send off.

Anyways, thanks for reading this post and as always keep the RT's, likes, shares and comments coming in

BB on Blast have dropped a new podcast which can be listened to right here, and please check out the links on the right for all your UK, USA and Canada information

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Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and #savebbuk